(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry U...

By HTK200

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Second part to (Eren X Annie Book 1) Painkiller Enjoy! ---I don't own characters from Attack on Titan--- More

Chapter 1 Died?
Chapter 2 Alive...
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Pursuit of-WHAT?
Chapter 5 Twins?!
Chapter 6 New Family Member and Surprises
Chapter 7 Friends or Enemies
Chapter 8 Plans
Chapter 9 Fight of Both Friends and Enemies
Chapter 10 Love is Awakening, Proposal, and Child
Chapter 11 Return Home
Chapter 12 The Night before the Wedding
Chapter 13 Wedding Day
Chapter14 Honeymoon Day 1
Chapter 15 Honeymoon Day 2: Child
Chapter 16 Honeymoon Day 3, The Past Is The Past, right?
Chapter 17 Honeymoon Day 4, Fighting Levi
Chapter 18 Girl Chat
Chapter 19 (Final HM) Reiner Vs Eren
Chapter 20 I'm Pregnant!
Chapter 22 Babies
Chapter 23 Christmas

Chapter 21 Birth

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By HTK200

//Annie POV//

"Hurry it up, doc! Please damn it!" Annie seemed to hear Eren's voice as a echo and she opens her eyes to see a white ceiling and lights passing by her as if she was moving as she lays on the ground.

No...I'm not laying on the ground...I'm in a bed but...where am I? Annie thought as she looks forward to see nurses and doctors. Most she couldn't see due to her now 9 month baby carrying stomach. She feels someone squeezing her hand a bit and turns to that direction to see Eren by her side of the moving bed.

"Eren?" it was all Annie said.

"Annie, are you ok, love?" Eren cried out and Annie simply looked at him confused.

"Eren, are you ok? Where am I?" Annie asked.

"At the hospital...Annie, don't you remember?! You're water broke! Annie, our child is coming!" Eren shouted as Annie's mind drifted back what happen earlier.


"Eren! Come quick, you have to see this!" Annie smiled as she held a knitted sweater for her child that is yet to be born any day now. The person who sent this gift was Mikasa who finally left the hospital with her son...Annie's little nephew who Mikasa named Gabe Ackerman.

"What is it?" Eren asked as he walked out of his small office.

It's been 9 months since they return back to Smallville and they moved to the house by the lake. Eren was now in charge of construction sites as a test to see if he could do that type of job. Eren was doing well and Annie never went to college after telling her father that she won't go. Now, they live here...waiting for their child that is yet to be born.

"Mikasa sent this knitted sweater for Annabelle!" Annie as she looks sweetly at her belly. A week ago, Eren and Annie finally agreed to name their child whom they now know is a girl, Annabelle.

"Really? Let me see." Eren said as he showed up in the living room. But at that moment, she felt a strong kick in her stomach...and the pain formed quickly. She painfully looked down to look but then...the pain was too much for Annie and she felt herself go out...the last thing she heard was Eren crying out her name and sees him running towards her.


"...I...remember." Annie said as Eren was being pushed away by some of the doctors.

"Annie!!!" Eren shouted as he tied to push back but even security came in to stop Eren. Annie could barely look at Eren now as pain once again hits her in her stomach and between her knees. She closed her eyes as more pain enters her and she screams.

"Mrs. Jaeger, stay with us...hang on just a little bit more." One of the nurses told her. "Stay strong for the baby."

"I'll...I'll try but damn it...it hurts." Annie groaned in pain.

"Ok! We're here in the room...let's gets busy on getting your little girl out." the nurse said.

"Whe...where's Eren?!" Annie cried out. "I...can't...do this alone...without-"


//Eren POV//

"Hey, let me go damn it!" Eren yelled as four doctors and two security guards held him back.

"Mr. Jaeger, please...you must wait until the baby has arrived!" one of the doctor insisted.

"No! I told my wife that I would be there by her side when the baby arrives." Eren shouted until they finally stopped him by dog-piling him...and he finally had enough of it. "LET...ME...GO!!"

"Whoa!" one of the doctors cried out as Eren pushed up and they all fell of his back. The guards hitting and going through the windows of offices and the doctors falling on the desks or the walls.

"Annie!" Eren said as he started to run towards the hall he last saw Annie. He stopped for a few seconds to hear anything he could that could mean where Annie was. That was when he heard her.

"Whe...where's Eren?!" Eren heard Annie cry out from the room beside him. "I...can't...do this alone...without-"

"ANNIE!!" Eren shouted as he opens the doors and see's Annie on the bed.

"Mr. Jaeger?!" the nurse said surprised. "What are you-"

"I'm here to stay by my wife's side." Eren answered her.

"Eren!" Annie said with a painful expression.

"Fine, but don't touch anything." The nurse told him as they started to do they're work. Eren walks to Annie's side and holds her hand.

"How you doing, love?" Eren asked.

"Hurts like hell...don't leave." Annie said with tears in her eyes. "Damn...it really hurts!"

"Alright Mrs. Jaeger. Push!" the nurse said and Eren watched Annie grit her teeth, looking like she was holding back a scream. She stops and takes quick breaths.

"A-Are we close?" Annie asked the nurse as Eren rubs the back of Annie's hand as she squeezed his hand harder.

"Almost...keep going, Mrs. Jaeger!" the nurse replied.

"DAMN IT!" Annie shouted as she pushed again.

"I see a head! Get me a towel!" the nurse told the doctors and she looks back at Annie. "Keep going, she almost out!"

"Come on, Annie...you can do this!" Eren encouraged his wife. "Remember how much you want to see Annabelle. Remember how you told me you kept seeing a little girl...our daughter...remember how you told me how much you wanted to have her. How much you wanted us to be a family and to be called a mother."

"I...I do." Annie said groaning in pain.

"Then kept fighting...make sure our daughter come to our lives!" Eren told her and Annie screams.

"We got her!" the nurse said in a joyful tone.

"WAAAAHHHH!!!" Eren heard the baby cry.

"A-Annabelle...where is...where is my daughter...Annabelle." Annie kept saying as Eren watch the nurses clean the baby with water and towel. Then one held Annabelle and gave her to Annie. "...Ahh...Annabelle, my sweet Annabelle."

"Wahhh...wah...mm." Annabelle stopped crying at the sound of her mother's voice and Eren couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, everyone...let's give the parents some alone time with their little girl." That one nurse said and they left, leaving Eren and Annie with their child. Annabelle was now quiet as Annie spoke softly to her then Eren started to speak to Annabelle.

"Hey Annabelle...it's your Daddy." Eren smiled as he reach down to her with one finger and Annabelle, like instinct or something, goes to grab his finger and caught it. Eren acted surprised and pretends to trying to pull away but can't. "Whoa...you're good, my baby girl. Oh no...I can't pull away."

"Mmmhahmm..." Annabelle seemed to laugh, catching Eren off guard on what his daughter did.

"Oh crap, did she just laugh?!" Eren asked surprised.

"She knows who her daddy and mommy is." Annie smiled.

"...I love you." Eren told her in a lovely voice.

"And I love you too, Eren. I love you so much for giving us a child." Annie smiled sweetly.

"Hey, I should be thanking you. You're the one who carried her in your belly." Eren joked and Annie laughed a bit to the joke. She held Annabelle in one arm and stretches out her other arm for Eren.

"Eren...hug me." Annie told Eren and he happily obeyed. Wrapping him with her arm and he gently hugs the both of them.

"You feeling better?" Eren asked as they pulled away.

"A little...but I'm tired. Can you take Annabelle so...I can...sleep?" Annie asked as she started to doze off.

"Sure, sleep tight, Annie." Eren smiled as he held Annabelle in his arms. "Let's let your mommy sleep now, right Annabelle?"

"Maahhh!" Annabelle responded with a gurgle and a little squeak.

"That's my little girl." Eren smiled as they walked out the door to meet nurses and some of the security guards that Eren shook off. "Uh crap..."

"Oh, Mr. Jaeger, it's time for your daughter to rest as well." One of the nurses said.

"I see...well, here's my daughter...when can I see her again? Tomorrow?" Eren asked as he handed his baby to the nurse.

"Yes, you can see her tomorrow, it's already night so you should go home and sleep. Rest up to see your wife and daughter tomorrow." She told him.

"Very well..." Eren then looked at the guards. "Sorry for earlier."

"Don't worry kid, I was the same when my little boy was born." One of the guards said.

"Well then..." Eren lean down and kisses his daughters forehead. "Goodnight Annabelle, my sweet little girl."

"Haha, cute. Never met a father acting so cute." The nurse chuckled.

"Mind if I go say goodnight to my wife?" Eren asked.

"Sure thing...go on ahead." The nurse said. "But you have 5 minutes."

"It's enough." Eren said. "Thank you."

Eren went back inside Annie's room and saw that she was sound asleep. He watched her breath for a while before he leans down and kisses Annie on her forehead.

"Goodnight, Annie. You did well and now we can be a real family." Eren smiled as he held her hand. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"...Mmm...Good...ni-mmm...night, Eren." Annie muttered in her sleep and a smile formed on her lips. Eren smile grew bigger and couldn't help but giggle.

"So you heard me, huh?" Eren asked. "I love you, Annie."

"...Lov...e...you...too..Eren." Annie muttered again and Eren walks out of the room and leaves the hospital.

By the time he arrived back to the house, it was 10:42 and he was still wide awake. So he thought about doing something he hasn't done for 9 months. He walks to the garage and turns on the recorder and plays the stereo that played the recorded instruments. He walks to the micro-phone and starts to sing a song for Annie to hear later.

(Song's name is Invincible by Hedley)

Took a long hard look at my life.
Lost my way while I was fighting the time.
A big black cloud, stormy sky
Followed me while I was living a lie.
So heartless, so selfish, so in darkness,
When all your nights are starless,
You're running outta hope.

But I found the strength inside to see,
Found the better part of me,
And I'll never let it go.

I've come a long, long way,
Made a lot of mistakes,
But I'm breathing, breathing,
That's right
And I mean it, mean it
This time
I'm a little run down,
I've been living out loud.
I can beat it, beat it,
That's right,
'cause I'm feeling, feeling,
Whoa-oh-oh-oh [x3]

When you're gone for a day on your own,
Tear your heart out just to find your way home.
I've been so high, I've sunk so low,
I've come so far with nothing to show
For it mistaken, I got so good at taking,
But now I'm tired of faking.
This story's getting old.

So I found the strength inside to see,
From the better part of me,
And I'll never let it go.

I've come a long, long way,
Made a lot of mistakes,
But I'm breathing, breathing,
That's right
And I mean it, mean it.
This time
I'm a little run down,
I've been living out loud.
I can beat it, beat it,
That's right,
'cause I'm feeling, feeling,
Whoa-oh-oh-oh [x3]

I'm not the only one,
To crash into the sun and live to fight another day.
Like a super nova, that old life is over.
I'm here to stay.

Now I'm gonna be,
Whoa-oh-oh-oh [x3]

I've come a long, long way,
Made a lot of mistakes,
But I'm breathing, breathing,
That's right
And I mean it, mean it.
This time
I'm a little run down,
I've been living out loud.
I can beat it, beat it,
That's right
'cause I'm feeling, feeling,
Whoa-oh-oh-oh [x3]
Whoa-oh-oh-oh [x3]

(End of Song)

"Ha...ha..." Eren panted after he finished singing and clicks the recording to stop. He wasn't tired so he went back inside the house and heads to Annabelle's room to which he built on his own. Feeling proud of what he accomplished. He looked at the pink walls that Annie made and the large crib that had stuff toys and toys that made noises for Annabelle to be entertained.

"A pant on your back, Eren...a pant on your back." Eren said to himself proudly. But then he felt tired...so he tiredly and sleepily made his way to his and Annie's room and falls on his bed, already asleep.

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