His Luna

By BiebersMikayla

61.9K 2.2K 239

Justin Bieber, soon to be Alpha of the Thunder Ice Pack, is coming to age and is excited to be able to find h... More



3.4K 162 18
By BiebersMikayla

"Okay guys, on the count of three, 1..2..3" I counted off as they broke into Justin's room holding their banner.
"Happy Birthday Justin" they yelled, I mean yelled, as they stormed his room.
He "awoke" with a jolt and quickly looked around as if had gotten scared. His eyes roamed the poster, filled with tiny handprints of the pack pups. The sign read, 'Happy Birthday Future Alpha Justin'. That's precisely what the kids wanted it to read, except I wrote it.
I don't think you guys can comprehend exactly how much this meant to the kids to do this. Their little faces lit up at the idea. Probably mostly because of the getting messy part of it.
"I love it! Thank you guys so much" he spoke.
A small shiver ran throughout my body as he spoke. My wolf purred.
'What's up with you?' I asked my wolf Nubia.
'I don't know, why did you shiver? What's up with you?' she retaliated.
Ugh, she is so annoying, why can't she ever answer my question? As I regained focus, I realized that pups were running out of the room back to the daycare center with one of the care staff members following them.
Justin rolled out of bed and grabbed two thumb tacks from out of his dresser. I grabbed the other side of the long banner and helped him pin it up on the wall.
"Thanks" he said with a small smile.
"No problem, and again, Happy Birthday" I replied before walking out of the room.
I walked back towards the pack house and navigated my way towards Lana's room. I knocked in the door before opening it anyway, without her saying anything. She was laying back on her bed with her earbuds in.
I quickly jumped on top of her as she let out a small shriek. She roughly pushed me off of her and I landed on the floor with a loud thud. What? I like food.
"What do you want now?" she huffed.
"Well, you see what had happened was, I've been pretty busy with school work so I never got the chance to get Justin a birthday present" I rushed out the last part.
"Are you serious? The party is in six hours" she yelled looking at the clock.
"I know that, but if we leave now then we'll have enough time to shop and be back in plenty of time" I reasoned.
"And I'm hear for...?" she asked.
"I need you to come with me for help" a cheesed smile came across my face.
"Please! PLEASEEEE! PLEAAASS-" I began screeching.
"OKAY! Okay! I'll go with you" she huffed getting up and putting in her shoes.
I knew that would work. Nobody wants to hear somebody talk that high ever, werewolf or not. I ran to my room grabbing my wristlet and met Lana at my car. She had our road chips. It's just our little tradition.
Every time we go out on the weekend, we bring a bag of chips with us to munch on while riding. I know it sounds stupid but when we were little, our favorite snack to eat together were chips.
I unlocked the car and hopped in.
'Lana and I are going to the mall' I linked Zander knowing he would stress if he couldn't find me.
'Okay, Dad said be back by four' he replied before cutting our link off.
We jammed out to the radio on our way to the mall. Since we wanted the pack house to be secluded with plenty of acres for us to run around with and not be really close with any of the surrounding packs. So the drive was about a hour long, it really sucks.
"What are you getting him?" Lana asked and I shrugged.
"Are you serious? Do you have any idea of what to get him?" Lana's eyes widened.
"I was thinking either a dog tag or a watch" I glanced over at her.
"That's good because most of us got him a bunch of video games that he's wanted" Lana confessed.
"Figured" I huffed.
I pulled into the parking lot and quickly whipped into the first space I saw. Looking over at Lana, I laughed when I saw that she was holding on to the handle bar tightly.
"Why do you insist on driving to kill others" she complained getting out of the car.
We linked arms and walked into the mall heading straight for the jewelry store.
"Good Afternoon Ladies, is there anything I can help you look for?" A blonde haired lady whose name tag read Amy greeted us.
"Yes, do you guys sell any dog tags?" I replied.
"Right this way" Amy said and led us over to a large case.
Inside the large glass case were some basic ones that read Brother, Dad, Husband, and others that didn't really stand out to me.
"We just got a new shipment of tags that is our wilderness theme. It has like bears and wolves if you would like to glance at those" Amy offered and I replied with a grateful yes.
She returned from the back with a small navy blue box is her hand. As she lifted the lid off, one immediately caught my eye.
It was a sketch of what appeared to be a white wolf howling with a moon behind in the background.
"I'll take this one please" I said pointing towards it.
"Would you like anything engraved on the back?" she asked.
"Um, Happy 21st Birthday Justin" I looked over my shoulder to Lana who just nodded in agreement.

"Hey man" Zander said as he walked in.
"What's up?" I asked as we did our handshake.
"Nothing, you're literally the only person I could find, everybody else is getting ready for the party. I don't think you understand exactly how excited they are" Zander explained.
"I know, I just hope I find her tonight" I sighed.
"We'll come on birthday boy, the packs waiting" Zander began walked out the door.
When I walked out the front door of the Alpha's Quarter straight into the pack house backyard, I was welcomed by a loud 'Happy Birthday' followed by some cheers.
I pulled off my shirt, quickly running and jumping in the pool making a large splash. The party was all I could hope for and more. Celebrating with my pack, my family. The people whom I've spent my whole life with and some who are just coming into the world and understanding the value of packs. My last care-free hurrah.
I saw the pups playing in the shallow end of the pool and the teenagers playing volleyball in the large field. The music was clearly heard throughout the backyard.
I opened all of senses to see if I could detect any small trace of mate, but I couldn't. At midnight, I can smell her through any crowd, not matter how many people there are. But a perk of being bloodline to an Alpha is that you get small hints of who you're mate is, I guess mine isn't in the pack.
I saw that the pack cooks had just finished laying out all of the food and rushed over with my boys following me. I know that if I don't go first, then I'll definitely be last. Before I began grabbing anything, I let all of the moms, pups, and elders go ahead of me.
Just because I'm the next leader doesn't mean I can't have respect for others.
I got a big plate and filled it with everything that was laid out in the buffet line. The cooks be making this food hella good, they be putting their foot is this mess.
I sat down at the boys table that had Zander, Tanner, Jaxon, and Ryan. Yes, Jaxon is a man and is big enough to be at our cool table. It's just how us Bieber men are.
"Do you know who she is?" Jaxon whispered into my ear.
"Not yet buddy" I replied.
Jaxon knows what mates are and I think that it makes him even more excited for me to find mine.
After eating, I lined up for the races. It was to see who was the fastest and smartest. I was going against my dad, Jaxon, and Jazzy. The bull horn sounded and I took off running through the sandbox and quickly into the woods. There were warriors scoping out the surrounding area and making sure that the little kids didn't get lost. I cut through the pack house lawn and into the backyard again. Running towards the finish line, I saw that my dad was already standing there.
"What? How?" I asked puzzled knowing good and well I could outrun him.
I heard tiny pitter patters behind me and assumed that it was Jax and Jaz.
"When you've been the Alpha for about 25 years, you know every single inch of and short cut in your land. Nobody should know it better than you except for the Moon Goddess" he explained.
As it neared midnight, I headed back to the Alpha's Quarter where all of my ancestors, the previous Alphas, have shifted into their full grown wolf. Dad tells me that it isn't as nearly painful as shifting for the first time. As the clock rang out that it was midnight, I shifted into my wolf.
'Ready?' I asked Jay.
'As I'll ever be' he replied before taking over.
I let him. He has a much higher pain tolerance between the both of us. It would be a lot easier for him to go through these changes rather than me. I relaxed in the subconscious part of his mind and let Jay take us in this journey.
'It's over' he said letting me gain full control again.
I noticed that it seemed we were a lot higher off the ground. I rolled shoulders and stretched my legs getting ready for a quick run.
As I opened my senses, a mouthwatering smell filled my nose. Mhmm, lavender and chocolate. My eyes narrowed on a figure wearing a red and white polka dot bathing suit. With all of the things running through my brain, there was only one word that I could understand,
This chapter was 1,720 words. That is so long! Are these chapters too long or just right? Just want to make sure I'm not boring you.
Previous Answer: An owl
Riddle: What question can you never answer yes to?
Please comment, I love to read them. As always, feel free to email me at: biebersmikayla@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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