Everything Has Changed

By forever_Jen_

9.9K 227 15

A/N- I wrote this when I was 11, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! "I wasn't expecting any of this to happen. I thought... More

Chapter 1- Home
Chapter 2- Everythings Changed
Chapter 3- The Fight
Chapter 4 - The Party
Chapter 5- I Hate Guys
Chapter 6- Photographs
Chapter 7- This Shit Just Got Real
Authors Note
Chapter 8-My Life has Turned Into A Horror Movie
Chapter 9- Thats so Cliché
Chapter 11- A Past That Will Never Be Forgotten
Chapter 12- Aria Hunter
Chapter 13- I Have a Plan
Chapter 14- He Can Go Back To The Hell Hole He Came From
Chapter 15- You knew?!
Chapter 16- Fights, Mishaps, and Broken Hearts
Chapter 17- Then It Went Black
Im back!
Hello Again!

Chapter 10- Prom

323 10 0
By forever_Jen_

"Claire! Wake up, it's prom!" Kayla says  obviously happy

" I am aware, now let me sleep" I say pulling the covers over my head

"Oh no you don't" she pulls the curtains open to reveal the shining sun.

"It's too bright! Turn it off"

"Geez, you act like your a vampire" I laugh at this.

"Do you have a dress yet?" Kayla asks

"No. I am lazy"

"WHAT?! We have to get going now then" she says

"Uggghhh why can't I wear something I already own?"

"Because this is junior prom Claire"

She pulls me out of bed, grabs my hand and starts dragging me downstairs and out the door, while I am wearing my pajamas.


"Do we really have to do this?"

"Yes Claire, this is one of the most important dances of your life"

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Your so dramatic".

"I am not, now go try these on" she shoves a pile of dresses in my hands and I see a bunch of colors.

"Fine" I say giving up and walking into the dressing room.

I get the first dress on and it's not my style at all. It's hot pink with frills at the  bottom.

"I am not wearing this one"

"But it's so pretty!" She whines

"Then you buy it"

"If I didn't already have a dress I would"

I roll my eyes and try the second dress on and I am in love with it. It is baby blue and even though I am not a sparkle type of girl I love the sparkles at the top. It almost reaches my knees.

"I want this one! This is the dress. I am buying it"

"I never thought I would here those words come out of your mouth. MY BEST FRIEND IS A GIRL!!! But seriously you look amazing, truly beautiful" Kayla says wiping away a fake tear

"Thanks?"  It came out as more of a question than an actual response.

Once I bought the dress, Kayla's exact words were:

"Okay, dress: check. Now onto hair, nails and make up. We have percisely 4 hours and 35 minutes until prom. There's not enough time! Let's go".

So she pulled me out the door to the beauty salon in the mall.

We walk in and it's empty. There are only workers here. Kayla taps on the front desk.

"Hello? We need to get our hair and make- up done"

"Yes of course ma'm, we have your appointment written down here" the Lady says. I am assuming her name is Hannah because that's what the name tag says.

"Great! Let's get started"

First we got out hair done, which by the way took 2 hours. Hannah curled my hair perfectly. My hair was hanging in waves at my waist. She also did my makeup perfectly to match my dress. She did a mix of blue eye shadow with white, and she did black eyeliner. Apparently it makes my brown eyes pop.

I take a look over at Kayla and see what they did with her. She got her hair colored a Carmel color, they curled it and put it in a updo.

"I look like Arianna Grande" Kayla says laughing so much that she's holding her stomach.

"No, you look fabulous" I say.


We finally get home and it is 7:45. Andrew and Carter -Kayla's boyfriend- said they would be here at 8. By the time we get dressed, it is exactly 8:00. The doorbell rings and I know it's the guys.

"Girls, Andrew and Carter are here!" Mary says.

"We'll be down in a minute" Kayla yells

"Okay Claire this is it!, you ready?"

"Kayla for the umpteenth time, it's just junior prom not my wedding" I say grabbing her shoulders.

"Okay but I still think it's important. Now let's get downstairs before our dates think we ditched them".

We walk down the stairs and I am holding onto the railing for dear life so I don't go tumbling down the stairs because of these stupid heals. I wish I could have worn sneakers but nooooo Kayla made a big deal.

We finally reach the last step and I couldn't be happier. I guess Drew caught onto my fear because he grabbed my hand and helped me walk.

"Wow" was all he said.

I twirled around "what do you think?"

"Wow" was all he said again

"Claire I think you rendered him speechless" Carter said and we all laughed.

"I think- you look- amazing, beautiful, hot, sexy, cute did I say amazing!" Drew said finally spitting out a sentence.

"Thanks, you don't look half bad either. You look handsome" I reached up and kissed him.

"Thanks Claire bear" he smiled.

"Your welcome Andrew the protector" we all laughed at this.

"You  still call him that?" Kayla laughs

"Carter so you are not confused, I call him Andrew the protector because when we were about seven, I was being bullied by this boy in our class and he said that he would punch me.  Then Drew stood in front of me and said I Andrew Mason am her protector! You want her? You have to get through me first".

"That's cute" Carter says and I can see a faint smile on his face. Out of all of the years I have known him, I have never seen Carter smirk, or laugh or smile.

"Alright picture time!" Mary says. She snaps like 50 pictures before Kayla finally says something.

"Okay mom that's enough we have to get going. We are already late as it is"

"Alright, have fun kids".

A limo pulls up and I give Kayla my signature death glare.

Seriously k? You had to go all fancy. It's not even our real prom, it's a junior prom.

She sends me a smirk as if to say "oh yeah I went there" and I roll my eyes at this.


When we go inside I see that the committee has gone all out. The theme is "Cinderella" so we are all dressed formal. They put a grand staircase for everyone that walks in. Also whenever someone walks in, they put the spotlight on you. There are streamers and a buffet and neon lights. There is even a live DJ.

"Wow, they went all out this year" I say

"Yup , come on guys lets dance" Kayla says as her beautiful purple dress flows as she moves.

Drew pulls me onto the dance floor and we away to the slow song playing.

"You really do look perfect" he says in my ear and I giggle.

Then he kissed me in the middle of the dance floor while everyone was watching.

This night could not have been any better.

This night was simply.perfect.
Hey guys I know this was a short chapter but I thought it was really sweet.

Overall I thought that this was a good chapter.

Vote, comment what you think.

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