(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry U...

Por HTK200

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Second part to (Eren X Annie Book 1) Painkiller Enjoy! ---I don't own characters from Attack on Titan--- Más

Chapter 1 Died?
Chapter 2 Alive...
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Pursuit of-WHAT?
Chapter 5 Twins?!
Chapter 6 New Family Member and Surprises
Chapter 7 Friends or Enemies
Chapter 8 Plans
Chapter 9 Fight of Both Friends and Enemies
Chapter 10 Love is Awakening, Proposal, and Child
Chapter 11 Return Home
Chapter 12 The Night before the Wedding
Chapter 13 Wedding Day
Chapter14 Honeymoon Day 1
Chapter 15 Honeymoon Day 2: Child
Chapter 16 Honeymoon Day 3, The Past Is The Past, right?
Chapter 17 Honeymoon Day 4, Fighting Levi
Chapter 18 Girl Chat
Chapter 19 (Final HM) Reiner Vs Eren
Chapter 20 I'm Pregnant!
Chapter 21 Birth
Chapter 22 Babies

Chapter 23 Christmas

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Por HTK200

//Eren POV//

"Okay, Annabelle...write A...A." Eren told his now 6 year old daughter.

"Okay, Papa." Annabelle nodded and slowly wrote a mushy A on the blank sheet of paper.

"Ok, good. Now try B." Eren smiled. But he stopped when he heard the door open and heard his beautiful wife.

"I'm HOME!" Annie shouted and Annabelle stood up at the sound of her mother.

"Mama!" Annabelle shrieked with joy as she ran out of the room and with right behind her smiling.

"Wait for me, honey." Eren laughed.

"No! I'm going to beat you to Mama!" Annabelle shrieked.

"Oh no!!!!" Eren playfully acted. "Mama is mine!!"


"Huh? Annabelle?" Eren heard Annie as well as her footsteps that were coming up the stairs. Eren stood back as Annabelle hid at the corner, waiting for her mother to come up the stairs. "Where are you guys?"

"Surprise!!" Annabelle shouted as she launched herself at Annie's legs and hugs them. "I got you Mama!"

"Oh?! Annabelle!" Annie smiled as she lifted their daughter up. "Come here!"

"Mama! Mama!" Annabelle laughed as Annie swung her around.

"Hey, honey." Eren greeted his wife.

"Hi, Eren." Annie smiled as he approached her. He hugs her and she wraps one arm around him and kisses him.

"So, is Mikasa and Jean coming for Christmas?" he asked.

"Yeah, Erica is coming as well. My Dad said he is coming as well and Sasha said she might show up as well." Annie said.

"Mom told me she is coming here for Christmas as well. I also got a call from Ymir that she and Historia are coming back to Smallville. They should be here after everyone has arrived." Eren said as Annie gave Annabelle to him and he held her in his arms. Annie reached into her bag and pulls out a teddy bear with a red ribbon on it.

"HA! Mama! You got Gabe's present!" Annabelle smiled.

"Yeah, so when you're cousin arrives. You can give it to him." Annie smiled.

"I will!"

"Okay, since everyone is coming over tonight, we should get the house cleaned up." Eren told them. "You two clean the house inside and I'll decorate the outside of the house."

"Hai!!" Annie and Annabelle said. He put Annabelle down and they went downstairs to get started.

//Annie POV//

---5 Hours Later---

"Haaaa...I'm tired." Annie dropped down to the couch as she finished cleaning the house, putting a small Christmas tree and decorated it. Then she went to prepare a turkey she had for tonight.

"Mama, you sleep and I'll cook." Annabelle suggested and Annie giggled at her cuteness.

"No honey. Everything is been taken care of...well...do you want to put the presents under the tree?" Annie asked her and Annabelle eyes light up with joy.

"Okay!" Annabelle grinned and ran to get started.

She looks like how I expected her to look. So cute! Annie thought and smiles as she watched her daughter put the presents under the tree. Annie then thought of putting some music so she took out her I-Phone. The same I-Phone Eren gave her before their wedding and connected it to the speakers.

The sound of guitars started and Eren's voice sounded off as he started to sing in the I-Phone. She recognized the song; it was the song Lullaby by Nickelback. She turns to Annabelle when she heard the song as well.

"That's Papa's voice!" Annabelle shouted happily.

"You're right, Annabelle." Annie smiled.

"Papa! Papa's voice!" Annabelle sang as she dances around in a circle.

"Hey, isn't that the song from the I-Phone I gave you, love?" Eren said as he walked into the living room.

"Papa! Your voice is on Mama's phone!" Annabelle shrieked.

"Is that so? Well that's good. Means that I'm with your Mama always." Eren told her before turning to look at his wife. "You still have that old thing?"

"Of course I do, idiot." Annie told him with a pout. "It's precious to me...you gave it to me."

"Of course, sorry." Eren smiled as he sat down beside her. "You tired, love?"

"Yeah...did you finish decorating the front?"

"Yeah and I also mowed the front lawn and brushed the leaves off the porch." Eren sighed. "I'm tired."

"Let's watch a movie then." Annie suggested. He nodded and she looks at her daughter to see her panting and already finished putting the present in. "Annabelle, honey. Do you want to watch a movie with us?"

"Okay, Mama." Annabelle nodded her pretty head and sat between Annie and Eren.

---2 Hours---

The guests have arrived; first it was Sasha and Armin where Sasha was drooling for food. Then Eren's mother and twin sister, Erica arrived and gives kisses to Annabelle. Then came Mikasa and Jean with their son, Gabe.

"Here you go, Gabe!" Annabelle handed the teddy bear to her cousin.

"Thank you! Here's your present!" Gabe smiled as he gave her a stuff Dog.

"Thank you!"

Next came Levi and his wife, Petra, who was now pregnant with his child. Then Ymir and Historia arrived, holding hands, showing that they were a couple.

"Aunt Historia! Aunt Ymir!" Annabelle shouted as she rushed at them for a hug.

And finally, Annie's father arrived who was now living outside of Smallville like Eren and Annie. Annie walked up to her father and hugs him tightly.

"I'm so glad that you came, Daddy." Annie smiled.

"I wouldn't miss this Christmas for the world." her father smiled.

"Grandpa!" Annabelle rushed at him and jumps while wrapping herself for a hug.

"Oh! Look how much you've grown!" he chuckled. "How old are ya? 5?"

"I'm 6 now, Grandpa." Annabelle told him as she lets go and lifts six fingers up to show him. "See! 1,2,3,4,5,6!"

"Ohh! You know how to count!"

"Yes!" Annabelle nodded as Annie kissed her daughter's blond hair.

//Eren POV//

Eren stood outside on the porch drinking down a cup of wine with Armin. The cold wind blowing gently on Eren's face and he shivered a bit.

"So how's work?" Armin asked.

"Good and the pay is getting a lot better. Money is never a problem for me...and you?" Eren asked.

"Same, making designs for companies. I'm considering making my own company." Armin smiled. "It was Sasha's idea."

"Ah! I see." Eren understood and laughs. "Look at us now...grown up."

"Married." Armin added.

"Have a kid."

"I'm about to..." Armin said and it caught Eren by surprise.

"Sasha's pregnant!"


"Congratulation, man!"

"Thanks..." Armin poured more wine into their cups and lifted it up.

"Half as long..." Eren said.

"Twice as bright." Armin finished as their cups gently hit each other and they drink it down.

They went back inside to see everyone eating and having a great time. Eren looks at Armin and smiles before sitting down beside his wife and daughter. After that, it was time to open presents.

"This one is from Mama and Papa!" Annabelle said with joy.

"Well, open it." Annie smiled. Eren reached over to the stack and pulls out Annie's present he got for her.

"Here." Eren said as he handed the present to Annie. It was a small box and inside was a surprise he knew Annie will like.

"Huh? For me?" Annie asked as she rips opens the wrappings and opens to the box to see a necklace. There was a locket in the shape of heart and she opens it to see her, Eren and Annabelle in it. Her eyes shined as tears of joy threaten to come out of her eyes. "Oh, my god...Eren...it's so beautiful!"

"I knew will like it." Eren smiled.

"Here" Annie then handed him a small box that she seemed to have hidden it in the pockets of her jacket.

"What is it?" Eren asked and opens it to see a necklace as well. Except this one had a small key attached to instead of a locket. "A key?"

"Think of it as the key to my heart." Annie whispered in his ear and kiss his cheek. He looks at her and they smile at each other.

"Merry Christmas, Annie."

---2 Years Later---

"Annabelle! Honey, ready for school?" Eren heard his wife call to their now 8 year old daughter. "Eren, hurry up or we'll leave without you."

"Hai, Mama!" Annabelle shouted from her room.

"Coming, love." Eren said as he walks out of his office.

Annabelle was outside with Annie and sees her smiling towards her husband. He smiles back as he walks towards them.

"I'm in 3rd grade now, Papa!" Annabelle smiled proudly.

"Good job, Annabelle." Eren smiled as he got in the car with them.

---Two Months Later---

Eren was now laying on the grass with Annabelle playing with the grass around her. He closed his eyes and thinks back to his life.

All he could see was the day he met Annie...how they met...how they enjoyed each other's company. The way she would punch him whenever he teased her. When they would talk and walk anywhere together.

Then when they were together at last. How he sang to her...for her...how he was always there for her and her being there for him. Nothing has changed...her eyes, her smile. Her hair...her expressions...he could remember everything they had done for each other.

He could remember the battles he fought to protect her and how she would did the same.

Then Eren sees himself like it was dream...standing beside the other him was Annie with a smile on her face. They held hands and turn around...walking to a field filled with roses and beautiful flowers. Someone ran past him...and Eren recognized her as his daughter running after the other him and the other Annie. More people walked past him. Erica, Mikasa, Jean, Armin...Sasha, Ymir, Historia, Bertholdt, Reiner, his mother, Annie's father, Levi, and Petra...and last his own father. They all walked towards the great field...and Eren wakes up by the sound of a lovely voice.

"Honey! Annabelle!" It was Annie's voice and he sits up to see her smiling as the wind blew flowers around her. Her white dress and her now long blonde hair blowing to the beat of the wind like in sync.

"Mama!" Annabelle smiled. Eren simply smiles to her...the love of his life and to small life he cherishes since she was born.

For Eren, this is all he would want...

His family...


(Yes, this is the last chapter. Sadly but it's been fun. But not the end of their stories, imagine how they are now. How they are living now with a peaceful life.)

(Also, I'm planning on writing a new story that isn't Attack On Titan. Two stories i have plan to write but i can't decide. It is either Blue Exorcist or Mirrai Nikki(Future Diary, with a completely new story line to it.) )

(Blue Exorcist: Rin X Shiemi)

(Mirrai Nikki: Yuki X Yuno)

Your guys choice. Comment to answer and I'll check on Sunday, 8/30/15.

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