My alpha mate kidnapped me #W...

By catz2010

104K 3.8K 397

Kathryn was living a normal life until Luke shows up, but is the new heart throb of the school hiding somethi... More

My alpha mate kidnapped me
Nooooo my zebra cakes!
Escapes and injuries
Meeting her
Meeting him
The truth comes out... ish
A loss to affect everyone
I've got the magic in me
Someone find her already
P-A-R-T-Y-ish part 1
Chapter 15
New story!
The fox
Oh sh*t
Chapter 17
Just a normal day in the life of a magical creature...
Who tf is he?
Someone help meh plz
Dark and Light
(Insert chapter name here)
It Gets Worse
Lets get down to buisness

P-A-R-T-Y-ish part 2

3.8K 156 16
By catz2010

Kathryn's dress on left
Kassidy's dress on right

Luke's POV
"Dude, you need to eat, what do you want?" I ask Xavier.

"Fine. Just order 2 of whatever the hell you're getting." He sighs.

"K, bye dude." I reply.
I hop in my car and start to drive to McDonalds.

I turn on the radio and eye of the tiger comes on.

Hell yeah! This is mah jam!

When I get th McDonald's I open the door and the most mouthwatering scent hits me, I scan the room eventually to see Kathryn?

I look next to her and the most beautiful girl j have ever seen is standing next to her holding a tray.

She has sky gray eyes with perfect pale skin, long dark brown hair styled into a perm, she is extremely skinny and average height.

'Mate!' My wolf, Tobias, shouted happily.

Next thing I know is Kathryn grabbing her arm and pulling her out the side door and speeding off in her car. Well ok then.

I order and speed back to the pack house.

"HONEY, IM HOME!" I shout.
"Hardy har har, I'm in the kitchen dumbass." Xavier shouts back.

I walk I into the kitchen and see Jason and Xavier sitting on the bar stools on their phones. I walk behind the bar and start to pass out the food.

"So I found my mate today." I say expecting a 'congratulations' or a pat on the back.

Jason, still staring at his phone, gives me a thumbs up. Wow, my best friends everyone.

"And she was with Kathryn" I add.
They both jerk their heads up and stare at me waiting for me to explain. Again, wow, my best friends.

Kathryn's POV
As we walk around the mall kassidg suddenly stops.

I turn to see what she's looking at and I see 2 perfect dresses.
We walk inside the store and try the dresses on, mine is black with mesh strips and flares out at the bottom and Kassidy's is white with a cut out back and a V neck.

To say we looked good in these dresses was an understatement.

"Damn girl we look good." Kas says
"Can't disagree with you there." I say looking at the dress in the mirror.

We change back into our normal clothes and pay for the dresses.

"We need to start getting ready its getting late." I say with hope in my voice, I just want to sit down.

We head back to the car and drive to my house.

---time skip---
After we are all done we look in the mirror.

I look at myself. I have straight hair and a smokey eye with red lipstick.

Kas has gold glitter and red lipstick and her hair in big curls.

I grab my phone and we get in the car and drive off to the club.

When we get there we walk straight in and kas heads to the bar and I follow her.

"2 shots of something strong please." I tell the bar tender.

He give me and kas 2 shots of what I'm assuming tequila. I down it and I feel it burn as it goes down my throat.

I take a few more shots and I have a sudden urge to go dance.

I tap Kassidy's shoulder.
"I'm going to go dance" I sulr
"Ok, just, don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She shouts over the music as I walk away.
I chuckle, she would pretty much do anything.

I make my way to the middle of the dance floor and let the music take control.

I feel someone place their hands on my hips and I start grinding on them, something I probally wouldn't do if I wasn't piss drunk.

I feel tingles as they run their hands up and down my side.

I turn around to face them but its so dark I can't see their face.

He smashes his lips to mine and within a second I'm kissing him back, it just feels so... Right.

I wrap my leg around him and he holds me up so I could get my other leg around him.

I suddenly feel a wall hit my back.
He bites my bottom lip asking for entrance. I deny him, he snakes his hand up my leg and grabs my butt, I gasp and he plunges his tounge in my mouth.

Again, this is something I wouldn't do if I wasn't piss drunk.

All of a sudden a wave of nausea comes over me and next thing I know,
I'm on the floor passed out.

Just great.

So? Who do you think it was?

What do you think will happen next?

Please comment and vote


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