Let Me Save Your Heart.

By EmMcGuinessParker

11.7K 340 90

Nikki George's brother was in worldwide famous band, The Wanted. You would think she has a great life, but yo... More

Let Me Save Your Heart - Prologue.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 1.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 2.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 3.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 4.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 5.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 7.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 8.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 9.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 10.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 11.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 12.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 13.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 14.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 15.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 16.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 17.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 18.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 19.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 20
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 21
Author's Note -

Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 6.

412 16 4
By EmMcGuinessParker

The entire way to Nathan's house, Max tried finding all the reasons that he could to explain his reasons behind telling Jake the truth. But I didn't want to hear any of them.

I didn't care what he had to say to me, and I didn't have the time to listen to anything that he had to say to me. I just put my earphones in and listened to my playlist of favourite songs. Although, the one that I had on repeat was Prentend It's OK by Little Mix.

It just described everything that I was feeling at that moment. It was my favourite song on my list  and I could listen to it all the time; it was an amazing song and it was just what I needed to listen to at the time.

Max had annoyed me so much and there was nothing that he could say to make up for this. He had gone against everything that I thought he would and lost all trust that I had in him.

Of all the things that he could do, that was the worst thing imaginable because I had told him about what I wanted and the last thing that I wanted was for Jake to know the truth.

Now he did and I was sure he was going to hate me.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and I looked down to see that I had received a new message from Nathan. I looked across to see that he was chuckling slightly at me and I couldn't help but smile. I placed my head on his shoulder and allowed Nathan to wrap his arm around me, hugging me and bringing me a form of comfort.

I looked at what he had sent me and I couldn't help but smile to myself;

From Nath:)

If Jake does stop talking to you, then he's nothing more than a stupid twat and he isn't worth the time. I'm here for you if you need me and don't fail to ask me for anything. It's your life and your choice. Never forget that x

I suppose it was nice knowing that there was still someone there for me and didn't care what had happened.

That's all I really wanted.


"Nikki, please?" Max begged, as I continued to ignore him and take my bags out of the van. Carrying them into Nathan's flat, not caring about anything that my brother had to say to me. I just wanted him to get the message and leave me alone.

"Look, she doesn't want to talk to you. Accept it..." Jay stated as he walked over to me, taking one of my bags out of my hand.

"She needs to listen to what I have to say." Max insisted.

"And I don't care what you have to say. You did the one thing I told you not to do and nothing you say is going to make up for that or make me want to forgive you; leave me alone Max!" I snapped.

"Just two minutes. Please?" he replied.

"Go away Max."

"Nikki, just listen to me. I need to explain why I did it and you need to understand..." Max pleaded with me, not wanting to take no for an answer, even though I had made it clear that I really didn't care what he had to say to me. I wanted him to leave me alone and let me have some time to think about what had happened today.

I needed time to think about what was going to happen between me and Max now.

I didn't want to lose him, but he had done the one thing that I thought he would never do and that hurts a lot. Knowing I can't trust my own brother with something like that anymore.

He had picked his side and it wasn't mine that he was on anymore.

"Nothing will make me understand. There was a reason that I didn't want Jake to now the truth and you knew them reasons, you went against everything that I asked for and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive you for that. I don't want to see you face anymore, let alone hear the lies that are going to leave your mouth..."

"He had the right to know Nikki; every parent has the right to know about their child..." Max replied.

"Are you still talking?"

"Max, I think you should just leave it for now and try again when she has time to think and calm down." Jay said, clearly understading what I was feeling and that I was slowly getting more annoyed with Max and the words that he spoke to me. Really not understanding just how much he had upset me by doing what he had done.


"She doesn't want to listen to you. Let her calm down and then she may speak to you." Jay replied before he disappeared into the house, my last boxes in his hands. There was one more look exchanged between me and Max before I also walked into the house, leaving him stood there, not really knowing what he was going to do anymore.

I guess he must have got the message since he didn't bother following me into the house. He just vanished back into the van, sinking into the seat which he had previously occupied; his eyes looking out of the window and into the house as though he was attempting to see if there was any chance I would change my mind about this.

 But I was having none of it. I just wanted time to consider everything and think about if it was really worth giving Max the time that he wanted to explain himself.

Especially since he had done the one thing that I had told him never to do. He had told Jake, and I'm sure he was going to hate me now.

He hadn't replied to my text message and he hadn't bothered to answer the phone to me or ring me back. That's how I knew he was pissed off with me and was biding his time, thinking about what he was going to say. It's the same way that he always acted when he didn't want to speak to me and he didn't want to have anything to do with me; I knew him so well and that's why we were bestfriends.

Well, we might not be bestfriends for much longer. It was just a matter of waiting for Jake to reply and seeing what he had to say to me.

I just hoped he didn't hate me too much and did have something to say to me about everything.

I also had to hope that he would give me time to explain and tell him why I didn't tell him. If I lost him, then I have no idea what I would do with myself and I don't think I would be able to forgive Max for causing that.

Like ever.


Nathan's POV -

It had been two weeks since Nikki found out about Max telling Jake the truth.

Since that day, she has hardlt left her room. The only time that I see her is when she comes down to get something to eat, and that's only once a day. Sometimes, she doesn't even bother with that.

I don't want to say that I'm worried about her because, the truth is, I've never been more worried about her. Especially being pregnant and eating so little.

It can't be good for either of them and Nikki really does need to start eating properly again. Or she's going to cause some serious harm to both her and the child.

"How is she today?" Siva asked as he handed me a cup of tea before taking a seat on the sofa. He had been here for around ten minutes because the other boys were all supposed to be meeting us here, we had some sort of meeting about the promotion of our new single. I wasn't really listening when they told us what it was about because I had other things on my mind.

"I have no idea. I haven't seen her in three days now..." I sighed.

"Do you want me to try talking to her?" he replied.

"You can try, but I'm not saying she'll listen to you. I've tried talking to her and telling her that she needs to eat, but all she seems to do is cry. I'm worried about her Seev."

"We're all worried about her mate. I'll give it a go and see what happens, I'll let you know what happens. Who knows, might have more luck than you have done!" Siva chuckled, attempting to make the mood slightly better than it was. He had better have more luck than I have done or I'll be going in there myself and making sure she eats something.

"Thanks Seev. Good luck..." I said as he disappeared out of the room and up the stairs. If he isn't able to convince her to change her mind and listen to what we have to say, then I don't think anyone will be able to.

I just threw myself back into the sofa, letting out a huge sigh as I did so. All I could do now was wait and see how thing went; and hope for the best.


Hey there guys,

Thought I would add some drama to make things a bit more interesting. I hope you like it and it isn't too boring.

Thanks for all the reads/comments/votes so far, I really appreciate it all and I love you all for reading this. I do like this story because I think it's going to be a good story with everything that I have planned for it. I just hope that you all continue to enjoy it and comment/vote for it.

Let me know what you thought on this part and thanks again. I love you all.


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