Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Rea...

By AmyLillian22

482K 12.8K 3.7K

These are all my Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf) imagines. Some of the storylines are my ideas and some were prompts... More

Mates - Part 2
Thinking Out Loud
Getting Caught (feat. Stiles)
A Second Chance
Beacon of Light
Missing You
Dating Advice (feat. Scott McCall)
My Girl (feat. Garrett)
It Totally Worked (feat. Scott and Stiles)
The New Beta - Part 1
The New Beta - Part 2
Nervous Jitters
Perfect Rain Kiss
Rogue Wolf
The Pink Box
Prince Charming Part 1 (Feat. Stiles & Kira)
Prince Charming Part 2 (Feat. Kira)
Running Away
Lydia's Plan
Mario and Peach
First Kiss and First Date
Always There
Unspoken Bond
No Light, No Light
No Light No Light (Part 2)
Welcome Home Brother (Feat. Isaac and Scott)
Pick One (Feat. Brett Talbot)
Past Mistakes
Just A Bad Feeling
The Bite
Valentine's Day
The Other Woman
Wisdom Teeth
One More Night
The Feeling Is Mutual
The Omega
The Omega - Part 2
Naked Surprises
Comic Con
Drunk Last Night (Drabble)
Last Call - Drabble (Part 2 to 'Drunk Last Night')
Back to Black
Red Carpet (Dylan Sprayberry Imagine)
The Coach's Daughter
The Coach's Daughter (Part 2)
I Love You
I Wasn't Expecting That
Part of the Pack
An Unexpected Surprise
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 2
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 3
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 4
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 5
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 6 (Final Chapter)
I'm Nothing Without Her (Drabble)
I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 2
I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 3 (Final Chapter)
I Wish You Didn't Love Me
Jealously (DylSpray x Reader)
Check Yes or No (Liam x Reader)
Tokyo (Liam x Reader)
She's Alive. She's Back.

Drunken Confessions

9.6K 271 76
By AmyLillian22

It's the night of the annual school bonfire. It was mandatory for the lacrosse team to show up so Liam had no choice but to go. Y/N on the other hand didn't plan on going until Liam told her he had to be there and wanted her to be there so he wouldn't be bored. Y/N was thrilled Liam wanted her to go and spend time with her. They had been best friends for years, but lately ever since Liam became friends with Scott McCall and his friends, Y/N felt like she was slowly losing her best friend. And right now she was feeling like she was being pulled further away, despite his actions of wanting her there.

"So what time should we go to the party together?" Y/N asked.

"Oh umm," Liam scratched the back of his neck. "Do you mind if we meet there?"

"What?!" Her eyebrows pulled forward, confused. "Why?"

"Because I have to meet Scott and Stiles before the party and then they're giving me a ride."

She crossed her arms to her chest, after she slammed her locker door shut. "I thought you wanted me to go with you."

"Please don't be mad," Liam placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's just something I have to do."

Y/N plastered a fake smile on her face. "What on earth gave you the impression I'm mad?" She rolled her eyes and turned away, walking towards the double doors that led to the school parking lot.

"I'll see you there, right?" Liam yelled out.

Y/N waved her hand, not looking back. "Yeah, whatever, Dunbar."

Liam winced at the sound of his last name. He knew he was in trouble. She never called him by his last name unless he did something wrong. He didn't need to ask what he did wrong this time, because he already knew it.

Y/N was in love with Liam, but she never got any hints that he felt the same way. So, she kept her feelings to herself. She rather have her best friend than lose him by possibly ruining their friendship if she ever confessed her feelings. However, tonight she wanted to numb the pain and drink her troubles away. She didn't want to deal with Liam right now and his new best friends, who he clearly had time for instead of her.

Liam hopped off the blue jeep before Stiles had the chance to put it in park. "See you guys later." Liam walked towards the bonfire, his eyes immediately scanning for Y/N.

"Liam, please be careful." Scott called after him, but Liam ignored him

Liam walked towards the center of the bonfire, luminous lights beamed on him and those around him. He could smell the burn ash and hear the cracking of firewood. Liam made his way through the crowd. He saw people he knew and kids he's never seen before, drinking and dancing to the loud techno music. Liam turned around to see Mason sitting on top of a picnic table.

"Hey, bro. Have you seen Y/N?"

Mason took a sip of his coke. "Last I saw her with some of the seniors."

"What seniors?" Mason noticed a hint of jealously in his voice, but let it slide.

"I'm not sure. I don't know those guys. I think they're on the football team."

Mason saw the sour expression on Liam's face. "Football players? Since when did she like football players?"

"Probably around the time her favorite lacrosse player started dissing her."

"That's not fair, Mason."

"No, what's not fair is you swapping your best friends for a couple of juniors," Mason shook his head as he stood up. "Look, I can deal with it. Clearly, you're going through something and I know you'll come to me when you're ready, but Y/N? You know that's different."

"I know," Liam admitted. "I just don't need this right now and I don't want to have this conversation with you right now."

"Okay, well good luck finding her." Mason walked away towards Garrett and Violet.

Liam closed his eyes and focused. He heard a girl talking about wanting to go home.

Nope that's not her, Liam thought.

"Baby, my parents aren't home. Let's get out of here." A boy told his girlfriend.

"I heard you brought your own flash," A girl told her friend.

Come on. Focus. Listen for her voice.

Through all the music, talking, shouting, and hollering, Liam finally heard the voice he could recognize anywhere.

"Ya know, I think you're wearing your shirt backwards, Quarterback." Y/N giggled. "I think you should take it off."

"Good grief," Liam rushed towards the sound of her voice. He made his way through the crowd to finally see Y/N near the tree, surrounded by half of the football team. Most of them were eyeing her short shorts, and the others were wondering how much lower her top could be as her the top of bra and bra straps was visible.

Y/N clung on to a boy Liam didn't recognize. Liam approached the group and Y/N eyes beamed. "Liiiiiiiaaaaammmmmmmmm!!!!! You finally made it, dumbass!" She waved her red solo cup. "You're missing out on all the fun. We're about to go Davy's house to play beer pong and strip poker." Y/N tighten her arm around the senior's torso. "He's the quarterback on the football team."

"It's actually Daniel," The quarterback brought Y/N closer as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "But you can all me whatever you want, baby."

Liam's jaw clenched. He didn't know what bothered him more, the fact that she was all over a senior football player, or the fact that a smug jerk like Daniel had his arm around Y/N.

"You shouldn't go, Y/N." Liam demanded.

Y/N pouted her lips like a child. "Awwwwww, why not?"

"Cause you're drunk," Liam walked towards her.

"But I wanna hang out with Davy! He wanna to hang out with muah." She slurred. "Unlike some people," she whispered under her breath but Liam heard every word.

"I'm taking you home."

"Bro, she clearly doesn't want to go home and wants to go home with me." Daniel stood in front of Liam. "She's coming home with me." He poked at Liam's chest.

"Are you sure about that, bro?" Liam grabbed his hand and began to twist it, making Daniel yelp. "It be a damn shame if you suddenly broke your hand you use for football, uh?"

"Okay! Okay! Uncle!" Daniel begged. Liam let go of his wrist. Daniel immediately walked backwards, Y/N completely clueless of what's going on. "Liam's your uncle?"

"Party's over for you, Y/N." Liam throws her over his shoulder, making her let out a little shriek.

Y/N couldn't help but look at his butt. There was nothing else visible in her line of vision. So she pinched it.

"What the hell?!" Liam yelped. "Did you just pinch my butt?"

"Leeeeee, you have a nice bubbly boooooooooootttahhyyy!" She flicked his butt with her fingers, "Ya could bounce a quarter off this hiney!"

Liam couldn't help but laugh. He was definitely going to use this against her in the near future.

"You need to get out of those clothes-" Liam stopped talking as Y/N clapped her hands. "YAY!!! STRIP POKER!!!" She poked his chest, grinning.

"No," Liam pushed her finger off his chest. "You need to change into something comfortable to sleep in." Liam noticed her disappointment as Y/N pouted her lower lip forward and mumbled, "party pooper."

"Where are your sleeping clothes, Y/N?"

"I washed them."

"So in the dyer?"

"Noooooooo I folded them... " She scratched her head, trying to remember.

"In your drawers?"

"YES!!! I knew ya were smarter than a fifth grader!"

"Oh Y/N, how much did you drink?"

She held up all five fingers, "three cups of soda beer."

Liam shook his head, trying so hard not to laugh. "Is it in this drawer?" Liam motioned towards the top drawer.

"I dunno." She fluttered her eyes. "There's a birdy in my room."

Liam opened the drawer and immediately slammed it shut the second he saw her underwear. "Definitely not that one."

"Did someone see my undies?!" Y/N giggled.

"What do you sleep in? So I can know exactly what I'm looking for?"

"Your lacrosse practice shirt," she mumbled.

Liam stopped looking. "What?" He looked back at her. "You sleep with my shirt?"

"Of course, I sleep with you. I sleep with you every night. I don't wanna sleep with anyone else." She laid back on her bed.

Although she said it completely wrong, Liam knew exactly what she meant, and he couldn't help smile at the gesture.

After looking through her other drawers Liam finally found his shirt. "Okay, slowly sit up. Here's your shirt. Try and put it on yourself, okay?"

Y/N ignore his command and shot up, already struggling to take off her shirt. Liam turned around out of respect. He heard a couple of grunts and groans. "Leeeeeee," she sounded troubled. "I've gone blind. I can't seeeeeeee."

Liam closed his eyes, turned around, and peeked to make sure she was properly covered up. "You're not blind, Y/N. You just have your shirt stuck." Liam laughed as he pulled off the shirt off her head. He immediately averted his eyes from her bra, and looked up. It's not that he didn't want to look, because he did, but it's not how he wanted to see her half naked. She was drunk and unaware of the situation, something he would certainly not take advantage of, no matter how good she may look in a black bra.

Y/N stood up fast and was now eye leveled with Liam. She had a sour face expression and Liam knew exactly what was coming.

"I think I'ma be sick," she groaned.

Liam rushed her to the bathroom. As she threw up, Liam pulled her hair back. He sensed she was in pain so he placed his hand at the small of her back and tried to take away the pain. Scott had just shown him last week and he was hoping it would work. The black veins in his arm proved it worked.

"Here," Liam gave her his shirt after she finally finished. "Change while I go down stairs to get you some water and Advil."

When Liam came back he saw her in bed with his shirt. His lips tugged into a smile. He liked seeing her in his shirt. He walked over to the nightstand and placed the glass of water and two pills. "Take these, please."

Y/N nodded with her eyes closed. She did as she instructed and relaxed her head back on the pillow. Liam grabbed the trashcan and placed it by the bed. He kneeled down and rubbed her back gently once more, making her hum in response. "Y/N, there's a waste basket by your bed. If you feel sick again, go for the bucket. Okay?"

"Ummkay." She mumbled. "Liam?"


"Can you stay the night with me?"

Liam chuckled. "I was planning on it." Liam walked towards her beanbag on the floor. "If you need me, I'll be right here."

"Noooooooo," she groaned. "Can you lay down with me?"

"Umm, okay." Y/N felt the bed sink as Liam sat on the edge of the bed and took off his shoes. He leaned back and laid still on her bed. Y/N snuggled up to him, wrapping her arm around his torso. "I miss you, Liam."

"Miss me?" Liam's eyes furrowed as he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm right here." He kissed the top of her forehead.

"You haven't been around lately." Liam winced at her response. People tend to admit the truth when they're drunk and he knew it was the alcohol talking. "And it hurts because I'm so in love with you."

"What?!" Liam's eyes widen.

"And just for one night, I wanted to numb that pain...." She ignored his question. "So I drank... and drank....drank..."

Liam realized she had fallen asleep mid sentence. He hated himself for causing her this much pain. He didn't know what to do. He was in love with her too, but what can he do? He's a new werewolf and didn't know how to control his shift yet. He's been ditching her for his alpha. It's not like he wanted to. He never wanted to be a werewolf, and if he could have it his way, he'd pick her over everyone else.

Liam woke up to the sound of Y/N groaning. He looked over to her to see her hand covered over her eyes, trying to prevent the sunlight shining from her window hitting her eyes. She felt someone laying in bed with her. Liam felt her other hand patting his chest, making it's way up to his face.

"Oh, god." She mumbled. "Please, tell me you're not some random dude and we did, umm, things."

Liam chuckled. "I'm not some random dude, Y/N."

"Oh thank god." Y/N immediately recognized his voice. She didn't need to open her eyes to know it was Liam. "Why are you in my bed?"

"Do you remember anything?"

Y/N winced. "Whisper please. My head is pounding."

"I'm not surprised it is," he whispered. "You were drunk last night. You almost went home with the quarterback-"

"Ewww," Y/N interrupted. "A football player?! Thank you for stopping what would have been the biggest regret of my life."

Liam smiled. He knew she never had a thing for football players. "So I brought you home and you asked me to stay with you."

"You took care of me?" She finally peeked her eye open.

"Does that surprise you?"

"No," She gave him a half smile. "But that doesn't mean you had to be in bed with me."

"You asked."

"I did?"

"Yeah, you also said I had a nice butt." He shook his head. "No, sorry. I got that wrong. You said I had a nice bubbly boooooooooootttahhyyy." He mimicked. He saw her face going red. "And you could bounce a quarter off that hiney." He laughed.

She buried her face into her hands. "Oh god." She groaned.

"Hey," she looked up at him. "At least now, I don't feel bad for all those times I checked out your butt." He teased.

"You can't use this against me!" She laughed. "I have no control over the things I said while I was drunk."

Liam laughed.

"What else did I say?" She wondered, trying to remember the night.

"You wanted to play strip poker," he saw her eyes widen and he nodded. "And you seemed very eager about it too. Oh, and you said something about seeing a bird in your room." Liam laughed.

"Oh god," Y/N hid her face in her hands again. "What else did I say?"

Liam debated whether or not to tell her what she confessed last night. A part of him wanted to, to see if she would admit it or deny it. But a part of him knew this wasn't the right time to bring it up and use it against her. She wasn't herself. She was drunk, someone Liam didn't know of. He had never seen her drunk like that before, and he wasn't exactly ready to test the waters with her just yet.

Y/N's stomach growled, making her cheeks flush pink.

"Tell you what?" Liam got off the bed and starting putting on his shoes. "I'll go run out and get some breakfast while you shower."

"That sounds good."

A few minutes later, Y/N walked down the stairs into the kitchen to see the table set with the breakfast Liam brought. "This looks good," Y/N sat down, picking at the food already.

"Umm, Y/N, we need to talk."

Y/N noticed the seriousness in his tone. She didn't know if something was wrong or something happened, but regardless she wasn't ready for what he was about to say.

"I didn't realize how much me distancing myself from was hurting you."

"Liam, it's not. I mean I'm bummed we don't get to spend as much time as we used to but we're okay."

"That's not what you said last night."

"What did I say, Liam?"

"It doesn't matter because what you said last night made me realize you deserve to know the truth."

Liam explained everything, starting from the night he nearly died and Scott saved him by biting him. How that bite turned him into a werewolf because Scott was an alpha. Liam told Y/N he's been spending time with Scott and his pack to learn how to control his shift, especially with his IED. Y/N noticed how hard it was for him to admit this. He was letting her in and being vulnerable by admitting how much this lifestyle scares him, how he hates it because it makes him feel more of a monster, and how much he hated keeping it from her.

"Hey," Y/N cupped his cheek, bringing it forward to look at her. "You are not a monster." He leaned into her touch. "You're a freaking werewolf! That's totally awesome!"

Liam smiled. "So you're not mad?"

"No. It all makes sense now and now that I know, I can't use it against you." She nudged his shoulder, playfully. Her smile disappeared. She couldn't help but wonder why all of a sudden he was finally explaining things. "Why now, though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you telling me now?"

"Because of last night."

"Last night?"

"Last night you admitted something and although you were drunk, I know you weren't lying because your heart didn't increase when you said it."

Y/N cleared her throat, and began fiddling with her fingers nervously. "What did I say?"

"You said you love me."

Y/N remained quiet as that moment came rushing back. She remembered saying 'because I'm so in love with you'. She knew she couldn't deny it. He would know it. No, he would hear it. All she could do is confront the situation head on.

"Liam, I don't want this to change our friendship."

"What if I want it to?" Liam leaned in, making Y/N immediately holding her breath before their lips collide. Liam pulled back and noticed her eyes were still closed. She didn't want to open her eyes, in hopes it was all just a dream. She kept her eyes closed because she still felt the warmth of his lips against hers and the tingle that vibrated through her body.

"There's a reason why I told you everything..." Liam trailed, as she still didn't open her eyes. "I'm in love with you, too, Y/N." Her eyes flew open. She stared into his eyes and noticed he meant it. "So what do you say about us still being best friends, but also boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"I'd love that." She smiled.

Liam couldn't contain his excitement and smiled. He cupped her chin and began pulling her towards him, ready to lean in to kiss her once more as he closed his eyes. His lips met with hers, moving perfectly in sync. She placed both her hands against his cheeks and pulled back. Liam's eyes immediately flew up the second he felt her thumbs lifting his upper lip.

"Uhhh... what do you think you're doing?" Liam mumbled.

"Just checking for your fangs. I'm not going to cut myself with your fangs every time I make out with you."

Liam chuckled. "They're called canines, not fangs, and they only come out when I wolf out."

"So we're good?"

"Yes, me and my hiney are good." Liam teased, earning a playful smack on his chest from Y/N. "Now where were we?"

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