My Hero (Discontinued)

By Manchester_Babe

3.1K 79 8

If You Were Raised By An Ex-Power Ranger I'm Sorry The Legend Power Ranger Tommy Oliver. My Name is Duncan Da... More

Daddy's little girl.
MIT Brought the PTSD back. Dad's going online.
Forever Red-1
Forever Red-2
Angel Grove Is Where I Morun.
Slut Shamming and Marriage.
Oh My Zord?
The Green Ranger White Ranger Red Rangers are back.
What Gets Left Behind For You?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder And My Best Friend Is Dead!
My Name Is Jake and Big Bad Wolf-World Scares Me.
Red Rangers Precious Little Lives.
Lips Are Locked
Part 2
Face Down
The Gun Joke
A Gold Beast-Monster
Mama's Boy!
I'm a Work Of Messed Up Art
How I Met Your Mother
The Sliver Lining Boy
R.I.P. Bart Bass?
Perfect son?
Hallucinations of Mr. Bass
Battle Of The Bands!
I'm The Girl You'd Die For!
Beautiful Bomb: 1
(A/n): why gossip girl is in the story!
Beautiful Bomb: 2
Beautiful Bomb: 3

The Secret.

33 1 0
By Manchester_Babe

(A/n: I'm sorry. Ethan and Noah weren't in it, it was because I rushed to the chapter out, also David's Brother is Tommy. Now in real life they used Erik Frank (Tommy's actor brother) was in Zeo for the story arc "Brother Spare Me An Arrowhead", but he died in 2001 from some illness (like the mother from how I met your mother.) also he's dead in this. Bye)

Plot: Tommy and Kim have a hart to heart, Jayden talks about his parents' death to Jake, Noah and Ethan find out Anton's and Bart's secret (they are not gay lovers), Chuck tries to tell Duncan he loves her, but fails, and shows it. and Duncan starts at St. Constance.

*Tommy's POV
Duncan was in Gotham, I was here, I sent her there to get her away from Conner and the nasty divorce. I was on the plane back to California. Angel Grove to be exact. I look at the sky.

I ran to Kim's as I always did, I saw her she was on the porch. "Wow, haven't seen you since Friday." I say. "Yeah, 1 week 'till Halloween." She smiles. I rub my throat, "I love you." I say. "You're lying." She said, "We had sex, wanna?" I ask. "Down boy, I need to make Sunday dinner and feed Bert." She says. "I'll help." I say, she laughs, "No-,"
"Let me hel-," she kissed me. She kissed me. "What was that for?" I ask, rubbin' my cheek, "listen, Kim I love you, and now it's-," she changes the topic. "Jake is so grounded." She says. "How's Duncan?" She asks. "I think she got a friend boy-,"
"Tommy, it's boyfriend, not friend boy." She smiles. "I love you," I kiss her, "I'll always love you." I say kissin' her. "I love you dearly Kim I never stopped." I said, I returned the favor of kissin' her. "Wanna do it?" She asks, "You evil woman." I laugh, "I was evil once, and so were twice I heard about the second one from-,"
"Kat." I say, she put me on the floor, "Ready?" I ask. "Hell yea." She says.

*Noah's POV
"Who are you?" Jayden asks harshly. "I'm Thomas Oliver's nephew, he needs these. My father needed him to have these." He was crying. "Okay, what else?" Says Ethan who is talking to Jake but he didn't ask that to Jake, but Eddie. "I'm a prophet of KO-35, where human's live, I'm also called Cam." He smiles, he looks at his feet, which are green boots. "He reminds me of Link." Says Trent. "Who cares!" I say. "Noah shut up!" Yells Trent. "Fine." I say back. "Anyway this letter is all about my father." He says sadly. "Sadly he isn't here anymore."
"Mines dead." Said Jayden. "Same." Said Jake. "My real parents are dead."
"Real parents?" I ask Trent. "Yeah I was adopted, like Loki." He said. "Jayden how did your dad die?" Asks Trent.
"Both of parents are dead, my mom killed herself, 1 month after my father died. He was Asian well Japanese, mom was Swiss and Norwegian."
"Jayden I'm sorry."
"Listen let's stop the sad talk and talk-,"
"I'll talk." Said Eddie.

*Duncan's POV
"Chuck?" I ask he's asleep. "What?" He asks, "what are we?" I ask. "Human, American, Kiwi, fuck buddies." He says. "Fuck buddies?" I ask. "I mean we fuck." He says. "What do I have to wear?" I ask. "Uh, jeans, t-shirts." He says.
"I know Constance is a uniform school."
"I hope Serena will let you borrow hers, or you'll borrow from Blair Waldorf, how tall are you?" He asks. "5'11'." I say. "Oh shit," he says. "Serena is...,"
"5'10'." She says to me. Her hair is shade darker than mine, it's longer, her hair was perfect. She was perfect. Now when I never think I'm pretty, unless I cut my hair, very unevenly, I wore my hair in ponytails, I had fair skin and brown eyes, white-blonde hair cut choppily, full lips, white teeth, pink lips, "you okay?" Asks Chuck. "Fine, Chuck just fine." I say. I saw a brown haired girl. "My ex." Said Chuck. "Is this the help?" She asks. "No, I'm his-,"
"What?" I yell. "You look like-," I cut her off, "I'm not, I'm his fuck buddy?" I ask him. "Yeah fuck buddy." I say, "Blair, she looks like a poor girl she's gotta be from Brooklyn." I freak out. "I'm from California!" I yell. "Okay fine-,"

"Duncan is my name." I get Chuck's flask, I dump it on Blair's head. "Hey!" She yells. "I'm sorry, not."

She was all about, private jets, Audrey Hepburn obviously, Chanel, clubs, gold, jewelry, money lots of it, sex and judgin' people like me. She knew I was thinkin', books, vintage, jeans, pizza, weed, cherry cola, and maybe not the marital arts. "Are you okay?" A clone asks. "Yes, why?" I ask. "with being a loser?" She says, I smiled. "Fuck you." I say very mad. "Goodbye, then." She says.
"Chuck?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm s-,"
He dip kisses me. "I lov-," he tries to say, the 3 stupid letters. "Don't say it Chuck." I feel like I'm in a movie, maybe an old movie kiss? "What was that for?" I ask. "3 words 8 letters, ever since the Wayne Gala I fell for you, red converse white dress, hair down curled, bracelets, a lasso and black lipstick. I saved your stuff dragon and bear, both named Alfie, and when you kicked me 9 stories off my hotel I was in love, and even when we had sex I fell in love with you more, when the world cup ended I cried the best month of fucking life. And I called you Princess because Duncan David Oliver, you're my well; I'm just a boy and you're Cinderella, Snow White in blue jeans." He said. "I don't believe in fairytales."

"Why?" He asks, he reminds of me James Dean, I need him, I'm guessin' he needs me. "Look at my parents." I said. "Why do you mean?" I gulp, I look at him. "I don't know when to begin," I say, "my mom is a slut, she sleeps with men and then haves there kid or kids and leaves she didn't do that with Jason." I look at him. "We're not your parents. I'll always love you-,"
"Celine Dion?" I ask. "Umm...yeah, no!" He says laughing, "Wanna go out?" He asks. "I'd love too." I say. "But I like you, not love you."

*Jayden's POV

"How'd your father die?" Asks Trent. "He was a cop, an Asian cop, the only one on the San Diego force. It was a car chase, when they got there-," I stopped for air. "He got shot, my mom committed jigai." I said. "Why?" I ask. "My father died!"

I can remember it.

I had just gotten off school, I got off the bus, I saw a cop car. From dad's work. It was Commissioner Dan Kilbreed, it was an ironic last name do him being a cop, he was in his early 30's, he had 2 daughters one's 10 the other was 5, well it's been two years, the 10 year old must be 12, and the 5 year old must be 7 years old. "Dan this must bad." I say once I'm in the house. "It is...., your dad get killed."

*Eddie's POV
"Give this to my Uncle Thomas." I passed a arrowhead on a chain. "Why?" Asks Jayden. "It's his adoption papers and a letters from there mom and dad the bio parents. And I have a letter from my father."
"I'll call Duncan." Says Trent. "Who's he?" I ask. "Ya mean you cousin Duncan who's a girl."
"Oh," I said, "I have to go." I say.

*Tommy's POV
"Stop, stop, Thomas." I stop. "Was I too rough?" I ask. "It was like when we made Duncan." She says. "That was great sex."
"Kim." I say. "Yeah, Tommy."
"Why'd you leave me and Duncan? Do you even love me?" I ask. "I love you like a brother!" I was angry. "A brother, we have teenage girl who needs a mother, I'm in love you."
"Thomas I can't-," She said. "Kim, I love you." I said. "I love Ja-,"
"Bullshit Kim, bullshit Kimberly." I love her. "This is not the way I wanted to you to talk to you."
"Why do you mean?" She asks rolling her eyes. "I wanted to be your lover," I stopped, "not your brotherly-figure." I started  to put on my clothes. "Kim I have to go." I say as I walk to the door.

*Trent's POV
I walked in the house, he never asks me where I walked to my room. He was a another guy. Was he gay? Anton Mercer gay? "Dad who's that?" I asked. "Trent me Bartholomew Bass we call him Bart." Dad had scales on one side of his face. "Are you gay?" I ask. "No," he says, "Trent I'm a super villain." He said. "No, shit." I run to the door, he has a gun. "Asshole...," I trail off, "Fuck you Anton!" I yell. "Fuck you Trent."
How did I know the name Bartholomew Bass. Didn't he just die?

"Hey Bart! Aren't you dead?" I ask.

[thanks for reading this chapter, I loved writing it this Eddie's last cameo, also gossip girl will be posting in the next chap sorry Duncan didn't go to school in this chapter.]

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