Us Against the World, Unless...

By Buddykenley

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The big bad FBI agent gets caught up in love. Kate Grant is transferred to a new school, again. She then meet... More

Us Against the World, Unless the Worlds Against Us.
didn't see this coming.....
This life
The first mission.

Random Names for chaptyyss:D

172 9 3
By Buddykenley

I'm really glad that you guys like this story. There is going to be more action in the, weelll, eventually.... Keep readingg!!!:D


Back at the gym, Zac is shirtless and doing weights. Me on the other hand, have a plan forming in my head.

"Like what you see?" Zac noticed that I was looking at him. I blew a long sigh, he was so full of himself!

So while he was being his cocky self, I went over to the weighbar and turned around to Zac.

"Don't you think that it's hot in here? I'm totally hot." I began to strip my shirt off, revealing my hot pink sports bra. I swear that I heard a 'yes you are' from Zac. I smiled while I leaned foward to ge a weight. I heard a gasp.

"You know that that's not fair." Zac started to pout. Gee, what a baby, why is he talking! Look at him with his shirtless body, with his huge arm muscles, and that six pack. Looks like we have to same effect on eachother, he was still looking at me too. I looked away and started to work out, like I was going to anyway. After two minutes I heard one of the machines start, which means that Zac is really exercising like he was suppose to.

After finishing on the weighs, I went to the treadmill and began running a 400meter. I looked over to my side to see Zac looking at me again, but I ignored him and continued to run. After 6 minutes, I took a cool down session. I began walking as Zac was now finished with his workout entirely. I was done minutes after him, so I got my shirt and we walked over to the tv room. This was one of the largest rooms in the house, it has one-hundred fifty four televisions in it. You can pretty much watch every channel if you have cable. Gladly this place didn't, they had Queen Alitter. Here you get everything; Animal Universe, Werit, and Rittle. If you haven't heard of these channels, then you have proven my point.

"Im hungry! Zac, can you make me a milkshake?" I whined. I haven't had a milk shake in years! Not kidding. Most of the agents don't like sugar, crazy right? So Zac took my hand and dragged me to the kitchen. He grabbed the ice-cream and the milk,plus the whipped cream.

"Ok, open up." Zac said with an evil glint in his eye. I opened my mouth and he took the ice-cream and placed I into my mouth. While he was trying to keep my mouth open he pored milk and put some whipped cream to top it off. He let me shut my mouth and started to shake me.

"Shaky shaky shaky,milky and bakey!" Zac started to sing while still shaking me. After what felt like hours, he stoped, and I forced myself to swallow feeling a shiver go down my spine.

"That was NOT a milk shake!!" I ran after Zac,catching him and bring him on the floor.

"Sorry love, but I had to do it. It was worth whatever you are going to do. " I got up and walked toward my dorm. I could hear Zac behind me so I turned around and kicked him on the chest. He was just lucky that I still had my track shoes on. Heels would have hurt alot more...

I just continued to walk over to my room. The othe boys in the room started to back away from me, while I had my little smirk pasted on me face. When I hit my dorm I got my key and went inside. As soon as I shut the door I sunk down onto the floor, with my head still on the door. Why do I have to be such a bitch! I should say sorry, but for the first time I noticed how bad I smelled. Why don't I take a shower before I leave again.

After the shower I got into a pair of yoga pants and a light,baby blue tank top. A sudden wave of tiredness came over me and I fell on my bed, falling asleep almost instantly. I had the weirdest dream.

I was running through the woods, Zac on my side. We jumped over all the broken tree branches and I looked to see Zac with a look of fear on both of our faces. There was a cliff coming into view, an you could hear the running water below it. We exchanged one last look with eachother one last time before stopping and looking into eachothers eyes. We kissed, not like over the top, but not a little peck. After the kiss, we locked hands and jumped off the cliff. While still going down the top of the cliff exploded.

I jerked awake. That dream did open my eyes, I Katherine Shiann Grant, am in love with Zacery Anthany Roth.

That morning I woke up, I went straight to the Coffee Maker. After making my vanilla coffee I sat on the couch. Why does this life have drama, I thought that there was no time for feelings, but then I meant Zac. I decided to do something about this. I got dressed in a dark jade dress that went right above my knees and to top if off I added twenty inched white heels. I stepped out of my room and stunted over to Zac's dorm. My head was held high, but I was breaking down on the inside.

He answered before I even knocked. He had his coffee in his hand and was wearing a robe with a white undershirt underneath it. Before he could say anything I jumped up and hugged him. I started crying and he lead me to his couch and sat both of us down. I was now shaking for the crying and Zac started to rub circles on my back, rocking me back and forth.

"It's S'ok baby, I forgive you." I took a shaky breath and looked up into his eyes, his lips came closer and closer to mine and we kissed... Dream came true.

The days pasted in a blur. Nothing really special happened, me and Zac have been getting closer, he has turned back into his cocky self-again. I found myself let go and hang lose more. I got some money from my parents bank account to buy a car, I never really had a car. Of corse I know how to drive one, I just never had one of my own. So me and Zac went over to the best car lot were the coolest cars were. We looked around, but what really cough my eye was the white convertible BMW. I asked the car lot owner and he gave me the price.

"Give me that CARFAX!!" Zac screamed. Oh my gosh, he just has to do that to me. So we went inside and I filled all the papers in a half an hour. I drove the BMW and Zac drove the tinted Benz. He followed me to the car painter place and he walked in with me.

"Hello? I would like to get my car painted?" I asked, where is everyone? This is a shop, right?

"Be right with you." a middle aged man came out. He had a green Mo-hawk and tons of piercing and his nose, eyebrows, ears, lips, and even three on his tongue. How could you do that to yourself!!!

"So, what Did you want?" the weirdo asked me. Well duhhh! It's a car paint place! I want a pizza!

" I'd like my car painted." I was annoyed, and it leaked into those words-alot.

"Ok. What kind of car is it? What colour do you want? And it will take a day to get it done." he sounded very bored, what a jerk! But I really needed this done. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"It's a BWM M2 convertible and I would like it lime green." that's my dream car. How sexy would that car be! My answer: VERY!

"Ok, come back tomorrow please." I went to my car and pulled it up to the garage where they paint it. I took the keys out so that jerk wouldn't take a joy drive and locked my baby. Tomorrow better come quick!

Me and Zac went out for dinner at a cozy family owned restaurant. I got a hamburger and Zac got four hamburgers. That boy can eat ! After that we went back to base and I when straight to my bed. Wanting this day to end so I could see my baby car in the morning. With that thought I drifted into a soundless sleep.


This is the longest chappy ever!!!! Not really...:) but my biggest that I wrote:D I forgot what else to say... Curse you.... Ehh, I forgot what it's called... Ohhh yeahh! Don't forget to check out my other story Band Together. And vote and comment. Or one of Santa's Raindeer will eat your ice-cream!

And on an another note. can back ffrom my phiscal, so i can do volleyball this year and i have a skin disorder which means that i was born with it and just started showing signs. dont worry, its harmless. and that i am litterly going blind in my left eye... only because a damn fool in my grade flung a hornet (a small, pointed peice of paper that people fling at eachother with a rubberband) and it hit me right in the eye while he was only two feet away from me. Just to add to that, im only thirteen, and might need surgery on it.FML!

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