My Protector [h.s completed]

By writedontfight

81.1K 1.7K 155

Scarlett in some major trouble. But she doesn't know it yet. Harry is assigned to protect her. Once she finds... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Not an update but please read
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Second Epilogue
I'm Back Baby

Chapter 1

8.4K 69 9
By writedontfight

"Come on honey you are already late!" I hear my dad yell from the bottom of the staircase, I pull on my woollen jumper and grab my scarf and beanie from my dresser. The scarf is around my neck and my beanie is placed on top of my head as I take the stairs two at a time. I reach the bottom and hurry off to the kitchen to see my dad with a black coffee in one hand, and the newspaper in the other. 

"Well I'm here and ready and you aren't" I say in defence. He is supposed to take me to school this morning. I didn't even have time to dry my hair and he gets to have a cup of coffee!? This is highly unfair.

"Your brother is taking you this morning young one, I'm just here to tell you to move your tail!" He says motioning to the driveway where I see my brother waiting in his car for me. I mumble my apologies to dad and hurry out the door. I do not want to risk having to walk in this weather. I pull open the door and immediately feel the cold hitting my face, well thats England for you, I guess there aren't many surprises there.

"Hey close the door quickly your letting the cold air in!!" Derek says harshly when I pull open the car door.

"Sorry "I say simply pulling the door close trying not to let the warmth from the heater escape the car. I pull on my safety belt and Derek pulls out of the driveway and drives us in the direction of school. I feel a vibrate in my pocket alerting me that I have a new text, no surprise that it's my friend Holly telling me all the interesting things that happen at school. She gets there really early and tells me what I should be aware of, what boys are in the corridor, whether to pack lunch or risk the cafeteria, the list goes on. She has definitely saved my skin many times.


The Blondes are the typical model teenage girls that every guy trips over on a daily basis. Considering they have dated pretty much every hot guy ever to attend our high school, they are probably fighting over who gets dibs on the fresh meat. I quickly shoot her a quick text back.


(It can't hurt to try)

I almost slip on some frozen snow as I hurry to get into school because of 2 reasons:
1: New boy obviously!
2: I would rather not freeze today.
Holly's face looks some what relieved when she see's me walk through the front doors, she rushes over quickly towards me and practically drgas me through the hallway. 
"So this is what I've found out so far. His name is Harry, he's 17, raised in Cheshire and is absolutely gorgeous!" She speeds through this info at about a million miles an hour.
"Wait have you actually seen him" I raise an eyebrow at her.
"Well no but I heard Sara and Jess talking about it at the water fountain and then to confirm it was true I saw the blondes wandering down the hallways looking very determined!" She says whilst dragging me to homeroom.
"Really all you know about him is his name, age and what he supposedly looks like! Girl he's probably not even attractive"
"No no no no no I can tell I have that tingling feeling, apparently he is a bit of a bad boy! You know listens to fall out boy continuously, tattoos, that kind of thing" My heart drops as she reveals this new information.
"He is all yours, you know I dont like bad boys!!" I sigh, taking my seat next to hers waiting for Mr Jones our form teacher to arrive.
"Oh no come on Scarlett, you know I have my eye on Will Tanner, this guy is so totally gonna be you!!" Holly insists nudging me playfully.
"The answer is no Holly!!" I say again when silence falls across the room. Mr Jones appears at his desk accompanied by someone else.

"Good morning all, it's a bit chilly out there eh" He says chuckling to himself, I quite like Mr Jones, he's also my english teacher so he's pretty relaxed about everything and doesn't take himself to seriously. "We have a new student joining us today who will be with us for the rest of the year, everyone this is Harry and Harry this is everyone" He says gesturing to the boy who we now know is Harry. I have to say he is a pretty attractive guy, quite tall, gorgeous green eyes, curly hair which is just so adorable, and you can see his muscles even under his sweater. Harry smiles at all of us and says hello...okay he has dimples and a very deep voice. Could this guy be anymore gorgeous. I realise I am staring and divert my eyes back to my desk where my hands have become so very interesting. It's not until Mr Jones speaks again do I look up.

"And to help Harry around to all of his classes, uhhh let me see..." He trails of looking at what I'm guessing is Harry's transfer papers."Scarlett are you here?" I hear my name and look up at Mr Jones. "Fantastic, Scarlett you will be helping Harry out with his classes and getting him all adjusted to his schedule and so on" I feeling of dread creeps into my stomach. I can't function properly around boys, I'm sure it's a medical disorder I have and I should be on medication. Harry makes his way over and sits down in the empty seat beside me. Without turning my head I can feel Holly's smile on me. Harry extends his hand towards me.

"I'm Harry" He says simply, adding a small smile at the end. Praying that my hands aren't sweaty, I join hands with his and shake it.
"It's nice to meet you Harry, I'm Scarlett" I say keeping my voice as calm and uninterested as I can. This was going to be tough.

*Harry's P.O.V*
*Earlier that day*
Frank had woken me up early for this new assignment, man I need my sleep but of course not, classes start early. He is already at his desk when I come down the stairs, chucking on a sweater as I go. A cup of coffee is waiting for me which perks up my mood just a tiny bit.

"What have we got?" I ask him after sipping my drink, we had to debrief first thing before I leave.
"Her name is Scarlett Munroe" He says pulling out her file Frank put together. Frank pulls out a picture and hands it to me. Quite a pretty girl she is. Long brown hair, blue eyes and appears to be quite fit. "This is her schedule which is now your schedule, enjoy calculus my friend" He chuckles handing me more pieces of paper. 

"Her father is Jack Munroe, yes the Jack Munroe. He contacted us to look after Scarlett because he believes they are in danger"
"What about the brother" I cut him off quickly, having remembered there was a mention of her having a brother who lives at home.
"He's skipping the country tonight, she thinks he is going with some friends on their O.E. According to Jack though they don't talk much anyway. 
"You need to get close to her, make her trust you because eventually she will have to find out all of this"
"What does she know about her fathers career?"
"She has been lead to believe he is an accountant" Frank says simply turning around to face me.
"Are you sure you can handle this Harry?"
"Of course I can, I am a teenager Frank, I know how to be one. Plus all I have to do is follow a teenage girl around school, this is a piece of cake" I reply immediately.
"Harry, she isn't just some ordinary teenage girl, if she was she wouldn't need protection against possible hitman."
"Look I got this alright, I will update you at break" I reply quickly shoving on my coat and making my way towards the door. I hear Frank wish me luck as I close the door behind me. This was not my first job. I have been doing work with the Secret Service for a number of years, but of course every case is different. I just didn't know how different this would be.

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