Love in Tangled Branches


111K 7.4K 297

Adele has always wondered if she had more family. Growing up the only child of a single mother, she's been lo... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 14

3.3K 208 5

After several hours of waiting, her mother seemed exhausted when she came back into the room. Adele climbed out of Mac's lap and hugged her tight. A few minutes later the doctor called them all back into a conference room to go over results. Mac's eyes met Emily's over Adele's head and she shook her head letting him know the test results weren't good. Mac sat close to Adele with his arm around her as the doctor began to speak.

"As I've told you Emily, the initial tests weren't what we wanted to see and with a diagnosis as this, we need to be 100 % sure. Adele your mother has asked me to speak in as plain terms as I can.  When we did the testing a couple weeks ago, we found the markers for an aggressive form if Leukemia. Unfortunately the newest test confirm what we found. Though it's spread farther. We can start Chemo or radiation therapy, but the truth is neither will help a whole lot. This type of leukemia is rarely responds to either treatment. Both therapies will likely make the rest of your time miserable." Emily held Adele's hand and said "I don't want to spend the rest of my time dealing with medicine that won't work anyway. How long do you think I have without treatment?" The doctor cleared his throat "3-6 Months at the most. That's our best estimate it could be shorter or longer. With this type of Leukemia it's hard to tell." Adele gasped and turned her head into Mac's chest as Emily said "And with the treatment?" The Doctor shook his head and said "It will extend your chances to maybe 7 months. It doesn't tend to slow it down at this stage. If it had been caught sooner then maybe it would have but it has spread to far now. There's already significant damage done to your organs."  Emily said "I don't want to do the treatment. I want to just live out my days as I am. What can we expect now?"

The doctor went on to explain the likely course of action for the disease. How it would affect her and how they would help make her comfortable. Adele's tears fell silently onto Mac's chest as he held her tightly and stroked her hair and back in comfort. He whispered "Baby, you won't be alone. I'll be right here next to you." He kissed her temple and held her tight while listening to the doctor and Emily talk.

Emily stood up and said "Thank You Doctor. Can we have a moment before we leave?" The doctor told them to take their time and once he was gone Emily reached out to touch Adele. Adele turned to her mom and whispered "Oh Mom. Are you sure you don't want to try the treatment?" Emily smiled at her girl "No Honey I don't want to be miserable. I've made my peace with this. There are things we have to talk about but that can wait a day or two. I know you are going to fight against accepting this but I want you to listen to me. There are a couple things I want to do before I get too sick. A few things I want to see. One of those things I didn't know until now."

Adele nodded and said "What's that Mom?" She smiled and said "I want you to meet this brother of yours. I want to meet him and know my girl will have family in this world when I'm gone. I want to take a trip to Texas where I grew up and to the beach. I want to sell my house and move closer to you Honey. I want to help out in the bakery and spend as much time as I can with you. That's enough for now,and I want to see you happy." She looked over at Mac and smiled before finishing "But I see that ones on its way to being taken care of."

Adele said " We'll get everything taken care of Momma. We'll plan the trip and contact a realtor about the house. You can move in with me, you know that house is too big for me." Mac picked up his phone as they were talking and sent a message to his CO.

Mac: I need you to find out how much leave I have built up. If there is anything pressing I may need you to divert it to another team leader or let one of my men take command.

CO: What's going on Mac?

Mac: Remember Adele that called?

CO: Yup, smart girl.. she explained how you met.

Mac: Her mom is dying. She just found out, I can't let her be alone. Her mom wants to take a trip she doesn't have but a few months left.

CO: Sorry Mac. I'll find out how much leave time you have. You know you boys are like sons to me. Do you love this girl?

Mac: It's crazy but I think I've pretty much my fell like a rock.. How can you love someone in a few hours?

CO: It happens all the time. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on my wife I was going to marry her.

Mac: Well I think if I were to tell her she would think I was a nutcase. All I can do for now is support her and if that means taking a leave I'll take it.

CO: I'll get back to you within the hour Son.

Mac: Thanks

Adele reached her hand back towards Mac and he sat the phone down to grab it. He said "I don't think you need to be driving Adele. Let me get one of my guys to come get your car and take it back to the bakery. I'll take you wherever you want to go." Adele leaned over and kissed him softly before saying "Alright that sounds like a good idea. Mom and I were going to stop for dinner on the way back to her place but I can always whip something up." He said "No need for that I'll take you both out." When he winked over at Emily she started laughing. He held the door as they made their way out of the hospital. Once he had them situated in his jeep and she had pointed out her truck to him he said "It's up to you, I can have Rich do this or get another guy to do it."

She took a deep breath and looked back at her mom, then said "Rich is fine if you think he would." He laughed and said "Baby he's only texted me 30 times since I've been here checking on you." She said "Really? He has?" He pulled out his cell and showed her the messages and she was stunned. Her Brother was on the other end of that number and worried about the sister he had never met. Mac pushed a button on his dash and the phone started dialing through the radio, Rich picked up on the second ring. "What's up Mac. Is Adele ok? How's her mom?"

Mac laughed and said "Rich slow down man. Adele and her mom are in the jeep with me. I need a favor." Rich was choked up when he spoke again "She's with you? She can hear me? What do you need?" Mac glanced at her face when she reached for his hand. She said "I'm here Rich." He said "Adele, I don't know what to say other than I'm glad you found Mac. I hope when you are ready we can try to get to know each other."  Mac saw the tears forming and squeezed her hand, she smiled at him and said "I'd like that." Mac cut in and said "Rich are you busy?" Rich cleared his throat a few times before saying "Nothing important. What do you need me to do?" Mac said "I'm going to swing by your place and drop off Adele's keys to you. Can you go get her truck from the hospital and drive it to her bakery in Ocean View? Her friend is there running the bakery so you can just have one of the guys follow you or hang out and I'll give you a ride back to base later. Adele doesn't need to be driving right now."

Rich said "Of Course I'll do it. How long until you're here?" Mac said "See ya in 10 Minutes." Rich said "See ya then." Mac disconnected the call and said "Are you okay? I know you weren't ready to face him yet." She smiled at Mac and said "I'm okay actually. It made it more real hearing him. I have a brother. This day has been full of surprises a lot of good ones, some bad." He said "If you aren't ready when we get there you don't have to get out. He won't push you." She said "I think I want to meet him Mac. Mom wants to meet him. I'm just nervous." He said "I know you are, but I'll be right there and I can tell you this. You and Rich are a lot alike, same sense of humor and things like that." She beamed a smile his way and said "Really?" He laughed and said "Yes Really. Let's go meet your brother."

They pulled into the gates of the base and stopped at the guard shack. The guy on duty looked into the jeep and smirked at Mac before saying "Where you headed MacBaine? Are the guests cleared?" Mac really didn't like this little punk, he'd had a thing against all the SEALs since he washed out of training. Mac said "Sure are call my CO if you don't believe me. Oh and while you are at it, let your CO know you are harassing SEALs again. Oh wait I believe next time he finds out, you will have another permanent reprimand in your file and that makes how many? Shouldn't be long now until you are knocked down another notch Grear."

You could see the guard was fuming when another man stepped up. The new man said "How are you MacBaine? Need Guest passes?" Mac laughed and said "Sure do Damon two please." Damon grabbed two and handed them over and said "Grear wasn't causing you any grief was he Mac?"  Mac looked over at Grear fuming and said "Nothing I can't handle. Tired of the pissant messing with my guys though." Damon laughed and said "He's gonna mess with the wrong guy off base and pay for it." Mac nodded his agreement and waved as he drove through. Adele watched the exchange and wondered what the deal was.

Mac noticed and sighed before answering her unasked question. "Grear hates SEALs. He tried out a couple years ago, but couldn't hack it. Trials are rigorous, you have to be the best of the best to make a SEALs team. Grear tried out and I was his evaluator, which basically means I had to put him through the tests and if he screwed up he had to do it over. He didn't like being reminded he messed up so one afternoon he took a swing at me. I held him down until he stopped trying to swing and stopped his crap. The whole incident took maybe 30 seconds to get him on the ground 5 minutes for him to stop. I didn't write him up like I could have, told him to do some dives/rolls and get his crap out then get back on course. I told him a SEAL doesn't blame others, they take responsibility, and hold their honor true. He ran the course for 12 hours straight and then said he was tired. The seals could shove it because they were all stuck up punks. I looked him in the eye and ran the bell signaling another washout. It pissed him off that he was tagged a washout. Ever since he hassles every SEAL on the base but especially me because I'm the one who tagged his washout."

Adele shook her head and said "Sounds like a spoiled child to me." Mac just laughed and drove on to Rich's house. Adele squeezed his hand tighter as they drove and hoped it calmed her nerves. As they pulled up Rich stepped outside and Adele gasped. She leaned closer to Mac and whispered "Oh he does look like me Mac. I can't believe it!" Emily spoke up from the back and said "He looks nice enough Honey, do you want to say hello?" Adele looked up at Mac and whispered "Yes I do."  Mac grinned and kissed her softly before opening his door.

As he opened Adele's door she hear Rich say "Hey now Mac I didn't say you could kiss my sister!" Before he started laughing. Adele stepped out and Rich stopped laughing and stared at her. Mac took her hand and led her up towards the house, once close he said "Rich this is Adele, Adele your brother Rich." Adele looked up into Rich's face and saw his eyes were moist like her own. That was all it took, she walked up to Rich and he opened his arms to hug her. Emily had walked up and was holding onto Mac with tears in her eyes. She leaned up and kissed Mac on the cheek before whispering "Thanks Mac. She's going to need you both soon. You love her don't you?"

He whispered back "Is it too soon? Because I'm pretty sure I fell for her the moment we started exchanging messages. Adele is amazing." Emily smiled and said "It's not too soon. You've heard of love at first sight? Maybe for you two it was love at first type." That made Mac laugh and he hugged her to him as he watched Adele and Rich hug and talk and hug again. After several minutes Mac and Emily walked closer and as soon as they were close enough Adele reached a hand back to Mac. He took her hand with his free hand and squeezed. Rich looked up at them and smiled saying "Hey Mac." Before looking back at Adele.  Adele said "Rich this is my mom Emily."  Emily stepped forward and smiled before speaking softly. "Hello Rich. I'm glad you and my girl were able to find each other. I hope that in time you will be as close as siblings can be." He reached out and pulled her into a hug and she whispered "She's going to need you when I'm gone honey. Please take care of my girl." Rich whispered "I'll make sure she is ok always. You don't need to worry about that."  When they stepped back from each other Rich had to wipe his eyes and looked over at Mac who just smiled at his friend. Rich suggested they all go into the house.

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