5 seconds of summer imagines!

By 5sos_Luke_27

12.8K 225 81

Read 5 seconds of summer imagines here to make your heart melt and fall even more in love with the boys! If y... More

Luke Hemmings - First Date! ❤
Luke Hemmings - Special Surprise ❤
Luke Hemmings - Positive ❤
Calum Hood - First Fight ❤
Luke Hemmings - Saved ❤
Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford - I Said No! ❤
5 Seconds Of Summer - Concert! ❤
Luke Hemmings - Age Gap! ❤
Luke Hemmings And Calum Hood - Stuck In The Middle! ❤
Michael Clifford - Friends Or More! ❤
Luke Hemmings - Joining Them On Tour! ❤
Calum Hood - Truth Or Dare! ❤
Ashton Irwin - Busted! ❤
Michael Clifford - Home Early! ❤
Calum Hood - He Hurts You! ❤
Luke Hemmings - First Kiss! ❤
Ashton Irwin - I Have a Question! ❤
Luke Hemmings - Friends For Years! ❤
Michael Clifford - First Date! ❤
Michael Clifford - Caught! ❤
Ashton Irwin - Alone Time! ❤
Michael Clifford & Calum Hood - Torn In Two ❤
Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood - I Choose You ❤
Luke Hemmings - Just Like Old Times! ❤
Luke Hemmings - Love at first sight ❤
Luke Hemmings - Wedding ❤
Luke Hemmings - Drunk ❤
Ashton Irwin - Wedding ❤
Michael Clifford - Proposal ❤
Michael Clifford - Pregnant ❤
Luke Hemmings - Punishment ❤
Luke Hemmings - Picks You Up From School ❤
Luke Hemmings - Run Away ❤
Calum Hood - First date ❤
Ashton Irwin - Secret ❤
Ashton Irwin - Interview ❤
Luke Hemmings - Jealously ❤

Calum Hood - Bad Boy ❤

245 0 0
By 5sos_Luke_27


Personal Imagine for Calummyluke

Today is another day going to shitty school where every one thinks im that weird quiet girl. I didn't ask to be like this. Its just the way I am. Why does everyone have to think of me differently and judge me? They don't know me.

I don't really hang around with anyone. I prefer to be more independent. I don't know why. I guess im socially awkward when it comes to working in groups or pairs. But when im not at school and im at home I never shut up. I wish people could see that part of me but I choose to hide it. I don't know why. That's just me.

I walked to my bus stop and sat on the bench provided. Not many people come to my bus stop accept the "bad boys"

The bad boys contain Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings and a few other guys. I hate them so much. They always have to pick on and push me around especially Michael. But I can't help but fall for Calum. I mean how can you not! Look at him. He's just....so hot.

I didn't realize I was staring at them as they walked towards the bus, "Hey you! Take a picture it will last longer" Michael shouted they all started laughing and I looked away upset. I heard Calum whisper something to them but I couldn't hear what he said. I was assuming it was about me. The bus turned up and I went towards the door. I was at the front and the doors opened but Luke and Michel pushed past me leaving me tumble a bit.

I accidently Fell on Calum. He caught me just time so I wouldn't fall over. He looked at me awkwardly. I stood up and he got the bus. I watched him as he did. Why didn't he say anything mean like "Watch where your going"

I got on the bus and sat in my usual spot at the front. I pulled out my head phones and listened to some music. I felt some one throw paper at me. This happened everyday. I got used to ignoring it. It was usually Luke doing it.

The bus arrived at school and the "bad boys" rushed to the front getting off before me. They stuck there tongues out at me like a child I rolled my eyes.

Calum was next to get off but he handed me a piece of paper shyly. He quickly did it before the others looked when they did he stuck his tongue out at me. I got off and read the note.

Hey Steff

Can I talk to you? I know you don't like me but there's something I need to tell you.

Meet me behind the shed before first lesson xxx

I looked at it in shock. At first I thought he was just going to say something mean to me but then as I read further on I noticed the kisses. I looked blankly at it. Do it go or not?

There were 5 minutes before class started at I headed to the shed. The shed is our P.E storage thing. I waited patently feeling anxious and nervous.

"You came" Calum said from behind me which made me jump a little. I turned round and saw him smiling.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked stuttering a little.

"This is kind of hard for me to tell you but....I know you see me as a bully but im not. When Michael aid that to you at the bus stop I told him not to and leave you alone. The other week when Michael tripped you up I told him to apologise to you"

"What are you trying to say?" I asked confused.

"I like you....I mean I really do. I don't see you as the weird quiet girl. I see you as the most beautiful person in class. I guess what im trying to say is will you go out with me?"

I looked at him in shock. What did he just say? He smiled at me hoping for me to say yes. I nodded.

"I would love too!" I said. "But I don't want to hide our relationship" I said frowning.

"Then we won't"


He held my hand and we walked out onto the play ground. We had a few stares and comments but Calum whispered.

"Just ignore them they are just jealous I have you and your so pretty!"

I blushed slightly as we headed to lesson.



I hope you like it Steff !!!

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