Dripping Roses

By _animavestra_

173K 5.7K 984

Scar Kenneth, the world's most vicious gang leader. Her stoic persona got her where she is today. The age of... More

Chapter 7
Author's note


9.2K 358 67
By _animavestra_

I walked to my car that evening with an extra hyper Jinx following me.

"Scar!" She cried.

"Fine Jinx, I'll go your dumb party. Now leave," I glared.

She beamed and hugged me tightly. I stiffened at the sudden movements. She pulled back and walked away.

I unlocked my range Rover and hopped in. I sped off to my house. It wasn't long till I pulled up in front of that familiar house.

I hopped out and walked through the door.

"Malik!" I called.

"Up here," he shouted.

I walked to the second floor where all recreational rooms were. Malik was a great artist. It was his passion ever since we were kids.

With my passion being music, we both had our separate arts room. I had my music room while he had his art room.

I opened the door and immediately began coughing.
I glared at him.

"What are you making, Malik?" I fumed.

A cigarette was placed between his lips and a smirk was present on his face.

"A coal sculpture," he laughed.


"Watch closely," he laughed.

I eyed the sculpture while cocking my head to the side. I squint my eyes sharply and gasped as realization hit me.

It was a sculpture of an orgy. Several persons were placed in different positions. Overall it was a great sculpture but the meaning is ghastly.

"You're sick," I glared.

"Maybe, but this sculpture is going to be sold for two million," he triumphed.

I rolled my eyes at him and sat on his comfy leather couch. I picked up an already rolled joint and put it between my lips. I lit it up and inhaled deeply as the smoke clogged my arteries. I let out the smoke and sighed.

"How was your day Makada?" He asked.

"Eh, it was the usual. I killed Jackson today," I smiled at the memory. The fascination of his eyes widened in fear when he saw my gun. The way his eyes rolled back in his head when my bullet pierced his skin.

"You are so sadistic," he laughed.

"Why did you kill him?" He asked.

"Remember that drug deal with the warriors? He was in charge of the job but instead he let the police out smart him. I lost two men and two is in jail. He deserved death, you cannot be a part of my gang and can't orchestra a perfect drug deal," I smiled.

"You can't keep killing people for the joy Makada," he sighed.

"Maybe, but who is there to stop me," I laughed.

He shook his head and continued on his sculpture. I laughed at him and walked out the art room.

This is the reason I took over the gang. He was too soft. He will think before killing someone, me, I'll shoot you dead before you can blink your eye.

I walked to my room and took a drag from my joint. I should of been a politician. So that I can legalize my best friend. I began smoking when I was exactly twelve. At first it was only cigarettes but then it became joints. I tried coke once but I woke up in mexico with twelve women in a room. They all claimed I am their wife.

I grimaced at the memory. I never did anything stronger than marijuana in my life again. I took off my tie and my jacket leaving me in my shirt and pants. I walked out to the balcony blowing smoke out my mouth in the progress.

I looked at the house next door and cocked my eyebrow. That house was abandoned for two years yet movement is being seen.

I squint my eye and I saw that familiar gray eyes. What the hell is she doing there?

Apparently she felt me staring at her because she turned to me and glared. I glared back at her and walked inside. I grabbed my hand gun and walked out the house towards hers.

Why all of a sudden she lives next door to me? Why is it I have such a strong infatuation with her? Millions of questions ran through my mind at once.

I opened her door and stepped inside.

"Breaking and entering is against the law, Miss Kenneth," she spat.

"Stalking also is considered a crime Miss Pearson," I glared.

"You don't say," she said with sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Miss Pearson, I'll like to think you have a valid reason for your convenient move next door to my home," I glared at her.

Her stoic expression not leaving her face. "First off, Kenneth, I did not know you lived next door. Secondly, accusations is also another charge so I will love it if you leave my home before I call the police on you," she glared.

I laughed without humor and shook my head at her. I pulled my phone out my pocket and hand her it.

She raised her eyebrow while watching me. "What's this for?" She asked.

"You want to call the police, go right ahead," I smirked.

She dialled it and pulled it to her ears. "Hello good night. I have a trespasser in my lands," she said while watching me.

I smiled and watched her in fascination. This girl was really something else.

"Yes she is still here. 304 Faline lands," she said.

"Okay, thank you!" She hanged up and gave me back my phone.

"They're on there way, so I suggest you leave," she smirked.

"No! I'll wait," I said and sat on her chair.

"Can I have a glass of red wine please?" I smiled.

"No! I should poison you and watch as your lifeless body fall limp by my foot," she smiled. Her beautiful pink lips curved in a smile.

I never saw her smile before and quite frankly it was breathtaking.

She walked away which I'm assuming is to her kitchen. She then came back with two wine glasses and a bottle of travento.

She poured me a glass and then poured herself one. I laughed and she watched me curiously.

"What?" She glared.

"Nothing," I shook my head but my smile was present.

She gave me the glass and then picked hers up. She watched me intently while sipping her wine. I pushed it to my lips and smirked.

"You know I would of think that you was joking with your threat, but now I see that you're callous and relentless," I chuckled.

I got up from her couch and walked to her kitchen. I threw the contents in the sink and placed the glass to the side. I took another glass and poured some wine into it.

I went back and sat on the couch. Shock written all over her face. I took a sip of the wine.

"You're so nice," she scowled.

"I'm not nice, miss Pearson. I am vicious and evil. Apparently so are you," I smiled.

A knock on her door stopped her from replying to me. She opened the door and two female officers walked in.

"Mam, we are here because of your complaint on a trespasser," one of the officers said.

She nod and point towards me. "Good night, I am officer Hyde and my partner, officer Smythe," I nod and got up from the couch.

I took one last swig of the wine and placed it down on the table.

"Very well," I said.

"Bye miss Pearson," I smiled.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her hand over her chest.

I pulled officer Hayden to me and kissed her harshly. Miss Pearson gasped and I smiled.

"I have a threesome to conduct," I laughed.

"You bitch," she spat.

I laughed and walked out her house with the two officers in tow.

"Scar, you need to stop scaring people," officer Beckett laughed.

"She deserved it," I laughed.

"Sorry for kissing you though," I sighed.

"Its okay," she smiled and they both left.

I walked back to my house and laughed. I can still feel her glare on me.

I walked back to my room and decided to take a bath. I stripped out of my shirt and pants and only stood in my boxers and sports bra.

Before I took a bath, I always smoked a joint. It helps keep me sane. I walked out to my balcony and lit it. I took a long drag from it and blew the smoke out of my mouth.

"Why are you always smoking?" That angelic voice asked.

"Why are you so curious?" I asked without turning to her.

"I choose to ask," she shouted.

I turned to meet her gaze, "Are you sure you just don't care about me," I smirked.

"Not at all. You're merely my acquaintance, why should I feel any sort of infatuation towards you," she glared.

"I'm glad that we are on the same page," I smirked.

"Good night miss Pearson," I said and flicked the bud of my joint to the outside of my yard.

"Good night miss Kenneth," she said nonchalantly.

At least were on last name basis. Soon enough she will be calling me daddy. I laughed.

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