Albus Severus Potter - Year 6...

By Florence-Potter

29.3K 1.3K 451

Albus and the others are back to Hogwarts in their sixth year! This is the Sequel to Albus Severus Potter and... More

Chapter 1: End of Holidays
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley and Announcements
Chapter 3: Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 4: Felicia and Ervin
Chapters 5: the First Quidditch Match
Chapter 6: Godric's Hollow
Chapter 7: Prepare for the Ball
Chapter 8: Winter Wonderland Ball
Chapter 9: Christmas Coming Close
Chapter 10: A 'lovely' Christmas Feast
Chapter 11: The Annual Family Quidditch Match
Chapter 12: To Tell or Not To Tell
Chapter 13: Karkaroff Back to Azkaban?
Chapter 14: Dumbledore's Wise Advice
Chapter 15: The Horrifying Afternoon For Tyler and Luke
Chapter 16: A Fight in the Library
Chapter 17: The Trip to Malfoy Manor
Chapter 18: Rose's Idea
Chapter 19: The Muggle Returns
Chapter 20: A Cheer-Up Day for Quinn
Chapter 21: The Funeral
Chapter 22: Tyler Tells His Dad
Chapter 23: Return of the Elder Wand
Chapter 24: Rose's Plan Fails
Chapter 25: Resurrection
Chapter 26: Different POV's
Chapter 27: About new Horcruxes
Chapter 28: A Very Potter Break-Up
Chapter 29: Quinn is Gone
Chapter 30: Betrayal in Our Midst
Chapter 31: Studying and Discussions
Chapter 32: What A Bet!
Chapter 33: For A Holiday-ish Day
Chapter 34: Like Father, Like Daughter?
Chapter 35: Air Full of Sorrow and Anger
Chapter 36: Felicia in France
Chapter 37: So Close to Admitting
Chapter 38: How Albus, Quinn and Tyler Started Their Journey for the Horcruxes
Chapter 39: Dobby 2.0
Chapter 40: The Crush
Chapter 42: Lilo and Gwennypig
Chapter 43: He Can't!
Chapter 44: The Attack
Chapter 45: About Time to Finish
Chapter 46: Defying Gravity? More like Quidditch!
Chapter 47: Back for the Very Last Time
Author's Note

Chapter 41: Horcrux No. 1

421 22 16
By Florence-Potter

Hey there! I just have to say that my sister is now playing Barbie and the twelve princesses on my Nintendo and keeps yelling at it and I'm dying. Update: she just rage-quit

As Albus sighed about the bone in the tree Quinn took it out. "Al. You found it. This is a wand." She said, and Albus looked up. It was a bone, but it was shaped like a wand so a wand made out of bone. Albus took it from her and took out his own.

"The next question is, how do we destroy it?" He said, as he placed the wand on the ground. "Reducto!" He yelled, waving his wand. The wand didn't even move. "Expulso!" Nothing happened. He picked it up and stuck his own wand in his pocket again. Then he took the wand in both hands and tried to snap it. It was too strong.

Tyler, who was talking with Flynn, looked over, then walked towards Albus. "Is this it? Let me try." He took the wand and dropped it on the ground. "Bombarda! Incendio!" It didn't work. "Oh, you want to play like this?" He placed one foot on the wand and grabbed the other side with his hand. Then he pushed it over his foot, trying to snap it. It didn't work. "Well, if that's the case." Tyler picked up the wand again and held it over a rather strong branch. He took it on either side and lifted his feet. Nothing happened still.

"Tyler. It's not going to work." Albus tried, but Tyler was still trying to break it.

"Did either of you bring a saw?" Tyler asked, and Albus and Quinn shook their heads.

"Tyler, it won't work. We'll take it with us, and try later. Albus, what did your dad kill the Horcruxes with again?" Quinn asked, and Albus shrugged.

"He did a couple with a Basilisk Fang, I think. Also, Nev- Professor Longbottom killed one with the sword of Gryffindor. He got to keep it afterwards." Albus said.

Tyler sniggered. "Professor Longbottom killed a Horcrux? That's bloody awesome!" He exclaimed. "But if he got to keep it, shouldn't we try to go to him and ask him?"

Albus rolled his eyes. "He's a friend of my family, so he's at the Burrow. With the rest of my family. And they'd never let us go again. Besides, even if he weren't he'd tell my dad. He always tells everything to my dad. Remember that time when that plant-thing exploded in my lap and it looked like I wet myself in second year? And Ervin made fun of me? Well, Nev- Professor Longbottom wrote it in a letter which arrived on our holiday in Italy. I still hear my brother about it." Albus said.

"Okay, so we can't go to Professor Longbottom. Why don't we ask like, McGonagall?" Quinn asked.

Albus glared at her. "Same case. She also always tells everything. They're all friends with my dad." He said, as he pulled a face.

"And Slughorn?" Quinn suggested. Albus thought about it.

"He hardly remembers my name." Tyler said. "He still calls me Tiger every once in a while." He said.

"Right. He might have forgotten." Albus said.

Flynn then spoke. "Why don't we go for the next Horcrux and then decide how to kill them?" He said.

"Okay. Mr I'm-Not-A-Death-Eater-But-I-Know-Stuff-A-Death-Eater-Would, guide the way." Tyler said, and Flynn nodded.

"I know whereabout one more is. It's in Godric's Hollow. I think it's near the church, but I'm not sure. Anyway, they spoke of three Horcruxes but I passed out before they said the last one. They did say three would be enough. So after this one we need just one more." He said. Albus nodded.

"Okay. Then let's go there." He said, and they all linked hands and disapparated.

Albus nearly lost his balance as they arrived in Godric's Hollow. He blinked a few times to take in the new surroundings, and then he followed the others to the church. Albus knew Godric's Hollow pretty well for three reasons. 1. It was very small. 2. He lived there until he was like, nine. 3. He'd been to Godric's Hollow earlier this year. The church had always looked lovely, but Albus didn't focus on that. The group stopped next to the church, at the right side of the graveyard, and Quinn sighed.

"Now, the next question is, what's the new Horcrux? It could be a brick in the stone surroundings of the church for all I care." She said, and she slumped down. Albus agreed.

"This isn't working. We'll never find it. Does anyone have an idea how we can detect the Horcrux?" He said.

Tyler sniggered. "We could set everything on fire and explode stuff and see what remains." He said, as everyone glared at him. "What? I'm trying to make this less... Serious." He said, as Flynn rolled his eyes.

"Whatever we do, I feel like we're being watched." He said, which made everyone look around.

Albus scanned their surroundings. Then, his gaze fell on a person with a black hoodie. It seemed to be watching them. Albus walked towards him, but when he got close, he disapparated. Even though Black Hoodie was gone, it didn't make him feel better. Albus still shrugged it off, and returned to the group. Quinn seemed to have noticed Albus walking towards someone, and she looked at him nervous and worried.

"What was it, Al?" She asked, and Albus shook his head.

"Just a person in a black hoodie. I didn't see his face." Albus said, and Quinn nodded, though she didn't seem convinced. "Whoever it is," Albus continued, "or was, he's gone now and if he wanted to kill me he could've." Albus said, and Quinn shrugged it off.

"Whatever. So, how are we going to find the Horcrux? I mean, I doubt there's a tag that says Horcrux on it." she said, and Tyler nodded.

They were quiet for a moment, when a voice filled their ears. "Albus Severus Potter!" The voice belonged to Albus' father, Harry. He ran towards the group and eyed them. "What exactly do you think you're doing? You should've left this up to the Auror Office, this is no business for a seventeen year-old!" he yelled.

"Says who?" Albus said in a quiet voice, but Harry didn't find it funny.

"What even are you doing here?" Harry asked.

Albus wasn't sure how and if he should answer. "Well, we're looking for the Horcruxes. We found one, and Flynn said the other one would be here." Harry only then noticed both Flynn and Winky.

"Hi Winky. And you're Flynn? Albus, do we know this guy?" Harry asked.

Albus whined. "Dad!" he said. "Can you not? I'm trying to save the Wizarding World here." he said, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Don't even start on that with me. So. Flynn. What's the Horcrux? Wait a second, you found one? Give it." Albus didn't flinch. "Give. It." Albus still didn't move. "Albus Severus Potter, I said, Give. It!" his father's voice raised, and Albus obliged. He reached in his pocket and handed his father the wand. "His wand. They made it his wand." Harry said, and he took out his own. "God, how did we do the Fiendfyre thing again... Let me think... God, I forgot. Albus, you have to go home. I'll finish it for you, I don't want anything to happen to you."

Albus protested. "But, Dad! You'll get in danger! You're not your young self anymore and I don't want you to die. If you die, more people will be hurt." Albus said.


I am severely sorry I didn't update yesterday but I fell asleep writing...

There's another special coming for 3K reads! Like, whut? Submit your idea and I'll knit it in somewhere!



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