give me love ➳ zarry

By fluorescentzarry

485K 21.2K 14.8K

❝you know how they say, what was it? don't judge a book by its cover? well lad, this is a prime example.❞ zay... More

description ✧ authors note
one ✧ television & leigh's love
two ✧ cool kids & louis' boyfriend
four ✧ vern & love lives
five ✧ leigh and perrie's reunion
six ✧ motorcycles & kisses
seven ✧ headaches & zayn's comeback
eight ✧ beautiful eyes & the tommo
nine ✧ meeting again & falling slowly
ten ✧ dinner & double tap that
eleven ✧ the five second snuggle
twelve ✧ butterflies & blushing
thirteen ✧ swimming & not a bad boy
fourteen ✧ tests & defensive zayn
fifteen ✧ giggles & boyfriends?
sixteen ✧ touch & ethel's advice
seventeen ✧ what it feels like to be in love
eighteen ✧ 17 seconds & the better cook
nineteen ✧ holding him & the unexpected
twenty ✧ ambulances & give me love
twenty one ✧ cuddle prone & four sources
twenty two ✧ doodling & louis and liam's story
twenty three ✧ so by ed sheeran & cabins
twenty four ✧ i'm fine & be like you
twenty five ✧ leigh and jade & a kiss goodbye
twenty six ✧ confirmed boyfriends & resourceful texts
twenty seven ✧ marvel sheets
twenty eight ✧ camera roll & prom theme
twenty nine ✧ iron ons & laser tag
thirty ✧ 12am & breakfast
thirty one ✧ surprises & one hundred roses
thirty two ✧ talking to niall & nike free 5.0
thirty three ✧ jade's graduation & hotel rooms
epilogue ✧ photos, kisses and finally prom
authors note ✧ many, many thank you's

three ✧ parties & cuties

17.3K 756 797
By fluorescentzarry

+ zayn's pov +

"So let me get this straight there's a huge party after the football game?" Ethel asked me and I nodded. "Your not going? I thought all the kids these days went to parties,"

I shrugged. "I'd rather be here. The parties are full of drinking and girls and boys making out its all typical,"

"So your a teenage boy! Live your life Zayn! Be young while you still can," Ethel spoke. "If I were you I'd go to that party and make out with some girls,"

"Boys," I corrected clearly.

"Oh yes, boys." Ethel smiled.

There was a silent moment between us.

"Go for me Zayn." Ethel smiled up at me.

"But I can't leave now, I... I already made a commitment to staying. Plus, I like it here."

Ethel shook her head. Seemed like she was making all the decisions for me. I like that she cared. "Don't worry love. I'll tell them I told you to go."

I sighed, trying to rethink everything. "I do want to see Louis' boyfriend."

Ethel grinned. "That's the spirit! Go live while your young, have fun! Tell me all about it tomorrow okay love?"

I nodded. "Okay Ethel. Sleep well tonight, yeah?"

Ethel shot me a flat expression. "Go Zayn!" She shooed me off and after grabbing my backpack I left the retirement home and drove to Louis' huge house where the party was taking place.

I parked my car outside, and got out already rethinking my decision after seeing someone puke on Louis' lawn.

Thank god it was Friday.

I walked into Louis' house and the first person I saw was Harry.

I don't know why he doesn't like me.

Harry looked me in the eye and quickly turned away, frowning.

I looked around, and decided to go upstairs and look for Louis.

I was right. He was in his bedroom with Liam.

"Hi Louis!!" I spoke, really loudly interrupting him and Liam.

The two parted, and Louis looked at me. "I swear I haven't drank anything except for water and juice. I just really, really want Liam."

Liam chuckled, moving Louis' legs off of his hips. "Me too."

I was dazed. Liam was even hotter up close, God.

"Your really attractive Liam." I stated, my eyes wide open.

"Thank you, I get that a lot." Liam smiled, kissing Louis' cheek.

"Zayn can you leave." Louis asked, annoyed.

"Did you think I wanted to sit and watch?" I shot Louis a sarcastic look.

"There's chairs." Liam suggested.

He was already not wearing a shirt.

God, my heart was pounding.

Why was Louis so lucky, wow.

"No, you know, I'm just going to go downstairs." I shrugged.

"Okay, good. I'll catch up with you in about an hour and I'll tell you everything." Louis stated, reconnecting his lips with Liam's.

"I really ship you two." I spoke, walking out of Louis' bedroom and closing the door.

"," Liam called, back between Louis' kisses.

Can I have a relationship like Louis'?

I made my way back downstairs to see Harry, Eleanor, Dani, and others say on the floor playing spin the bottle.

I didn't say anything. I just hung around the bar drinking water and bobbing a little to the loud music that was playing around us.

About an hour later, as Louis had said he came down with Liam and Liam went off to hang out with his friends as Louis came to me.

"Jesus Zayn!!" Louis shout.

I showed no emotion.

"Zayn, oh my God, you've gotta hear this...!" And Louis went on and on for about 10 minutes.

I wish I stayed at the retirement home. I didn't want to hear about what Louis had to tell me.

The party toned down at about 1:30am, everyone had left except Liam, Louis & I.

We were half way done cleaning up, until Louis decided it was a good idea to start being cute with his boyfriend and I couldn't contain myself I had to video tape this and post it up on Instagram.

Everyone would love it.

"Babe," Louis smiled stepping into Liam's feet and holding his hands.

Liam nuzzled his nose onto Louis' and placed continuous kisses onto Louis' lips.

I've never seen Louis so in love.

He never really shows his emotions.

I couldn't help but awe, and Louis heard, letting go of Liam right away.

Way to kill the moment Zayn.

"Oi!! What do you think your doing Malik?!" Louis walked up towards me, trying to grab my phone.

Thank god I had already posted the video.

"What the...?!!?!" Louis saw the post and started the scroll through the immediate comments.

"They think we're goals," Louis read through the 6 comments that were already there - from the girls of course.

"That's good baby. We're the most shipped couple in the school and we've been out for around a day." Liam hugged Louis close.

"You were planning this whole come out situation?" I asked. "No wonder Louis is so happy,"

"Yeah, Liam was the nervous one because everyone was so fixed that he was straight." Louis peered up at the taller boy pecking his lips quickly.

"You guys." I smiled. "Where can I buy a Liam?"

Louis' smile faded. "Um excuse me sir, yes this was the last Liam in stock."

Liam nodded. "I love you so much Louis." And with that they were reconnecting their lips.

*:.. authors note *:..

goodness my heart exploded like 5427 times while writing this lilo mAKES ME FEEL SO ALIVE

- alexis.

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