Finding Me

By QueenBenique

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"You can pretend it isn't true, but I turn you on, without even trying to" I quoted confidently to Valentino... More

Finding Me (Once called 'Turning Points')
Chapter 1 - New schools & Old faces
Chapter 2 - Cheering up & incident exposure
Chapter 3 - Returns & Random Dancing
Chapter 4 - Classic moves & Reincounters
Chapter 5 - High School Parties
Chapter 6 - Secrets & Spaghetti
Chapter 7 - Memories & Abnormalities
Chapter 8 - Tutors & Questions {Part 1}
Chapter 9 - Tutors & Questions {Part 2}
Chapter 10 - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Chapter 11 - Rides & Plans
Chapter 12 - Seeing You & Eating Food
The Story So Far...
Chapter 13 - His Crib {Part 1}
Chapter 14 - His Crib {Part 2}
Chapter 15 - Cupcakes & Close-Calls
Chapter 16 - Footballs & Forgotten Things
Chapter 17 - The Hols {Part 1}
Chapter 18 - The Hols {Part 2}
Chapter 19 - The Hols {Part 3}
Chapter 20 - Eyes & Spies
Chapter 21 - Quaking & Confiding
Chapter 22 - Cocoa & Confessions
Chapter 23 - Can't Be Friends
Chapter 24 - Implications & Cross-Examinations
Chapter 25 - What Can I Say? I'm A Teenage Guy
Chapter 26 - Picture Imperfect
Chapter 27 - And The Truth Comes Out {Part 1}
Chapter 28 - And The Truth Comes Out {Part 2}
Chapter 29 - Where's Wally? Cassie Edition
Chapter 30 - The Sleepover from Hell
Chapter 31 - Peaks and Troughs
Chapter 33 - Fighting Temptation & Uncomfortable Revelations
Chapter 34 - I Misplaced My Hispanicness
Chapter 35 - Masters & Movies
Chapter 36 - Books & Looks

Chapter 32 - Not So Secret Secrets

85 2 0
By QueenBenique

Quick reminder of what has happened, Cassie is aware of Valentino's past relationship with Kayla, finding out after having a fist fight with her at her house. Valentino FINALLY confesses his feelings to Cassie during an argument at Valentino's house where Cassie also realises that Valentino is a recurring character in her dreams. Valentino wears glasses (just thought that needed to be remembered) and also asks Cassie to be his girlfriend as she rushes to the hospital due to a problem with Nyah.

Cassie's reply to Valentino's question is...


I burst through the doors of the A&E wing of the hospital, shining with perspiration from running through the fourth floor since I arrived almost fifteen minutes ago. I refused to go to the front desk to ask of Nyah's whereabouts, I didn't have time for the staff there to say aggravating things like some 'only family allowed'  rubbish.

As the minutes continued to pass I became increasingly anxious to see my best friend's current state. I was becoming more and more annoyed with myself. Secrets are something that when agreed to keep on the down low should always be hidden, especially between almost sisters but deep down I knew it was wrong to keep something this big, what if something bad has happened which could have been easily avoided with regular check ups and support from family, friends....Carlos. What if something bad had happened to the baby before Carlos even knew about the fetus growing inside of her?

"What the hell are you on about?!" Carlos yelled which I winced at. I didn't need visual evidence to know it was his voice at the end of the hallway.

I hurried along, dodging the hustle and bustle a hospital usually must stand and avoided the unnerving feeling you get when I saw the look of pure devastation on a person's face during a conversation with a man with a white lab coat and a name tag, most definitely a doctor.

Please lord don't allow me to have to feel that today. Let Nyah be okay! She goes to church, prays all the time and even keeps at crucifix necklace around her neck as her fashion stable. That's gotta count for something right?

I opened another door which immediately flung back towards me and hit me on the head.

What the heck?

After rubbing my head a little and overcoming my slight dizziness the door to a much smaller hallway opened and I quickly swerved away so I wasn't hit again.

"Cassie thank goodness you're here get a load of what this guy is saying!" Carlos snorted pulling me in. I stumbled into a much more calm corridor which seemed to be a lot more upgraded than the rest of the hospital and quickly figured that this must have been a private wing. No surprise that Carlos must have gotten the best room from his beloved.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" I asked urgently looking around for Nyah

"Well I'm quite worried about her well-being if we have people like him checking up on her!" he said signalling to doctor adjacent to us.

"I assure you that I have checked your friend very thoroughly and am not incorrect, maybe this is something you two may have to discuss, Mr Sweet" the doctor said loosening her tie under the scrutinizing eye of Carlos. Yeah I would be scared too.

"Nyah Sanders, I brought in a Nyah Sanders and all I needed you to be was give me a fricking accurate diagnosis for what's wrong with my girlfriend!" Carlos becoming more infuriated by the second. Oh no, an angry Carlos.

"Carlos" I calmly spoke resting a hand on his shoulder "Please. Calm. Down"

Carlos shrugged me off shooting me a dirty look "Calm down?! Ah ha maybe when I get a real doctor with a real diploma from medical school to tell me why I c-ame to find my girlfriend sh-aking in the soaked bloody sheets on her bed an hour ago!" he shouted sounding half angry but I sensed something else as his voice cracked. Pain.

"I'm very sorry but your significant other has suffered a miscarriage, I'm sorry for you're loss but please keep you're yelling at a minimal, it may put the other patients in distress".

A gasp got caught in my throat as my head began to heat up once again.

Miscarriage? Nyah had lost the baby?

"Distress? I'm in fucking distress over what I'm hearing. She couldn't have had a miscarriage because she wasn't pregnant! She was never pregnant" he stated crossing his arms over his chest.

I looked up at Carlos with my eyes now as moist as a towelette and my throat swelled up. Nyah lost her baby, a baby which Carlos didn't even know about.

"Cassie?" Carlos questioned impatiently waiting for me to back him up but I couldn't. I couldn't because it must have been true.

Carlos looked towards me with the confusion of why I wasn't saying anything before his face dropped as realization slowly clouded over.

The man in front of us started beeping as sounds coming from his pocket became evident. "Sorry I must attend to an emergency but I am truly sorry for you're loss, you can go in to speak to her when you wish" He announced before dismissing himself.

During this I continued to maintain a stare down with Carlos who  was undoubtedly breaking inside by now, I was sorrowful also so I couldn't even image his pain.

"Nyah was pregnant?" Carlos asked barely over the volume of a whisper, his face paled as I gulped.

I shook my head in disbelief "You- you weren't supposed to find out like this" I said wiping a tear away before it had the chance to spill out "She told me she was gonna tell you... she asked me not to tell anyone. I'm so-"

"She was pregnant? She was pregnant and you kept it a secret from me?!" He yelled pacing up and down before stopping at the vending machine, staring at it before punching it with all his might

"Carlos!"  a voice called near me and I immediately turned to see Nyah standing with grief written a over her features standing in a hospital dressing gown. They clashed so much, Nyah was unique, strong-willed and it showed through her clothing but right now in that gown she looked so small.

They stared at each other so intimately that I almost felt like I was disrupting a private moment.

"Y-you were pregnant?" Carlos asked after a painful silence, although I was sure that he had already confirmed in his head what the answer to the question was.

Nyah stood in the same place not moving, or saying anything. Carlos scrunched up fists shaking his head before forcefully kicking the doors open and walking out.

"Carlos!" Nyah screamed after him with multiple tears falling from her eyes as she fell to her knees.

"Carlos" she whispered shaking before bursting into tears with her hands covering her face. As her cries grew louder I quickly kneeled to her and attempted to calm her down a little.

"Would you just go away Cassandra?!" She yelled  revealing her red puffy eyes "I don't need you telling me your 'I told you so's'. I knew it was wrong not telling him but I knew he'd leave me if he knew and now he's gone" she cried chocking a little on her tears

"He's not gone he's just a little worked up. Please let's go back to you room and we'll talk."

Surprisingly Nyah didn't put up much of a fight and I was able to bring her up back to her feet. Nyah nodded into the direction of her room and we slowly hobble towards it and under her breath I hear her say something which broke my heart

"I lost my baby and now I've lost Carlos too"


It was two days since Nyah had had her miscarriage so it was no surprise that she was off school when I returned after the weekend. I hadn't spoken to her since I stayed with her at the hospital until her parents kicked me out.

Much to say I was stunned by their reactions after the doctor had told her what had happened to her. Instead of empathetic they were angry about her not being a virgin or careful with Carlos more.

How could they?! I'm sure that if it were me who was in that hospital in her position sure my parents would be disappointment but no where near to how sorry they'd feel.

I huffed in annoyance. They wouldn't even allow me to see her the next day stating that she was grounded until she graduated. What a load of bullocks!

I needed to see her, I needed to know if she was okay

Idiot. Obviously she was not okay, she had just lost her unborn child! But it was an unborn child she didn't wish to have in the first place and I hated myself for wondering but was it possible that just maybe she purposely did it, she some how induced a miscarriage upon herself?

Did she feel like she was so stuck and so out of hope that she felt that she had to do that?

I really hope that I was just overthinking things

I fished around my locker in search for my biology book when I heard a long bang. At the corner of my eye I noticed a dark haired, ocean eyed guy continuously knocking on a locker door. I smirked before closing my locker and turning to his direction.

"What are you doing Valentino? Hoping someone inside will open it for you?" I questioned, an amused smile covering my face

"Cassie?" He asked turning his head to my direction but not looking directly at me

"The one and only"

He nodded scratching the back of his head. "I, haha, just trying to open my locker since the stupid thing wouldn't open" he explained trying to dial his combination in again

My smirk grew ever more "maybe that's because that" I said pointing to the door "isn't your locker"

His eyes snapped back to the locker number before a nervous smile replaced his puzzled face. "Oh" he realized walking a step towards me to his rightful locker. He then lifted the lock and squinted at it, analyzing it for a second before dropping it back down.

"Hey do you mind maybe opening my locker for me? I kind of hurt my hands from knocking on the um-locker for so long"

Okay now all this smirking was hurting my cheeks. Did he really believe I was that dense? That he wanted me to open his locker as he, the boxer who is trained to be able fight, has what... a booboo?

"Valentino" I said raising my hand "How many fingers am I holding up" I asked smugly


"Just answer the question... Val" I added cheekily

He frown in annoyance but ignored my calling him a girls name and squinted at my left palm

His perseverance was admirable but also extremely hilarious that I found myself resisting chocking in laughter.

"...Four...?" He answered but slightly undecided

"Yes, however it took you about three hours to figure out" I exaggerated "Therefore I conclude that you still haven't received you contact lenses"

"Shh!" He hushed me covering my mouth "No one needs to know that I'm a four eyed nerd"

My muffled speech wasn't coherent under Valentino's quite large hand, after a small struggle I decided desperate times called for well, desperate measures

He quickly removed his hand, amusement covering his face "did you just lick me?"

I smirked, remembering when he did that to me "What's your combination?" I questioned leaning across to his locker

"17, 38, 20" he answered wiping my saliva over my arm.


"Your enzymes not mine"

I shook my head but continued to spin the dial of his locker "You look fine just the way you are, with and without glasses" I said trufully

From the corner of my eyes I could see his lips curl "Well the main reason why I don't wear them is to be extra protective. Wait do you mean fine as in an adequate fine or fine as in Valentino is fine"

I howled in laughter for a second "fine as in alright, you aren't that good looking"

"That good looking? So you admit I'm quite good looking?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and faced him "If I tell you you're hot just once will you quit it with this self obsession you seem to have going on everyday?"

Valentino dramatically scratched his chin in fake thought "Yes"



" Okay  fine Valentino you are.... Ahh I can't do it! I can not tell a lie!" I said quoting Honest Abe

"It's alright, you will one day I mean you already have to other people it's just now about waiting for you to confess to me"

I raised an eyebrow "when have I ever told anyone that you were hot?"

"Don't you remember that text message where you revealed your undying attraction towards me?" He proudly remembered "would you like me to show you the evidence?"

I quickly turned my head back to the open locker blushing furiously, "Would you stop with that stupid text message?" I whined continuing to heat up in embarrassment "what do you have period four and five?"

"Do you wanna know the reason why I kept that text, other than for bragging rights of course?" He asked ignoring my question

"No!" I said abruptly "Now which text books do you need lunch is over in ten" I announced looking down at my watch

Yeah that's right, I finally got a watch

Valentino was silent for a second before answering "Physics and Italian"

I raised my eyebrow "Italian?"

"It was either that or Spanish, and why would I do Spainsh, I'm fluent already"

I nodded in approval, Italian was a hot language and that went very well with Valentino because..

Uhuhuh no more glorifying him inside or outside of your head, I mean look at the way your already  looking at him, admiring him, he can't know you think that DONT FEED HIS BIG ASS EGO!

My conscience was right, I turned back to the locker and the textbooks before closing it with my shoulder "here" I said passing him the books

He felt around the air trying to find books before I grew bored "I'll just put it in your bag myself, turn around"

"Ooo kinky" he teased turning around wiggling his butt.

I slapped him upside the head which was followed by a surprised "ouch" before I smiled and unzipped the bag on his back

"So do you need me to walk you to your lesson or are you going to be fine yourself?" I asked unsure

He shot me a unamused look "I've been here for years, I'm sure I can make my way over to the science wings" he assured me, which contrasted with the way he was looking around the filled halls

"Okay" I agreed relaxing my back on a locker door with my arms crossed over my chest "You make your way then, bye" I added sending him a little wave

"So long Princesa" he replied walking backwards into a separate side of the corridor. It would have been a swift and simple effortless goodbye... If he didn't walk straight into an open locker door... Then turn around shying away from it and crashing into a wall fire extinguisher, breaking off its hinges and tripping over it, falling on the floor in a big thump.

I could have rushed over to help him, assessing possible injuries and making sure he was okay, but I didn't, instead I fell into a uncontrollable laughter. After to seeing such an egotistical, confident guy stack it, it was impossible to keep a straight face, not that I wanted to though.

After about a minute of rib wrenching humour I went over to him deciding to actually aid him "Smooth Valentino, very smooth" I commented sarcastically not realising that there were already two girls, who looked like sophomores helping him up.

"Oh my gosh Valentino are you okay? Do you need to go to the nurse's office?" One girl said dusting him off

"No I'm fine I-"

"I was just walking down and saw you on the floor I was sooooo worried! Maybe a small back rub will help get rid of the pain? I can walk you to class too if you want. I can do both! What do you have next? I have Physics, you have Physic too! I mean I think you do, Mr Eyre right?" The other tall brunette girl said interrupting him

I looked left and right to both of the girls, I mean seriously? Valentino trips up and girls just appear out of nowhere? Stealing some touches on his arms, shoulder, face. Why were they touching him?! Did they not know the meaning of personal space? They were fricking molestering him on the spot and he, wasn't doing anything to get them away from him!

Before he could reply I stepped in grabbing his hand and yanking him away from the girls "Sorry Ladies, he actually has Maths next with me, all the way on the opposite side of the Science wing, so if y'all don't mind!" I announced pulling Valentino away from the thirsty girls how gave me looks which looked like they wanted me to step on some Lego.

After getting a couple yards away from the I slowed down my walk to a normal speed still slightly pissed at the way hand their hands all over him, treating him like some lost movie star, it was ridiculous.

"Why would you let those girls eye rape you like that, practically letting them drool all over you?" I questioned frustrated

"The ladies love me, I'm hardly at fault" Valentino replied cockily combing his hand through his dark locks which I scoffed at, his answered didn't suffice in anyway

"No seriously that actually happens more that you might think, a teacher once had to come and break it up when it was running into class time". Yeah his excuse still wasn't valid

"Didn't seem like you minded though" I muttered under my breath however I guessed I might have said it a little louder than I thought seeing people in the halls eyeballing me. But the tell tale sign was the way Valentino's lips curled up like that cat from Alice in Wonderand

"Is someone jealous?" he joked poking at my cheek

I decided not to answer since denying it would have made me seem it. I mean of course I was jealous, wouldn't anyone be if girls were always looking at him as if he was a bacon double cheeseburger with no one claiming it? "I really do wonder how I ever even became friends with such an egotistical guy like you" I wondered how I came to meeting Valentino for a while but still felt it was too soon to ask. Early days, early days.

"Come on you love my cockiness, you wouldn't have agreed to be my girlfriend if you didn't" he winked

My stomach fluttered at the mention of me as his girlfriend reminding me of when he asked me out all those days ago. I recreated it in my mind to have a sunset in the background and some romantic music in the atmosphere instead of the less unromantic way it had really played out with me rushing to a beat up old car I borrowed while Valentino called me from a distance over the sound of speeding cars. I mean everyone did that right?

"Nahh ahh, you can't get enough of me, you can't even last a minute without touching me"

I rose an eyebrow "Actually I haven't touched you.." I can to an abrupt pause when I felt a small squeeze. Oh right, I had grabbed his hand when I pulled him away for his worshipers. I stuttered over my words, immediately letting go of his hand. Not even a second later he re-grabbed it in a firm hold, not tight but enough for me to know that it was okay. I looked up to him before diverting my line of vision, biting my bottom lip to force my clown smile to stop growing.

Valentino grinned " I love it when you smile, and regardless of whether you like me or not, which i mean of course you do because look at me-" He said signalling to himself which I giggled at. Eww when did I become a girl who giggles? "-I one hundred percent stand by what I said all those nights ago. You don't need to be jealous, because I'm only ever looking at you, princesa"

My heart rate increased at his latest reference to me as we continued through the halls in a warm comfortable silence, one where simply being around him was enough.

Unfortunately it was short lived as we soon approached the door of his next class and my heart dropped just a little at the thought of loosing him.

NO do not because the needy girlfriend, girlfriend, Valentino's Girlfriend.

"So" he said looking up to the door which I doubt he could read but of course he knew he had reached his destination as we stopped

"So" I repeated

"Is this where I kiss you goodbye?" he smirked using my arm to tug me closer to him

"Hell no don't want your lips anywhere near mine" I joked pushing his face away from me

He rose his eyebrows, shrugging his shoulders but still continued to lean in to me which I didn't fight but just allowed as my eyes begun to close shut. My heart was wildly beating in it's cage while I waited for the familiar feeling to run through my veins whenever he kissed me.

His lips brushed past my mouth barely touching it and still leaving me with a slight shiver as his lips speedily pecked the corner of my mouth before leaving again.

"You missed" I said, it coming out a little more breathy that meant to. I must say a blind Valentino was kind of cute

"I was meant to, you asked me not to kiss you so I won't" he promised leaning away from me.


"I wanna see how long it takes for you to admit that you're attracted to me and are begging me to kiss you but until then I won't kiss you on the lips. Let's just see how long you last." he challenged before turning into his classroom leaving me with a jaw dropping down to my toes.

That little tease! I didn't need his soft buttery smooth intoxicating lips! I'd lasted a lifetime without them I could do without them with no problem.

If fact, I had one less problem without them!!

This wasn't going to be hard.

It wasn't.


Just as I was about to finish, I accidentally deleted half of my chapter :( (Stupid iPad wattpad app) and spent the early hours of the morning rewriting it. I'm annoyed that this isn't as good as the original version but hopefully it will suffice.

Just a little chapter before everyone returns to school, hope you enjoyed it

Ciao Amici!

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