The Alpha's Mute Mate

Oleh MB-1992

647K 23K 2.4K

She dropped down onto all fours and snarled right back. "Who are you going to save, Shamus? Your sister...or... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
The End !
Epilogue: What If . . .

Chapter Thirteen

17.1K 667 57
Oleh MB-1992

It was the middle of the night and Shamus has been in the training gym going at the punching bags non-stop.

Blop! Blop! Blop! Taking swift and quick punches to the bag as it swung back towards him.

Why can't we just run?! Kingston argued angrily.

With a mighty kick, the bag came off the chain and torn into pieces as the rice scattered all over the floor.

Because I know exactly where we are going to end, and I don't need to see her right now. Everybody is hiding something from us. Even Dad.

Shamus walked over to the wall, grabbed his water bottle and chugged it all down. As he sat down and against the wall, he tried thinking about all the possibilities of what the secret could be. He stared up to the plain ceiling. "They're twins. It's rare but yet common," stated a voice and a couple of footsteps.

Devon and Alexander walked towards him and said down crossed legged in front of their Alpha. Shamus looked at them with cold eyes. "Alpha Hamish told us about your mate having to be twins," Alex answered.

"What's the problem boss?" Devon asked as he looked at Shamus worriedly.

He shakily sighed and leaned his head back against the wall. "Everything. My dad and her are hiding something about my mate and the pack my mate came from. The Elders are coming tomorrow to talk about my very mysterious mate," he said the last part through gritted teeth.

Alex nodded then looked to the ground. "They are identical twins. So the both could be your mate. It is a stated fact that it becomes survival of the fittest in the womb of the mother during her time of labor. Both of the unborn babies will fight till the death." Shamus looked at Alex as he explained to him. Alex continued, "In this case, both girls were born. So, it's not a secret that will make the Elders unpleased and make your father and Janis to hide anything."

"Then in this case, something must have happened," Devon said as he leaned back on his hands. "But what could it be?"

All three men sat there and thought about it. Alex deeply thought about the possibility and when it hit, his eyes slightly widen. "Could it be...that one of them had died?" Alex asked in a whisper. Shamus looked at him then he too thought about it. "A twin dying and was declared dead but later came back to life but was still declared as dead."

"Whoa!" Devon yelled out as he stared wide eyed at Alex. "Biggest shit ever to hide!"

Alex nodded. "If the Elders were to find out that the twin who was supposed to be dead is still very much alive..." He trailed off and looked at the angry Shamus.

"One of them is to die," Shamus finished off. He shot up off the ground and started pacing. But which of the two is supposed to be dead? How is it that they came back alive? Why didn't their parents re-declare the life of the dead one?

Shamus closed his hand into a tight fist. That was exactly it. That was what he was going to go off of. There's no solid evidence until the Elders shows up, but that was what he was going to stick by.

"What were their names?" Devon asked.

Shamus stopped pacing and looked at his Beta. "The one I met was Eliza Youth. The other one is named Abigail."

Both Devon and Alex nodded. Alex stood up and placed a hand on his Alpha's shoulder. "For now, don't use their names. If that is what everybody is hiding and if Eliza is the one is supposed to be dead, you know exactly what they're going to do."

Devon stood up also and stood in front of his two friends. "So, it's settled. We don't know their names, the pack that they are in, and that they are twins."

Shamus slowly nodded. "This conversation stays between us. Whatever is said in this room stays in this room."

"Yes Alpha," his beta and delta said in unison.

"Get some sleep. I have a feeling it's going to be hectic tomorrow when they get here."

With that, Shamus headed out the gym and up to his room.

~ [  ] ~

As Eliza got up to the house and entered, everyone went quiet. And all eyes were on her and the rogues that followed her into the house. She headed up the stairs to where the meeting was being held. Her men entered and stood off to one side of the room and the actual pack members stood on the other side. The tension in the room already gave her a clear message.

"Eliza," Alpha Yale stood from his chair and walked towards her. "Welcome back to Blood Rose territory, warrior."

She stared up at him with her still amber eyes. He looked back confused. "What happened?"

Just when he asked, the five members walked in. Eliza's men dropped Brandon to the ground before him and walked to stand off to the side with the rest. Alpha Yale growled, "Brandon..." The five lowered their heads and apologized for being late. Alpha Yale looked over to Abigail and hardened his stare. "Abigail! Is this your doing?"

She quickly shook her head, "No Alpha. He....he thought he could take Eliza on."

He took a step forward and looked at each and every one of them then landed his eyes back on her. "I expected more from you. You wanted to have this meeting and yet you're playing around like a five-year-old child! And look what are you wearing! Inappropriate attire! This is a pack meeting, not a place to show off your body!" He scolded her.

Rosa rushed over to her side and bowed her heads. "I'm sorry, Alpha. Please forgive me for not teaching her right," Rosa apologized.

Abigail sniffled and leaned into Noah more as he tightened his grip. Alpha Yale glared at them angrily. "The one who needs to apologize is not you Rosa. Back down." He demanded with so much authority, the mother whimpered and did as told.

Luna Deanna came over and held his arm. "Yale, calm down. You're scaring everybody."

He tugged his arm away and glared deadly down at his mate. "Don't you even dare side with them, mate! The meeting hasn't even started, they had just arrived on territory and they have already disrespected and humiliated me in front of everybody here! Not to mention also that she," Alpha pointed to Abigail making her whimper, "wanted to have this meeting and look at her!"

Every pack member lowered their eyes as Eliza's men stood there looking to one another and observing the reaction of the pack members.

"She wears clothes that just shouts for trouble!"

Luna backed away scared and with watered eyes. "I am your equal! You shall treat me as so. And as for the girl, she can wear whatever she pleases! Who are you to judge and tell her what she should or shouldn't wear?!" Luna Deanna screamed back.

The Alpha's eyes blackened, and his body shook. "You are not my equal if you keep siding with others rather than with your mate. Now I suggest you back down too before I do something you'll regret," he threatened. He took a step forward imitating his threat. Everybody stared in horror and gulped down their protest.


No one talked. No one moved. The only thing that was heard was the heavy breathing from the Alpha. Then suddenly a hard slap was heard. Eliza's head snapped to the right and her men tensed up and growled. Dara shot up from where she sat and rushed over to her sister and slapped her in return. Rosa's hand slowly went up and touched her burning cheek. She looked at Dara with shock.

Dara glared down at her with ten times amount of anger. "You dare put your filthy hands on her?!" Dara roared.

Those that were sitting, stood up off their chairs and stood as close to the walls as possible, knowing that she could cause some serious damage with her magic. Rosa just stared at her with tears brimming at her eyes. Dara glared at her and stepped closer to her while stabbing Rosa with her finger to Rosa's chest.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! What right do you have to hit her?! I should rip you to shreds for even touching her!"

Eliza stood there frozen. Jeremiah and Gerardo blocked her from everybody's view. "Babe?" Jeremiah whispered.

She clenched her jaw as she could still feel the burn. Gerardo gently shook her. "Sis?"

She...She dares to...hit me? Eliza asked shock.

Rosa slapped Dara's hand away and glared at her sister with anguish. "I am her mother! I have every right to punish her."

Let. Me. Out. Francen growled.

Dara let out a wicked harsh laugh. "You call yourself a mother?" She pushed Rosa back as she fell on her rear end with a yelp. Dara glared down at her with her menacing gold eyes. "You and that bastard did not even care about her when she was born. None of you!" Dara screamed as she flung her arms around at everyone. They all lowered their heads, ashamed for how they had treated Eliza.

Let. Me. Out! Francen roared.

Dara turned back towards Rosa. "Who was the one who cried for her death?! Who was the one who brought her back?! Who showered her with love as a parent should to their kin? Me!! It was all me!"

Eliza's body shook with rage. The alpha side of her wolf taking over her completely. Her brothers stared at her worriedly as they saw her eyes change into a glowing bloodshot amber red mixed with gold. "Babe, please calm down," Jeremiah tried to call out to her.

"You are pathetic and weak along with your damn mate! All of you are! None of you cared for her like I did! No one!"

Rosa quickly got up and raised her hand to slap her but before she could, Eliza caught onto her wrist.

She even dares to! Eliza boomed.

Rosa stared in horror and anger. "Let. Go!" She yelled and demanded.

Eliza smirked. You are a dead wolf. She quickly brought her fist back and slammed it into the ball of Rosa's shoulder with a crack. Then twisted her wrist upwards, breaking it. Giving her a hard kick to the abdomen, she flew back, breaking through the wall, and falling down the flight of stairs, screaming as she goes. The father watched his daughter shocked, and his feet stayed planted to the ground - afraid to move. The aura surrounding her was so intense and powerful, he feared if he did do would be the end of his life.

All the women let out a blood curling scream while some scampered after Rosa. Deanna gripped her elbow and twisted her around with a deadly glare and used an authoritive voice. "Apologize now," she demanded.

"Luna, let her go. Please!" Abigail cried out.

She glared to Abigail to tell her to stop then turned back to the girl who everybody had found lovable and proud of. She hated her and wasn't afraid to show it. She was Luna, the people should be obeying her like they obey an Alpha. Deanna showed no fear, knowing her mate will back her up. She was his mate after all.

Eliza tilted her head and looked at her. "Well?" She urged while gripping tighter, showing Eliza that she meant business. Eliza smirked then snatched her throat and pinned her against the wall catching her off guard.

"Let go!" Deanna harshly screamed as she clawed at her arm.

"Eliza! Stop!" Abigail yelled out and was going to run forward until Noah grabbed her again and held her close. "Don't. She, will, hurt you," he whispered into her ear.

She stared confused then looked back to her sister.

Alpha Yale stood frozen, shocked at what just happened. "Luna!" Yelled some pack members and rushed towards her. Eliza snapped her glare to them, making them stop in their tracks.

We should kill all of them for what they have done to us! Francen argued.

He stood there as he watched her. His heart pounded and dropped at the same time. Never in his Alpha years have he seen anyone hold that much power. The other rogues stood behind the two brothers with tense bodies. Gerardo looked to Dara, "Get her off the poison before it spreads."

Dara looked confused but nodded and rushed towards Beast. She placed her hand on her shoulder, "Beast, look at me." Beast turned her head and looked at her mother. Dara softly smiled. "See? I'm okay. Everything will be fine. Now....let go of her." Deanna wheezed and was turning blue in the face, her consciousness about to give out. "Please?" Dara asked softly.

Beast glared at Deanna with hate and distaste. She let a growl rip through her lips as Deanna's body literally shook with fear. Her eyes wide and red. She threw Deanna across the room, colliding with the wall making a dent in it. Pack members rushing to her aid. Dara watched her daughter with such love and proudness in her eyes. When Eliza was smaller, Dara always hoped for her to become a strong independent woman. And here she stands, an all-powerful Alpha of the Rogues.

The way she stood. The way she moves. Everything about her screams power and authority. Beast, with her still bloodshot amber red eyes mixed with gold, walked towards Alpha Yale. His heart rate increased as she inched closer. He had never seen her wolf before, and always hoped he never would. She was a strong and smart warrior and always kept her cool. But when things didn't go right, she always made sure her messages were loud and clear whether it was an Alpha other than himself, or anyone else who dares to threaten those around her.

When it was her time to shift, no one knew where she was, and no one was near her when she did it. A ten-year-old little girl, who had to mature and grow up quick, learned and experienced her first shift, all by herself because of how the pack had treated her.

Maybe that's why she became so strong and strong-willed. Maybe that's why she doesn't take nothing from nobody any more since the day after her shift. Maybe...Just maybe, she could have saved Blood Rose better than he could have had. And that was why he felt so relieved and happy to see her. He was glad to see her alive after what had happened to the pack. As much as he wanted her, she didn't want him in that way. They both knew what was to happen if they found out about her.

So he reluctantly let her go but yet still kept her close. Because he couldn't find his true mate, he ended up getting an arranged mate from the pack. Deanna was beautiful but there were flaws that came with her. For instance, she would always side with other pack members then to side with him. She would change things to make herself happy. She's a good Luna for the most part but he needed and wanted his mate to be able to take care after herself. He wanted her to be independent but still realize that she could always count on him also. He wanted his Luna to see everybody as equals and to also be part of them. So really....he wanted Eliza Youth but he knew it would never happen. 

Gerardo stood tall along with his brother as they introduced themselves.

"I am Beta Rogue, Gerardo Romanov."

"And I am Delta Rogue, Jeremiah Romanov."

"We are Alpha Rogue Beast's brothers-in-arms," they both said in unison.

Alpha Yale looked between both of them then to the warrior in front of him. He looked to Noah as he slowly bowed his head. Yale slowly nodded his head, understanding. He took a small step back and bowed his head. "Alpha," he greeted.

Beast watched as her old Alpha bowed before her and growled. She slightly turned her head to look towards Gerardo. He gave her a nod then spoke up. "What is this meeting about?"

"I have found our old Beta," Noah answered.

Both brothers looked at him. "What's your point?" Asked Jeremiah.

"He is the Beta of another pack."


Noah looked at them angrily confused. "And what? We want him dead!"

Gerardo shook his head disapprovingly and ashamed. He turned to Noah. "So, what? After you kill him then what? The others are long dead. Killing him is pointless."

"He should be punished for their deaths!" Noah argued back. 

"And he shall!" Boomed Jeremiah. "Bring that name to the Elders of the council and have them deal with him. The attack he made, and the lives he took is already out of our hands. Everyone thinks there are no more survivors of Blood Rose. Close to fifty of you guys are still unharmed and well and alive and there may be more if you just helped look instead on depending on OUR alpha to do the job for you!"

"And besides that, we have a war to be ready for that Alpha Beast cannot back down on. She is the rightful Alpha Rogue, and she WILL take her title back and take the lives of those who goes against her down," Gerardo explained.

All the pack members went silent as they listened to the conversation of the meeting. And they agreed. What use is revenge when they cannot bring back the dead? If they do go after him, they will be going after the pack that he's in also. More lives will be taken and that's a hurtful fact.

Not taking his eyes off of her, Yale embedded how she looked at that moment to the back of his mind knowing he will never see her again. She was flawless in his eyes. Wished to the moon goddess that she was his to keep but fate wouldn't have it. He's not mad nor is he happy. He's neutral at where he stands and if her life was to end, he will go to great lengths just to bring her back.

Yale slowly nodded. "Your wish is my command. Therefore, there will be no vengeance or even the talk of it. We will find any other survivors and if we don't we will find and take in those who want to be in a pack."

Deanna angrily got up to her feet with the help of two others. "Are you crazy! He has blood on his hands! Innocent li-"

Yale slammed his hand over her throat and growled so deadly it sent shivers down every pack member's backs. "This is a damn order, Deanna, and you will follow through with it. If I even hear an utter that you are going behind my back and planning on taking him down, I, Yale Stephen, will personally rip you limb from limb." He leaned in and growled in her ear for only her to hear. "For once, in your pathetic life, be my fucking equal."

She stared teared eyed as her breath hitched. He roughly pushed her away from him and glared at everyone in the room, "Do I make myself clear?!"

They all bowed their heads, "Yes, Alpha."

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