Next 2 You{Chris Brown Love S...

By cravinurban

253K 5.6K 415

Camil is a woman who always valued the people she keep around her and with her career she is always on the mo... More

Next 2 You{Chris Brown Love Story}
The Meeting
The Date
Starting A New Chapter
What Happens Now
The Truth
The Tour
Here We Go Again
Here Goes Drama
Just My Luck
The Big Surprise
Don't Judge Me Please
Bad Habits
Feeling Weak
Having Fun
Very Curious
I'm Done
Some Friend
The Big News
Back To Me
The Party
Getting Closer
Sisterly Love Pt 1
Sisterly Love Pt 2
New Problems
The Birth
A Big Change
Another Surprise
Put Yourself In My Shoes
Birthday Surprise
The Unexpected
Good News Or Bad News
Lies Pt1
Lies Pt2
How I feel
Are You Serious
It Gets Better
Fun Time
Another Mess
What Should I Do
Trying My Best
And It Starts
Sex Crazy
A Deadly Surprise Pt 1
A Deadly Surprise Pt 2
Time Past
Last But Not The Final
Writer's Note

Sorry Excuse For A Mother

3.1K 87 8
By cravinurban

Camil's Pov

I stood there not believing what i was seeing.

"What the fuck is she doin here"I said as I turned and looked at Alex

"I called her over because i wanted you 2 to talk"She said

"Well we have nothing to talk about so you can make her leave before I do"I said turning around to leave but Chris grabbed my hand

"Bae I really think you should"i looked at him

"Are you serious Chris,After all the shit I told you she did"

"Yea I don't think this a good idea right now with her pregnant"Cierra said

"I get that but I think this will help yall know where yall stand,Trust me I get the frustation but thats your momma babe,and with our child coming soon I think we should try to fix this "i took a deep breath

"He's right Mils just hear her out"Alex said

"Fine but I'm only doing this for you and Alex"I sat on the couch across from her and Chris sat next to me

"If you good Camil I'm gonna go finish unpacking"Cierra said

I knew she was pissed of because she never liked my momma every since we were little. The thing I loved about Cierra was she always caught on to shit when I wouldn't pay attention and she always had my back no matter the situation.

"Nah you gonna be here too because I need both of yall to help this situation"Chris said pointing with his head for her to sit down,She sighed and sat on the other side of me

"So i see you got knocked up again,that ain't no surprise"she said as she took out a cigarette and lit it

"And I see you still the same careless bitch with new teeth"I said folding my arms,Chris laughed a little

"Look it aint no smoking in here while she pregnant"Chris said,she looked at him and put the cigarette out

"So you got another dummy to fall for your fake ass, He is handsome i'll give him that but judging by his history that situation you carrying won't last long"She said point at my belly and smirking

"Momma"Alex said

"Look man if you don't have respect for me or my fiencé then you can fucking leave"Chris said,I my right leg begin to shake as I grew so frustrated that I couldn't punch this bitch right now

Cierra felt my leg and slowly started to rub my back to calm me down.

"And just like that you show your true fucked up colors"Cierra said shaking her head,I smirked

"You're getting married?"My mom asked

"Yea,can we like speed this up because her presence is making me sick"I said irriated

"You're just like your fucking father,dont give a damn about nobody but yourself,I mean your sister has issues but at least Alex has a brain that is usable"She smiled at her own statement thinking it would get to me.

"You really want to go there,coming from a person who didn't give a damn what happened to her daughters"she looked at me

"I took care of both of you and made sure you were safe"i shook my head

"Safe?, Whats your definition because letting your boyfriend do all the shit he did to us wasn't keeping us safe,You bringing any man in the house and in our rooms while we were sleep wasn't you keeping us safe,should I continue"I said

"He didn't do shit to yall and you know it,You were just out being a fast ass lil girl and of course you turned Alex against me"She added

"At 9 years old momma? are you seriously gonna get yourself to believe that you didn't know what that nigga was doing to us"

"Carl was a good man he wouldn't do that, And don't think I didn't know about you sneaking boys in my house "I shook my head

"How the fuck would you know who did what,you was never home when he wasn't there"

"Because i know you and I knowhim,he wouldn't lie to me"

"So the man that beat you,cheated on you and stole from you was a good man"I said

"I remember one day i was sitting on the couch and he sat next to me,You sat across from us and he put his hand in my shirt,i looked at you for help and you turned your head"i felt tears build up in my eyes

"I didn't see that"she held her head down

"You a fucking liar,why do you hate me so much? what did i ever do to you besides be your daughter"

"You drove the man I loved with everything in me away"She said,i looked at her

"Who my dad?,I didn't drive him away you can't blame me for him leaving you,He saw the real you and was disgusted"

"It was all your fault all you had to do was keep your mouth closed"She said getting so caught up on the subject she forgot Chris, Alex and Cierra was in the room

"What the fuck are you talking about"Alex said looking at her

"Nothing"She said sitting back wiping her face

"Oh it was something ,lets tell them mama shall we"she gave me a death stare

"It was nothing,let it go because it has nothing to do with why we are sitting here"

"Remember that day daddy took us to the water park,well after we got home they got into a big fight so i snuck downstairs why you were sleep and listened to them"At this point tears were streaming down my face and Chris held my hand and looked at me with his kind eyes making me appreciate him being here right now

"Daddy left that day and momma called the police and told them he beat me,When the police asked me what happened i told them nothing and that he never hit me,But she got a restraining order against him and thats when she took all of her anger out on me"Alex looked at me with tears in her eyes

"How did she take her anger out on you"Cierra asked also crying

"She beat me in every way you can imagine and took pictures to show the police telling them daddy did it"I said no longer sad but angry at how innocent everyone thought she was

"And i know she knew what Carl was doing to us,You can't look in your child's scared eyes and say nothing was wrong "I said

"No, I didnt know,I asked Alex and she told me that never happened to either of you"i looked at Alex

"Alex you told me you told her"she kept quiet looking down and wiping her tears

"Did he really do that to you?"she asked looking at Alex,she shook her head yea

"I wish you would have told me this i would have been left him"my jaw dropped

"You mean to tell me its ok for him todo that shit to me but when he did it to Alex you would leave him"I said in disbelief

She just shrugged her shoulders.

"Y'all hear this shit,Alex I knew you always were her favorite and all those times I told you how fucked up this lady was you always saw past that,I just want you to know and understand this sorry excuse never gave a fuck about us especially me and the sooner you see that the better"I said ,Cierra shook her head

"You know what,I never wanted you,he did,Alex was planned but you,I just knew you were gonna be the mistake to cause me problems and you always made sure you did that"The women I supposed to call mom said to me,I stared at her with the most evil looks my eyes would allow me to give

"Look Chris and Alex i tried but i can't do this shit any more,She don't give a fuck about me and and clearly don't care about what she caused so fuck her"i got up

"You can get the fuck out my house before I punch you in yo shit"I said as I opened the door,she walked to the door and stood in the doorway with Alex beside her

"One thing i do know is that i will never be a mother like you"she stood there

"Well Chris i wish you the best of luck dealing with this lying bitch,trust me she not who you think she is"i don't know what came over me but i smacked her hard as fuck

"Bitch get the fuck out"I said pushing her out the door before slamming it

Alex looked at me and walked over giving me a hug that I didn't know I needed.

"I'm so sorry Camil she told me she wanted to fix shit with you and my dumbass believed her, and I apologize because I should have been there more,I should have been on your side from the beginning"She said

"It's fine I'm not mad at you ,we were kids and honestly I don't think it would have had any other outcome if you had known,She is a fucked up person and I just wish you would have told me what was up before I got here"I said

"Im just glad you smacked her ass because I was about to do it for you boo"Cierra said

Chris just stood there still processing what just happened but laughing at us talking.

"Now I see where y'all crazy side come from"He said snaking his head

"Yea you would know"I said looking at him

I went to my room and texted Teya and Sheron and told them what happened.

Chris came in the room and sat next to me.

"You good babe"i smiled as he laid his head in my lap

"Yea just pissed off  but im good"

"So what you and lil man wanna do today so I can take your mind off that"he rubbed my stomach

"You mean princess and idk but i do wanna go out"Chris smiled

"Okay its still early so you can think about it"She said looking at his watch then back at me

I was distracted by his smile.

"Camil are you listening to me"

"Yes"he smacked his lips

"So what did i say?"He asked

"I said i was listening"

"Ok is it a yes or no"i looked at him a bit confused

"Ummm yes"he laughed

"Whats so fucking funny"I asked confused

"I asked you did you want me to eat you out them clothes"He said smirking this time

"You asshole"I said pushing him

"You already answered my question "He said pulling me towards him

"Just let me lock the door"I said sarcastically

"Keep doin that you go get something started"i laughed

"Yea right"i was about to get up but he grabbed my arm

"I didnt say get up"

"Boy you better let my fucking arm go before I make you"He smacked his lips

I smiled and slowly moved my hand to his dick rubbing it a little as he laid back all the way letting me go and biting his bottom lip. i got up and left the room

I sat on the couch and as soon as i sat down Sheron knocked on the door singing it was here before I got up laughing.

"Hey baby cakes you ok"she gave me a hug

"Yea im good"she sat next to me

"Hey Alex" she yelled to the kitchen

"Heyyy"She ran out the kitchen and gave her a hug

We sat on the couch and just talked about everything that happened and how it could've went better.Chris and Cierra came down just in time to watch a movie with us.

I was so comfortable i fell asleep.

When i woke up everybody was asleep and another movie was playing.I looked at the clock and it was 7.

I just sat there and finished watching tv until Chris woke up looking down at me.

"What you looking at"i smiled

"You,you got a problem with that"

"Nope not at all"

"I wanna get up"he laughed

"You aint the only one"

I looked and saw Sheron woke.

"Y'all still watching tv"she said

"Yes,can you get up"i smiled

"Aw yea its about time for me to go get Eric anyway"She said looking at her phone

"Well thank you for stopping by boo I really appreciate you, i will see you tomorrow"i gave her a hug

"Ok bye y'all "She said before leaving

"Well what are we gonna eat"I said walking towards the kitchen

"How about we order some food"Alex came in and sat at the table

"Thats cool with me"Chris said walking in looking at his phone

"Where is Cierra"I asked

"Passed out on the floor"Alex said

"Damn didnt she just take a nap earlier"Chris asked i laughed and shrugged

"Ok lets just order some pizza"

"Ight I will order it"Alex said taking out her phone,I went upstairs.

Chris Pov

Its been killing me inside seeing her like this.Today was supposed to be a good day because for the first time in 3 days she smiled, but that shit was ruined by her momma.

Every since that happened to her you i been doing my best to find this nigga.Its been hard keeping this away from Camil,I dont wanna tell her because i dont want her to worry about it but you can believe when i catch that mothafucker ima make him wish he was dead.

I thought Camil talking to her mom would help  especially with the baby coming so soon,it would have been nice to hear her say her mom was there with her but it didnt do shit but make the situation worst and piss me off.

I sat on the counter while Alex sat at the table and ordered the food.I took out my phone and got on Twitter.

"So yall thought it was a good idea to leave me on the floor like that"Cierra said coming in the kitchen stretching

"Well you looked like you was comfortable so we just left you there"Alex said sitting her phone down,i laughed

"The fuck you laughing for"she looked at me

"Dont start nun lil Shad"she laughed

"Chris you play too fucking much"

"He telling the truth"Alex said laughing

"You know what fuck yall,im gonna go take a shower"she left out the kitchen

"What you get"i asked Alex

"3 large dominos pizzas,some wings,and something to drink,I'll pick it up in like 20 minutes "

"Ight let me go get some cash"i got up

"Nah i got it"Alex said

"Nah the food is on me this time"I said

I went upstairs and sat on the bed grabbing my wallet and taking out 2 $50 bills and taking it to Alex who was now sitting on the couch

"Chris,it was only $46"She said looking at the money I passed to her"

"Even better,tip them and keep whatever left"I shrugged

I went back to the room and laid down.
Out of nowhere i hear Camil call me from the bathroom.I went in and saw her standing there and it looked like she spilled water on the floor.

"What happened"she looked up at me

"Chris i think my water just broke"She said making my heart race instantly.......

Team Breezy

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