The Nerd Is Back Bitches! (CU...

By dreamyperson

307K 6K 783

What will happen if the nerd you just always bully before comes back? Not only that, she's now the super-hott... More

I'm going back BITCHES!
Goodbye America, Hello BITCHES
Nerd is that you?
The Nerd and the Jerk Finally meets.
The Flirt is here.
The Flirt The Nerd and The Jock crossed paths.
The Nerd's name
Back of Flirt
Date with the Jerk.
The Oreo!
Want some Tampons?
First Love
Ring That Bell.
Could This Day Gets Any better?
Cat Fight
Good And Bad Day
I Love You Nerd [END]

The Nerd's Best friend

13.9K 311 25
By dreamyperson

When I wake up I notice it's six in the morning, Mom usually wakes up at ten, Grams around nine and Sam probably around eleven. So I decide to have a quick run, I tie my hair up in a pony tail, change into my running outfit and head out.

I could probably take this time to stroll around the village and enjoy the quiet nature.

I'm jogging around the village with my earphones on, playing YOUR LOVE IS MY DRUG by Ke$ha. I fucking love that girl! She's freaking awesome!

Her music just makes me want to dance most of the times, and the beat of the song is really catchy.

I sing as I run even though it's a little hard for me to breath.

'What you got, boy, is hard to find

I think about it all the time

I'm all strung out, my heart is fried

I just can't get you off my mind

Because your love, your love, your love is my drug

Your love, your love, your love

I said your love, your love, your love is my drug

Your love, your love, your love

I continue singing while running, I' got lost with the music and lyrics. Good thing there isn't many people around. So I continue singing even though I know my voice isn't that good, I don't care on what other people would think.

My friends think I've gone crazy

My judgment's getting kinda hazy

My steeze is gonna be affected

If I keep it up like a lovesick crackhead

What you got, boy, is hard to findh

I think about it all the time

I'm all strung out, my heart is fried

I just can't get you off my mind

I'm practically singing my heart out when I bump into someone, "Watch it!" I said, I look at him then continue running but, he suddenly grab my wrist and spin me around.

"Elizabeth Pierce?" he said, I couldn't hear him because of my earphones, I pull it out and ask "What?" my chest heaves up and down as I catch my breath.

"You're Elizabeth Pierce right?" he frowns at me.

I freeze when he said that.

Shit! Who the hell is this? I don't recognize him, is he one of Will's gang? No... I'm pretty sure no one looks like that in Will's gang. Gentleman.

"Elizabeth Pierce... That's you, you're finally back." he repeats, his forefinger pointing at me.

I frown at him "Sorry, who are you?" I try my best to remain my calm.

"So it's true! You're back!"

"Who are you" I repeat, ignoring what he just said.

"Come on Eli, you don't recognize me?" His lips forms into a sweet smile. "It's me! Steven Araneta!" he said.

My brain process what he said, Steven Araneta. I look at his hair, eyes, nose, lips, body and back to his face.

I was silent for a second then... HOLY SHIT! STEVEN! I remember him! he's one of my friends here. True friends, in fact he's close to being my best friend.

"HOLY SHIT! STEVEN! OH MY GOD! I DIDN'T RECOGNIZE YOU! YOU'VE CHANGE!" I'm practically screaming at him, he laughs and run his hand on his messy-bed-hair look that suits him. "So do you, I almost didn't recognize you too. If Sam didn't told me that you're back I wouldn't- " I cut him off.

"Sam? you mean... My cousin?" I ask

"Yeah, Sam."

"You two are friends now?"

He laughs "I know, unbelievable right? But we became friends when I came back, we both grew up and put everything behind us."

My cousin Sam, used to bully Steven a lot, well it's not as bad as what happened to me but yeah, Sam was a jerk back then. 

My mouth turn into an 'O'

"So... How are you Pierce? I lost contact with you when you went to America. I missed you!" We sit down on an empty bench near a park.

"I'm fine as you see" I gesture at myself, "Doing a lot greater than I thought I would."

"I can see that, you're gorgeous"

I chuckled, "So do you, six-pack" I tease,

"It's eight." he correct,

I roll my eyes on him, "Whatever Araneta! Oh... Would you like to come to my house? Mom would be delighted to see you!"

"Sure, I miss your Mom. She always jumps into conclusion. Remember when we studied in your room just the two of us?" I nod, "She start saying 'guys, I don't want to hear any screaming or humping okay? Keep it down'" he said while mimicking Mom's voice.

I laugh "She's still the same. Back in America she used to think that me and Jonathan are going out"

"Jonathan? Ohh... is that a boyfriend" he tease

"My best friend in America." I smiled.

There was an awkward silence between us, "So let's go? Mom and the others should be awake by now" I said while checking the time, "Okay."


"MOM! WE HAVE A VISITOR!" I shout cause I'm pretty sure she's already awake, "Who is it?!" she shouts from the kitchen.

"Let's go see Mom" I whisper to him and he nods, I want to surprise mom so we head towards the kitchen.

Mom sees me, "So who is it?" she ask, I look at Steve and gave him a sign that he can show himself. "Hi Auntie" Steven said, Mom eyes widened in shock.

"HOLY MOTHER OF-! STEVEN ARANETA?!" Yup, that's the look I want from her

"Hi Auntie, long time no see." Steve gave Mom a hug

"You've grown... You've turned into a handsome man." Mom began touching Steven's abs,

"Mom!" seriously, "What? I was just touching it, I'm not harassing your boyfriend"

BOYFRIEND? There she goes again, jumping into conclusions.

"So di po pala kayo nag bago (You haven't change Auntie)," Steven smiles, "A little maybe" Mom smiles. "Come on Steven, let's watch a movie." I drag him out of the kitchen, only to find Sam playing needs for speed in the living room.

"Hey Sammy!" Steven greeted him and rested his arm on his shoulder, "Hey!" he greeted while his eyes fixed on the screen.

I sit down on the sofa, "I see the bromance going on" I tease. They both shoot me those looks that says:

Have a problem with that?

I chuckle, "Geez chill out dudes, I was just kidding."

"Good!" they both said at the same time, I look at Sam "Sam you didn't told me that you and Steven are now friends."

"Didn't think it was necessary to tell you"

"Not necessary?." I frown a little, I mean I know I have been gone for a long time but Steven and I were best of friends.

"I never thought you would want to know, I mean you know... you were trying to forget and everything" Sam glance at me and smile at me tightly before looking back to the t.v screen.

He has a point. I did want to forget everything and I wanted to cut ties with everyone that reminded me of what happened. I look down on the floor as I tangled my hands together, even now when I remember what happened before, it still does makes me cry a little.

Steven rest his other arm on my shoulder and tug me closer to him, "Welcome home Elizabeth." he said with a bright smile on his face. I can't help but match his smile with mine, "I'm home." I said.

"Okay, stop flirting to my side guys. I can't concentrate on the game." Sam said but his voice is a playful sound. Steven and I just laugh and tried even more to distract him.


Sam finally gave up on playing with his console, how can he when me and Steven made sure he can't. Sam was a little pissed at us so I said if he want's to play then we can play hide & seek. He was reluctant at first, but I persuade him to play. The house is big enough for us to play, many rooms and places you can hide.

"You're like a monkey" Steven said

"What?" I ask, laughing.

"You hide into places that's so small."

"That's the components of the game, to hide." I emphasized the word hide.

"You're just pissed cause, ikaw lagi ung talo (you always lose)" Steven suddenly became silent then he starts to laugh -- REALLY LAUGH -- his arms were on his stomach as he tries his best not to laugh.

"I know I sound weird when I speak in tagalog okay." I know it sucks... Don't rub it in my face anymore.

"Still funny" Steven's face were red and his eyes were watery, asshole.

"Whatever!" I roll my eyes at him, I look at the clock and it was 8 in the evening, "Aren't you going home? It's getting late already."

He looked at clock "man is it that late already? Better get going, thanks for reminding me Pierce."


I walk him to the door. "Be careful." I gave him a tight hug, "I missed you Araneta."

"Me too Eli. I'll see you tomorrow" he said before heading out. I close the door behind me and I was just about to return to my room to rest, because I'm tired anyways. Then someone rings the doorbell.

Steven? did he forget something?

I open the door "What is it Steven?--"

"Steven? Now, now Pierce did I got replaced already? It hasn't been a month and I'm already replaced by this Steven" Oh... My... God... Is my eye deceiving me right now? Cause Jonathan Damon is right in front of my house!

"...Jonathan?" I said in almost a whisper.

"Hey Peirce" he grinned.

Why the hell is Jonathan here?



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