My Neighbor (A Bruno Mars fan...

By fangurl3

15.5K 618 110


Silent Cries
Get ya shit
Authors Note
Our First Time
We meet again
Her Eyes
Uncle Bruno!!
Night paddle
Grill Out
My Baby
Hospital shit
Always be my baby
Its going down for real
Tour bus
Birthday Mess
I think I wanna Marry you
Forgotten Birthdays
Not Again!
Grill outs
Taken Care Of
Headin Out

Take me home

408 17 4
By fangurl3

Jasmine's POV

I ended the call with Chris and then walked towards the door.

"Wait where are you going," I heard Bruno call.

"I'm going home," I said.

"Are you walking," he asked concerned.

"Yes cars in the shop unfortunately so I guess see you tomorrow," I questioned.

"I'll take you home," he smiled.

"No I don't think that's a good idea," I sighed.

"And why not," he asked..

"Because your girlfriend is coming in hot," I laughed. I stepped aside and she walked in I then walked out the door. I don't have time.

Bruno's POV

As Jessica came to me she slapped me.

"What the fuck was that for," I asked.

"Why the hell did you just leave you didn't even eat your goddamn breakfast," she growled.

"Look I am a grown ass man you can't tell me what to do when your fucking other niggas," I said.

"Oh yeah and that's why I am because you don't fucking respect me," she said admitting that she cheats on me.

"Thanks for keeping me company but I need to go get my girl and as far as you and me we are through," I said.

"What you can't break up with me," she said.

"Oh honey I just did," she smiled. I then walked out the door. I then saw her walking down the hall. So I ran to her.

"Hi there," I say and she looks up. She wipes her eyes and tries to smile but it isn't her real smile.

"Hey Bruno," she said.

"Hey so what's up why you cryin," I asked.

"I wasn't cryin," she lied.

"Then what were you doing," I asked.

"Thinkin," she sighed.

"What were you thinking about," I asked like a little kid.

"How annoying you got over the year," she said and I smiled.

"Yep I learned from the best," I chuckle and she cracks that beautiful smile of hers.

"There goes the smile that I have been lookin for," I said. We were walking down the street and I didn't even know it.

"What do you want Bruno shouldn't you be with you girlfriend," she said.

"What girlfriend," I asked.

"You know the whore your dating," she said.

"Oh that one oh we aren't a couple anymore," I laugh.

"What but I thought you were totally into her," she said. No I'm totally into you. I thought.

"Nope she was just a distraction," I said.

"A distraction from what," she asked curiously. She was just so cute.

"From my heart being broken," I sighed.

"Look Bruno I'm sorry I just left I was stupid and you and..." I cut her off with my lips. She kissed back and I smiled. She then broke the kiss.

"I'm so sorry I don't know what I was thinking," she gasped.

"No I have something to tell you," I said and she smiled.

"What is it," she asked.

"I still love you," I said and she stopped walking.

"You know what Bruno I never stopped," she said and I smiled.

"So would you be my girl again," I asked.

"Yes but we are going to take things slowly ok," She said and I smiled.

"Deal so are we there yet," I asked.

"Almost," she smiled.

"So what happened since we broke up," I asked.

"Well I went back into combat. Almost getting killed. My partner and crime died and I was gone. I couldn't handle it. So they said when your ready come back. So I then decided to try music. I went to motown and they were getting ready to audition me when I bumped into Jay Z. He heard my voice and was like she's got it. So I recorded my first album it had a couple hits. I then recorded another and they liked it. So then I started a small tour but this album if it does any good I will be rooling with the big dogs," she said and I smiled.

"Damn sucessful much," I asked.

"Nope not yet well not where I want to be," she sighed.

"Baby girl it's ok your gonna reach your goals," I said and she smiled.

"Thanks Bruno so what's been up with you," she asked.

"Nothing trying to get my mind off you and finishing tour and writing songs for the next album," I said.

"You know your amazing," she asked.

"Yep," I said and she giggled.

"So what's my sister been up to," she asked.

"I thought you knew," I asked.

"Knew what," she asked cluelessly.

"That your sister was found dead she had been murdered," I said.

"So is the house still there," she asked.

"Yep so you can be my neighbor again," I say.

"You miss me swimming in your pool without permission don't you," she asked,

"Yep," I said.

"I might come back and be your neighbor. But the house is so big," she said.

"Ok then stay where you are," I said.

"Ok but you have to come visit me," she said.

"Definantly," I said.

"You know Bruno I actually hated sleeping with you," she laughed.

"Why," I question.

"Because you hold on to tight it feels like I'm spooning with you," she laughed.

"Oh you aren't cause that's what I'm tryin to do," I said.

"Then you need help and I mean lot's of it," she laughed.

"Haha very funny," I say sarcastically.

"I know right? But we're here," she said in a mysterious voice.

"Yay oh my god," I said in my girly girl voice.

"Becky," she said in her girly girl voice.

"Look at her butt," we said in unison. We then busted out laughing. She then walked to her mailbox and opened it. She got out her mail and she started walking up the stairs.

"Pay attention," she said.

"It's hard to do when you got an ass like that in your face," I say and she giggles shaking her head.

"You need Jesus," she smiled.

"I need you," I said and she sighed.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"It's just I really miss you," she said and I smirked.

"Ooh so the Brunz has a special fan," I asked.

"Yep! We are here," she said stopping in front of door 24.

"They don't have elevators," I asked.

"Yeah they do but I like taking the stairs," she said and I smiled. She unlocked the door an walked in.

"I'm so freaking hungry," she yelled. I followed her into the kitchen.

"You have a nice place," I said and she smiled.

"Thanks so umm do you want a tour," she asked.

"Yeah after I eat," I said and she smiled.

"So what want me to whip up," she asked.

"Well some fried chicken and French fries don't sound to bad right about now," I saw. She turned around and started. Jessica never cooked for me really.

"Baby, baby
When we first met
I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover
And my best friend
All wrapped into one
With a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden
you went and left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shock
That spun me around
And now my heart's dead
I feel so empty and hollow

And I'll never give myself to another
The way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize
The ways you hurt me
Do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame," she sang as she cooked. I smiled. That's gonna be a hit.
(Song is called rehab by Justin Timberlake and Rihanna)

"I like that song," I said and she smiled.

"Thanks it was written by Justin Timberlake," she said and I chuckled.

"Damn you Rollin with the big dogs huh?"

"Yeah I guess," she said we sat and talked and caught up for a minute. We then ate smiling at each other. It seemed like everything was going perfect. But then her phone rang.

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NOTE: The Chapters on here are very short because this story was originally written for Instagram and I just transferred it over to Wattpad later.