Adopted By 5SOS

By WriteGoodFeelGood

158K 4.6K 1.2K

*Not a love story with 5SOS* Madison Lucia has had a pretty bad life she has been abused all her life by her... More

My life preview
Adoption?!?? Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Important Please Read(Rant and info)
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 (FINAL CHAPTER)
Check Em Out

Chapter 31

1.8K 57 6
By WriteGoodFeelGood

I woke up and took a shower I did all my hygenticness and changed into sweatpants and a tank top.

I walk out the room and there was breakfast and a note.

I read the note and it was cute.

Hey Mads we went to ultrasound we would've woken you up but you looked too cute anyway we made you breakfast to make it up to you attend plans if you want love you bye.

I smiled and ran upstairs to text Percy.

M- are you busy

P- when am I

M- xD come over

P- alright

Moments later he arrives and we greet each other.

"Hey sweet pea", he says cupping my face and kissing me sweetly and passionately making me smile in the kiss.

"What do you want to do?", he ask.

"Your going on a date with me to the little cafe down the street and i'm paying", I say smiling and he laughs.

"Yeah as long as I live your not paying for a thing might want to get used to it", he says laughing.

"But I don't want that I want to pay sometimes", I say pouting.

"Yeah no", he says dragging yeah.

"I don't care how much money you have your not paying", he says kissing my forehead and heading upstairs.

"You suck", I say and he chuckles. I walk to my room and he follows and I go in my closet.

I put on blue pants and a white shirt with a regular jacket and my vans.

We walk to the cafe and enjoy a little date before heading home.

"Bye Percy", I say as he presses a sweet kiss to my lips.

"Bye Mads", he says smiling and walking off.

I knock on the door and Luke answers looking nervous.

"You alr-", I start but he cuts me off.

"Mads we need to talk", he says pulling me inside completely and locking the door before going in the dining room.

"Hey boys", I say sitting down casually.

"Hey Mads we have to tell you something", Calum says sinking in his chair.

"Ok what is it?", I ask confused.

"Were going on tour again", Michael says and I groan.

"How long?", I ask annoyed.

"4 months", he says quietly.

"4 MONTHS?!", I shout wide eye.

"Yeah but you can come with us", Ashton says.

"What about my friends here I can't just leave for 4 months", I say running my hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry Mads but it's our job", Luke says rubbing my arm.

"What about Grace Luke?", I ask and he sighs.

"I'm going to miss alot of stuff but she understands", he says trying to toughen his voice.

"And you Calum what about Sydney?", I ask. (A/N forgot to mention Calums married but she travels a lot).

"She understood too she's going to Peru", he says.

"Percy", I say going wide eye again.

"God when do we leave?", I ask.

"Tomorrow", Ashton says quietly.

"FUCK GUYS WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!", I scream upset.

"I'm sorry we're sorry just calm down", Michael says.

"Bullshit", I scoff standing up and running out the house.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING", Luke yells but I ignore him. I run to Percy's house and his mother answers.

"Madison are you alright?", she ask concerned.

"Yeah i'm fine is Percy home?", I ask.

"No he never came home", she says and I sprint off back to my house I saw him waking with headphones in.

I run across the street and kiss him.

"What th-", he starts but realizes it's me.

"I was just on my way home", he says taking my hand.

"Were leaving", I say and he looks at me confused.

"Huh?", he ask.

"Were going on tour for 4 months", I say and his face softens.

"When are you leaving?", he asks sadly.

"Tomorrow". I say and he looks hurt.

"Tomorrow?", he chokes out and I nod.

"So I can't see you beautiful face for 4 months?", he ask hurt.

"I'm sorry Percy", I say closing my eyes.

"So were breaking up?", he ask teary eye.

"No it's just a short goodbye", I say lifting his face with my finger.

"I'll miss you", he says hugging me.

"I'll miss you too", I say hugging him tighter.

"It'll be over soon I swear", I say.

"We'll call all the time right?", he ask.

"Of course dork", I say smiling.

"Come on", he says interlocking our hands together and walking to my house.

"Hey Percy", Ashton says opening the door.

"Hey Ashton", he says waving.

"Mads we have more news", Ashton says and I sigh.

"What?", I say sitting down huffing.

"Well we made a decision to let you stay with Nash while we're gone", Ashton says.

"That's amazing", I say excitedly.

"One problem", Michael says and my smile drops.

"He's going on a magcon tour", Michael continues and I slouch.

"What's the difference between going on tour with them than you guys?", I ask.

"We thought you didn't want to go with us", Michael says.

"It was that I just wanted to come home quickly I thought he was staying here", I explain.

"So your coming with us?", Ashton ask.

"I'll go", I mutter standing up and pushing in my chair.

"You sure?",

"Yeah", I say standing up and going upstairs to pack up. I pack everything I own basically.

I sit on my bed hugging my knees thinking about everything that i'm about to leave behind as the sun goes down.

"Mads you alright", Ashton ask peeking in my room.

"Yeah i'm good", I say fake smiling.

"Yeah ok how are you not dying in here it's hot in here?", he ask fanning himself with his shirt.

"Yeah it is kinda hot", I say looking around.

"You know I can pull some strin-", he starts but I cut him off.

"No absolutely no this is your dreams i'm not ruining this for you guys", I say shaking my head with a small a smile.

"Alright you should probably go see your friends one last time", he says and I shake my head.

"No I'll cry", I say.

"Bu-", he starts but I cut him off again.

"Seriously Ashton i'm fine I swear", I say chuckling.

"Ok goodnight", he says kissing my temple and leaving.

I take a shower and change into my red and blue pajama shorts and my blue shirt.

I grab my phone and go on Twitter and all the fans are excited for the tour.

I put it on the charger and tie my hair in a bun and lie down and drift off to sleep.

A/N First I would like to thank you guys for 841 reads you guys mean the world to me so I really appreciate it. Secondly I saw them on concert 2 days ago and it was AWESOME the have the thickest accent i've ever heard and Michael is funny but I still won't believe I met them so i'm still persuading my mind. Thirdly and last lastly hope you guys enjoyed this chapter do me a favor and drop a comment or like it because I appreciate it so much and yeah that's all bye kings and queens of the new broken scene xD.

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