sleeping pills; d.w + b.u

By sewerbat

51.4K 2.8K 2.1K

we'll get out soon ©peachtyler More

hiatus </3
chile. anyways..


2.2K 134 43
By sewerbat

:listens to no phun intended while writing fanfiction:
Brendon's POV
I heard the door click and death walked through the door. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but he looked dead. Somehow to me he was attractive though. You know in a way that made me want to get to know the dead boy.

Dallon I think his name was was wearing a navy blue button up shirt with black skinny jeans and a bowtie. Interesting choice. His eyes looked like a dull blueish grey color and sad. The bags under them really sold the whole sad look. His cheeks were sunken in and his legs and arms were thin. When my eyes traveled down and I looked at his wrists, I saw bandages on them, both going the whole way up his arms. Oh.

Call me crazy for wanting to know him, but he seemed... interesting.

"Um..... hi" I said. Come on Brendon! Be more confident!

He gave me a small, weak nod with no expression on his face then walked over to his side of the room to unpack. Okay then. No need to be fucking rude.

"My names Brendon" I said quickly. I was mentally facepalming, could this get anymore awkward?
I saw him unpack a white board and a dry erase marker and write something down.

Hey Brendon my names Dallon" it said.

I gave him a confused look.

"Why aren't you talking? Did someone tell you something about me? Do you think I'm a freak? Am I being a bother? I said while looking at the ground. See Brendon, he just got here and he already hates you. I shook my head and looked up slowly, seeing a concerned Dallon.

"No! It's not you at all. It's just that my family died in a car accident last year, so why should I talk if they don't have an option? You know?" he wrote

I nodded understanding and walked over to my bed and sat down.
"So I have group therapy in five minutes, are you coming?"

He nodded and started towards the door so we could get to therapy.

Right before we left the room I made a promise.

I promise that I will get Dallon to talk. Get him to smile.
i updated this at the park fight me irl

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