Confusion: A Narry FanFic


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Description: Louis loves Eleanor. Zayn loves Perrie. Liam loves Danielle. Then there's Harry and Niall. There... More

Confusion: A Narry FanFic
Chapter 1:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Your opinion?
I've Made a Decision
Chapter 7

Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Niall's POV:

Oh god. I just saw Harry's.... Ya know.... Oh god he is so hot. I mean, yeah, I've seen him naked before, but this time was different. He seemed kind of embarrassed, and.... HE WAS BLUSHING! It was super cute.

Yes, I said cute. I've kind of had a crush on Harry for a while now. Before you ask, yes, I'm gay. I haven't told the boys yet, I haven't even told my parents yet.

I know that they'd accept me for who I am, but I guess I'm just not ready to tell them yet. I'm not prepared to see if it'll affect how the boys act around me.

If I tell them I'm gay, would they be uncomfortable changing in front of me, or sharing a bed with me when we're on tour? Would they still hug me, or cuddle with me, or hold my hand, or kiss me on the cheek in a friendly way? I have no clue, but I'm not ready to find out.

I sighed happily to myself, remembering his flushed, shocked, embarrassed face, and how could I forget his hot naked body lying there on the ground while his gorgeous green eyes were looking at me? Tell me, if it was you... Would you look away? No. Exactly.

I grabbed my phone, which I came back down to my room to get, and headed back upstairs. I was still hungry even though I already had two bowls of cereal... Curse my fast metabolism. I made two pieces of toast and spread peanut butter on one, and cream cheese on the other.

Once I finished one piece of my toast, Harry shuffled into the kitchen. We made eye contact and he started blushing. Did he maybe like me too?

No, no, no, no. Niall, the sooner you get that thought out of your head, the better. Harry does not like you, or love you the way you love him, and he never will. Harsh, but true. He's straight... He likes girls. Why can't I be a girl?! I wonder what I'd look like with boobs...

I started laughing at the thought, and at how weird I am.

"What, I didn't put my clothes on backwards did I? Wait... Your not laughing at me for what happened this morning are you?! Ugh!" He exclaimed, clearly still embarrassed. His eyes were staring at the ground, refusing to meet mine.

I chuckled again. "No, and no. I'm laughing at something else, just never mind. Don't worry Haz, it's okay! It's not like I've never seen you naked before! I don't get why your so embarrassed!" I told him.

He's been acting different lately, but I try not to think anything of it, besides, it was really cute.

"I-I don't know... Can we just forget about it?" He asked looking up at me.

"Sure thing Haz." I said, with a smile on my face.

He smiled back, his face thankful, but it quickly dropped to confusion as he looked around.

"Where's the boys?" He asked.

"The store, we needed more food." I replied as Harry started looking through the cabinets for something to eat. He nodded and kept looking. He finally settled on a bowl of frosted flakes and sat down next to me.

I finished my toast and he finished his cereal. We washed our plates and then just kind of stood there in an awkward silence for a few seconds before Harry broke it.

"I'm bored and we still have a lot of time before the boys will get back. Knowing them, they're probably going to do a lot more than grocery shopping. Do you wanna watch a movie with me or something?" He smiled gently, with his eyes filled with what looked like hope.

"Yeah! Sure! What movie?" I asked him trying to act normal while walking into the living room with him. But the thing was, I'm not normal right now. I get to watch a movie with Harry... alone! What if it led to cuddling?!

Oh dear god Niall, please don't expect that. It's. never. Going. To. Happen. How many times do I have to tell you that before you get it through your thick skull? Ugh. I'm too harsh on myself. And I'm thinking to myself... I think I'm going crazy. Nah. That can't be it.

But maybe, just maybe, if its a certain movie, I can work in a cuddle that seems like a friendly cuddle.

"Hmmm. If its not to weird, I was thinking Love Actually. I haven't seen that movie in a while and I'm in the mood for it. Unless you got any of ideas of course." He said with a smile.

I loved the idea of watching Love Actually with Harry, but how the flying fuck am I support to work a friendly cuddle into it. We don't really have any other good movies, and I know Harry really wants to watch it, so I guess I'll just be stuck on one side of the couch alone like always.

"Love Actually Is fine! I'll make popcorn if you get a blanket and the movie started!" I told him heading into the kitchen before he could protest. I made the popcorn, and dumped a normal amount of melted butter on it.

I walked back into the living room to see the movie previews starting, a blanket on the couch, all the lights turned off, and Harry shutting the curtains, making it pitch black. I set the popcorn on the coffee table in front of the couch and sat on the left side of the couch, hitting my side on the armrest. I pulled the blanket on top of me.

Harry came over to the couch, lifted up the blanket around me and sat down next to me. He then put the blanket back on the both of us and grabbed the popcorn. He was so close our arms were rubbing against each other. He had the whole couch to himself... Yet he sits as close to me as possible. D-Does he like me too?

Ugh. Niall. Like I said before, he doesn't like or love you the way you love him, and he never will.

But, he did sit really close to me, so it wouldn't be that much weirder if we cuddled, right?

I gently placed my head on his shoulder, and almost instantly he put him arm around me, pulling me closer.

My heart began pounding in my chest and my side had a weird feeling from Harry's arm, but it was a good weird. I snuggled a little closer and he rested his cheek on my head. I felt his smile growing bigger by the second. Did I do that to him?

No. It's a friendly smile. This is a friendly snuggle. But it's still something! Which is good I guess. If I like the feeling of possibly exploding at any second.


Harry's POV:

Oh my god. Why am I doing this?! Well the good this is, is that he didn't throw it back in my face. Why did he cuddle me back? Does he like me?

How did I come up with that?! No way he likes me. He's straight. He likes girls. But that doesn't matter, because I don't like him like that. No, I like him like a brother. I'm just over thinking this. That's all. This is just a friendly cuddle. I mean, I cuddle, and hug, and kiss Louis (on the cheek of course) all the time... Why can't I do it with Niall?

Oh I don't know, because your having weird dreams about him... Ugh. Just stop thinking Harry and hold him. He's your best friend.


About half way through the movie I heard quiet snores coming from Niall's mouth. I looked at him to see that he was asleep. It wasn't even 3:00 yet and he fell asleep. He must really be tired. Well that, and it feels a lot later because its pitch black in here and the TV makes your eye lids heavy.

I sighed and paused the movie. I carefully removed the half empty popcorn bowl and the blanket from me and Niall and I shifted lightly so I could pick him up.

I wrapped my arm that wasn't around his side, under his knees and stood up so I was holding him bridal style. His head was rested on my chest, making his blonde hair tickle my chin. He sleepily snaked his arms around my neck as I carried him downstairs.

Once I got in his room I set him down on his bed and pulled the covers over him. He rolled and moved a bit trying to get comfortable even though he was practically dead already. Once he stopped moving, I turned to leave when I felt a hand grip my wrist.

I turned around to see a sleepy Niall staring at me with a sad look.

"Are you okay Niall?" I asked him, because it looked like he was about to cry.

"I-I don't know..." He replied and a single tear slipped down his cheek.

I bent down on my knees by the bed and held onto his hand with both of mine.

"What's wrong Niall? Remember, no matter what it is... You can tell me. I'm here for you. Okay? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm here to listen." I said to him, suddenly worried what went wrong.

"I-It's just.. I d-don't know. I'm so t-tired because I c-can't sleep right. And I'm s-so stressed out right n-now and I feel so uncomfortable s-sleeping alone in this b-big bed by myself all the t-time. I just f-feel so al-lone all the time. Ugh, I'm being a big b-baby. It's n-nothing. Just forget about t-this.." He told me, now bawling and hiccuping.

I started wiping the tears from his face with one hand, and holding his hand with my other. I used my thumb to rub small circles into the back of his hand.

"Niall, your not being a baby. I know exactly how you feel. It's like, the other boys, they all have there girlfriends who their probably going to get married to one day, and its annoying because I can't find a girl who I truly want and love. I'm happy for them, I am, but I'm also jealous and lonely. I know exactly what you mean. I hate sleeping alone at night, knowing I have no one who would be next to me if they could." I poured out to him before I even knew what I was saying. And right then and there is when I noticed these feelings. I've never thought this before Niall brought it up, but now I notice how big it is.

"I know your s-straight, and so am I, but just so we d-don't have to be alone, c-could you take a nap in here right n-now with me and maybe sleep in here t-tonight?" He asked, seeming a little nervous.

"Yeah. I would like that... Thanks Niall." I told him smiling again. "I'll be right back, I'm going to go get some pj's on, I doubt you want to get up, do you want to barrow something?" I asked him, waiting for his reply before I let go of him.

"Just a pair of sweats would be great, thanks Harry" he said, and the tears finally quit coming down his cheeks, leaving a red trail.

I smiled at him and got up, letting him go. My hands suddenly felt cold and empty and I just felt weird once I left his room. I ignored the thought and went to my room. I grabbed two pairs of sweatpants and a T shirt just in case he felt uncomfortable with me shirtless in his bed.

Once I returned to his room, I set a pair of sweats on his lap and began unbuckling my jeans, but suddenly froze. I turned to face Niall who was still lying in bed unfolding the sweats I gave him.

"Uhh, you don't mind... Do you?" I asked, hoping he would get what I meant. He looked up and shook his head no. "Not at all, we're like brothers!" I laughed at his response and threw off my jeans and T shirt. I put on my sweats and new T shirt and waited for him to finish getting dressed.

It was quite funny actually. He was too lazy to get up and get changed, so he tried changing his pants under the blankets. It took him a while, and he was struggling a lot, but he finally did it. I was laughing at him and he gave me a small glare.

"Oh come on! You were that lazy?" I asked him laughing again.

"Ugh yes. Can we go to bed now?!" He whined and made his bottom lip pop out.

"Okay, okay..." I told him while crawling in next to him. I was about to fall asleep, suddenly realizing how tired I actually was, but then I felt a warm pressure on my chest. I opened my eyes and Niall was cuddling up to me. I wrapped my arms around him, and it felt so right.

"Night Hazzabear" he said sleepily and I swear my heart just melted.

"Night Niallerbear" I replied and we both chuckled at the nickname. We both fell asleep pretty quick.




But it was worth it, I'm actually okay with this chapter.

Actually that wasn't that long. It just seems longer for me because I wrote this on my iPad. Holy shit I'm tired.

But my opinion doesn't matter... WHAT DO YA THINK?!?!

More Narry? Less Narry? Larry? Niam? Haylor? AHAHA JK ON THE LAST ONE. NO ONE WANTS HAYLOR. LOL IM SO CRUEL.


Seriously, tell me what you think! First comment with an actual opinion/advice gets the next chapter dedicated to them!

I'm not going to update until I get 5 comments (not including mine)

and a couple votes... (Starting off with low expectations because i have like, no readers lol) So if you like this story and want it to continue...


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