A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)

By OutOfMyLimit17

25.1M 718K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 21

596K 17K 4.8K
By OutOfMyLimit17

Absolutely love the dress above!! 

The song on the side has nothing to do with the chapter once again but I can't get Justin Bieber's new song out of my head. It is so catchy! 

Dedicated to Emerald_Girl for being super sweet :) 

Happy Reading! <3

The rest of the week flew by and before I knew it was the day of the Benefit. The entire week Lennon came over and kept going over everything I would need to know from where the event was being held to who was going to be there. I learned everything about every person, who their family was and what their company does. I am still in shock at myself for memorizing all the information in under a week as was Liam and Lennon. 

Since the Benefit starts at 7 and it was 1 o'clock now I had plenty of time to get ready. The closer the time got to go the more nervous I got. This was Liam and I's first appearance together and after everyone seeing our engagement photos in the paper Wednesday I knew we were going to be swarmed by the paparazzi. The morning the paper came out our house was swarmed by people with cameras waiting for one of us to leave. My phone started blowing up with followers and messages from random people. Some were people saying how lucky I was to be marrying Liam and than there were others of people calling me names and saying I wasn't good enough for him. By noon I had over a thousand requests for Facebook, and over 20k followers on Instagram. It was Lennon's idea to get Instagram the other day, I had only posted one picture that I was forced to by Lennon. 

I was shocked at how many people wanted to be my friend and all the messages I was receiving. I didn't think being with Liam would be just a big ordeal. If I thought things were going to calm down I was going to be mistaken. 

This entire week had to be the best one so far. Liam and I were getting along really well. Every night he would come home at 5 and help me make dinner. While we cooked we'd joke around and shoot remarks at one another. I hadn't known Liam could be sarcastic. Just yesterday we bickered back and forth over if a tomato was a fruit or a vegetable. Of course I thought it was a fruit and he said vegetable. Over the last few days we have gotten a small system between us. We would both cook, he would wash while I dry. Then afterwards we would sit on the couch together and watch whatever is on. I wouldn't admit it out loud but I really enjoyed our time together lately. Liam was definitely a different guy than he was when I first met him a month ago. 

I was currently in the library again trying to finish Twilight before we left and to keep me occupied. I had to force myself to sit still instead of pace the length of the house, nervous about tonight. I was actually enjoying the book and knew I would be reading the rest of the series in no time. It isn't my favorite series but it was good. 

After Liam and I had dinner the other day after dropping off the photos we headed to a Barnes and Noble. The moment we walked in I immediately headed to the young teen section, loving the books there. I could have spent hours there but having Liam with me I didn't want to make him wait. Of course like every book lover I found so many books I really wanted but didn't have the money to buy them all. Liam saw that I wanted the entire series of The Mortal Instruments and practically forced me to let him buy them. He literally grabbed them from my hand and went to the cash register and paid for them before I even caught up to him. Now I was hoping to finish my current series so I could start on those. 

I tried concentrating on my book but my mind kept drifting to tonight and to next week. Liam's mother, Lily, called me yesterday telling me about how she has already started on the wedding plans. She wanted to get together sometime next week so we can discuss a theme, invitations, the date, etc. The thought of already starting on the wedding plans made my stomach form into knots. Plus being alone with his mother I am afraid I will say something I shouldn't. I have the tendency to ramble in awkward situations. 

"You're in here again." Liam's voice said suddenly. I jumped in my seat and looked up. My book tumbled into my lap, I wasn't even reading it anyways. 

"Yeah sorry, just being in here helps me feel relaxed." 

"I know exactly what you mean. I come in here when I'm not working." He said coming into the room and taking a seat next to me on a chair. 

Over these last few days my opinion of Liam had changed. He wasn't that cold rude guy anymore, he was nicer to me almost attentive. Liam was starting to be the guy that Lennon kept telling me about. With him being so nice to me something inside of me was starting to shift and I didn't know how to react. It was times when we were sitting at the table eating dinner together and he would tell me stories about him, Blake and Lennon when they were little that made my heart and stomach flutter. I would sit there listening to him and staring at his face as he grinned at the memories. There was something so enchanting about Liam. I don't know what it was but whatever it was drew me in like gravity. 

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the benefit?" Liam asked. 

"I'm waiting for Lennon. I have strict instructions to not do anything until she got here in case I ruined it." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Definitely listen to her. She can be scary when she wants to be." He admitted laughing softly. "She once made Blake cry." 

"She made Blake cry!" I said grinning and sitting up wanting to hear more. "How?"

"He won't admit it because there have been several occasions it has happened. One was during our Junior year of college he kept going on about how women shouldn't be president stuff like that, and Lennon did like what he was saying so she kneed him in his balls. Than another time was when he had a bet going on with another guy playing pool and Lennon being Lennon had to butt in distracting Blake so he would loose. I don't think I have seen him cry that hard." Liam laughed shaking his head at the memory. 

"Sounds like something Lennon would do actually." I grinned at the story. "Can I ask you a question about them?" 

"Sure." He turned his head and looked at me. 

"Why aren't they together? It is plain as day that they like each other, a lot." 

"How do you know they like each other?" 

"Anyone with eyes can see it. They both look at each other like they are the moon to their sun." I said giving him a look. 

"Don't ask me why they aren't together. Blake has liked her since we were in high school, not to sure about Lennon though but it's clear she likes him just as much." 

"You've never tried to get them together?" 

"No I've always figured they would work it out on their own." He shrugged. An idea formed in my head and I smiled almost evilly in my head. My goal from now until the deal is over is to get Blake and Lennon together. Someone deserved to be happy after this even if those two wouldn't admit their feelings. Those two needed help and I was going to be the one to help. "What is that look for? You are not thinking of doing something are you?" Liam asked. He sent me a look saying I should stay out of it. 

"I'm not going to do anything." I lied waving my hand at him. 

"I don't believe you." He narrowed his eyes at me. I put on an innocent smile, you would think he would approve of my idea to get his two friends together after years of pinning after one another. "Jenna." He warned. 

"What did you do now Jenna?" Lennon's voice asked interrupting our staring contest. I shot Liam a triumphed smile turning to look at Lennon. 

"Oh nothing. Should we start getting ready?" I asking changing the subject. 

"Yep we have a lot to do." Lennon nodding holding her hands up that were filled with a bag probably filled with 5 different dresses, a big bag over-flowing with makeup even though I had some, and another bag with god knows what. 

"Way to say I am ugly." I muttered standing up and putting my book on the table. 

"This conversation isn't over Jenna." Liam said behind me. Looking over my shoulder I smirked at him before following Lennon out the door ignoring his eyes on my backside. 


2 1/2 hours later I emerged from the closet. Lennon didn't want me to pick at my reflection until she was completely done so I had to change in the closet. The dress we ended up picking was a beautiful simple strapless red gown. It flowed down to the ground swishing around my feet. I loved it for its simplicity and gorgeousness. The other options Lennon had were beautiful too especially a deep purple one but they felt too fancy or prom like for an event such as this. 

"Can I look now?" I asked standing in the middle of the room. 

"Not yet put these heels on then let me add a few things than I will be done I promise." She said handing me a pair of black 5 inch heels that had red on the bottom. I didn't know anything about fashion but I knew these heels were expensive. Taking a seat on the bed I moved the dress hem aside and slide the super high heels on. Standing on my feet I wobbled before getting my balance. Tonight was going to be interesting. I have never walked in heels like this and I knew I was going to make a fool out of myself. 

I stood still for Lennon as she moved around me. Looking at the clock next to my bed I saw it was a few minutes after 6 my heart beat started to pick up. Taking a few deep breathes I tried to calm by heart chanting in my head that it was all going to be okay. 

"Okay here is the last touch." Lennon said coming to a stop in front of me. In her hand was my engagement ring. Sliding it on my ring finger I smooth my hands down my dress. 

"Do I look okay?" I asked biting my bottom lip. 

"See for yourself." She moved to the side allowing me to see myself for the first time. With wobbly legs I walked to the mirror and my green eyes widened at my reflection. Lennon was literally a genius when it came to makeup and hair. 

My face was lightly spread with concealer hiding my little flaws and freckles on my nose. Little bit of pink blush graced my cheeks, my lips were painted a bright red lipstick that matched my dress. Lennon had added on some of those fake eyelashes to my eyes but I could only tell because I felt her do it. A light bronze color eyeshadow made my green eyes look like they had brown in them. After looking at my face I saw my blonde hair was slightly curled at the bottom and hung down around my shoulders and framed my face. It was simple yet perfect. 

"I look...amazing." I finally said after staring at myself. She made me look so beautiful I almost didn't believe it was me. I didn't look like plain old Jenna instead I looked prettier and more confident. "Lennon you are seriously gifted." I turned and smiled at her. 

"Oh I know." She said flipping her brown hair over her shoulder. 

"Why aren't you coming tonight I am going to be alone!" I said for the hundredth time since I started getting ready. 

"Because I'm not some big business person nor do I work at Stanford Industries. And I would rather sit at home alone than be at the party." 

"That makes me feel so much better about going." I said sarcastically. 

"Don't worry Jenna you will be fine. You know who is who and what they do. I know you can do this, Liam will be with you all night too." Lennon said putting a hand on my shoulder. "I have faith that you will make it out alive." I laughed glad she could make the situation less serious. 

"Thank you Lennon." I sent her a grateful smile. 

"No problem." Just than a knock on the door interrupted us. I knew it was Liam and gulped smoothing the dress once again. I was worried about Liam reaction to seeing me. "I know, I know. We are done." Lennon said opening the door. "Keep your mouth closed okay." She said before opening the door wide open and revealing Liam. He was dressed in a simple black and white suit that fit his frame perfectly. His brown hair was slicked back making him look utterly sexy. I noticed he was wearing a red tie like my dress. Looking over at Lennon she smirked at me. She clearly told him what color I was wearing while I was changing. 

As I was looking over him he was doing the same to me. His mouth was wide open and his eyes wide as he took in my outfit. I shifted under his gaze feeling self conscious. 

"Would you two stop eye raping each other you need to get going." Lennon snapped at us. Liam blinked almost confused. 

"Jenna you...uh you look great." Liam said rubbing the back of his neck not really looking at me. I ducked my head down and grinned. 

"Thank you." I blushed. 

"I got you something." He said walking towards me. I looked up surprised. "Turn around." Doing as he said I stood with my back facing him. I felt his hand move my hair over my shoulder and shivered as his finger tips brushed against my neck. A minute later I saw something being lowered over me and felt Liam clipping a lock. I looked down and saw a simple necklace with a diamond crusted heart laying above my heart. I brought my hand up and ran a finger over it touched that he got me a necklace. And knowing Liam it was real diamonds. 

"It is beautiful." I said my voice soft. I felt Liam fingers rub the base of my neck before they quickly disappeared taking the warmth with him. Turning around I looked up at him. "Thank you." 

"It looks perfect on you." He said staring into my eyes. I don't know how long we stood there staring at one another until a loud cough made us look away. I swallowed and looked over at Lennon who was standing there with a hand on her hip. 

"Horny birds lets go." Liam shook himself before nodding and holding his arm out for me to take. Smiling softly I laced my arm through his and headed to the door. Passing Lennon she handed me a small clutch that she must have gotten ready when I wasn't looking. Winking at me she watched us walk away to the front door. 

Instead of taking one of Liam's car a limo sat at the front of the house idling. I stared at it with wide eyes. I have never been in a limo before. With my arm inside of Liam's I followed behind him and tried to gracefully slide into the car, of course that didn't happen. I practically feel face first, thank god the dress was long or I would have flashed Liam. 

The whole ride to where the Benefit was being held I played with my fingers trying to calm my nerves. I was not looking forward to meeting a lot of new people and having them stare at me like I was dirt on the bottom of their shoes. 

"Jenna you are going to do great. Just ignore what anyone says." Liam said placing his hand on top of mine to stop my fiddling. I nodded taking a deep breath. Jenna you can do this. I said. "I will be by your side the entire time." He shot me an encouraging smile. The car came to a stop a second later. The driver got out and headed around the car to open our door. Outside the window beside Liam's head I could see camera flashes going off like mad. "Just breathe Jenna." Liam said softly into my ear. 

The car door open and he sent me one last smile before sliding out. Instantly the sounds of yelling and clicking of camera's reached my ears. Taking one last deep breath I grabbed Liam's hand he was holding out for me. Praying that I wouldn't fall and make a fool out of myself I slide out of the car and straightened up. Immediately blinding flashes of light hit both of us. Gripping Liam's hand tightly with my shaking one I let him pull me along side of him. 

With my free hand I gripped the bottom of my dress so I wouldn't step on it. My head whipped in different directions as people called mine and Liam's name. Flashes of light blinded me for a minute and I gripped onto Liam harder. 

"Almost there." He whispered down at me. Yes even in 5 inch heels I was still shorter than him. Lennon's voice echoed in the back of my mind as we walked towards the door telling me to smile. Forcing one on my lips so people could take photos of us and not think I wasn't happy or something. Thankfully a minute later we reached the door and walked through it leaving all the yelling and flashing behind us. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding I leaned against Liam. 

"You did good Jenna." He said smiling down at me. I smiled back feeling slightly better. Knowing that Liam was here next to me and not going anywhere made me feel better. He squeezed my hand reassuringly before we made our way deeper inside of the building towards the Benefit. The moment we entered the room it seemed everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us. I felt everyone gaze scrutinizing me. Not wanting to let them get to me I held my head up and swallowed my nerves. 

As we moved around the room I noticed there were at least 100 people here. All the men were dressed in expensive looking suits and next to them their wives in probably more expensive gowns and jewelry. The women looked so fancy and rich affirming Lennon's teachings through out the week. Her and Liam were right these people could pick you up and eat you without so much as batting an eyelash. I noticed most of them looked around the room with a snotty look upon their faces judging everyone, even their so called friends. 

All along the walls surrounding the ball room were paintings, sculptures, items, and what looked like clip boards with stuff written on them. I briefly learned what the Benefit was about but I was more concerned knowing who was who. 

"Everything here can be auctioned off to the highest bidder. People can write down their price for a trip to paris or something on those clip boards." Liam gestured with his head as we passed them. 

"But can't these people afford to go any day they want." I whispered. 

"Yes but this is for a special cause. Being invited here they are expected to make some effort to buy or donate. We are raising money to help children and families in Africa get water, medical supplies, clothes, food, etc." As he said what it was for I stared up at him in awe. I didn't know he was such a giver and passionate about helping others. It was a great cause to do and knowing that Liam's families company is hosting it makes me feel proud to know him. 

"Liam Stanford! It is great to see you again." A loud booming voice said in front of us. Looking away from Liam I saw a burly man coming towards us. He stood a good 2 inches taller than Liam and had quite a gut to him. His face had a slight red glow to it hinting he has already started drinking even though it was a little bit after 7. The man was a big guy but something about him seem jolly. 

"Kenneth it is nice to see you as well." Liam dropped my hand to shake the man's.

"And this must be your fiancé. Hello love I am Kenneth Poltz." He said sticking his hand out to me. Sending him a smile I shook it. 

"Hello I am Jenna Howard." 

"Wow she is a pretty little thing. Good catch boy." Kenneth smacked Liam's shoulder roughly. "Honey come meet Liam's fiancé." He shot over his shoulder. Moving to the side he revealed a beautiful tall brunette women. She looked to be in her late 40's but still gorgeous. Her hair was in a curled bun and she was wearing a deep blue dress bringing out her bright blue eyes. She looked like she was of Hispanic descendent.

"Hello I am Maria." She smiled kindly at me. I instantly felt relaxed around these two. 

"Hi." I awkwardly smiled back at her. 

"Kenneth owns one of the biggest stores in America, Costco." Liam said. (This is NOT TRUE! I just couldn't think of another place). I nodded remembering hearing of him. 

"That is impressive." I commented. The sound of Liam's name being called made us look in the other direction. 

"I'm sorry but my fiancé and I better go and see some other people. We will be back to talk Kenneth and Maria." Liam said regretfully. I could tell he would rather stay here and talk to the Poltz than others. 

"Don't worry boy we aren't going anywhere. We want to learn more about your lovely girl." He grinned at me which earned a eye roll from his wife. Sending me a smile she let me know she was use to her husband saying such things. Smiling back at them I trailed behind Liam as he lead me to a new group of people. 

For the next hour we went from group to group meeting different people. I couldn't be more thankful that Liam had Lennon teach me about these people. At first introduction most of them stared at me weirdly and like I was some bimbo but when I congratulated them on a business deal or said something about their business they acted different. Well that was the men, after they checked me out they were fine but their wives were another story. Most of the ones we met looked down at me with a rude look and scoffed whenever I talked. To say I wanted to strangle them was an understand. Because I couldn't I just kept ignoring them and talking to their husbands making them madder at me. 

As we drifted from people to people I felt eyes following me the entire time. It has only been an hour and I was already fed up with these people. At first I thought I wouldn't be able to handle this but now I wanted more than anything to yell at everyone to stop staring and mind their own damn business. After years of being talked about behind my back I was done with people doing so. I didn't care if these people thought they were all high and mighty. 

My feet were starting to hurt and my mouth was hurting and getting dry from talking too much. After breaking away from yet another group I looked around realizing there were still a lot of people to talk too. 

"Um Liam." I asked tugging on his hand. 

"Yes?" He immediately looked down at me. "Is something wrong?" His voice filling with worry. Smiling softly I shook my head. 

"No I was just wondering if I could get a drink." 

"Of course. No alcohol." He said. 

"Wait how did you know I don't like alcohol?" I asked confused. I hadn't told him I didn't like it. 

"I saw your face at my parents when we had wine and whenever we eat you only ever have water." He explained. I stood their shocked he noticed that. "I'll go get you a water just stay right here." Nodding I watched him leave. Looking around I saw a few people duck their heads not wanting to be caught staring. Feeling awkward standing there by myself I opened my clutch and grabbed my phone Lennon packed for me. Clicking it I saw Lennon had texted me an hour ago wishing me luck and asking me to tell her how it was tomorrow. I also got a text from Sophia asking how things were. Sending them both a quick reply I put my phone back and glanced up looking for Liam. 

Thinking he got held up I looked around for his mop of brown hair and instantly froze. I stared wide eyed at the woman standing not even 3 feet in front of me. Her blonde hair was shorter then I last saw it and half pulled up. Her face was of course older but had aged well. She still looked the same to me. Watching as she laughed and then looked around my last shred of doubt vanished. A pair of familiar green eyes glanced over at me then flitted away. 

I felt like everything around me vanished leaving only me and her. My heart shattered and dropped to the pit of my stomach. The woman in front of me I thought i'd never seen again, hell I was hoping to never see her again. Old memories I had pushed deep down rushed up and captured me. My eyes welled up with tears as I stared at her smiling and lacing her hand through a man's. I watched as the man smiled down lovingly at her and leaned down to kiss her lips. 

Even though it had been 14 years everything about her was familiar. She looked the exact same way she did all those years ago when she told me stay there at the footsteps of a random house clenching my teddy bear. She kept glancing around her but didn't seem to recognize me standing there. All different kinds of emotions rolled around me from anger to sadness to hate. My breath got stuck in my chest and I felt myself breathing heavily trying to get some air. 

"Jenna." I briefly heard Liam's voice say but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the women. "Jenna what's wrong?" He asked. 

I didn't hear anything he said after that as I stared at the woman who abandoned me when I was 5. I stared at my mother who I thought i'd never see again. 


Woah cliff hanger!! I would like to say sorry about it but I'm not :) I actually really really like this chapter. I know it has been about a week since I last update but I hope this makes up for it in especially with how long it is. 

Thank you to those of you who were patient with me on updating. It has been a crazy busy week and I haven't had time to write at all. I am trying to update sooner but who knows with my schedule. I will TRY and update at least once a week if I anything :) I am also trying to write "Silent Love" so I can post that one as well. I hope you are all excited for it! 

I have been getting a few comments about how fast pace this book is going but honestly if I wrote it how it really was in real life than this book would go on forever. These next few chapters will be fast paced and before you know it the wedding will be here, maybe 5 more chapters or something. I don't want to drag this story out too long because you will lose interest. I am already thinking of some interesting stuff that will happen after the wedding so I hope that will make up for the fast pace. I am sorry to those of you who don't like the pace! 

Also I can't tell you how long this story will be! I honestly just write whatever comes to mind and go with it. It could be 30 chapters or it could be 50 I don't know. But right now know this story still had a while to go, so it is not over just yet! :) 




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