She's Just the Nanny

By Callme_Raay

407K 12.8K 475

THIS IS NOT THE FULL STORY. Brooke Taylor, a 22 year old woman lost everything when her father died. Her moth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Important Message
Chapter 6 - short summary & link
Chapter 7 - short summary & link
Chapter 8 - short summary
Chapter 9 - short summary
Chapter 10 - short summary
Chapter 11 - short summary
Chapter 12 - short summary
Chapter 13 - short summary
Chapter 14 -short summary
Chapter 15 - short summary
Chapter 16 - short summary
Chapter 17 - short summary
Chapter 18 - short summary
Chapter 19 - short summary
Chapter 20 - short summary
Chapter 21 - short summary
Chapter 22 - short summary
Chapter 23 - short summary
Chapter 24 - short summary
Chapter 25 - short summary
Chapter 26 - short summary

Chapter 5

23.7K 845 39
By Callme_Raay

Brooke was currently driving with Ben. He came to pick her up earlier because he would not allow her to take a cab. She was sitting in front and saw how Ben always stole glances at her opened thighs. She still did not know why she decided to wear this short dress. It was a tight fitted black dress. Her sleeves were lace. Fortunately her cleavage did not show but the dress was a bit short. It was, however the perfect club dress. She had on silver heels with a sliver clutch. Her make-up was lightly. She only had on eye-liner and red lipstick.

"So Brooke, how and why are you working for one of the most famous billionaires?

"It's a long and twisted story." Brooke said, not really wanting to talk about it. "And it's meant to be told on another day." Ben opened his mouth to protest but closed it again.

"What club are we going to?" Brooke asked before Ben could say anything. "I wanted to go to Sloppy Joe's. It's filled with hot chicks. But everyone else preferred Bull & Bear."

They reached the club in no time. Brooke and Ben walked in together. Ben placed his hand on the small of her back, not wanting to lose her between the big crowds of people.

They spotted Cara with Sarah, Sarah's boyfriend Kale, Cara's brother Caleb and Jason was also there. Then there were Cara and Brooke's high school friends that they still kept in touch with, Iris and Diana. Ben and Brooke walked to them.

"Hey guys." They greeted everyone. "Cara, what are you doing in club and you are seven months pregnant?" Brooke scowled at her.

"What? You thought I'll miss all the fun? Besides you can hardly see my stomach." Brooke laughed, knowing full well that she would not have come if Cara did not.

"So I'll grab the drinks and after that we should totally get wasted and dance our asses of!" Caleb shouted. Everyone cheered accept Cara and Brooke. Caleb was always the party freak. When they were in high school Caleb was the one to force them to go to school parties. Brooke was laughing and Cara was looking rather sad. "Well I'll just drink water and pretend I'm wasted." Cara said sadly. Everyone laughed. "I only want a coke please. I think I'll stay sober for the sake of Cara."
"You're a party buzz killer." Iris shouted. Caleb left to get our drinks.

Brooke's eyes wandered around to see if she saw any handsome guys. Her eyes fell on two guys. They were currently ordering a drink. She only saw their backs but they looked like two who could be handsome. The one turned around and looked right into her eyes. She frowned. He looked really familiar; she knew she had seen him somewhere.


Nate ordered himself a drink. He knew he needed to get wasted and forget about everything else. "Dude!" He heard Aiden inhaling a sharp breath.

"I saw that woman once before." Nate groaned. He honestly did not need to see any one of Aiden's previous flings. Nate sighed and turned around to follow Aiden's gaze. When his eyes fell on the woman, he himself inhaled a sharp breath. He noticed that she also inhaled a sharp breath and then she nudged on a woman. It was Brooke, looking rather ravishing in her attire.

Her hair was straight; he was so used to seeing it curly. Not ever seeing her in make-up took him by surprise, she did look beautiful but he liked her natural beauty more. Nate frowned at his thoughts. Why am I even thinking this?

"I call dips Nate." Aiden said giving him a childish grin. Nate chuckled and rolled his eyes, Aiden is going to be so disappointed when he finds out she is the on working for Nate.

"Uh Aiden, that's the woman my dad hired. That is the nanny." As expected, Aiden looked sad and disappointed.

"So that's means she's off limits, right?" Nate smirked

"You got that right." Nate winked at Aiden and he groaned.

"I doubt she will give in to you anyway. The day I first saw her was when she was still a waitress at a diner and she did not fall for any my pick-up lines that women usually fall for."

"That's because it's you. I'm Nate. Everyone gives into me."

"Well isn't she the reason why you came here in the first place?" Aiden shot back with a smirk.

Nate wanted to say something but then Brooke grabbed his a attention again. She took her drink, a coke and then she dragged  some guy to the dance floor. The jealousy that surged through him scared him but he ignored it. Brooke looked so beautiful. He needed her.

He made a promise to himself, by the end of the night he will get to dance with her.

Brooke could not believe she saw Nathaniel here. He looked really handsome in a jeans and checked shirt, not that he didn't look handsome in his suit. Brooke decided to pull Ben to the dance floor with her.

She enjoyed herself while dancing and soon forgot Nathaniel was there. It was fun dancing with Ben. After dancing for a few hours she decided to get another coke. She was not one who liked drinking. She went to the bar and ordered a coke and decided to drink it right there.

"A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be standing here; she should be on the dance floor with a me." Brooke shivered when she heard that all too familiar voice whisper in her ear.

"Is that your way of asking me to dance Mr Cashvian?" She heard herself ask. Nathaniel smirked and without answering he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor causing her to gasp.

"I don't remember saying yes to dance with you Nathaniel" She said in a rather annoyed tone. "I don't remember asking." He shot back.

A slow song came on. Nate wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Brooke gasped at this action but she found herself liking being so close to him. She wrapped her hands around his neck and started slow dancing with him. She stared into his beautiful blue eyes. She could not bring herself to look away.

"Miss Taylor, you look very beautiful tonight." She wanted to believe him but she knew he had a way with women. She turned her head without answering and he frowned at this action.

"When are you planning on dropping this hard-to-get-act and just give in to me?" She heard him ask. "This isn't an act. I know you are used to woman instantly falling for you the minute they see you but that's not me. I'm genuinely not interested in sleeping with you sir."

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "I will get you Brooke Taylor." She hated how she shivered when he spoke in her ear. He smiled at that, at least he knew he had some kind of effect on her.

The song ended and Brooke couldn't be happier. This close proximity with her boss was not doing her any good. She was suddenly not in the mood anymore and just wanted to go home now.

Brooke quickly walked away, leaving Nathaniel right there in the middle of the dance floor. She walked to where her friends were standing. Luckily it was only the women that were standing there. The guys were not in sight at the moment.

"Who was that extremely handsome guy you danced with Brooke?" Diana asked the question everyone wanted to know.

"That was Brooke's boss." Cara answered for her.

"What, your boss? Well now I understand why you quit your job at the diner." Sarah said. "I mean who would want to work with Mrs Kelly when you can work for such a hot piece of ass."

Brooke rolled her eyes. "He might be a 'hot piece of ass' but he's an arrogant, egotistical and womanizing man that works on my last nerves."

"I sense attraction." Diana added and she earned a few nods from the others. "I don't see how me hating the guy can count for attraction."

"Trust me Brooke, I used to hate Kale too and look at us now, we are happy and in love."

"Well we're not you and Kale." Everyone sensed that this conversation was going now where and they ended it.

Soon the guys joined them. "Brooke who was that guy you were dancing with?" Ben asked. "It was my new boss."

"I swear I've never seen you dance so intimate with someone before." Caleb added his two cents. "Is something going on between you and this boss of yours?"

"No there's nothing going on between us." Brooke said getting slightly annoyed.

"Well soon there will be." Cara mumbled but everyone heard her. Brooke chose to ignore her comment. Suddenly Cara inhaled a sharp breath.

"Brooke, Mr Hotpants is coming over." Brooke looked up and saw Nathaniel walking this way. 

When he reached them he just stared at her expectantly. There was an awkward silence before Brooke decided to introduce everyone.

When everyone got acquainted her friends made up some excuse and left, leaving Brooke and Nathanial alone. "I am going home now and I was wondering if you wanted a ride home?"

"Sure." Brooke nodded. She was all too glad that Nathaniel offered she didn't feel like staying late here.

"I'll just say goodbye and then I will meet you outside." Brooke walked over to where she spotted her friends.

"Nathaniel offered me ride home since he's leaving now and I just came to say goodbye."

"Nathaniel? You're on first name basis already? Are you sure you never slept with this guy." Iris asked.

"No Iris. I did not sleep with this guy and don't ever plan to." Iris nodded something along the lines of 'how could you not' but Brooke ignored her and said goodbye to everyone.

The ride home was really quiet and that was something Brooke hated. Not that it was an awkward silence but she hated it and decided to speak. "So, what happened to your friend back there. Did you leave him?"

"No, he went home with a lady friend of his. After all that's the reason why we came."

"Then why aren't you going home with one?"

"Well technically I am." Nathaniel said and smirked at her. Brooke smiled slightly and rolled her eyes.

"You don't give up do you?"

"I'm Nathaniel Cashvian, giving up is not in my vocabulary."

"Well I can tell you now. You can give up on me and find yourself someone else." Brooke said. 

"And why would I want to do that?"

"Because Nathaniel," She started slowly "I don't believe in sex before marriage." The car suddenly came to stop and Brooke saw they reached the house. Nathaniel turned to her looking astonished. "What? So you're saying your 22 years old and a virgin?"

"Yes I am. So now that I've told you that I hope you are now convinced that I will not sleep with you. I'm planning on sleeping with the man I'm going to marry and not some womanizing billionaire who will drop me like a sack of potatoes after he is done with me." Brooke said and then without waiting to hear his response, she got out of the car, leaving Nathaniel dumbfounded.

She smiled to herself, now Nathaniel had to give up. Her father always taught her that sex is very important and that you should not just sleep with anyone. It's best to wait after marriage and then you'll give up your virginity to the man you trust and love with all your heart. She would not sleep with someone before marriage because she believed if she did she would betray her father and everything he stood for.

She walked straight to her room and plopped down on her bed. Seconds later she heard a knock on her door. She frowned. What did he want?

"Come in." She said.

Nathaniel walked in her room. "Did you have dinner already?" He asked her.

"No I did not." and just after that her stomach started grumbling causing her to blush.

Nathaniel chuckled softly. "Well I've already ordered pizza. While we wait for it to come we could watch some movie. That is, if you want to?" Nathaniel asked and he suddenly looked nervous.

Brooke was now confused. Was he not supposed to leave her alone now? She mentally shook her head, erasing her thoughts and gave him a friendly smile.

"Sure, why not? I'll be down in a minute."

She quickly changed out of her clothes and got into something more comfortable before pulling her hair in a messy bun. She washed her face of to get rid of the make-up.

Brooke still wondered why Nathaniel was so nice to here. After what she told him he should be done with her or something. She shook off her thoughts again; maybe he just had a nicer side to him.

She walked downstairs and saw Nathaniel busy looking through a pile of movies.

"So what do you want to watch? I have everything here" Without a second thought she said. "Chasing Liberty." Nate groaned. "No. That is a romance, I hate romance movies."

"How could you say that? Romance movies are the best kind."

"The romance and everyone living happily ever after is not even real."

"Of course I know it's not real. But that's the point. It shows us it is okay to dream and live in a fantasy once in a while."

"Remind me never to ask you to choose a movie next time." Nate grumbled teasingly and Brooke laughed, rolling her eyes at him.

They spent the remainder of the evening watching movies and eating pizza. Brooke saw a different side of Nathaniel yet she could not shake of the thought that maybe he was only this nice to her because he hoped she would give eventually give into him.     

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