Jaylos One Shots!

By lolziez980

117K 1.9K 927

You know you wanna read. P.s. my earlier chapters are really bad and my latest chapters are much better! Just... More

Happy Halloween!
I'm Alive!
The Perfect Christmas
Not So Pointless Rant.
Happy Valentines Day!


4.6K 103 102
By lolziez980

Carlos was drowning in tissues, ice cream and tears. It hasn't even been 24 hours and he is already a wreck. He doesn't know how to function without Jay.

" Cmon Dude. " Carlos said standing up. He washed his face and then went out.

Carlos ran into Audrey. He groaned at the sight of the boyfriend stealer. " Oh hey Carlos. " She said smiling all innocent at him.

He looked at her with an emotionless face. " Why the long face? " She asked putting a hand on her hip knowing exactly why he had that long face. She smirked.

" Leave me alone Audrey. You already have Jay what could you possibly want? " He asked looking forward.

" Oh nothing really. I just wanted to rub it in your face that Jay is mine now. You lose and I win. No surprise there. " Audrey said laughing. Carlos speed walked away not wanting to be anywhere near Audrey.

He went to the field. He sat down on the bleachers sniffing as he fought the tears.


" Well? " Mal asked not in the mood for any if Jay's lies.

Jay bit his lip. He had to tell them what happened. He needed someone on his side at the moment.

" Well... "

Jay met with Audrey to discuss some things. He couldn't keep doing these things with her anymore.

At first it was playful banter but then it turned into something more. He hoped it never got to that point.

" Hey Jadey-bear! " Audrey said smiling at Jay. She held his hands but Jay quickly pulled them away with an apologetic smile.

" Look Audrey I can't be doing this with you anymore. I feel weird about this well I have for a while now. " Jay said looking at the girl.

" Oh I'm sorry Jaydey-Bear but you know that if you break my heart then you know what will happen. " Audrey said smiling at him. Jay groaned.

" Audrey you have to stop threatening me and Carlos alright. Leave Carlos out of this. " Jay pleaded for the hundredth time.

" Not until you give me what I want. " Audrey said smirking. " But I can't do that. I would never forgive myself. " He said his facial expression both scared and saddened.

" You will be my boyfriend or else it's bye bye to Dude. " Audrey said waving her hands on the bye bye dude part. " And of course it's going to be blamed on you because who's closest to Carlos? You! And who sleeps in the same bed as him? You! So who will he suspect? My innocent self. Or you? " Audrey said scaring Jay by how evil she sounded.

" Me.. " Jay said and Audrey clapped her hands. " That's right! J-A-Y is M-I-N-E! " Audrey said doing a stupid cheer. Jay sighed. Audrey sprayed something on him and he snapped out of it.

" You're gonna dump that loser Carlos right? " Audrey asked looking at Jay with her big brown eyes. " Of course I am. You're way hotter than him. " Jay said smirking at Audrey.

" Alright Jaydey-bear just making sure. " Audrey said. Leaning up and then kissed him.

" I'll see you later babe. " Jay said then walked away.

" And that's why I did it. " Jay said looking at the three. They were shocked. " Oh Audrey is going to get it bad. " Mal and Evie said turning but Ben stopped them.

" No you can't do that. Leave her out of this. You gotta help me get Carlos to talk to me " Jay said walking closer to the girls. " I can't live without him. I need him. " He said and Mal looked at him for a second. " Fine but if this ever happens again it's your funeral. " She said seriously.


Ben found Carlos on the bleachers. Ben walked up the bleachers to Carlos. " Hey Carlos! " He said sitting next to the white haired boy. " Hey Ben. " Carlos said not looking at the king.

" Look Mal told me what happened with you and Jay. " He said looking at the boy. Carlos fiddled with his hands. " Carlos I can tell you this now that Jay loves you. " He said making Carlos shake his head. " Sure he does. Cheating is such a great way to show you love someone. " He said sarcastically.

" Carlos I'm serious. You have to just talk to him. He will show you how much he- " " Shut up Ben. You don't know what your talking about. If he did then he wouldn't have done that in the first place. " Carlos said standing up then stormed off.

Ben bit his lip. He got up and went to go find Mal.


" No... no no no no. Where is it?! " Mal asked looking frantically with Evie.

" It's not here! " Evie said looking everywhere.

Ben knocked on the door. " Ben hurry get in here! " Mal shouted making Ben barrel in. " What happened?! " Ben asked looking at Mal and Evie searching for something.

" Someone stole my spell book! " Mal said making Ben's eyes widen. " But only you can use the spell book right? " He asked with a hopeful smile. Mal looked at Ben. Ben's smile flattered. " We need to find that book! " He said starting to look with the girls.


Meanwhile Audrey smirked as she made a nice dessert for Jay. She read from the spell book and then thought about sad things.

How Ben left her for Mal out of no where. How those villain kids caused a crazy commotion at the Family day. How Jay left her for Carlos...

She sniffed as a tear fell from her face and into the batter. She composed herself and stirred the batter. She then put the little dessert in the over for it to bake.

She waited. Once it was done she got it then put it in a box. She got the spell book and put it in her purse. She walked out the kitchen and went to go find Jay.

Meanwhile Audrey smirked as she made a nice dessert for Jay. She read from the spell book and then thought about sad things.

How Ben left her for Mal out of no where. How those villain kids caused a crazy commotion at the Family day. How Jay left her for Carlos...

She sniffed as a tear fell from her face and into the batter. She composed herself and stirred the batter. She then put the little dessert in the over for it to bake.

She waited. Once it was done she got it then put it in a box. She got the spell book and put it in her purse. She walked out the kitchen and went to go find Jay.


" Mirror Mirror do not delay. Where on earth does Mal's spell book stay? " Evie asked the mirror then looked at it.
She saw a pink purse. " Mirror not so close. " She said then it zoomed out to reveal Audrey. " AUDREY?! " The three said surprised to say the least.

They went to go find Audrey.

Audrey smiled as she found Jay. " Hey Jaydey-bear. " She said holding the box close to her. " Hey Audrey. " Jay said sighing. " You look drained. Here! " She said giving him the box. Jay opened it and saw the dessert.

" Thanks. " He said smiling. He was pretty hungry. " Jay! Don't! " Mal shouted but it was to late.

Jay bit into the dessert and he felt weird as he looked at Audrey. She smiled at him and he smiled. Audrey took out the spell book and threw it at Mal. " Thanks so much for the spell. Bye bye now. " Audrey said smiling as she wrapped her arms around Jays and walked away.

Mal groaned not looking forward to breaking the news to Carlos.


Carlos was at the enchanted lake. He sat against a pillar. He looked out to the enchanted lake wishing he could wash all the hurt away.

" I can hold my breath
I can bite my tongue
I can stay awake for days
If that's what you want
Be your number one. " He sang softly as he looked around the beautiful scenery.

" I can fake a smile
I can force a laugh
I can dance and play the part
If that's what you ask
Give you all I am. " He sang standing up.

" I can do it
I can do it
I can do it. " He said walking around.

" But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human. " He fell to his knees not caring for hid unprotected knees. He felt pain not from the impact but from hid heart. He looked up to the sky as he sang.

" I can turn it on
Be a good machine
I can hold the weight of worlds
If that's what you need
Be your everything. " He got up and leaned against a nearby pillar.

" I can do it
I can do it
I'll get through it! " He sang stomping his foot to the ground and stood up straight looking to the sky.

" But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human. " He turned around balling his fists holding his chest as he bent over.

" I'm only human
I'm only human
Just a little human! " He sang throwing his arms out as if he was about to give the sky a hug.

" I can take so much
'Til I've had enough
'Cause I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human. " He sang sitting back down and sighed looking up.

" What am I going to do? Ben said he loved me but he cheated on me... " He said confused. " Look at what you did to me Jay. " He said with a small chuckle.

" Carlos! Carlos! " He heard Mal call him. He ran to the cliff over the enchanted lake. " Carlos? " Evie shouted as the three stopped at the center of the gazebo.

" We're never gonna get to tell him of he keeps running off like this! He has to know. " Ben said panting.

Carlos looked at them and then stood up. " I need to know what? " He asked loudly. " Carlos! " The three shouted happily. " Audrey spelled Jay! " Mal shouted. " She did what?! " Carlos asked stepping forward but lost his footing and fell into the lake.

He flailed his arms. He can't swim. " Carlos! " Mal shouted jumping in. " Mal! " Ben shouted going in after her. " You guys! " Evie shouted jumping in.

Carlos started to sink but Mal grabbed his hand before he could. She tried her best to stay afloat as she pulled Carlos up and let him lean against her.

" Mal you can't swim! " Carlos shouted. " Neither can you! " Mal shouted back as she started to try and use one arm to backstroke to the gazebo.

Ben came and helped them to the gazebo. Mal's grip on Carlos started to slip but Evie was there just in time to help Carlos stay leaning onto Mal.

Ben helped everyone back onto the gazebo. Everyone was panting. " Sorry for running off like that. " Carlos said looking down. " That's OK but we need to get our Jay back. " Mal said standing up. Carlos nodded.

He will not lose to Audrey anymore.


Carlos got back to the school with Mal, Evie, and Ben. They power walked to Audrey and Jay at the lunch area. They were eating strawberries, chocolate and chocolate covered strawberries.

" I want my boyfriend back. " He said slamming his hands onto the table as he loomed in front of Audrey.

" Oh that's just not gonna happen. He's mine now. " Audrey said smirking at Carlos.

" No he's not. Jay listen to me you've been spelled. Audrey is making you love here you have to believe me. " He said grabbing Jay by his shoulders.

Jay shoved Carlos making him fall. Evie, Mal and Ben ran over to help Carlos up. " I don't appreciate you talking to my girlfriend like that. Get out if here man. " He said glaring at Carlos.

Carlos refused to give up. " I won't get out of here. Not without you. " Carlos said standing up straight.

" Seriously dude. That's weird. " Jay said walking over to Audrey. Carlos looked at him and closed his eyes.

" Lucky number 8. " He said opening his eyes to look at Jay. " What? " He asked looking at Carlos.

" I got your back . " Carlos said raising his voice making Jay confused. He shook his head then started to walk away from Carlos.

" Promise. " Carlos said shouted. Jay stopped and then he passed out. " Jay! " Audrey and Carlos shouted. Audrey crouched down as Carlos sprinted to Jay. " Jay Jay wake up. Jay please! " Carlos said shaking him.

" Lucky number 8. " Carlos laughed as Jay and him celebrated another victory for the tourney team. " You know it baby! " Jay said hugging Carlos.

" Coach how bout my buddy here plays? " Jay asked pulling Carlos up. " No. " Carlos said sitting back down. " I don't know about that. " The coach said as Jay disagreed. " No you said it yourself a team is made up of different parts. " " Jay I'm not that good. " " Well he's kinda like my brain. " Jay said pulling Carlos close to him.

" Hey you! Come here! " Coach said pulling another boy out. " You're up. " He said giving Carlos a stick.

" I got your back. " Jay said smiling. " How about my front. " Carlos said then Jay laughed and pushed him along.

" I love you so much Carlos. " Jay said holding Carlos' hand. " I love you too Jay. " Carlos said smiling at Jay.

Jay pulled out a small box. " Promise me that no matter what happens that we stay together. Forever. " Jay said opening it to show a silver promise ring with J+C in gold.

Carlos gasped. Jay smiled and put the ring on his finger. " Promise? " He asked. " Promise. " Carlos said smiling. Jay smiled even wider and pulled Carlos in for a kiss.

Jay woke up abruptly. " Jay! " Carlos said surprised. " Carlos? Carlos! I promise I promise! " Jay said tackling Carlos in a hug.

" You broke the spell! " Mal said to Carlos. Audrey scoffed and stormed off angry.

" Oh no you don't. " Mal and Evie said pulling up their sleeves and went after her. Ben went with them so they didn't do anything stupid.

" Audrey spelled you. I thought I lost you. " Carlos said as Jay held him in his chest. " You will never ever lose me. I promise. " Jay said rubbing his back. " I love you so much. " Carlos said tearing up. " I love you too. " Kay said looking down at the boy.

He smiled softly and wiped the tears that started to fall down Carlos' face. He leaned down and kissed Carlos. Carlos wrapped his arms around Jay's neck and gripped his shirt. Jay cupped Carlos' face rubbing his thumb across his cheek.

Carlos ran his tongue across Jay's bottom lip requesting entrance. Jay granted access to Carlos' request and opened his mouth. Carlos let his and Jay's tongues dance in sync.

Carlos stopped kissing Jay and stood up. " Um excuse you? " Jay asked looking at the boy. " Catch me if you can! " Carlos said laughong and started to run away from Jay. Jay laughed getting up and ran after the boy.

The end


Hello there my fellow Wattpad strangers! I hope you liked this chapter! Happily ever after as always! If you like this chapter why don't you...

- Vote it helps me out a lot!
- Comment! Tell me your thoughts and give me prompts! If you want to know more ways go to the first chapter that you most likely skipped!
- Follow me because I follow back instantaniously!
- Please please ease! Excuse all grammar errors in this chapter! Kay thanks!
- I think that is all I love you all and I will see you in the next update! Bye!

- Z Xx

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