Ran Into You

By Emma_Stan

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Description       Bruce John is a very dangerous man. He is one of the mafia leaders that are fear by everyon... More

Ran Into You
Chapter One - Life Threatening Moment
Chapter Two - New Fresh Air For New Fresh Life
Chapter Three - Let's Talk About Steve(s)
Chapter Four - Climb Up High
Chapter Five - I Plan A Sweet Revenge
Chapter Six - The Miserable Morning
Chapter Seven - Holiday in S3x House
Chapter Eight - Monday
Chapter Nine - Weird as Always
Chapter Ten - I Bite Him
Chapter Twelve - Big Mistakes
Chapter Thirteen - Confession
Chapter Fourteen - The Day That Never End
Chapter Fifteen - H&L (Hate & Love)
Chapter Sixteen - I've Got A Feeling
Chapter Seventeen - That Speechless Moment
Chapter Eighteen - Homecoming
Chapter Nineteen - Ryan's Younger Sister
Chapter Twenty - Saturday Finally Comes!
Chapter Twenty-One - Is It Love?
Chapter Twenty-Two - The Forgotten Moments
Chaptet Twenty-Three - Who Is Her?
Chapter Twenty-Four - A Visit of A Friend
Chapter Twenty-Five - Doctors
Chapter Twenty-Six - Complicated
Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Break Up
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Deal For The Future
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Father Comes Back
Chapter Thirty - Is It Over?
Author's Note

Chapter Eleven - A Gift From Hell

297 9 0
By Emma_Stan

We walked along the small path that surrounded by tall trees. The wide blue sky that hung above us is mostly covered by the tall woods. The temperature is lower than in town. I admit that it's cold in here although we had walked and climbed the hill about an hour.

With Ryan leading us, I followed behind him as Taylor tailed behind me. Both of them are sweating due to heavy luggage that they're carrying. From behind, Taylor seemed to notice that I'm cold as I hug myself even tighter than before.

"Dianne." He called from behind as he handed his leather jacket to me. I grabbed it and mutter 'thanks'.

We continue our way. It felt like we are never going to reach the mighty villa that they had been blabbing about. I couldn't believe I lost too much stamina since I become a librarian.

"What about the cars that you both left there? Don't you two worry that someone might steal it?" I asked. Ryan loves his SUV so much, it seems impossible for him to leave his baby there alone, and he did.

"There is a house not far from there. Edrick is living there. We already informed him to take care of the car." Taylor replied from behind.

"Who is Edrick?" I asked curiously.

"He is a retired security from Hilton High School." Ryan said.

I nodded silently. Ryan makes no gesture want to stop taking a break. We're already walking about an hour, or more. How can both of them continue the journey with those weights that they carried and without stopping?

"You okay, Dianne?" Taylor asked from behind. He must be notice that I walked like a drunken lady.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I stated. My eyes rooted on the ground as I keep walking. My head felt dizzier from before. And I think I want to puke too.

I stumble into hard brick in front of me. As I bring my face to scold the brick, I stopped. Of course it's not brick. I'd stumble into Ryan's hard rock chest.

"I'm fine Ryan. Let's go." I said then looked down to my feet. My head becomes heavier than before.

"You didn't look fine." He stated as he look down at me. "The villa is close from here. Should we continue or take a break?" Taylor asked from behind.

"We should..." I said before I leaned even closer to Ryan. The blackness sometimes covers my sight but sometimes it goes away.

"Dianne." Ryan muttered before I fell into darkness.


I stare on the ceiling, the cream painting that mix up with beautiful patterns suddenly caught my attention to it. Where am I? What happened? I remember Ryan's room this morning. I was being forced to get up because of his nightmare. I can't quite remember what happen on the noon.

I think it's about to reach late evening as the light of sun that shimmering in the room had been decrease and become more red and orange. The fears of getting kill hit me. I quickly sit upwards as I began to alert of my surrounding.

The room isn't big enough to compare with Ryan's. But it felt homely as the antics furniture decorating every corners of the room. My toes touching the soft deep red carpets that lying on the floor as I tried to get up from the bed that only could fit in two persons.

I walked to the window and notice there is a small bathroom inside the room. At the outside, I saw the places are surrounded with woods. It's too dark but I think I saw someone on the front yard. Not someone, there are three of them, playing tags. A grown up man and two little kids are running around the yard as their cheerful laughter and shrieks erupting the silent place.

Did my killer abduct me and bring me to his house? No, wait. I remember the forest. I remember Ryan leading the way to somewhere else. Urgh! My head so hurt!

Suddenly, the door creaked open and Ryan is standing there with a tray of food. He closed the door as he comes in then placed the tray on the small table beside the bed.

"Ryan? Where are we?" I asked. I looked back at the front yard, a man and two kids who were playing now lying on the green grass.

"We're in my family's villa. How's your head?" He asked. He sat on the edge of the bed and waited for my answer.

"Felt dizzy. And I think some part of my memory had lost." I said.

Ryan chuckles. "Which part? I will gladly replay it again." He said. Did we do something else than walking in the forest?

"What happened when I passed out?" I'm still curious on why I pass out. It's so embarrassing.

"You lean over to me." He said with smug look on his pretty face.

"Right, I think I remember that." That's how I pass out. I nodded to myself rapidly.

"Then you kissed me." He said triumphantly.

"What?! I did not!" My quick reflect is yelling, wow...

"Yes, you did. You planted a kiss on my lower lips. Till now I can't wipe off this stupid smile on my face." He explained with a big smile on his face, like he said.

"You must be joking." I said in horror. I did not plan on giving away my first kiss on something like that.

"You can ask Taylor to confirm it. He did not please with that incident either." He said then lying on his back on the bed. "Eat the food; you need more energy for tonight." He said.

Why do I need energy? I should be sleeping on this peaceful night. "Are there any event that's going on tonight?" I asked curiously.

"No, it's just a family dinner. Anyway, you share the same room with me." He clarified.

"Why? Is there not enough room in this villa?" As I remember, a villa should be really huge with plenty of rooms.

"There is. But we are in the middle of forest; your safety is my responsibility. I can't watch over at you if you sleep on the other side of the room." He stated.

Reaching out the food, "I am not a kid!" I said half-shouted. I sit beside his lying body and enjoy my late meal. It's about to dinner soon; I guess that's why he brings me a glass of milk and cupcakes only.

"No, you're not. You're my PA." He said as his hand wanders around on my back. I shook off his hand from touching me, for a sec it stopped, and then it started again.

"Ryan..." I groaned, felt annoyed by his pervert hands.

"What?" He muttered.

I glared at him, still munching my cupcakes. "Why are you so turned on with me?" I huffed in annoyance. The man never stops trying to touch me.

"I apologize for remembering the heating moments in the car this afternoon." He said with deep accent. But it succeeds to make my face in fire. Stop it, stop it! I need to focus on my cupcakes. It must be very sad that I've eaten half of it. Maybe it sent curses at me in my stomach. The memory that embarrasses me which I'm acting like sluttish assistant keep forcing to enters my brain again.

Seeing me in silence, Ryan mutters again. "You've been pass out for 4 hours. I've been spending two hours in the cold shower." His words make me squirmed. "You know, it's useless." He stated again. He seemed enjoyed how I'd reacted. "So, I touch myself." He finished. I gasped at him.

I snapped a look at him. "You touch yourself because of that?" I asked in unbelievable.

"Twice. It's hard to remove the sensation." He stated, hiding his amused look.

I avoided his face. I couldn't face him like this. He is enjoying the moment of embarrassing me. He will pay that back later.

The dark had fallen indicating the arrival of the warm night at here. The villa is so lively as Ari and her husband, Calvin, Christina and her two kids; Jonas and Veronica, Taylor and Alvin are gathering up in the kitchen, ready for dinner.

I'd asked when did Alvin arrived, he did arrived here on Saturday since he got other workers to switch his place for few days. It's strange that I didn't see their cars at the place where Ryan and Taylor parked theirs. "We parked it much closer to Edrick's house." He said.

Before the dinner even started, I'd asked Taylor about me kissing Ryan things, he said, "It's more like you crushing his face, he is over reacting." I'm kind of happy with that explanation.

I was kind of surprise once Christina hugged me. I was helping her to prepare the food that had been cooked (more like watching her). "I'm glad that you're okay. Ryan said you are asleep while everyone knew that you passed out." She said. "Are you sick?" She asked in full of concerned.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired these days. Actually, Ryan is right. I was asleep for the last four hours. I don't get enough sleep in Ryan's place." I replied.

Christina makes her way to me as she holding a dark brown box. "I know how you felt. Here, a present from me to you." She handed over the box and I accepted it. "I hope you get efficient sleep tonight, there are lot things to do tomorrow." She continued.

"Thank you." I said and smiled broadly.

The dinner table filled with lively chatters and laughter. Everyone is eager to share what's happening in their life, including Jonas and Veronica. They talked nonstop about how they're being the most awesome nerds in school. Nerds that are feared by the jocks in school, they are so cool. I'm sitting opposite them; it seems only me that paying them attention on their story.

Ari sat next to me in the dinner table. Taylor and Ryan sat on the end of each side of the table. They said they love to be like a king in the dinner. I chuckled at how they though the person who sit at the end of the table is the leader. If someone wants to murder the 'king', they could achieve that in less than a second. It's a bit reminding me of my broken family. I'm surprise that everyone treating Taylor like their own brother, they must be really close since an early age.

"Let's do the cosplay party!" Veronica urged.

Everyone groaned. "We already did it last year." Alvin objected. He is sitting at the other side of me.

"Yeah, in that game we didn't know whose winning." Calvin said.

"But it's fun..." Veronica stated sadly as her eyes began to fill with tears.

"Oh, honey... What about you perform a play for us? You can pick out any actors and actresses in here." Ari suggested. Veronica wiped off her sad face and replaced them with a happy one as she's nodding rapidly.

"I'll be glad if you don't pick me." Ryan said at the end of the dinner table.

Veronica shot Ryan a look. "I won't. Uncle Ryan is a bad actor. I want Uncle Taylor to be my Romeo." She said.

Ryan laughed out loud. "I'm sorry that you have to be a boyfriend for 9 years old cute girlfriend, Mr. Pedoph." He said to Taylor who seemed annoyed by his friend.

"Uncle, shut up! Uncle Taylor isn't pedophile. Aunty Dianne will be my Juliet." Veronica continued and plastered a wide smile on her place. Now I know what she means by 'my Romeo and my Juliet'.

Ryan makes a face like a child; he did not please with that. While Taylor smile triumphantly. "I'm sure you will be a great director, Nica." Taylor said.

"And I'll be little fairy too." She said. I don't know that a story of Romeo and Juliet had a fairy. I look forward for her play.

"So, Dianne, in the past, you have a boyfriend?" Ari looked at me as she changed the subject. I don't know why the question got everyone focus on me.

"Of course I have one." I replied.

"What happened?" Alvin asked interestingly.

"He died." I replied shortly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Ari apologized.

"Don't be. It's okay." I said truthfully. Actually it's a boyfriend when I'm 17. Well, more like my helper. I kind of accidentally shot him when I tried to shoot the bird on the sky, who knows he showed up in front of me all of the sudden. The shot in the shoulder didn't kill him. But he spends about three months in the hospital because of cancer. Then he passed away.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked, changing the subject.

"It's a secret. You'll know it by tomorrow." Taylor said.

I nodded to myself. Please don't make cooking competition. Because I'm sure I'll lose, even if Jonas and Veronica join in.

After the dinner, I'm offering myself to help Ari and Christina to do the dishes. The boys with the kids are enjoying the movie in the living room. I can't believe myself I got really clumsy with those plates. Glad that none of it break into pieces because of me.

"Ryan keeps ordering me for staying in the same room with him. It's kind of annoying." I complained.

"I'm curious about he keeps saying the responsibility. What about it?" Christina asked. I know from Ari that Christina living outside of the town. She and her children will visit us monthly. Her husband is a soldier. It's really rare for him to be home.

"Dianne is Ryan's personal assistant now. It's been a while Dianne worked in his company." Ari answered.

"Oh, my... I thought you two are soon-to-be husband and wife. I must be over thinking." Christina stated.

"You are over thinking." I chuckles. "I'm not going to marry with that pervert boss." I said.

"Pervert?" Christina cocked her head to the side.

"And weird too." I said.

That'd make Ari and Christina chuckles. "Honey, Ryan might be a little childish, but not a pervert." Christina said. Well, he's not going to act pervert with his cousins.

"Did he touch you?" Ari asked excitedly.

"Urm... No." I lied. Yes he did. He touches himself too. The thoughts make me blushed.

"You lied." Ari giggled.

"He likes you." Christina stated.

"Nope." I objected.

"But Taylor seems to like you too." Ari said.

"Oh God, could you two please stop?" I begged. Both of them are giggling.

Once we're done with the dishes, I excused myself for taking a shower. Ryan had placed my luggage on the early room. His luggage is there too. I took my towel from the luggage and bring the gift box that Christina gave me early into the bathroom. I place the box on the sink and hang my towel on the hooker.

I let bubbles of shampoo covering up most of my body. It felt really fresh once I'm done cleaning myself. I wrapped the towel around my body after drying my wet hair. I reach out the box that given by Christina. It's light in weight; I thought it some kind of snack food so I can enjoy it in the bathroom. Once I opened the box, I lifted up the deep red fabrics with my hand; it's lingerie.

I'd never wear one of it before. Well, I don't have to. Since it's a gift from Christina, I thought I might try it. I put on the hot red lingerie on my body. The bathroom didn't have a big mirror; it only could reveal the upper part of my body. It'd bring my huge size of boobs in zoom, but I think I'll never wear this kind of clothes. Like I said, I don't have to.

All of sudden, two hands are lingering on my stomach from the back. I yelped. And I felt something nudging on my upper butt. A hot breath from behind brushed my neck skin softly. When I looked on the mirror, I saw a very familiar blonde head resting on the crook of my neck.

"Is that a gift for me tonight?" Ryan said in deep husky voice.

I look at the door. Did I forget to unlock it? What's wrong with me today?

Ryan surely needs to stop treating me like his property. "No, it's for Taylor the Romeo." I replied then pried his hands off me. Before I can walk farther to exit the bathroom, Ryan slammed my body on the wall and slides me up till my feet leaving the concrete floor. Afraid of falling down, my legs automatically wrapped itself over Ryan's torso. His crotch is leaning over to my core.

"Ryan, stop! What are you doing?" I pushed him but that didn't make him move an inch.

"You'll touch me once you're mad." He said then planted a kiss under my neck.

"I'm not going to please your dick again!" I yelled; hopping he will let me go. No, he is not going to do that.

"Stop thinking so hard, Dianne. Your body wants it." He muttered on my skin. He might be right. I could felt I'm getting wetter than before. It's an uncomfortable feeling but it pleased my body. Ryan didn't stop his tongue from wandering around my middle chest, avoiding my throbbing t!ts that needing attention.

My legs felt like melting under the heat that we produced in such a tiny place. I tighten my legs on him, that'd make his crotch hitting harder and closer on me. I let out a loud moan as I failed to contain it under my breath. Ryan groaned in pleasure while his hand that on my arm moving to my breast.

I squeezed my eyes shut and bite my lower lips when he squeezed my breast hardly. The hardness in his pants keep throbbing my core. As he continued kissing, sucking and licking my breast that still in the lingerie, he stopped for once to look at me then look down to my lips. I bite my lower lips; thinking about kissing him at that time. But I'm too nervous that I use too much time to look at his blue eyes that darker from usual.

"You're wet." He stated. He'd stopped chewing my body as he looked at me while we maintained on the same position like early.

"Not yet." I smiled seductively as I let go of my legs from his hips. I free myself from him then grabbed his fingers and lead him into the bath tub. His eyes never left me, as we standing in the bath tub that been placed beside the walls; I turned on the rain shower. The water is bursting out and soaking both of us.

Ryan waited for me to make the move. I reached out his chest that still wrapped in his black fit tee and purr of his touch. Ryan plastered a smirk on his face before sliding the glass door that separated the outer space of bathroom with the inner one. That makes the place becomes much smaller.

Ryan rested his hands on my hips as I placed my hands on the back of his neck.

"I will fuck you hard tonight." He said in husky voice.


Here it comes - The Cliff-Hanger...

*Special thanks to VenedictAlbert who actually votes for every chapters on Ran Into You. Appreciate it so much! *smooch smooch*

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