
By gonertj

176 45 21

Lolly, a normal child like you and me! She has a few tumbles and downers in her life but what surprises her... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 6

11 4 0
By gonertj

We have finally arrived in LONDON!!!!! We got off and once again were greeted with screaming and crying fans...but this time the boys formed a protective barrier around me so I wasn't touched by any nasty fans. We got through safely and I wasn't hurt. As soon as we hoped in the car I had to say out loud "I wasn't touched this time!" I added a little dance with it as well, Michael high five me and gave me a hug, Luke clapped like a 2 year old. Ashton smiled and Calum was...I don't even know what he was doing, he had a blank expression on his face. "Hey Cal are you okay?" I asked in a worried tone. Hey looked up from his daze and gave me an unconvincing smile and nodded his head. "If you ever want to talk to me, I'm here for you okay?" I said, giving him a reassuring smile, he just smiled back and nodded.

It took a while for our driver to find the One Direction house, but we eventually arrived there. I was the first out of the car, and since I was so eager to meet them, I walked straight up to the door and knocked, not worrying about my bags because I knew they would be brought in for me. The door opened and Liam Payne stood there with a smile on his face, "You must be Lolly!" He said, I nodded and gave him a friendly hug. "Well come on in, I can see the boy trying to carry all the bags now, hahaha, i'll go give 'em a hand, make yourself at home, the others are in the lounge room!" I smiled and made my way in. I walked to what I assumed was the lounge room and saw everyone sitting down on the lounge, and by everyone I mean just the boys of One Direction, not their girlfriends as I was still eat to meet them and they wanted to let me settle in for a few weeks and then they would meet me. I was okay with that. I walked straight in, all eyes were then on me, hahaha, they probs thought I was a fan. I laughed at their expression, they were priceless. "Aha, why are you laughing and why are you in here?" "I'm laughing because of your faces and i'm in here because i'm a Hemmings!" I explained to them. Their faces lit up as they got up and walked over to me, giving me a welcoming hug and peck on the cheek. I hugged them back. The other boys, along with Liam came into the room with my bags and theirs. Michael came up to me and picked me up, putting me over his shoulder. I crossed my arms and smacked his back. "This is for being rude and not carrying your own bags!" He said, sounding annoyed. I huffed and he carried me over to the lounge, throwing me on it, it hurt my leg a little bit, but I didn't care, but to make Michael regret it, I screamed out in pain as if it hurt me a lot. He turned around with a flash of regret and horror on his face. "L, I'm so sorry, i didn't mean it, I swear!" He said sounding worried. I gave him puppy dog eyes but that didn't last long as I started to laugh. Harry was watching us laughing his head off as well. "Hahahahahahahahaha, Michael, babe, I tricked you. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!" I said while laughing. He glared at me and shook his head. "No kisses for you until tomorrow!" He whispered in my ear. "Okay, it will kill you but not me, just remember you made the deal, not me." I said back. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE, IT WILL GIVE US THE CHANCE TO GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER!" Louis screamed. "OMG YASSS!" I screamed back. We sat down on the floor in a circle and started to play. "I wanna start!" Luke whined. "Okay, we will go around in a circle, Luke, Michael, Lolly, Me, Harry, Liam, Ashton, Niall, Calum then Zayn." We nodded our heads. "Luke, truth or dare?" Michael asked. I knew Luke too well, he always picks truth before he does a dare, but me on the other hand, I pick dare because I'm punk rock. "Truth" Luke replied. Ha, I knew it. "Okay, Do you have a crush?" "Yes I do!" "Okay, Michael, truth or dare?" I asked. "Dare" He replied. "I dare you to take your clothes off, but, stay in your boxers cause nobody wanna see whats underneath." I dared. He took his clothes off and left his boxers on, he picked me up and put me on his lap, "To keep me warm" He whispered in my ear. "Lolly, truth or dare?" Louis asked. "Dare!" I said excitedly. "I dare you to....wiggle around on Michaels lap for 2 minutes!" He laughed evilly. Michael went wide eyed and shook his head. I smiled and started to wiggle. He was trying to stop me but it wasn't working. "Louis, truth or dare?" Harry asked. "Truth" He answered. "Have you done it with El?" Harry asked. Louis' face went red and he looked down. "Yes" He answered, Harry then spoke up saying "Hahahahaha, wow, Lou, growing up too quick." We continued around till it came back to Michael. "Michael, Truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth" he answered. "Are you feeling uncomfortable?" I asked. He blushed and nodded his head. Everyone burst out into laughter while I stroked his cheek, "Awww, pity I cant kiss you isn't it?" I said. He just shook his head and a laugh escaped his throat. "Alright, L, your turn, truth or dare?" Louis asked. "Truth" I decided this time.

The game went on for a few rounds until we ended up, be prepared, we ended up drunk and with barely any clothes on. My dare was to take my bra off, I was drunk but not drunk enough, I didn't want my brother to see me naked, eww gross. So I got up,walked out of the room took my bra off and wrapped a towel around my chest. I walked back downstairs, all eyes were on me trying to see if I had actually done what I was dared. "Awww, L! No towels allowed!" Louis wined. I laughed. "Lou you have a girlfriend and I don't want the other Hemmo to see me naked! Michael only!" I said giving Luke a death glare but then smiling sweetly at Michael. He laughed and grabbed me by my waist and sat me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist but secretly moved his hands up so they were funnelling my breasts. I silently giggled. "Lou's turn!" i screamed. He jumped up and did a yay and sat back down, we all laughed at his response."Lou, truth or dare?" Harry asked. "Dare!" Louis exclaimed confidently. "I dare you to take your boxers off!" Harry dared, with a big smile on his face as he knew this would make Lou uncomfortable and embarrassed if he knew what he did last night. "Okay! Its not like you guys haven't seen it before!" He said with a sly grin. He took his boxers off and sat back down, all the boys were laughing like crazy while I was shaking my head. Boys are so immature. "Harry, truth or dare?" Liam asked. "DARE!" He yelled, obviously drunk. "Take your clothes off!" Liam dared. Soon everyone had no clothes on, they had their underwear on of course because that would be just plain disgusting, I was pretty amazed by how fit the boys were. They were all extremely drunk by this time as I wasn't but I was pretending to be, Michael wasn't as drunk either but he acted very drunk. "I know you aren't drunk" Michael whispered in my ear. I giggled and felt him smile on my shoulder. We continued to play, by this time it was 12:35 am and I was pretty tired. "Lolly! Truth or dare?" Louis asked. "Dare" I said, sighing as I was extremely tired. "I dare you to tell your most embarrassing secret" He said with a smirk on his face. I immediately turned red. All the boys were staring at me, Luke had his hands over his ears and his head down, they won't remember this in the morning, I hope! I turned around so I was facing Michael's chest up. I told it to them I was redder than I had ever been before. The boys were laughing at me while Michael was staring at me. I could feel him tense up NOT LIKE THAT YOU DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE, because I was a bit sad and extremely embarrassed. Awww, little Mikey wikey is getting protective off me. I yawned and Michael heard me "L, you can fall asleep, I'm sure as soon as it's your turn and they get no response from you, they will stop and go to bed" He whispered in my ear. I nodded and closed my eyes, I don't know hat happened next as I was out like a light.

Authors Note:
I'm going to posts as many chapters as I can until I'm up to were I'm writing now!! xx

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