The Bad Boy Got Me Arrested #...

By itsbusayo_xo

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currently on hiatus "I want you," Mr Ross said slowly as he paced and the room, "to come up with a piece of... More

Chapter One ~ Barf Oreo Chunks.
Chapter Two ~ You Look Like A Hobo.
Chapter Three ~ Chagas Disease.
Chapter Four ~ She's No Longer Lovely.
Chapter Five ~ Nemo Stickers.
Chapter Six ~ Poop Tarts.
Chapter Eight ~ Crazy Unicorn.
Chapter Nine ~ Boobs the Size of Gumdrops.
Chapter Ten ~ Can We Keep The Money...
Chapter Eleven ~ Soothe Your Boobs.
Chapter Twelve ~ Beach Sounds Like Bitch.
Chapter Thirteen ~ He Should've Mufasa'd
Chapter Fourteen ~ Rabbit-Like China Buns
Chapter Fifteen ~ A Stuffed Hippo Is An Adequate Weapon.
Chapter Sixteen ~ He's Deaf You D*ck
Chapter Seventeen ~ Caressing Her Boob
Chapter Eighteen ~ All Rise for Judge Mavis
Chapter Nineteen ~ Big Cahunga's
Chapter Twenty ~ Who Are We, James Bond?
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Pilots
Chapter Twenty Two ~ Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Chapter Twenty Three ~ Hitler Invaded Czechoslovakia
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Not Crazy Just Sexy

Chapter Seven ~ Hugging Me Naked.

6.8K 264 195
By itsbusayo_xo

"That dress is the same colour as a llama." Isla said wrinkling her nose causing my face to drop.

"My great-aunt Beatrice got it for me." I replied defensively.

"Is she blind?" She questioned, making me throw a pillow at her. "Hey!" she cried as it hit her. I placed my hands on my hips, making a clicking sound with my tongue as I surveyed the clothes in my closet. "So you never told me what happened today, how was volunteering?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Urmm, well, first I got bombarded with nemo stickers by a receptionist who sounds like a Disney princess."

"The usual." She shrugged chuckling. "And then?"

"Then I met a Thai nurse called Mindy, Mindae actually, who was really nice."

"Yeah you're boring me, skip to the good bits." she replied bleakly.

"And then Noah was put into really cute doggie scrubs."

"Oooh did you take a picture?"

I gasped, then pouted bowing my head down in shame, "No. How about this one?" I said as I brought out an outfit from my closet hanging it up to show Isla.

"That's a sweater dress." She said unenthusiasticly.

"So?" I queried titling my head in confusion.

"It's eighty six degrees outside, unless you want to be hotter than Channing Tatum, I suggest you stay away from it." She retorted, making me back away from my closet in frustration.

"It's all yours." I said dryly, collapsing onto my bed. She got up and glanced into my closet.

"So then what happened?"

I grabbed another pillow and hugged it to my chest. "Then I got pooped on by a toddler."


"I know, Noah found it hilarious though. It was so annoying and embarrassing, he even took a picture!"

"Tragic. Skip to the part where you kissed."

"There was no kissing. He spent the rest of the day annoying me. He's really good with kids but his mom did say that he has a baby sister so maybe that's where he gets it from."

"Lovely." She no longer seemed interested in the conversation, most likely because of the lack of kissing or humping in our day.

"And now on Wednesday I'm going out on a date with Tyler." I muttered under my breath.

She quickly pulled out a dress she turned to face me. "What? Tyler? As in Tyler Slater?"

"Mm hmm."

"Why?" She laughed out loud.

"Noah kept bugging me to tell him who I liked and he was the first person that came into my mind." I huffed as I got up to see her choice.

"So where are you going?" She questioned holding her belly still chuckling.

"I'm not sure yet, but we're supposed to double date with Sienna and Noah. I doubt he'll be happy though," I hmmphed. "He's pretty conceited." I raised up the dress that Isla had given me, it was a navy blue and white striped body-con. "You want me to wear this?" I raised my eyebrow pulling a face.

"Why does your face look like it caught on fire and somebody put it out with a fork." She said chuckling making me pinch her in reply, "it's a pool party, it's perfect. Now put it on."

"I'm not looking to get groped you know."

"I'll be by your side the whole evening," she assured me as she made her way out of the room to let me get changed, "you're still gonna dance though right?" She asked turning around to face me.


"Okay good... Soo I smell peanut butter cookies downstairs so I'm just gonna..." She rushed as she slipped out of the door making me giggle.


"Okay let's go!" I said jogging down the stairs making my way into the kitchen to see my mom and Isla stuffing her face with cookies and ice cream.

"But they're so good..." She pouted, whining.

My mom giggled, "I'll give you some to take home," she winked "but don't tell Ava because she'll literally wrestle them out of your hands." She walked over towards me looking me up and down to make sure I look okay, "did Isla pick this out?"


"God bless you," she gestured towards Isla sending her kisses "you'd probably wear that dress that's the same colour as an alpaca if she wasn't here."

"I said it looked like a llama." Isla tried talking through stuffed cheeks.

"Hey!" I cried defensively.

"It's okay, fashions not for everyone sweetie." She soothed. "Now have you got your keys and is there gas in the car?"


"Swimsuit underneath?"


"Phone and money?"


"What's my phone number?" She narrowed her eyes.


"Okay good. Don't get kidnapped, no drinking, no sex and no skinny dipping. If you get a cold you're on your own."

"I won't." I blinked in annoyance knowing she was serious about not helping me if I get a cold. "Where's Ava and Layla?"

"I sent them to the movies and told them to get dinner."

"Why?" I furrowed my brows.

"Because your father and I want alone time." She said winking then proceeded to gather me and Isla's things.

"Is that why you're in your robe?"

"Yes. Now get out." She answered then pushed us out of the house. "Have fun be back by 11!" She smiled then slammed the door in our faces.

"I love your mom." Isla said in awe.


We arrived at Garret's at around 9:45, we'd taken three wrong turns because we distracted by the music playing on the radio. Garret's annual house party were always a big thing, his grandfather invented the paper shredder so his parents were loaded; the party was always on the same day every year so there really was no excuse to not go. Each year there was a theme, last years theme was a luau because Sebastian wanted see the girls in coconut bras and grass skirts. This year it was a glow in the dark pool party so it wasn't surprising to see girls walking around in just bikinis, in fact it's how we found our way.

We walked into the garden to see the pool illuminated by glow in the dark beach balls and fake candles. Half of the people were already in the swimming pool splashing around and the other half were either eating, drinking or dancing. Music blasted out through the speakers, "ooh barbecue!" Isla chirped as she walked towards it, so much for being by my side. I followed after her when I noticed boys staring at me the way I stare at mac and cheese. "Don't look now but Tyler and Sebastian are walking towards us."


"How is it you manage to look this sexy all the time Isla." Sebastian asked seductively biting his lip.

"Oh please, I woke up like this." She said smoothly flicking her hair back.

"Willow." He said sternly.

I winced sarcastically, "couldn't find anything nice to say about 'lil ole me could you?"

"I'm still hurt that you could call all of this," he gestured to his body, did I mention he was topless? "Shit."

"Aww," I stuck out my bottom lip, "you'll get over it."

"You do look good though." He grinned.

"Thanks." I smirked making sure my dimple was visible.

"Hey. Eyes up here bubba." Isla directed at Tyler who had been staring at her body for the whole of our conversation. You couldn't blame him though, she did look good. On top of her bikini she wore a black frilled bandeau and a long pencil skirt which clinged to her greatest asset and complimented her hourglass figure. She designed a 'tattoo' out of glow in the dark paint onto her hand which resembled henna patterns. Tyler blushed scratching the back of his head then soon dragged Sebastian away.

"Bye ladies." He waved. 


It was about 10:30 now and I started to feel tired and dizzy; we'd spent the past forty-five minutes both dancing and eating. Isla spent most of them dancing and flirting with the guys from Garret's clique, I danced with them too but didn't like the feeling of my butt being grabbed. I had to be up early anyway because of volunteering but I didn't want to disappoint her so I sucked it up. "Hey Garret, do you have a room I can lie down in?"

"Yeah, upstairs on the right." I mouthed thank you then carefully made my way up the stairs. I walked into the first room on my right, it was pitch black but I wasn't bothered enough to turn on the light so I crashed out into the middle of the bed. Changing my position to sleep on my right, I peaked open my eyes and screamed when I saw a figure; leaping from the bed the lights were soon turned on.

"Shh! Stop screaming!" The figure covered my mouth and I opened my eyes to see it was Sebastian, I bit down hard on his hand and smacked his shoulder. "Ow!"

"You scared me half to death! What the hell are you doing here?" Another head popped out from under the covers but her face was covered, making my eyes widen in realisation at why he was here.

The head's face became uncovered most likely from the realisation of who I was, "Willow?!"

"Oh, Sienna... Fancy seeing you here... In bed... With Sebastian... When you have a boyfriend who thinks you're at a swim meet..." I nervously chuckled, scratching my arm. "Well."

She got up from under covers tying them around her, "please W-Willow you can't say anything to Noah." She begged.

"And you're naked too, lovely." I blushed in embarrassment, "I don't know how I can't Sienna..."

"Please! I promise I'll tell him, it's best if he hears from me."


"Please Willow, remember the school motto, penguins stay together?" My face dropped and I rolled my eyes, the Penguins were the schools mascot, the whole superstition of the school was that the huddles we have before a meet or a match would help us win the game and keep us ultimately closer. On the gymnastics team it was used to keep up secrets. I growled in reply.

"How many people know about this?"

"Only us three." Sebastian assured me.

"And how long has it been going on for?"

"Err since school ended." He said bashfully.

"Yeah because that makes me feel better." I scoffed rubbing my temples, "you have to promise to tell him as soon as possible."

"I will, thank you thank you!" She hugged me.

"Oh.. And now you're hugging me... Naked... Lovely." I squirmed then she let go, I proceeded to walk out of the room but turned around and shaked my head at Sebastian in disappointment. Making my way downstairs I decided it was time to leave, I looked around to find Isla but I couldn't find her anywhere.

A girl tapped me on my shoulder, "Isla told me to tell you that she got a ride home from someone already. She said she'd call you later but she seemed pretty drunk already so I doubt she'd remember anything." Amazing.

"Thanks." I smiled at her.


I got home around 10:56, and rang my doorbell frantically, anxiously awaiting my bed. "Willow? You're home already." My mom answered the door disappointedly.

"You said to be home by 11?"

"And you actually listened? Aww you're responsible!" She gushed squishing my cheeks.

"Mom. I'm tired and I've had a bad night, can we do this later?" I answered her crankily

"Yeah sure, but where's Isla?"

"I'll tell you all about it in the morning, I promise." I soothed as I was slowly drifting to sleep.

"Alright, goodnight honey."



I spent the evening with Sydney, watching TV and playing games with her. She'd went to sleep at around 9 and hadn't woke up since; there was nothing to watch on TV so I decided to watch old reruns of Boy Meets World because Willow kept droning on and on about how much she shipped 'Corpanga'. Topanga was hot, like really hot, it really didn't make sense that she was with Cory; she reminded me of someone though. It was around 1 when I heard rustling from outside but I wasn't worried because my mom was doing night shift. "Hey sweetie." she chirped.

"Hey, how was work?"

"Good. How was volunteering with Willow?"

"It was great actually, we're going out after we finish tomorrow. Do you mind?"

"What like a date?!" She beamed.

"A double date. With Sienna and Tyler." I replied assuringly.

"Oh yeah her. Yeah that's fine, she likes Tyler?"

"I think so, at least I'll know tomorrow."

"Weird, I erm thought it was someone else..." She disappeared into the kitchen.

I texted Sienna to tell her about tomorrow.
Me: Double date with Willow and Tyler tomorrow, you up for it?

Sienna xox: Sure! It'll be fun..

Me: meet me at 6? Bring Tyler, I'll bring Willow.

Sienna xox: Urm. I don't think I'd be good at convincing Tyler to go out with Willow, why don't I meet up with her and you get Tyler?..

Me: Alright, it's a date. Locking my screen I smiled knowing I'd see her again tomorrow, I planned the date to make sure everything would be perfect. I continued to watch TV when I realised something "Hey mom?" Her head popped round from the kitchen "Topanga kind of looks like you, you know."

"Really?" She said walking towards me in intrigue, when she got closer to the TV she tilted her head then frowned, "nah, I don't see it."


Authors Note: you'd have to watch boy meets world or girl meets world to get the last joke lmao. New chapter/Early Update! Hope you like it!
Next chapter is the date and you'll get to see a lot more of Tyler's personality xo

- So do we hate Sienna or love her?

- Love Sebastian secretly or hate him?

- Still contemplating if I should reveal who Isla left with last night but also thinking about making that a sequel after I've finished this book xo

- picture at the top is what Willow is wearing xo

- thank you to everyone who has read the story, added it to their reading lists, commented, voted and made covers for me! I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of it. 350 views so far is so amazing!❤️❤️

- Busayo❤️xo

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