The Beautiful Ones

By writerbug44

4.5M 118K 21.4K

Alice Bowman and Zoey Chase have been best friends since birth. They do absolutely everything together, datin... More

1- Opposites
2- Chug!
3- What Do You Remember?
4- Another Year Of Hell
5- How Do You Feel About Castration?
6- Your Head Is Going To Explode
7- I Am Not A Third Wheel
8- I Sound Like The Back Of A Cereal Box
9- I Don't Want This To End
11- I Didn't Know That
12- You Look Extremely Hungover
13- Let's Dance
14- So You're A Princess?
15- Looks Like He Lied
16- If You Talk To Me Again, I Will End You
17- It Was A Pretty Sassy Hibiscus
18- I Don't Do Partners
19- I Miss You
20- I Am Not A Goblin Monkey
21- I Just Need Some Time To Break Down
22- Who Is Sadie Hawkins?
23- We Look Hot, Don't We?
24- I'm Stupid And Lonely
25- A Pinky Promise On Your Life
26- Not As Pretty As You
27- I Think This Is Magical
28- Family Is A Sad Thing
29- Those Three Words Can Kill
30- Shattered Hearts Are Dangerous
31- Are We Celebrating Taylor Swift?
32- Have No Fear, Alice Bowman Is Here
33- Tradition is Tradition
34- Let This Year Be The Year
35- We're Really Falling Apart
36- You're Trying To Be Romantic, Aren't You?
37- The Day Has Finally Come
38- You Really Had Me Fooled
39- You Broke Her Like A Twig
40- Perfect Is Spelled With A Danny
41- This Is Me Not Caring
42- He Isn't You
43- They Think They Know
44- You're Freaking Out
45- That's A Weak Defense
46- Let's Sing High School Musical
47- I Hate This And I Hate That
48- Volcanoes And Chickens
49- Maybe We're Something More
Author's Goodbye </3
One Shot- StefanieAvalonMatei
One Shot- CharlieDeVonne

10- Embarassment

87.5K 2.4K 338
By writerbug44



I don’t feel that particular emotion very often but as I walked down the hallway beside my “best friend”, my face was tinged with a hint of pink at the memory of what had just happened.

Alice literally just stood in front of the whole freaking cafeteria and announced my loneliness and desperate need for a date. In front of the whole cafeteria. And I wasn’t desperate, all I said is that I wasn’t going to be a third wheel. I don’t know how Alice rewired that in her brain to mean that I desperately needed a date and that she should announce this to the whole cafeteria which is like, a fifth of the school.

For the rest of our classes, I subconsciously kept my head down and did my work, seldom talking to Alice between taking notes and doing the work. However, when seventh period rolled around, I noticed that my table wasn’t empty like it was yesterday.

You see, my creative writing class has tables set up so that four people sat at a table, similar to an art room, and I’ve been successfully sitting by myself at one of the tables, but as I approached the wooden table this time, there was a brown haired boy sitting in the seat beside mine, much to my confusion.

He was cute though, he had big brown eyes and short shaggy dark hair with an awkward smile on his face. However, when he saw me sit beside him, his smile faltered slightly.

“Hi.” He croaked boldly.

I raised my eyebrow at him- I don’t think anybody’s ever actually said hi to me at school before unless I said it first. “Hello.”

“You always sit by yourself.” He observed, but it was obvious that he was nervous. I don’t know why I make people nervous, I really don’t. I mean, I’m not a mean person but reputations are crap, I guess. “So I decided that I could offer you some company.”

Oh, and then it hit me. “You were in the lunch room, weren’t you?”

He smiled nervously before nodding, confirming my assumptions. “Yeah.”

“Well, let me just say that I did not condone that stupid announcement and I am not desperate for a date or anything.” I told the stranger.

He frowned for a minute, looking like he was at a loss for words. “I’m Danny.” He finally announced.

I smiled softly- he was actually really adorable. “Zoey.”

“Yeah, I know.” He said softly just as the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the period.

“Well, maybe I like to introduce myself because it’s polite.” I defended just before our creative writing teacher, Mr. Henry, stood at the front of the room.

“Good afternoon.” He greeted with a warm smile. “We’re going to do one of those get-to-know you kinda things. So pick a partner, somebody that you don’t know preferably, and tell them five things that they don’t know about you. Go ahead and do that and that’s all we’re doing, so when you finish, just get to know your classmates some more, start a conversation with a stranger, meet somebody new.” He insisted. “And go.”

“Partner?” I asked Danny.

He smiled a soft smile at me before nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

“Okay, you can go first.” I insisted.

“Oh, okay. Well I’m an only child, my mom works at a marketing company, my birthday is on January 6th, how many is that?” He asked.

“Three.” I replied, counting in my head.

“My favorite color is green and my last name is Banks.” He finished off his five facts.

“Those were very boring facts.” I told him with a disappointed chide.

“Well, then you go.” He told me with a small laugh.

“Okay, I have a sister named Margaret and a brother named Lance.”

“Cheater.” He interrupted me. “I already knew that.”

I sighed heavily. “Fine. My brother is dating my best friend, how’s that one?”

His eyes widened slightly. “You mean Alice Bowman?” He asked.

“Yes.” I said with a laugh. “Why? Are you into that gossip stuff?”

“N-no.” He muttered quickly. “I just didn’t know that.”

“It’s recent.” I shrugged. “Anyway, I have a birth mark on the inside of my left thigh, my favorite ice cream flavor is birthday cake, I lost my virginity freshman year, and the walls in my room are a dark red.”

“That was a bit personal.” He muttered.

“What? Did you not want to know the color of my walls?” I asked with a teasing smile.

“I was thinking the thing before that.” He corrected me.

“Oh, well that’s no big deal.” I shrugged honestly.

“Okay then...” Danny said slowly. “Anyway, since we’re done, do you want to talk about other stuff?”

I shrugged once more. “I guess so. Start a conversation.”

He laughed softly. “Why do I have to start a conversation?”

“Because you’re the one sitting at my table, therefore, you were the one who wanted to have a conversation in the first place. So, now’s your chance.” I chirped with an innocent smile.

“Okay,” Danny sighed. “I came over here to ask you if you still needed a date to the garden party.”

I raised my eye brows at him, even though he already told me that’s why he was sitting here. “You actually want to go to that thing?”

He shrugged. “Isn’t it for your brother?”

“Well, technically, but it’s mostly for my mom to have an excuse to throw a party. It’s exploiting Lance for her publicity, honestly. And you don’t have to go, I don’t need a date.”

“Are you sure?” He asked. “I kinda want to go.”

“Why?” I laughed. “It’s going to be incredibly boring.”

He shrugged. “I dunno, I guess it seems exciting. I mean, it may be boring to you, but I live in a one story house with my parents and a parrot. A party with all of the most famous people in Texas doesn’t seem like a mundane Wednesday to me.” He explained.

I sighed, thinking of how lucky he was, actually living with his parents. That must be nice. “Well if you’re so interested in the high life then why are you only talking to me now?” I asked softly.

“There was never an offer on the table before.” He told me. “And I’m probably the only person brave enough to actually offer you a date, so if you say no to me, I’m your only shot.” He told me matter-of-factly with a small smile.

“Okay, fine.” I mumbled, deciding that if this weird stranger wants to know what it’s like to live in this hell hole, then why deprive him of the experience, right? “I’ll send a driver for you at seven.” I told him, writing down my number on a piece of scrap paper. “Text me your address so I can give it to James.”

His eyes widened noticeably. “You’re giving me your number?”

“Yes.” I confirmed. “What did you expect? You’re acting like I just gave you a piece of gold or something.”

He sighed, and accepted the slip of paper. “Well, it’s not like everybody has Zoey Chase’s number.” He told me.

“No, but everybody who asks does.” I corrected him. “Except for like the press and stuff, obviously.”

“You don’t like reporters?” He asked curiously.

I shook my head. “Reporters, journalists, any kind of press, they’re rats. The ones that I deal with are, anyway.” I explained.

He laughed awkwardly. “Um, well so what should I wear?” He changed the subject.

“Just a dress shirt and pants, nothing too fancy, though.” I explained.

“And it’s at your house?” Danny questioned.

I nodded. “Yeah, it is.”

“Wow, I’ve never been on top of the mountain before.” He admitted, referring to the mountain that held both mine and Alice’s houses, making them visible for most of the city if you squinted the right way.

“Most people haven’t.” I shrugged. “But it has a pretty view at night, I’ll show you tomorrow.”

He smiled softly and opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the bell ringing. The period was over? It felt like it like, just started. “Okay, well I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.” Danny chirped as we both stood up from the table.

I nodded and waved a goodbye before throwing my bag over my shoulder and leaving the room before it really hit me that I actually had a date. I mean, of course it wasn’t a real date like boyfriend/girlfriend, kissy kiss date, but it was a date that didn’t include Alice, so that was a first right there, kind of. And even though I wouldn’t even consider that Danny guy a friend, it was really nice to actually have a date instead of going as a third wheel to Alice and Lance.

Wow… I had a date.


I'm sorry that it's so short :/ But here's the first look into Zoey's mind (:

The picture to the side is the beautiful Vanessa Hudgens (Who plays Zoey)

Thanks for reading!!

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