Just Saying | Luke Hemmings

By 5sosflowers

5.9K 269 22

"You should leave him, 'Cause it really makes me sick, Just saying, just saying, You don't need him, I'll hel... More

1 - Best Friends
2 - Secrets
3 - Broken Heart
4 - New Beginnings
6 - 7 Whole Minutes
7 - Band?
8 - Tour
9 - This Is It
10 - Girlfriend?
11 - Confirmed
12 - Fun
13 - Falling Apart
14 - Mad About What
15 - Fixed
16 - Screw Up
17 - Disconnected
18 - Again
19 - Date Night
20 - Oh Brother
21 - Diva
22 - Staring
23 - It's Time
24 - Big News
25 - Planning
26 - Big Day
27 - Honeymoon
28 - Accident
29 - Back Home
30 - Baby Daddy
31 - Born
102 READS!!!

5 - Try Hard

361 9 1
By 5sosflowers

Cassie POV

I had no idea of what Luke meant by "I'll prove it." Ashton and I should there in awe. What did he mean? As much as I tried, I couldn't forget. I just slept on it.

I was so excited that it was summer vacation. I would be going to college soon in the fall, but at the same time I was nervous. I planned to spend my vacation with my family and friends.

Ashton POV

I need to let Cassie know that I've secretly been friends with Luke even when she pissed him off. And the truth is I've been thinking about breaking up with her before we get too serious.

Cassie POV

I was pretty nervous about what Luke was going to do to "prove himself." I walked home to a bouquet of flowers that read, "For my beautiful Cass who I would share cuddles, kisses, and food with. xx Luke."

I was highly confused, yet flattered. I remember when Luke used to spoil me with presents all all the time even when I told him to stop. I wanted to spend time with the boys, so I called Cal and Mikey over to my house. We all decided to go to the mall. I only brought Cal and Mikey so they could carry my bags.

We entered Abercrombie and these group of guys were making me feel uncomfortable. They started talking amongst themselves.
"Look at dat ass."

"I could make you feel good tonight."

I was really offended by those comments so I yelled for Calum and Michael. Calum threatened him with words.

"Woah what the fuck are you doing?" Calum seemed pretty mad.

"Why man is she your girl?"

Calum didn't say a word, but Michael decided to throw a punch to one of the guys knocking him out. The other guys ran away and left their friend on the floor. I felt as if I had two personal bodyguards. Which I was lucky to have.

They were both extremely worried.

"Are you okay Cass!?!?"

"Yeah thanks guys, I'm fine."

We went back to my house and I found a huge gift basket with my name on it. It included a small teddy bear, lots of chocolate, and Luke and I's favorite childhood movies. I smiled and blushed. Inside the basket included another note that said, "Hey Cass, just thought I should spend a little money to make you happy:)"

I showed the guys and they awed and cooed.

"I KNOW, YOU SHOULD GET BACK TOGETHER WITH LUKE!!!!" Mikey could be very loud sometimes.

"Mikey, we were never dating in the first place."

"I know I just want you to to makeup." He did the cutest puppy face ever!!!

"I can't just makeup with him."

I was really upset about Luke and I. I really do miss him. He makes me feel beautiful and worthy.

Luke POV

I wanted to go visit Cassie today, so I packed a picnic basket so we can walk to the park to eat lunch.

***At Cassie's House

I was in front of Cassie's front door. I knocked nervously. Her mom came to open the door.

"Hi Mrs. Lockwood!"

"Oh hi Luke! Cassie up in her room."

"Ok thanks."

I walked up to Cassie's room and knocked.

"H-hey C-Cass." Yep I was reallyyyyy nervous.

"Luke what are you doing here?" I held up my picnic basket.

"Erm I was hoping we could go on a picnic?" I was shaking and sweating like crazy.

"Uh okay sure." We had an awkward conversation on the way to the park.

We arrived at the park and found a nice and cozy spot under a tree.

I started the conversation.

"So erm how've you been? You know with Ashton and everything?"

"Oh yeah I'm going to college soon, and Ashton and I are doing great."

I was really sad about her and Ashton. But Ashton was my friend, I would support him. Even though I obviously still love her. To stop the awkwardness I pulled out the food from the basket.

"I cooked your favorite pasta."

"Aw thanks Luke!"

"Um I needed to tell you something."


"I miss you. I really do. I miss our cuddles and movie nights and everything that we used to do."

"Luke I miss you too!"

"So can we like makeup?"

"Of course Luke!"


Awwww happy ending!!!! Not for long😈 hehehe.

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thanks loves:)

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