By OniSparks

9.6K 457 63

After being in a different world for three years Oni has finally returned to the Shinobi world along with her... More

1. You're not the hero my girlfriend described
2. Please save my brother
3. Well about that...
4. Worse
5. Goten, Trunks, Goten, Trunks. WHAAAT?
6. Rejected
8. A New world
9. Sabertooth
10. Fairy Tail
11. Asclepias curassavica
12. Kumori Yukunan
13. The Blade of Blood
14. I Love You
Character Question time?
15. Nicknames
16. Darkness in the light
17. It's about my sister
18. Remember Me
19. Missing In Action
20. Misson Complete
21. Ookami
22. Together Forever

7. Zumba?

621 33 3
By OniSparks


Oni's P.O.V

"Oww Oni-chan that hurt" whined Naruto as he rubbed his head.

"It's not my fault, you was the one lying on the ground along with Trunks, Lee and later Goten" I said staring at all four of them I smirked as they all sweat dropped including Lee who was still unconscious. My smirk grew even more as Naruto pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Oni-Chan how can you be so mean, I haven't seen you in forever and the first thing you do is pu-"

"Shut up Naruto you starting to sound like Emi and it's giving me a headache" I watched as Naruto's bright blue eyes dulled in colour and as his hand dropped to his side.

"Oh... Oni-chan I guess I'll be goin-" I cut him off by forcing him into a tight bear hug.

"But you're still my idiotic best friend Naru-kun and I wouldn't have you any other way" I finished with a huge grin.

Suddenly I felt something wet on my shoulder and looked up to see that it wasn't raining. I then looked down at the blonde ninja only to see him crying a waterfall with a long trail of snot running down his nose. Quickly I covered my mouth resisting the urge to vomit as Naruto used my jacket as a tissue.

"Are you done embracing my Girlfriend?" I heard a very annoyed voice ask. Looking behind me I saw an angry looking Trunks powering up.

"No" said Naruto as he stubbornly tightened his grip around me. I watched in amusement as Naruto was ripped away from me and thrown around like a rag doll.

"Oni-chan help me" I smirked and shock my head before walking away to find my sister.

"Emi where-" I stopped my sentence halfway horrified at the scene in front of me. An unconscious Goten lay on the ground paralyzed whilst mumbling "Emi" over and over again.

"I shifted my gaze back to Emi who was wearing a pair of green spandexes, orange leg warmers, a red head band around her waist and had magically transformed her hairstyle into a red bowl cut. Besides her were a now conscious Lee and an overexcited Gai. I continued to stare in horror as the three of them did a wide variety of Zumba moves.

"My youthful younger sister with a split personality darker than dark it's self but brighter than the youthful sun vomiting hundreds of youthful rainbows, do you wish to join us?"

I stared at the three of them unblinkingly as they looked at me with wide puppy dog eyes and wagged their non-existing tails; well in Emi's case her long saiyan tail.

Trunks P.O.V (5 minutes later after beating up Naruto)

"Impossible" I stuttered. I stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of me trying to control my shaking hands.

"How?" Whispered a battered Naruto from beside me.

"How did Oni-chan get a pair of green spandexes before me? I sweat dropped at the problem Naruto saw and the problem I saw.

"Naru-kun my youthful best friend do you wish to join us on our mission of youthful lunges!?" asked, no, more liked yelled Oni.

Naruto nodded his head in a trance like state.

"Good because no is not an option.

1hour later

Lady Tsunade's P.O.V

I watched with a twitching eye as over 200 of my ninja were currently wearing green spandex, orange leg warmers, red head bands around their waist and different coloured bowl haircuts follow what seemed like a Zumba session led by Gai. I then turned my head to the other 300 ninja who were unconscious or muttering people's names over and over again, including the two paralyzed Saiyans. 'Calmly' I walked up to Gai and 'gently' knocked him unconscious with a 'soft' punch to his head.

One by one everyone wearing green spandex, orange leg warmers, red headbands around their waist and different coloured bowl haircuts were knocked out of their trance (and weird clothing) back to how they were, everyone including Lee.

Letting out a sigh of relief I turned around to make my way back to my office but was stopped by a body crashing into mine.

Emi's P.O.V

Suddenly there was silence, as if someone had put the Earth on mute. Nervously I scratched the back of my neck as all eyes were focused on me, well what was under me. Slowly I shifted my gaze downwards to see what had broken my fall from Oni's powerful kick. Eventually my eyes met what, or shall I say who had broken my fall.

"Oh.. Um hi old lady Tsunade err have you ever considered working out or going on a diet because your flab cushioned my floor... thanks?" I kind of thanked with a nervous smile.

Hokage's office still Emi's P.O.V

Is there ever a second when the two of you don't fight?

"Yep like right now, at least 5 seconds must of passes" I smirked which earned me a kick from my sister. I sent her a glare and a kick in return, which somehow sparked off a little kicking war between us.

"ENOUGH!" Roared Tsunade. I quickly retreated my legs feeling a bit very intimidated by the smoke she was emitting.

"You two are both going on an A ranked mission" Both my sister and I's eyes lit up at the sound of going on an A ranked mission.

"You're going to be inspecting a worm whole that has appeared on the edge of the land of fire, maybe if you're lucky something strong and evil will come out for the two of you to fight so you won't destroy my village or maybe if I'm luck the two of you will fall in giving me peace and quiet for a while"

"Tch whatever. Anyway is Naruto coming with us?" my sister asked stupidly. Tsunade and I both looked at my sister weirdly

"Oni I hate to break it to you but you need to get over your obsession with Naruto you have a boyfriend" I stated. I stared at my sister waiting for her to reply.


"It means you can't obsess over Naruto," I repeated

"I don't obsess over Naruto, I just asked if he was coming with us." My sister said with a frown. I let out a defeated sigh before turning back around to Tsunade who looked like she wanted to decapitate the both of us.

"If it will make the two of you happy I'll send Goten and Trunks with you." A huge smile appeared on my face as I fist pumped the air but the mood was quickly ruined by a dark aura coming from the corner of the office.

"Why them, why not Naruto" I sweat dropped along with Tsunade at my sisters obsessive and depressed behavior.

"Common, lets go" I sighed whilst literally dragging my sister out of them room.

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