The Boyfriend Factory

By PonPonWa

808 84 21

Eve Castro. Fangirl, nerd, and unrpoven-stalker. Ethan Stone - the popular playboy. When The Ethan's Stone's... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Ten

42 3 0
By PonPonWa

Fall. Brush. Fall. Brush.

This had become a normal routine for me as my hair kept falling over my face. Yes, it was doing pretty much what I'd wanted it to do – hiding what I didn't want to be seen – but I very much liked seeing generally. I huffed agitatedly, trying to brush the strands out my face. How annoying. I probably looked like a mop or some creepy troll, maybe even the girl from the Ring.

Leaving my hair out as its curly mess wasn't the smartest of ideas, but it was the best I had for the time being. The best I could do to cover up.

In the morning I had contemplated straightening it, just to get it out of the way a little easier, but I knew that wasn't anything like me, and I really didn't enjoy being picked out of the crowd. As usual, Violet had made some comment about it, like how I looked 'sexier than normal', or 'gorgeous', and as usual, I'd rolled my eyes and denied it.

Today had gone smoothly thus far, and it was back to being ignored as the quiet background girl. The rumour had mostly died out, and all I was getting now were curious glances that'd easily sweep away when they didn't find something they'd been looking for. And maybe the hair was actually helping with that too,

I smiled to myself at the thought. It was like I was being hidden behind all the curls – and it felt awesome. I readjusted my glasses and happily made my way down to my last lesson of the day. Doing great so far.

When I reached the door to my science class, I was dazed, deep in thought and mind all over the place. It had been like everything was back to normal – back to being the girl no one noticed, back to People-Watching as I made my way across the school building. Everything about it was great.

Till I slammed into someone at the classroom door.

I held my nose, groaning, and stumbled back, clutching my folders in hope they wouldn't slip out my hands and fall.

My eyes wandered up the figure I'd bumped into and I was about to mutter an apologetic sorry when I found Ethan staring down at me with an unreadable expression. My eyes widened and I remembered something important.

Oh yeah, he's in my Chemistry class. Sugar cookies.

We stood there staring at one another for a while, not saying a word. I watched his eyes wonder over my hair then back at me. I couldn't decipher exactly he was thinking because his expression wasn't giving anything away, but if I was even slightly correct there seemed to be a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Before I could painfully contemplate something to say, or wriggle my way out of the awkward situation, Ethan spun and headed into class without a word. I stood there blinking for a while till I gathered myself.

Right – no being seen with the matchmaker.

My shoulders relaxed and I headed in a while after him and to my seat that was across the class from him. Maybe two weeks ago or so I would've been slightly more offended, but it felt a little different now. It didn't bother me as much, and I felt pretty appreciative that he was following my rules now.

It was . . . Ok.

We didn't need any more unnecessary rumours starting up again anyway.

I got out my work books and listened half-heartedly to our teacher explaining something about bodies or anatomy. It seemed to be difficult to focus.

My eyes wondered over to him.

He looked so concentrated and calm, it was like I was looking at a completely different person. In class, I never had really noticed how he'd paid so much attention. And it finally took me a while to realize he was in my class for science – the higher class. Obviously he was living up well to his smartass status.

I looked around. None of his friends seemed to be here either. It was mostly filled with all us nerds and geeks, determined on actually focusing on the lesson. Of course, Ethan was the star of the class and mostly everyone's central attention – especially the girls' as usual – but there wasn't much disturbance.

His hand moved to sweep away a loose strand of hair, eyelashes fluttering each time he blinked. I noticed how his teeth would gently brush his bottom lip each time he contemplated a question or paused against a sentence. Somehow I couldn't stop looking.

He craned his neck, and suddenly he was staring back at me. I quietly gasped and quickly turned away, begging my cheeks not to blush. I could practically feel him smiling.

Way to slip up Eve.

Despite Ethan being in my class, he did seem to be on my mind a lot more too. Ever since that night, and ever since we'd started talking again. And more, at that.

For a while, I knew he was staring at me. I could feel his burning gaze, and I didn't know why. I let my hair slip past my ear, hoping to create a barrier between us. It had become nearly impossible to focus on my work.

Pull it together Eve, I mentally scolded myself. I wasn't about to let my grades drop due to one stupid guy. I wasn't the smartest in the class, but I was good enough to get into a top university or college if I put a little extra work into it.

I bit my bottom lip. I could still feel him staring.

Sugar cookies.

I now realized how stressful it was to have Ethan in my Chemistry class. Even if he was across the room, his mere presence was pretty much radiating – and it was killing. Me.

I felt my jaw throb. I winced at the sudden feeling and caressed the swollen spot with the tip of my fingers. The spot felt pretty hot, and there was a slight bump by now. My stomach twisted at the memory of how it had come to be.

I shut my eyes tight and willed both the pain and the image away.

I'd done by best to lower the swelling by putting some ice on it I'd bought from the supermarket with money I'd found in my jumper. I had to admit, it was pretty embarrassing to show up soaking wet from the rain in home clothes at a busy shop, then having to sit at a bus stop as people got on and off because I was too afraid to go home. The public library also apparently had a 'no wetness' policy. That day had felt like hell.

I clutched my stomach at the thought, my throat dry. I was glad the blow to my stomach hadn't been as horrible as my face or I didn't think I'd be able to cope with getting up in the morning.

It had also been a huge struggle to go home after nightfall too, but for once, luck had been on my side as both Mum and Jared weren't there.

Mum, I thought, frowning. I can't believe I just left here there with him. I groaned quietly in agony and held my head in the palm of my hand.

Everything had been such a whirlwind of emotions.

And something made me feel like it was only going to get crazier from here on out.

After what felt like the longest lesson of my life, the bell finally rang and I breathed a sigh of relief. The end of the day finally rolled by, and now I could get the hell out of here. As people started to file out of the class, I gathered my things and pondered across my thoughts. I'd better stop by the library to pick up some study books before I went home. My hands hovered on my bag for a moment. Home. I felt queasy. Anything to get away from home.

I felt a figure hovering by me and turned to look up at a familiar face who was staring down at me. He smiled. My stomach flipped.


"Did you do something with your hair?" Ethan asked nonchalantly, leaning against my table. His eyes never left mine. He cocked his head to the side innocently and if I wasn't mistaken he was fluttering his lashes. His gaze seemed to caress the profile of my hair. My eyes did a quick sweep of the classroom, watching people leave. I returned my attention to packing away.

"Do you think it's really as smart decision to be talking to me right now?" I said plainly, speeding up the packing up process, trying to do it as smoothly and not as clumsily as possible. Which I was totally failing at. Calm the frick down Eve. "Considering you're in the highest science class, I'd expect you to have a little bit of common sense." Ethan clutched his chest and feigned a playful pained expression.

"You wound me Nerdo," he gasped, his grin still wide. "I was trying to be nice. What, you don't find me cute?" He pouted.

I spluttered at the word.

"Yes – wait no, not . . . wait . . .No–, I" I fumbled for words, my cheeks flaming. Ethan looked amused to find me so flustered.

"If I wasn't mistaken, did you just agree that I was cute?"

"No such thing," I said agitatedly, slamming my folder shut. I turned to him and glared. "And after the whole ruckus with everyone thinking I was one of your blood-hound girls–" Ethan raised an eyebrow. "–I'd think you'd be a little more cautious with being seen with the same girl twice by now."

"And don't you think it would help if I showed a little interest in one girl? Maybe Brianna would get a little jealous."

"Yes, but I'd rather not that jealousy be directed at me," I said firmly. I glanced around the classroom again, noticing that pretty much everyone was gone, only two or three students left behind, some still catching up on work or asking the teacher about a specific question. No one payed us any attention.

My muscles relaxed a little.

"I'm sure you can take her on if push comes to shove," Ethan said, straightening as I slung my bag round my shoulder. "You're not that much shorter than her, I think."

"Quite the contrary," I replied flatly and started gathering my sheets up. Why so many things to pack away?! Even when I looked away, Ethan never stopped staring in my direction. My stomach fluttered and I mentally kicked myself. He was making me feel extraordinarily self-conscious all of a sudden. I looked back at him and tried not to freeze at his gaze. "She'd beat me to a bloody pulp with those expensive heels of hers."

Ethan laughed at that. It surprised me. It was a rich cheery laugh.

I bit my lower lip.

"Ok, fine. I guess my bet's on her winning then," he said with a grin. I rolled my eyes and got ready to leave the classroom when I started to notice he was following after me. "I was never really quite fond of those heels though." We made our way out the class and down the pretty much deserted hallway.

I sniggered, imagining Brianna towering over Ethan in her gigantic heels.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Nothing," I sang, smiling to myself at the thought of a tiny Ethan. Weirdo-O'clock.

"No way, now you've got to tell me."

"I said it was nothing," I insisted.

"You know . . . I'm a very convincing tickler," he said. I spun round to look at him with wide eyes and backed away. Was Ethan Stone threatening to tickle me? He stared at my shocked expression and laughed again. "Chill, it's not like I'm trying to sexually assault you or anything . . ." His eyes wondered over my body.

I glared at him and growled. He just laughed again, hands in the air defensively.

I started walking again, expecting him to head in a different direction by now, but he still seemed to be following.

"So, so far I've been following your advice, but Brianna hasn't really approached me or anything," he started. "What do I do now?"

"Could we by any chance talk this over the phone instead?" I said already exhausted. The boy took so much energy out of me. I couldn't help glancing around, watching out for anyone who took any interest in our sudden companionship. Except the school was practically emptied out by now, and the leftovers seemed to mostly be people who had extra classes, mostly from upper years. None of them looked like they cared.

Or so it seemed.

"What's the big deal? Isn't looking at my awesome face much better?" he insisted. I rolled my eyes.

"I can barely look at it without wanting to throw my bag at it," I replied in a snarky manner.

"Ouch." He ran his fingers through his fluffy hair. The one I'd admired from a distance so much – but here I was, at arm's reach to it. It was probably super soft. Actually, scratch that. Here I was talking with him as we were on our ways home. Life was a weird thing. "Don't be so mean Princess." I raised a brow and scrunched my nose.

"Princess? What happened to 'Nerdo'?" He shrugged.

"I like both."

I pursed my lips as we continued walking.

Why was he walking with me anyway? And this conversation was weird, friendly even. I wouldn't categorize it as flirting, but it was definitely something out of the ordinary for us. I didn't know what he was playing at, and the thought made me frown. Not knowing was better than knowing in some cases, but this one, not so much.

"Wait, one second," I heard him call.

I paused, looking over at him questioningly.

I stopped completely when I found his hand across my cheek, carefully brushing strands of hair out my face and behind me ear. His deep brown eyes twinkled a gentle hazel in the sunlight, and I realized we were standing pretty close. I signalled for my legs to move back but they were stuck.

We stood there once again, staring at each other.

"Your hair was in your face . . ." he said distantly, never quite taking his eyes from my face. I felt the heat rushing in.

"Right, thanks," I mumbled incoherently, gently pushing his hand away and taking a small shuffle back from him. I didn't want him to see or feel the redness on my cheeks. I held my folder tighter and stared down at the tiles on the floor nervously, my heart picking up in speed. Why the heck was I reacting this way? Pull it together already Eve.

When I looked back up at him, I noticed he was still staring. But now he looked a little more confused, and a crease formed between his brows. It took me a moment to realize where exactly he was staring.

My jaw.

"How did you get that?" he asked all of a sudden. "It looks bad."

My heart physically stopped.

Ethan detected the fear in my eyes before I could hide it. Suddenly he looked worried – and I felt extremely queasy.

There was a long unsettling silence.

Oh Saint Barnaby Bear . . .

"Eve . . . is everything ok?" he asked, the weirdest tone of concern in his voice. He took a step closer. I took a huge step back. My shoulders tensed and I tried to steady my racing heart, hoping my eyes wouldn't give anything away.

"I'm fine," I answered quickly, brushing my hair back over the spot. My fingers were starting to shake. "Why do you care anyway?" Instead of responding, he continued to stare at the spot my hair was now hiding. My chest felt tight. I'm going to be sick. I'm totally going to vomit all over myself right here and now.

"Eve. Is everything ok?" he repeated more demandingly, giving me a long hard look, like he was trying to see through me.

I felt like my heart was going to leap out my chest.

Need to get away.

"It's none of your business," I sneered. The crease formed between his brows again.

"If someone hits someone I know, I think it partially is my business," he retorted, stepping closer again. I faltered at the words 'hit' and 'someone I know'. A mixture of feelings I couldn't process ran through me. But right now I could feel fear. Danger. I stepped back again. I shook my head, my brows furrowed.

"No, it's not," I said firmer, angrier now. "You don't get to go barging into other people's lives, ok? Not mine."

". . . Like you haven't barged into mine either?" Ethan said, looking frustrated too. I felt hurt at the words, and annoyed. Everything all at once. But I couldn't process it properly right now, all I wanted to do was hide. My legs felt weak beneath me.

"I never barged into your life!" I grimaced at my shaking voice. I shook my head at him again, scowling. "My life is none of your concern, ok? So leave me alone. Just go away." I could feel the panic rising.

"You don't get to order me around." He glared back.

Things were escalating so quickly – I couldn't control the situation or myself. All I thought about was getting away as fast as possible.

I was going to have a panic attack.

"Well neither do you!" I screamed at him. "Just leave me alone!"

Before I knew what I was doing, I'd spun on my heel and went bolting down the hallway and out the school building. I didn't stop running till I was at least two blocks away from the area and knew Ethan was far from chasing me.

I didn't want to look back, didn't want to test my chances, and eventually slowed to a jog.

Tears welled in my eyes again and blurred my vision. What the hell am I doing? What is wrong with me? What even happened?

I kept doing this to myself. Kept being such a self-centred drama queen and running from every little problem. But I was panicked – so freaked out that he'd see right through me and realize what had happened. It'd be a one out of ten chance, but I was so scared it would happen I couldn't think straight. I didn't want him to see through me.

I didn't want him to see me.

Worst part was, I'd shouted at him for the second time now. He probably hated me. He wouldn't want to see my face again. I shut my eyes and let a single tear slip by. Ugh, ugh, ugh. Why was I like this?

And it got worse.

I felt my ankle bend, pain swiping straight up my leg. I gritted my teeth at the shock of it, stumbling forward and falling onto my side with an 'oof'. I tried to stand up again but the pain in my foot was too great to fight off. I clenched my jaw and bit back tears. Great.

I twisted my ankle. Bloody great.

Everything just kept getting worse.

I glanced round, taking in my situation. I was sat on the concrete just by the road, clutching my throbbing ankle and watching cars speed by and down the main road. I couldn't move without my whole leg setting on fire. I clenched my jaw. Stupid, stupid Eve. Somehow I just kept getting myself into these stupid situations.

No one paused or came over to see if I was alright, and by the looks of it nearly everyone from school had already gone home, so the area was mostly deserted. I'd get the occasional sceptical glance, but other than that no one made a move to help or ask why I was bent over in pain by the side of the road.

Faith in humanity officially lost.

Not that I wanted anyone to get involved in my stupid problems in the first place though.

I sighed through all the throbbing in my body and stroked the injured spot as if it'd somehow make the pain go away. I looked round helplessly at my surroundings, wondering what to do next. I couldn't walk, didn't have a car, and now I was stuck just a bit away from school and it would be completely embarrassing for someone to see me like this.

Calling Mum and Violet were out of the question. My ridiculous freaking out was enough for them to deal with, I couldn't keep piling my problems on them like it didn't matter. Mum and I hadn't really talked ever since Sunday either, so it'd be cruel to dump another problem on her.

I sighed again, this one now shaky and hopeless.

I hate myself so much, I thought, closing my eyes and trying to breathe. So, so, so much.

Not knowing what to do, I listened to the cars sweep past and let the sound carry me away from reality. If only I hadn't forgotten my book at home, I would have been at least occupied with something. But I was in such a rush to get out of the house in the morning, I couldn't really think straight.

I opened my eyes and my heart leaped as they landed on him again.


Not again.

I hadn't even heard him approach. He'd almost given me a heart attack – another thing to add to my misery.

I clenched my jaw as I watched him stare down at me then at my ankle, hands in his pockets with an unreadable expression. I scowled at him, expecting another snide remark or for him to make some sort of joke out of this. He was probably enjoying watching me suffering. And my heart was racing to boot.

Bad luck – one million and one. Eve – zero.

I looked away from him, too angry and embarrassed to look him in the eyes and instead turned my gaze to the street floor beneath me.

"Did you twist your ankle?" I heard him ask. I couldn't tell what sort of tone he was putting on, but I was guessing it was mocking. I glared at the rocks beneath me.

"Go away," I growled. At least my voice wasn't shaking anymore.

He stood there in silence, and I sat saying not another word. We both listened quietly as cars flied past and my ears filled with the sound of my racing heart. Seriously Eve, how do you keep getting yourself in these sort of situations?

It felt like eternity as we stayed there not speaking to one another, and I wondered why he wouldn't just leave me to my sorrows. He was probably thinking up ways to make fun of me or something. Anger boiled in me and I gritted my teeth in attempt to push it down. I was getting close to wanting to ring his neck. Or just wanting to find a way to push out all these excess emotions.

More silence.

This was getting annoying.

"My car's over there," Ethan said, nodding in its direction. I didn't look at him, but glimpsed at what he'd gestured to. It was a black BMW. I groaned inwardly, how typical. Of course he already had his driver's license, and of course his parents bought him an expensive car. Expensive compared to me, anyway.

Then he said something I wouldn't have expected. "If you can't walk . . . I'll drive you home."

My eyes were sauce pans.

Wait, what?

I quickly turned my shock to hostility and narrowed my eyes again.

"What, so you can kidnap me and sell me on the black market?" I hissed, trying to sound as menacing as possible. He sniggered at this. I turned away angrily, trying to not look at him. "Just leave me alone, ok?"

"If it's about the mark on your jaw . . ." I visibly tensed. ". . . Then fine, I won't ask about it, ok? But if you can't walk at least let me drive you home."

"I can manage myself." I shot up onto my feet and wobbled when the pain reacted. My hand quickly reached out to the lamp post by my side. I gulped, not wanting to look at his probably amused expression, and tried to hobble down the street away from him. I'd only made it a metre before bending over again. I would never make it to the bus stop without having to amputate my leg. This is what I get for never working out.

He was probably laughing at me by now but I didn't want to look. I sat there squeezing my eyes shut and wishing I were anywhere else now. As far away as possible.

Please just leave me alone, I begged in my thoughts.

Suddenly, I felt two large arms underneath me, scooping me up from the floor. I opened my eyes in surprise to find Ethan carrying me and heading in the opposite direction. For a moment I was frozen there, stunned.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! Put me down!" I demanded when I'd finally come to my senses.

"You're not as heavy as you seem," he said as we started to head towards his car. I gaped, my cheeks blushing bright red. I was lost for words, my mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for water. I bared my teeth and growled.

"Put me down!" I screamed. He gave me a disapproving look.

"One, don't scream in my ear, that really frickin hurt," he ordered. "Two, no, I won't put you down, because you can't walk, and you look like a penguin waddling around with a broken foot. I'm not going to do anything to you, so let me just drop you off. It can be payback for you helping me out with Brianna, or something like that." I started pounding my fists against his shoulder.

"Ethan! Put me down right now!" He didn't even flinch when I hit him.

"Sorry ma'am, no can do." We were getting closer and closer to his car. I heard the doors unlock.

"Ethan – if you don't put me down, I swear I will scream kidnap, or rape!" He opened the passenger seat and paused, turning to look my in the eyes. My heart leaped.

"In exchange for not questioning you about how you got that bruise, can you please – please – just let me drive you home? Is that so much?" I tensed at this and folded my arms. It was getting increasingly hard to glare at him.

He actually said please too.

"Yes . . ." I huffed, quieter now.

Then he dumped me in the car seat. Yes, dumped.

He shut the door as I looked up at him gawking and in seconds was already in the driver's seat and starting the engine. Before I could put in a word or start to object he'd already started driving.

"Put your seat belt on," he told me, not looking in my direction as he stared out to the road.

I clenched and unclenched my fists, furious, and sceptically reached for my seat belt, buckling it. Better safe than sorry.

Or I could just jump out the car while he was driving and make a hasty escape.

"So, where's your house?" he asked. Right, he doesn't even know where I live. When I didn't respond he grew slightly impatient. "I can either take you straight to your house, or we can drive in circles for the rest of the night. Which one sounds better?" I glared out the passenger side window and I muttered an incoherent street. He nodded, seemingly understanding what I'd said.

"Drop me a block over," I demanded. Even if I hadn't told him my exact house, I still didn't feel comfortable with him knowing where I lived. He didn't respond, looking quietly out to the road. I huffed in annoyance and returned my attention to the window, trying to ignore my thumping heart and sweaty palms.

In Ethan's car. Alone.

He's driving me home.

My eyes searched the car. It was clean, polished even, and I was starting to notice how it smelt like him. My cheeks reddened at the idea. Seriously? Now I was familiar with this guy's scent? I really was turning into one of his bloodhounds. It made me feel increasingly uncomfortable.

I wonder how many girls he's 'dropped off at home' in this car, I thought tensely. It annoyed me just be there. I hadn't forgotten who exactly I was dealing with here, but for the moment, it seemed I had to put my trust in him.

Trust him enough to not try and kill me. Or something like that.

We sat in awkward silence

The drive to be in no way comfortable or comforting and every moment of it I wished I was somewhere else. It was weird being here with Ethan, and even weirder thinking about it. And when we finally pulled up in my neighbourhood, I realised exactly how flipping weird all of this was.

"I told you to drop me a block over," I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I doubt you'd be able to walk a whole block with that foot," he retorted, parking the car a couple metres from where my house sat. I bit my lip nervously as I looked out at it. "A simple thank you would suffice, you know." I scowled at him.

"Someone like you doesn't deserve one," I muttered.

"Hey, come on! I'm trying to do the whole nice guy thing, isn't it working?" he joked, a smile forming on his lips. Some of the ice seemed to melt away, and I hated that him smiling lit something in me.

"Maybe it just doesn't suit you," I said looking out the window so he didn't have to see my embarrassment. Something in me also wanted to smile, which I hated the most. I was really acting up lately.

"Well, we're here."

I hesitated. My heart began to beat for completely different reasons now as I stared out to the dull building.

I could tell Ethan was staring at me, and I grew worried at the idea he may have been looking at my jaw and getting ready to ask questions again. It was like he could sense my unease. As I heard him take in a breath, I started to leave. It was either this car with Ethan, or the house.

I gathered my bag together and opened the car door, stepping out on my good leg and trying to put as little weight on the other one as possible.

"Want me to walk you there?" he asked. I couldn't tell if he was jeering at me or not. I rolled my eyes.

"No, Ethan. I do not want you to 'walk me there'," I said. Just as I was closing the car door my fingers faltered. " . . . Thanks, for driving me home . . . Thank you." 

He beamed a huge radiating smile that sent butterflies swarming through me.

What was up with me today?

"My pleasure," he said softly.

I turned away quickly before I could blush again and shut the door. Hurriedly, and in a horrible painful hobbled manner, I headed over to my house. How was I supposed to get to school tomorrow with a foot like this?

I started up the little path at the front of our house and headed to the porch, ignoring the throbbing as I dug in pockets for my keys. I pulled them out and pushed the front door open. I glanced over my shoulder.

Ethan was still in his car, watching and waiting till I was safely int he house. I bit my lip and hurried in, slamming the door shut.


Thanks you again for reading!!

The support does mean a lot :D x Love y'all

{Please Vote, Comment & Share! > w < ♥ }

- PonPonWa

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