Take Me With You (Lesbian Sto...

By MVRastro

216K 6.7K 899

"Do you believe in Destiny or Soul mate?" She asked while we're both laying flat on the shiny wooden floor b... More

First of a Thousand
Dream of Us
Fear of the Unknown
Succumbing Into Normalcy
Defying Realities
Looking for Answers, Finding None
Sway My Way
Tenses & Preferences
Take Me back to Sunflower Fields
Color Me Lavender
Into Black Holes and Chaos
Spiraling Inside Pandora's Box
Three Month Rule: September
Three Month Rule: October
Three Month Rule: November
Author's Sentiment
Between You and I (1)
Between You and I (2)
The Morning After
Pride and Prejudice
Tea Cups and Biscuits
Secondhand You
The Lady, The Soul Mate and The Rivals
Sweet Escapes, Lipstick Stains & Dead Ends
Author's Sentiment: TRMD-Less Life
Winter Nights and Suntans
Piano Keys & Engagement Rings
A Matter of Life, Death & Memories
A Lesson in History
The Only Way I Can Keep You
Adieu to the Love We Deserve
Ending: A State of Tabula Rasa
Epilogue: In Endings We Find New Beginnings
Author's Sentiment: Jathea Married Life Series
JaThea: The Married Life: Surprises
JaThea: Married Life: Euphoria
JaThea: The Married Life: Our Dear Paul

An Ode For Althea

4.6K 172 10
By MVRastro

a/n: This is an appendage of the story like Jade's coming out chapter. For a better view of Alex/Althea Guevarra. *bruh-fist and free hopia for y'all* :D 


Have you ever wondered how people came to life? How a small spark of development would lead you to a series of lessons and growing old, getting wrinkled and dying? How will you spend your life if you know from the moment you were born that you are to do things you can't control?

My latest life started on January 21, 1988. I was born in a wealthy family, I was an only child of one of the most powerful people in the country and Asia. But although my body was young, my thoughts and feelings were old. It's funny if you think about it. Imagine a new born who can't even open her eyes yet can think like an adult. It's fucking hilarious.

But that's my life. That's always been my life, for 500 years now. My first life was tragic although all my lifetimes were. Tragic because that's where it all started. It became a cycle, an endless cycle, a tiring cycle. But no matter what I do it's all the same, same thoughts, same feelings, same person, same love. And when you think that you can just give up or take your life to avoid your destiny you can't. I tried, I committed suicide when I was on my 4th life. It was a mess, and since I remember everything until my next life I bear the pain.

My present life I can say is the easiest of all, I wasn't a slave, a drug addict, a subversive, a rebel, or a criminal. I can say that this is my favorite life, I am well-off for the first time in the past years, I can feel change. This life time is different.

But every happy beginning, has a fall back, a buffer, that's when my parents died in a plane crash, there bodies where found together lifeless buckled on their seats. I was 15. I was young. I didn't know what to do. That's when Uncle Lucky came into my life and treat me like his own daughter. He was never married, although he loved once. He used to quote F.Scot Fitzgerald about love; that there are all the kinds of love in the world but never the same love twice. And I understood what he meant.

For me it was always and would always be Jade. No matter where we met, we instantly find that connection. No matter how hard I tried to avoid her I can't, who was I to dare a force so unstoppable?

Although I have my life laid out in front of me, I tried escaping it, so when I got accepted to a university abroad I left. Knowing well from past lives, she always finds me when I'm weak, when I need help, when I need saving. I am changing that, I tried changing that.

I got myself busy to every opportunity that came up, so that I won't have the time to entertain the wrong folks. I just focused on preparing myself if we ever meet again.

When I turned 27, I decided to return home. I have a plan. I will find her first this time before she could. Then I'll send her the letters past me has written with the hopes that she'll find it in her mind and heart to remember. Then we'll start over.

My hired help immediately found her though, and it wasn't long till I sent her the letters, till I dropped by her studio, till her eyes met mine and showed a flicker of recognition, till she told me that she love me, till I realized that we're repeating it, we're repeating history.

I thought I had a great plan, but I didn't realized it until it was too late. I was in emotional shambles. I was battling to just get on with life and wait for another 50 years to be reborn or to finally grow a back bone and stop this nonsense once and for all.

I left her. Like always. The bravest thing I've always done.

And then Batchi happened.

This is the first intervention.

The only intervention that's happened to us.

I had my faith and hopes renewed.

At least now someone will look after her, while I try to find answers. Although I don't even know where to start. But whatever it takes I'd do it. 500 years, is long enough, far too long than I imagined it would be to finally be with her.

I want to end this lifetime and cycle now. I can feel change coming. I can see it, the light at the end of the tunnel. This won't be long Jade, you've fulfilled your promise to me a hundred times. Let me fulfill mine this time. Let me find you and we'll start over, not in a new lifetime, but in this one we hold so dear.


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