My Neighbor (A Bruno Mars fan...

By fangurl3

15.5K 618 110


Silent Cries
Get ya shit
Authors Note
Our First Time
We meet again
Take me home
Her Eyes
Uncle Bruno!!
Night paddle
Grill Out
My Baby
Hospital shit
Always be my baby
Its going down for real
Tour bus
Birthday Mess
I think I wanna Marry you
Forgotten Birthdays
Not Again!
Grill outs
Taken Care Of
Headin Out


278 14 2
By fangurl3

Bruno's POV

"Look at them they are beautiful," I smiled at my babies. I felt a year drip down my face.

"Look at the newfound dad," I heard Presley say.

"I know right," I smiled.

"They look just like you," she said.

"Through all my accomplishments I will say this one was my best," I said. I then looked at my beautiful fiancé. Sleep. She gave me my beautiful girls. I'm not gonna mess this up. She then stops breathing and the doctors come in.

"She lost to much blood," they said and I was just shocked.

"Come on breathe baby girl," I said. She shot up.

"What the hell is going on," she asked as if nothing happened.

"You weren't breathin," I explained.

"Oh," she said.

"I must've been losing blood because I always stop breathing for a moment I don't know why," she sighed.

"Anyways where are my babies," she asked and I smiled.

"Right there next to you," I smiled.

"Bruno look at them," she said and I couldn't help but smile. One was hugging the other. I'm sorry I couldn't tell which was which because they were identical.

"They look adorable," I said.

"They look just like you," she smiled.

"How about we make a baby boy," I smiled.

"How about no," she smiled.

"Ok are you stable," the doctor asked.

"Yeah I'm fine can I eat and drink now," she asked.

"Sure," they said.

"A Bruno you should go and get me some Burger King," she said.

"I ain't leavin a Presley go get some Burger King," I said.

"Alright give me some money," she said and I went in my wallet handing her a hundred dollar bill.

"I want my goddamn change back," I said and she rolled her eyes. The babies started to cry.

"Uh oh," she said . She picked Kailani and I picked up Kahlia.

"Hey baby," I said in my baby voice. She grabbed my finger.

"I finally get to meet you," I smiled. I felt someone tap my shoulder and it was Eric.

"Feels good doesn't it bro," he said.

"Yeah who would think that I would love something so much," I said. I looked at Jasmine and she was rockin Kailani back to sleep.

"Bruno thank you," she said.

"For what," I asked.

"For giving me these wonderful babies," she said and I smiled.

"Who knew that I would have twins," I said and she smiled.

"Yeah ain't no denying that these babies aren't your I mean you look just like them," Tahiti laughed.

Jasmine's POV

"Are you going to breastfeed," Jaime asked me.

"No I'm not because of how busy I'm gonna be anyways where did mama Bernie go," I asked.

"Umm I don't know she left. She said she wasn't feelin to well," Tiara said.

"Oh well I hope she feels better," I say. Bruno then comes and hands me Kahlia. The way I tell them apart is that Kailani is a little bigger. But they both look exactly the same. I held them both and the doctor came in.

"Hello how are they," the doctor asked.

"They're fine," I smiled.

"Well they are beautiful anyways we wanna talk to you about breastfeeding,"she said.

"Oh since I am so busy I chose that I will not be breast feeding," I said.

"Ok but breast feeding helps you lose the baby weight," she said.

"I know but I don't eat healthy and I don't plan on starting," I said.

"Well ok so here's the formula for them and you will be released tomorrow morning to make sure that everything is ok," she said and I nodded. I handed Bruno Kailani and I fed Kahlia.

"Look at my beautiful baby girl," he said and I smiled.

"They are perfect," I said.

"Jasmine Jasmine," I heard people chanting. I got up and wobbled to my window. I saw all  these people.

"What the... How did they even know that I was here," I asked and he shrugged.

"Damn it," Bruno cursed.

"Well I'm gonna be in here until tomorrow hopefully they will die down,"I smiled. I rocked Kahlia to sleep and then put her in the hospital crib. Bruno tried to put Kailani in her crib but she didn't wanna go. She clenched onto his shirt.

"Babe she don't wanna let go," he said.

"Well just hold her," I sighed.

"But she ripping my shirt," he whined.

"I'm pretty sure your granddad has another one," I mumble.

"What," he asked.

"Nothing I said you can probably find another in the closet," I fake smiled. I then went to my bag. I grabbed his blue flannel and my sweats. I mean I'm big but not big. I'm bigger than my usual body so yeah.

"Baby where a are you going," he asked still rocking her.

"Umm to shower I stink," I said.

"Come on let me smell," he said.

"Ummm no," I said and he walked over and grabbed my arm then smelling it.

"Come on you smell fine," he said and I looked at him like really nigga.

"Ok your a little ripe but what about the babies," he asked.

"Just call me or ask the girls," I said and they were sleep.

"Can I kiss you," he asked.

"Nope not until I smell perfect," I giggle. He kisses her forehead and put her down finally. He then walked and grabbed me.

"You know I love you," he said and I smiled.

"Yes I do but can you please let me take a shower," I begged.

"Can I come with you," he asked.

"Sure you perve," I smiled.

"No I'm your stalker," he said.

"Yeah which is a perve," I giggle.

"Well it's not a perve because I already earn this shit," he whispered in my ear.

"Your right," I smiled. I got in the shower and he got in behind me and hugged me.

"You know I love you," he said and I smiled.

"Yes I do," I said . He turned me around and I hugged him.

"I can't believe that your had my babies," he said.

"I can believe me," I said and he chuckled.

"Would you mind if I planted a few more in you," he asked.

"I'm not no," I said and he smiled.

"You sure," he asked.

"Positive now wash my back," I said. He smiled. He washed me gently and I did the same with him.

"You are so damn sexy," he said and I smiled.

"I know right," I said. I got out and driesd off putting on my sweats and his blue flannel. I grabbed him.

"What you need," he asked.

"A kiss from my baby daddy," I said all ghetto and he chuckled. He kissed me slowly. There was a bang on the door.

"What," I yelled and Bruno starts laughing.

"I think your children want you," I heard Tahiti say.

"Ok one second," I said. I kissed Bruno again. He already put on his jeans his flannel and a beanie.

"Twins," I smiled.

"Yeah we are twins and we have twins," he smiled. I walked and I heard them crying. I picked Kahlia up and rocked her but she kept crying. I then tried to feed them. They were still crying. I changed them and they calmed down a little but we're still crying. Bruno then came out the bathroom.

"Bruno come and help," I begged and he came and grabbed them both. They both went silent instantly.

"Daddy has magic," he smiled.

"Bruno's girls," I said. Presley then barged in with hella bags.

"Damn where you been," I asked.

"It was these guys chasing me," she said.

"Dammit Presley you forgot the milkshake and my ketchup," Bruno said. We looked at him in disbelief.

"They are so cute," Presley cooed.

"Not the point come on are you ok," I asked and she nods.

"Yeah can I hold them," she asked pushing everything off.

"That's if they let Bruno go," I chuckle.

"Come here to Auntie Presley," she said in a baby voice. I went and grabbed my chicken nuggets and fries and started to eat. I wander who is after us again? I think I know who it is.

1 week later~
Bruno's POV

"Baby girl wake up," I smiled at how cute she was all snuggled up on my chest.

"Baby it's your turn to change the diapers," she whines. There is a knock on the door and I try and get up but she clenches onto my shirt.

"You look just like Kailani and Kahlia," I smiled.

"They are my kids," she said in my chest.

"Well I gonna have to carry you," I said and she just laid there and I heard soft snores. I got up picking her up trying to wake her up but no she just held on tighter. I walked to the door and opened it. It was her dad.

"What the fuck is going on here," he asked.

"Shhhh," I whispered then pointing to her.

"Bruno baby be quiet," she said.

"Wake up,"I said walking to the couch and her dad and this woman followed.

"Shhhhh," she said putting her finger up to my lips.

"Jasmine," I groan. She then starts kissing me all over.

"What do you want like do you wanna get me pregnant again what's up what do you want," she asked.

"Umm your dads here," I said.

"Bruno really my dad is not here he doesn't even know where I am," she giggles kissing my neck.

"Oh wow has she always been this sexual," her dad said and she looked up.

"No just in the mornings," I smiled.

"Bruno I'm gonna go and shower," she said.

"Sit that ass down," I said and she sat on my lap.

"Why are you here," she asked rudely.

"Well we needed to see each other," he said.

"No we didn't you planted a tracking device on me so that Jessie could find me," I said.

"Look he was good kid," he said.

"Yeah yeah whatever," I said rolling my eyes.

"What is wrong with you," the lady asked.

"Nothing," she grumbled. I chuckled.

"Shut up Bruno it isn't funny," she said.

"Hey don't catch an attitude with me," I said.

"But your laughing," she pouted crossing her arms.

"Because you look like a baby," I said and she glared at me.

"Now who owns this shit," I asked and she giggled.

"You do," she smiled.

"Who owns what," the woman asked.

"Well he owns this house," she covered and I slapped her ass. The twins started to cry.

"Bruno baby please help me with them," she begged.

"You got this go get em tiger," I smirked.

"But they want daddy," she groaned.

"Your the morning person," I stated.

"Ok then you make breakfast," she smiled.

"Baby your the mom you do that while I get to work," I smiled.

"Your dirty," she said.

"I'm just kidding baby you know I love yo crazy ass," I said getting up. We walked to the kids room.

"Bruno baby they are the worst I swear they are crazy," she said and I smiled.

"They're your parents baby calm down," I said picking up Kahlia. She picked up Kailani.

"Hi baby," she smiled.

"Why you makin all that noise," she asked in a baby voice.

"I think they just wanna be held," I smiled.

"Yeah," she said. We walked out with the babies in our arms.

"Mom said I want you to meet Kailani and Kahlia," she said pointing to the kids.

"Please tell me your babysitting," her dad said.

"No these are my daughters," she smiled.

"Awe how old are they," her mother asked.

"A week," I said.

"So who's the babies father," her mom asked.

"Really ma look at them," she smiled. She looked at them and then looked up at me.

"Damn how could I be so blind," she said.

"Shit," her dad yelled.

"Daddy m I know what your worried about and I have everything under control," she assured.

"Yeah whatever," he sighed.

"Look she's not a baby anymore James look at her family she is complete," her mom said.

"Bruno baby she's going back to sleep," she said.

"Yeah she is too," I smiled.

"Can I hold them," the mother asked and we nodded.

"Dad me and Bruno are going to get married in a couple months," she said and he smiled wide.

"That's great," he said and I smiled kissing her cheek. Life is perfect and I don't want anyone or anything to ruin it.

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