Still Get Jealous

By ThatOneBoyNicholas

260 10 6

Dean Winchester is still working through his feelings after the break up, and he's almost come to peace with... More



64 3 0
By ThatOneBoyNicholas

"Dean, I wasn't being serious when I said you could be late. You're my ride. You have to make sure I get there on time. What you do afterwards doesn't concern me." Sam groaned as he aggressively shook his brother. "That's it, I'm getting a bucket of water."

"Your petty threats don't scare me." Dean mumbled against his pillow as Sam left the room.

Sam returned with a pitcher full of water and stood by the bottom of the bed. "You gonna get up?"

"You're not gonna do it. So no."

Sam threw the pitcher forward and splashed the water all over his brother. He bolted out of the room afterwards, shutting the door behind him. He knew Dean would be pissed. But pissed and on time is better than happy but late. He mentally counted down in his head, waiting for Dean's explosion. Three, two, one.

"Sam! I swear to god I'm going to kill you."

Sam sat at the table smirking to himself and waiting. "Oh, calm down. It's Friday, Becca and Zach's annual 'Start of School Party' is tonight. That's something to look forward to."

Dean marched out in the kitchen and smacked Sam on the head. "We're even for today. Only because I know that party is going to be awesome."

They rode to school in silence. Dean still hadn't forgotten what Sam planned to do today. And it made him uneasy. Sam's study hall was right before lunch and science was after that. Classes were shortened slightly so there was time for clubs at the end of the day, so maybe they wouldn't get a chance to talk.

But Dean was wrong, Sam had texted Cas before the school day even started and told him to sit next to him in study hall. Luckily they were still close friends after the break up so it wasn't awkward or anything.

Cas walked in with a few of his senior buddies, chuckling at whatever they just said. He saw Sam and parted from the group to sit with him. Sam thought he saw him release someone's hand, but figured he'd seen wrong. Cas walked over with a smile.

"Hey Sam, what ya been up to? Didn't really get a chance to talk much this summer."

Sam smiled, glad that Cas was so friendly. "School, Jess, more things to do with school. Someone said sophomore year was the hard so I wanted to be prepared."

"I bet you studied or at least looked at all the curriculum you're supposed to study this year."

"Guilty as charged." Sam chuckled.

Cas nodded as he took out a textbook and notebook from his bag. "So you said you needed to talk?"

"Yeah..." Sam paused, he wasn't sure how to word this. "If it's okay, I'd like to ask what your feelings are about my brother."

Cas looked at him with a confused expression, but nodded anyway. "Well, I don't hate him if that's what you're asking."

"Thank God," Sam mumbled in relief.

"I mean there's part of him I hate, but I've learned to get over it. I still think he's a great guy and I hope we can get back to the point of having normal conversations again. I don't want him to be mad at himself forever."

"So would you ever consider dating him again? I mean. Not trying to be weird or anything..."

Cas scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well I don't want to say no, but I can't exactly say yes."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm not exactly available to be manipulated by Dean Winchester's good looks and bedazzling personality. I'm in the pre stages of a relationship."

"With who?!" Sam asked more aggressively than planned.


Sam paused for a moment, speechless. "You have got to be kidding me. Seriously, Crowley? Like Crowley."

"Yes, Sam. Crowley. Why is that so surprising?"

Sam just casually shrugged. "I just figured you had a little more standards than that."

"You're such an ass. Goodbye." Cas went to walk away, but Sam jerked him back down.

"I'm not trying to be rude. It's just that I liked you and Dean together. But if Crowley makes you happy then I'm happy for you." Sam said. "Just don't use him to distract yourself from my brother or anything like that. I think you two deserve each other."

Cas sighed. "I don't have to distract myself from your brother, Sam. I'm fine with or without him. Why did you ask anyway?"

"He's been hopelessly in love with you since day one. I think being apart only makes that blatantly obvious to him." Sam looked down at the table when he said that. "He's just sad and it makes me sad sometimes."

"Look, Sam-"

"I'm not trying to guilt trip you into dating him. It's kinda what I feel like I'm doing and I just wanted you to know I wasn't."

Cas smiled and patted his shoulder. "Look Sam, I know what you're saying. I haven't given up on your brother. And in the end if there's a chance to work things out, I will. I'm just taking other chances right now. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you. I mean for everything. Even if you and Dean don't work out you've still given him some of his best memories."

Cas smiled slightly. "Yeah, and the same for me. You guys have definitely made an impact on my life. I promise I'll always be here. For both of you."

"Thanks Cas, but I think your boyfriend wants you. He's giving me the evil eye."

"He's not my boyfriend yet. We're just friends at the moment."

Sam chuckled as Cas stood up. "I like it better way though."

"Of course you would. I'll see you around kiddo." Cas said with a chuckle as he walked away.

Sam glared at him as he sat down. "He called me kiddo." He said to himself.

Sam sat on his own for the rest of the period, waiting for the bell to ring for lunch. He wasn't excited to see Dean. He felt bad for even talking to Cas about it now. He just wasn't expecting Cas to be seeing someone. Especially not Crowley.

As he approached Dean at the lunch table he could see his hopeful look. "Hey, what's up?"

"Its school, Sammy. It doesn't change. Anything new with you?"

Sam knew what Dean was hinting at. "Yeah, I talked to Cas."

"And??" Dean leaned forward.

"Well he doesn't hate you."


"But he's not exactly single at the moment."

Dean stared at him. "Excuse me?"

"He's, and I quote, 'in the pre relationship stage with Crowley."

"Excuse me?!"

Sam frowned. "I hate it just as much as you do."

Dean shook his head. "I don't even believe you."

Sam pointed behind him. "Believe that."

Dean turned around to see Cas and Crowley at the table behind them. Crowley was way to close to him for Dean to be comfortable with it. And Crowley's hand was on his arm. Which really irritated Dean.

Dean spun around as quick as he could. "Oh. Ha. Fuck that. Nope. Not mad. Not mad at all. Who the fuck cares man? Not me. Nope."

Jess sat her lunch tray and looked at him curiously. "You okay there Dean?"

"I'm fucking fine!"

Sam pulled out her chair and smiled. "He's just cranky because he saw Cas being a little too friendly with Crowley."

Dean jerked forward and poked a finger into Sam's chest. "No, Crowley was being a bit too friendly with Cas. He could be in agonizing pain right now."

Jess tilted her head and signed. "Awwe, it's like a mad puppy."

"Screw everyone." Dean shoved a fry in his mouth and growled lowly.

"He'll be okay, he's just cranky right now." Sam said to Jess.

"I can see that," she said with a giggle.


Dean was surprisingly the first in Mr. Elliot's room for science. He watched the students file in, keeping and eye out for Cas.

He saw him standing by the door with Crowley, laughing at whatever was said. Dean scowled as Crowley leaned close and kissed his cheek.

Dean scowled at them. "Really? Fucking seriously. That's supposed to be my job. God, I hate him."

Cas walked over with a smile and sat next to Dean. "What's wrong today, grumpy?"


"Oh, come on. Tell me."

Dean spun around to face him. "No. It's not important. It's stupid. I shouldn't be mad that Crowley kissed you. It shouldn't bother me. So I shall just mull it over myself, thanks."

Cas chuckled slightly. "Are..are you jealous?"


"You are! Wow, and if ever I told someone this they'd tell me I was crazy. Dean Winchester is actually jealous." Cas smiled. "I think it's cute."

"Please stop. I know Sam talked to you."

Cas shrugged. "Yeah, and I didn't mind it. I missed talking to you guys."

"Yeah, well I miss talking to you too Cas."

Cas smiled. "Well, we should get to work then, don't ya think?"

Dean groaned. "No, not really," but he open his textbook anyway.

Ayye almost 1550 words whoop whoop. Seriously writing chapters this long is an improvement for me.

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