The Daughter Of Rachel Mason...

By _X_Sammii_X_

4.8K 174 14

Chloe left Max after their fight in Scotland. She took their daughters back to Rochdale. Not only is there Au... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four

Chapter Two

172 6 0
By _X_Sammii_X_

Chloe couldn't get her mind off of Max. From the minute she woke up until she went to bed all she thought about was Max. Rachel was determined to keep Max away from Chloe. She thought he had crossed a line when he hit her.

As it was the weekend, Chloe was planning on having a chill day with her three girls. Emily was lying on her play mat. Isla was colouring and Aubree was playing with her dolls. "Mummy when is daddy coming?" Isla asked. Chloe sighed

"He's busy Isla. I think you'll see him soon," Chloe told her. Isla pouted

"Can we call him?" Isla asked. Chloe didn't know what to say. "Mummy, please," Isla said. Chloe looked at Isla

"I've lost daddy's number. I'm sorry," Chloe told her daughter. Isla nodded and she played with Emily.

Tom needed to tell Charlotte that Max was coming over to discuss something. Tom had seen that Chloe wasn't coping without Max and that she saw Max in Emily everyday. "Charlotte, Max is coming over tonight, we need to discuss the school," Tom told her. Charlotte nodded.

"Chloe's not coping without him. Everyday she suffers," Charlotte said. Tom sighed.

"Chloe will be okay. She has us. Eddie, Rachel and her three girls," Tom said. Charlotte nodded.

Rachel had offered to have Aubree,Isla and Emily that night. As Emily was still small Rachel hadn't had Emily overnight before. Chloe had decided that once the girls had gone that she was going over to Charlotte and Tom's. She had no idea that Max was going to be. there.

Once Rachel had puck up the girls Chloe got changed into skinny jeans, vest top and heels. She left her newly dyed red hair down and curly. After locking the back door she made sure that Rachel hadn't forgotten anything, she left and went over the road to Charlotte and Tom's.

Max and Tom were discussing the school. They hadn't mentioned Chloe. The doorbell rang. Charlotte came into the living room "its open," Charlotte said. The door opened and Chloe came in. She had a smile on her face

"I'm child free so you fancy a chat?" Chloe asked. Charlotte grinned.

"Sure," Charlotte replied. It was then that Chloe noticed Max.

Chloe saw Max sitting there and she felt her heart racing. She had frozen. Charlotte noticed and took her upstairs.

"You knew she was living close by and you never saw fit to inform me?" Max asked. Tom sighed.

"I'm sorry. She was distraught over what happened," Tom said. Max rolled his eyes.

"She's been living close with my daughters. I had a right to know!" Max said. He was trying not to yell.

Chloe was pacing. She couldn't believe that she had seen Max. "You could have told me he was here Charlotte. It was so hard seeing him. Do you know how I felt?" Chloe asked. She was crying.

"I'm sorry Chloe. I didn't know you were coming over," Charlotte said. Chloe sat on the bed next to her

"That was so hard," Chloe said. Charlotte started crying

"I felt like everything that happened back in Scotland was my fault," Charlotte said through the tears. Chloe hugged her

"It wasn't your fault. It was mine. Scotland is where I had a drinking problem. Scotland is where I got ill and Rochdale is my chance to put everything right," Chloe said.

Chloe left Charlotte sitting upstairs and she went downstairs. Walking into the living room she saw Max sitting there with Tom.

"Hi," Chloe said. Max looked up and smiled

"Hi," Max replied. Chloe went to stand out in the garden. She needed fresh-air.

Chloe hadn't planned on sending Emily to her mum's that night but deep down she was glad she did. Chloe didn't know how long she had been standing outside when she felt someone stand behind her. "You look good,". Chloe turned to see Max standing there.

"You don't look so bad yourself," Chloe said. Max smiled.

"How are Aubree and Isla?" Max asked. Chloe grinned.

"They're good. Isla has got such an attitude. Kind of like me," Chloe said. Max smirked.

"And Aubree?" Max asked. Chloe smiled

"She's okay, she's growing up so fast," Chloe said. She didn't want to tell him about Emily yet.

Chloe was taking Max over to her house as she wanted to talk to him. "Can you wait? I need to tell Tom something," Max nodded.

"Tom, can I talk to you?" Chloe asked. Tom nodded.

"What's this about?" Tom asked. Chloe sighed and spoke.

"Charlotte said she's blaming herself for everything that happened in Scotland. She mentioned that she's stopped taking her medication," Chloe told him. Tom sighed.

"Thanks for telling me Chloe. I'll talk to her tomorrow," Tom said. Chloe smiled.

"I should go. I need to talk with Max," Chloe said. "See ya later Clarky,".

Chloe took Max over to her house. "I need to tidy the place up abit. Isla's been colouring," Chloe told Max. Max nodded. Chloe was lying when she said she needed to tidy up. She needed to hide Emily's stuff. Once she was done she told Max to come in. "Nice place," Max said. Chloe smiled.

"Thanks, Isla isn't too keen on her room though. She wants it decorated again," Chloe told him. Max smirked.

A couple of hours later, Chloe and Max were sitting on the sofa together. Chloe was debating on weather to tell him about Emily. She decided that it was too late to. "I've not stopped thinking about you," Chloe admitted. Max smiled. He wanted to kiss her. He knew he shouldn't though.

"Look, Max. I still love you but I don't think we should rush things," Chloe said. Max nodded.

"I know. Has there been anyone else?" Max asked. Chloe shook her head and smiled

"There's been no one else," Chloe said. Max smirked.

"Good, deep down you're mine," Max told her. Chloe grinned.

Charlotte and Tom sat in bed together. "I just looked out the window. Max is still over at Chloe's," Tom said. Charlotte looked up.

"Do you know if they were having sex?" Charlotte asked. Tom shook his head.

"The living room light was on. I think they're talking," Tom told her. Charlotte nodded.

"Chloe mentioned you blamed yourself for everything that happened in Scotland. You shouldn't do that. Nothing was your fault," Tom said. Charlotte sighed and cuddled into Tom.

"I love you Tom. Don't ever forget that," Charlotte said. Tom kissed her.

"I love you too Charlotte," Tom replied. Charlotte kissed Tom before they fell asleep.

Chloe had moved closer to Max and she had her head rested on his chest. "I think you should come back to Waterloo Road. Its not the same without you," Max said. Chloe smiled.

"I'd love to. I need to sort something out," Chloe told him. Max nodded. Chloe cuddled into him.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you," Max said. Chloe sighed

"Max I don't want to think about that. This is a new start in my life," Chloe said. Max nodded.

It was around 2am when Max decided he should head back to his. Chloe walked him to the door. "Will you be alright on your own?" Max asked. Chloe smiled and nodded.

"I'll be fine, I'm a big girl," Chloe said. Max smirked and nodded. Max turned to leave. "Max," Chloe called out. Max turned back to her.

"Is there problem?" Max asked. Chloe didn't say anything but she pulled Max closer to her and she planted her lips onto his in a passionate embrace. Max pulled away.

"I'll see you soon," Max said. Chloe grinned as Max left. Chloe locked the door and she went up to bed, hoping that she and Max would be able to get back to how they were before everything went wrong.


A/N ~ Second Chapter. Let me know your thoughts or any ideas you have. 

I hope you liked.


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