Patient Love - z.m.

By meykemalik

22.3K 954 195

*COMPLETED* Maura Isles isn't the typical girly-girl. She doesn't really care about boys, she isn't into boy... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thrty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forthy
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forthy-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight

Chapter Nine

453 19 0
By meykemalik

Chapter Nine

Maura’s pov

So as you all know, Marcus went down to the US for a couple of days, ten to be exact, but today mister is coming home. Mum and I’m picking him up, I told mum to wait in the car, while I get inside and wait for Marcus to walk through the doors of the arrival hall.

I know Marcus is slow, but Kesus Christ. I’ve the feeling that I’ve been waiting for ten hours, and he is still not here. Well maybe ten hours is a bit too much… maybe more like ten minutes is better or maybe even five minutes…Okay I’ve been waiting two minutes. But I don’t have much patience.

“MAURA” I hear someone yell getting me out of my thoughts.

“MARCUS” I say while he runs to me and hugs me.

“O god, LA was amazing”

“Tell me everything” I say while we get back to mums car.

“Hi, Marcus” my mum says when we get in.

“Hi, Miss Isles” Marcus says.

“Marcus, what did you just say?” My mum says.

Marcus always calls her ‘Miss Isles’, and my mum hates it.

“I’m sorry…” Marcus says, “Well Maura, how was that little party thing with Zayn?”

“Great” I tell him.

“And Ed, how was he?”

“Jesus, he was amazing, and very ginger-ish, and just beautiful in his own way”

Marcus is staying over with me tonight, since his parents aren’t at home, so we’re having this little slumber party.

 “Oh god, you’re almost eighteen!” he says when we arrive at home.

“Wooh, only five nights to go”

“Weyhey” Casper says happily.  

“WOOH” we all yell as if we just heard we won the lottery. Which… isn’t true, unfortunately.

“So, who’s coming to the party?” Marcus asks.

“We are coming, and Nick and mummy and daddy, and Diana, and you and that’s it” I say.

“NOT” Casper says.

“We’re making a list, and you’re not on it. I’m sorry. Pack your bags and please leave”

“Sush Maura” Marcus tells me.

“Are those new friends of you also coming?” Casper asks.

“I don’t know, I’ll ask them” I say, getting up, dialing Jessie’s number.


Jessie’s pov

“No, Niall, don’t play with my hair and eat at the same time, last time you did that I had popcorn in my hair, and I can tell you it was a serious hell to get it out of it” I say pushing Niall’s hand away.

“But Jessie, why don’t you love me?”

“Stop it Niall”

“No Jessie”

“Yes Niall”

“No Jessie”

“Stop it, my phone rings”

“Then get it”

“Dude calm down”

“Just get the phone”

“Then stop talking”

“SUSH” I tell him and pick up the phone, while I give Niall a push, so he falls down on the ground, with is actually really funny.

“With Jessie” I say laughing.  



“So I was wondering if you and everyone else would like to come to my birthday party in a couple of days”

“I’d love to, the other ones are probably also coming, and if not I’ll make them some”

“Cas, Jessie and the boys are coming!” I hear Maura yell at her brother, “Ask the girls to come too, please”.

“Yeah sure, no problem”

“Thank girl”

Maura is just so weird, I love her.


Maura’s pov

“Mum, I’m off to Zayn” I say as Marcus and I stand in the door frame. .

“Okay, I’ll see you tonight?”

“I’ll be back within an hour. I have to drop something at Zayn’s” I say, “Then Marcus and I are heading down to his house, to get some stuff”

“Alright, have fun”

“Bye” we say as walk through the front door.

“Can’t believe I’m going to Zayn’s house” Marcus says.

“Chill man, it’s not like you’ll get to see where his underwear is and stuff”

“I am, when Zayn and I are married”

“No. Stop the ‘Marcus and Zayn wedding’ thing, because it’s weird”

“It’s part of the fandom”

“So? Just do that with your fan friends”

“Why is it so weird? I’ve always done this”

“Cause I know Zayn, which just makes it weird”


“Zayn, Maura, friends…”

“Sorry, but that’s just not going to change the way I fangirl about him”

“I know, but just do it a bit less around me, please”

“Urgh, fine” Marcus finally says, “Why are we actually going to Zayn?”

“Still got his sweater”


“MARCUS” I interrupt him.



“Hi” I say when Jessie opens the door.

“Hey, wait, are you Marcus?” she asks.

“Yes, why?” Marcus asks with a weird look on his face.

“Cool” Jessie says.

“Is Zayn at home?”

“Yes, he’s in his room, but I don’t know if you want to go in there. He’s calling with Perrie, and it doesn’t sound good” Jessie says with this specific look on her face.

“He’s going to tell me anyway, so…”

“Jessie, who is it?” we hear Niall ask from the living room.  

“It’s Maura” I answer him.


I ask Jessie to take care of Marcus, and introduce him to Niall so I can go check on Zayn.  

I sensitively knock on Zayns bedroom door, as I hear him talk.

“No it’s not that I.… Perrie…?” I hear him say, “Perrie, are you still there?”

Sounds good… not.

I knock again.

“Come in” he says.

“Hey” I say opening the door and getting in, “is everything alright, with Perrie?  

“No, she just hung up on me”

“That’s not a good thing” I say, “When is she coming back?”

“This week” he says with a sigh.

“Not too exited”

“Don’t worry, that won’t happen”

“It’s going to be fine, believe me”

“I do, but I just… don’t know”

“Aha, that sounds so logic”

“You know me…” Zayn says as he suddenly realizes I’m actually here, and looks at me with a questioning look, “What brought you here actually?”

“Well, I thought you might wanted your sweater back, so here I am” I say handing him his sweater.

“I totally forgot you had it”



“I was wondering of you’d like to come to my birthday party”

“Oh god, it’s almost your birthday! You’re growing up so fast”

“I know right” I say, “So you’re coming, nice”

“Exited for Wednesday?”

“Yes, very. I’m getting my first tattoo, of course I’m excited”

“And you’re sure you want this tattoo, and on that pace?”

“Zayn, I have wanted this since I’m thirteen, so yeah, I’m sure about the tattoo and place. But you have to come with me”

“Of course, I already told you. I’m going with you no matter what”


“You know, a keyhole in your neck is pretty awesome”

“I know, and when I have enough money, I’m getting many more tattoos”

“Join the tattoo club” Zayn says giving me a high-five.  

“You know, you kind of started a tattoo trend here in this house”

“I know. Niall is the only one in this whole house who hasn’t got a tattoo. Even Eleanor and Danielle have tattoos”

“Applause for you!” I say, “But I got to go again”

“No, why?”

“Marcus has to get some stuff at his house, and then we have to plan stuff for the party”

“If you want someone to play, like a DJ or some band, just tell me, okay”

“No, Zayn. I’m not going to use you like that. You’re my friend, not my ‘arrange’ person”

“Aha, alright” Zayn laughs, “Well I guess I’ll see you soon, probably”

“Adios, burrito” I say as I get up.  

“Wait, I’m walking with you” Zayn says getting up.

“You know, I’m really glad you wrote your number on that coupon”

“Me too” Zayn says while he puts his arm on my shoulder.

Just a friendly way, don’t make up weird situations in your head please.

“Marcus, you ready?” I ask when we’re downstairs.

“Yup” he says as his eyes grow big when he sees Zayn.

“Great, now let’s go” I say pulling his arm.  

“Bye, love you Maura” I hear Niall say from the couch.

“Love you too” I say before we walk through the front door.

“Bye” Zayn says, “Wednesday, half past one”

“Yes, thanks again”

“No problem” he says, “Bye”

“Oh my god, the house” Marcus says when we’re outside and Zayn closed the door.

“What’s with it?”

“It’s so huge, and One Direction and just, AAAH” Marcus happily screams out.

Marcus is such a girl. I’m glad he didn’t faint when we walked in…

AN: sorry, wattpad screwed it up with this chapter, hope you all enjoy, sorry if it's dull or something like that.

so I just finished writing chapter 27, and I'll upload Chapter 10 this saturday.

I'm also really bussy with FFY, but I'm a bit stuk so Idk when I'm going to upload that shizzle. It's good to hear that some of uu are exuted for FFY, it makes my day a bit better :)

Lots of love to every1 who is reading this really bad written story. (--> lol making it way better right now)


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