Whitesides sister (5sos+magco...

By AjDagger

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'People change, things go wrong. Shit happens, but life goes on' More

Intro/HELLO IM...
It Begins.
Lifes about to change.
They loved you.
L.A here we come
L.A Here We Are.
Meeting the boys
Unpacking and basket ball chats.
тaylor. Мaтт. Ѕaммy
ғιrѕт ѕнow
Unexpected call.
Meeting the girlfriends.
Sorry Taylor. Saving someones life.
Im over you.
I miss you guys. Tour with me?
Friends and heat
"No please say this is a joke"
New couple❤️
"I broke the promise..."
Funeral time.
Shawns Girlfriend
Fights and flights
Harry Styles
Ally cheats
Cameron and Nash
Cameron and Nash pt.2
Youmnas surprise pt.1
Youmnas actual surprise
Ill or dying?
You can't guys.
Who was it?
Don't leave me
Getting out of hospital.
About Zack
Double date.
Night times
End of Magcon.
3 months later...
Thank you!!!
The end!!

Haters (video)

180 4 0
By AjDagger

*Y/Ns POV*

Listen to the song on the top cause I listen to this when I feel a bit like a let down and everyone hates me. So...I hope you guys are well and okay! Enjoy this chapter! I wrote it for you guys in a stars POV kinda cause y'all are beautiful humans and ILYSM! X Please inbox me if you ever need to talk to me or just need a friend!

"Hey guys erm so...I'm not having the best of days and I wanted to make a video to maybe give advice about haters...here goes:" I say after turning on my camera," I have been crying for hours just about little bad things that have happened lately, I went on twitter, couple of homies back from London tweeted me and now they were receiving death threats! I can't believe some people, they were being nice god, I'm so shocked! You only just learn't their existence and you find the time to tell them to kill themselves...woah you're taking it tooooo far my friend. Look I'm not upset all because of that, hate comments, so I get a few, not many and when I do it kinda sticks with you all day and it has today and I just wanted to get it off my chest to be honest with you guys! I want to give you inspiration and to lift your self-esteem for at least a minute so here you go my beautifuls! Right...first of all don't give in to their lies, you are beautiful, handsome, perfect,talented, unique, amazing, inspiring and of course you are you.. Never let anyone let you feel so low that you want to be something or someone else. Never let them change that beautiful smile you have, you are all my lil turtles, that will never change. Don't let it get so bad that you feel depressed and suicidal, you are better than that and the feelings will pass, if you let them. You know what, I never had a amazing childhood for bullying and name calling, they used to and still do laugh at me because I'm so different but you know something I have started laughing back cause their all the same! I'm sure no hater wants to be one, if you do, well I'm sorry you must be quite fucked up if you feel that is the right thing to do (No hate to haters). I'm lucky I have positive fans, they have excepted me and I love them. I wouldn't be standing in front of this camera if they weren't around. Take your hate as a compliment, that they spent the time and effort to look at you and pick out a very hateful thing. Never let anyone hurt you. Love y'all, you unique bunnies!"

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