Fighter (Sequel to One Direct...

By xkaitlynreedx

507K 13.7K 3.2K

It's been 6 years and I am now 16 years old. I still live with One Direction and my twin sister Leah. My boyf... More

Fighter (Sequel to One Direction Adopted A...Theif?!)
It's Only the Begining
Bump in the road.
I am a Fighter.
Staying strong.
Girls and I must be dead.
Problems in the Love department
Dirty Cheater!
Should I forgive?
My sister's a dirty thief.
Skinny Love
Who you are!
The truth comes out
What have i done with my life?
I can't believe it
Fight club and boy am i in trouble.
Maybe she wasn't a Fighter after all.
Is she still gone?
The Fighter in You
Author's Note (Important)
Time is a Wasting
Something seems fishy
It's not safe anymore.
My baby is a fighter!~ Epilogue.

The Crash

12.7K 481 70
By xkaitlynreedx

It felt like hours sitting in that room. The clock ticking by, my leg violently shaking, the sound of nails against the cool metal of the table. Blake and I stayed silent, we didn't say anything or even move. We know what we did wasn't really wrong, but as you can figure getting a phone call at midnight saying your in jail, doesn't sound so good.

“So how long have you been boxing?” Blake asked as he dropped his hand from the table to his lap.

“All my life. I was raised that way since I could walk.” I said as I crossed my legs.

“That's so cool. You know you remind me of this girl from grade school.” Blake said looking off into the distance.

“Really what happened?” I asked.

“Well I just broke up with my girlfriend and she was kind of making a scene and then this new girl, that apparently got adopted by this famous boy band, just like beats the shit out of her.” Blake said as he chuckled a little bit. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open.

“Blake Masserfield? Your girlfriend was Hilary Parlin, right?” I asked.

“Yeah how did you know?” Blake asked as he scrunched his eyebrows together.

“Because I'm the one who beat her up, I mean nobody calls me a bitch and I mean nobody.” I laughed as Blake's face broke out into a smile.

“Oh wow, I thought you were amazing and I literally like had this huge crush on you until I heard the Hunter guy and you were dating.” Blake said as his smile fell.

“Yeah well he's a dick, I made a huge mistake on my part.” I scoffed as I crossed my arms over my chest.

“What happened?” Blake asked as he leaned back in his chair.

“Well I went over to his house after the X-Factor and I caught him cheating on me. He was having sex with some whore just because I wouldn't have sex with him.” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“That sucks.” Blake said.

“Didn't you date his sister?” I asked.

“Yeah for like a month, she was such a bitch I couldn't stand her.” Blake laughed as he pulled at the ends of his hair.

“So I never knew you boxed.” I said as I picked at my nails.

“Yeah Hunter and I use to be boxing partners until you came along I guess.” Blake chuckled as he rubbed his chin.

“Hunter never mentioned you.” I said confused.

“Well, we never really got along, we were always competing against each other whether it was school, girls, or boxing.” Blake said as he ran a hand through his hair.

“Well I can understand now.” I chuckled as I clasped my hands together and set them in my lap.

“So you live with a famous boy band I hear.” Blake said as he raised his eyebrows at me.

“Yeah, Louis' my brother so I kind of have to.” I laughed.

“Aren't you American though?” Blake asked noticing my accent.

“I lived in America till I was 9 years old.” I said as I rubbed my forehead. Just as Blake opened his mouth the door to the room opened up with a big creaking sound to go along with it. The dimly lit room now had more light added to it.

“Parker Tomlinson and Blake Masserfield.” The lady said as we both stood up from our chairs, the made an screeching noise as the chairs slid against the concrete flooring. “Come with me.” She said monotonously as she led us out of the room and towards the front of the building. When we got in view I saw my tired brother standing there and another woman standing beside him, which I assume is Blake's mother.

“Parker, explain now.” Louis said sternly as the lady left us in the hands of two very angry adults.

“Well after the dinner celebration I wanted some air as I told you, I began walking and just came across this fight club which I found out later was an illegal fight club. Anyway, I met Blake here who goes to my school and I fought Jack again, remember him? Yeah then the cops came yada yada, and I don't know why we were here they just said I helped them find the club, but I don't know.” I said as I shrugged my shoulders in response.

“Okay I guess you didn't have anything to do with it, so I will let you go this once.” Louis said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Yay, thank you!” I squealed as I gave Louis a big hug and skipped out of the police station. Louis chuckled, but followed behind me. I waved by to Blake and told him I would text him before I hoped into the car.

“So, did you have a fun night?” Louis asked as he pulled onto the highway.

“Yeah I did actually.” I said as I leaned back in the seat. I guess both of us weren't really paying attention as Louis didn't see the light turn red and the semi-truck heading our way.

“Louis!” I screamed, but it was too late. The truck collided with our car, pushing my side in which sent a searing pain shooting through my side. The last thing I remember is Louis who grabbing my hand before it all went black.


Hey guys so I left a cliffy lol :) don't hate me

srry it's short, but I just couldn't think of anything else to put in it.

So what do you guys think?

well I started a new book guys if you haven't read it already here is the description:

Lost Love:

“Your right, why would Harry Styles ever love me?” Kate said as she lowered her volume. Before I knew it Kate pulled out a gun from her drawer.
“Kate no!” I yelled as I lunged for the gun in her hand, but it was too late.
“Tell Harry, I love him.” She said before she the gun went off, piercing her right through the head. She was dead in an instance.

My names Madi and I am 7 years old. My sister killed herself a year ago and I still have nightmares about it. I hate Harry with everything I have because he was the one who killed my sister or lead her to kill herself.

This story is about how a little girl finds a Lost Love for Harry, Madi and Harry have a rocky relationship, if you would even count it a relationship. Louis tries to do everything to get Madi to talk to Harry, but she simply won't do it. Read on in Lost Love to find out if Madi excepts Harry or just totally ignores him. Read Lost Love Today :)
Copyrighted 2013

SO that is my new story called Lost Love :) go check it out guys

so today I went shopping for my 8th grade social dress with My best friend Amanda so we were at the mall and my mom had to go to one of those Verizon cart thingys that are in the middle of the isle in the mall so Build a Bear Workshop was right across from it so we went in there and we found these really cute stuffed animals called Small frys and she got the bunny and I got the pink bear and we both got outfits for it, it was so funny. also they had these button things so you could put a sound in your animal and they  had One Directions WMYB song and we kept pressing the button and just singing along to it, it was hilarious.

I posted a videos of all of this on my youtube channel @Onlykatable so go check it out.

I'm putting on of my videos up there on the side ---------> so check that out.

well love you guys and











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