All Boys Have Cooties (ON HOL...

By Molly_me12

5.3M 187K 56.3K

Jane Trevors was the tomboy of her town. In kindergarden she was the first one to climb up to the top of the... More

All Boys Have Cooties
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Happy holidays
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
On hold
COMING SOON! *Help needed*

Chapter 25

64.9K 2.3K 835
By Molly_me12

I don't know how long it has been but my butt feels totally bruised. And my arms even ache from clinging so tight to Romeo's waist. About 20 minutes into the ride I stopped hyperventilating.

I'm not sure where we are but it doesn't look like anywhere I have been in Kentwood.

The trees seem bigger and taller and the buildings seem to be more spread apart and less identical.

We finally slowed down and turned into a parking lot. The parking lot had the same types of bikes just like Romeo's.

He parks close to one of them and shut off the roaring engine.

The building he parks in front of

"You can let go now." He says with a slight chuckle.

I didn't realise I was still clinging onto him for my dear life.

"Oh sorry." I say releasing him from my bone crushing grip.

"Its okay," He smirks helping me take his helmet off. "I could tell you enjoyed that because you were holding me like that."

"You know how else I can hold you?" I say crossing my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow.

"You could show me," He says leaning his face close to mine. So close that I could smell his breath, which strangely smells like berry mint cough drops.

I roll my eyes before holding him by the neck with one hand and pressing a finger on the little pressure point on the front of his neck.

"Don't talk to me like that ever again," I snap before letting go

He coughs a little before saying " Why are you so violent?"

"Because people don't listen to me if I'm not." I say simply "So are we going to eat or what?"

"Yeah lets go." He nods rubbing his neck as he leads me to the diner.

He opens the door for me and bows with a grand hand gesture. I roll my eyes but I can't help a smile creep onto my lips.

The entrance of the diner has a wooden arc painted in white with a royal blue trimming. It looked like the country club that had a membership fee that was the same amount my parents made in a year.

I was about to tell Romeo that I might be a little underdressed for this type of restaurant, when someone interrupts.

"Romeo!" A rosy cheeked lady emerges from the arc way. Her tightly curled black hair bounced as she approached us.

"Hey AJ." Romeo says with a genuine smile. The one of the first I've seen from him.

It's wasn't like I expected either. It was kinda crooked and it surprised me he used his teeth too. His nose was scrunched up a little and the dimples on his cheeks deepened. Wait he had dimples?

"You brought a girl!" The women says loudly, eyes widening, breaking me out of my daydream.

"AJ this is Jane." Romeo says putting his hand on my lower back dangerously close to my southern hemisphere, making me "accidently" step on his left pinky toe.

"Hi Jane!" She says excitedly, reminding me a little bit of Lisa.

"Jane, this is AJ my godsister."

Before I could even say anything, I was enveloped in tight hug by AJ. The only way I can describe it, is like one of those super down comforters that you only use in the dead of winter, was wrapped around me but not in a suffocating way. More like a comfy marshmellow way.

"Nice to meet you." I say over her shoulder. Romeo smirked behind her.

When she finally let go, she says. "Well Romeo, I'm sure you didn't come to see me did you."

She picked up two green leather bound menus and led us to a window booth seat in the back of the restaurant. She handed us the menus and gave Romeo a look and then bounced away, her hair bouncing like springs behind her.

"So pick what you want." Romeo motioned to the menu in front of me.

I opened it and it revealed an overflowing amount of pictures of pasta, pizza, soups and desserts. I think I drooled a little too. I reached for the corner of my mouth. That's when I looked up to see Romeo staring at me. More like piercing my soul.

"What?" I say frowning.

"Nothing," He shrugged "ready to order?"

I nodded and waved down a waiter. She looked about our age, waist long walnut colored hair with matching eyes.

"Hi Romeo," The girl smiled. "How have you been?"

"Good," He nodded "Jessy this is Jane, Jane this is Jessy my other god sister."

"Nice to meet you." She smiled "You are the prettiest girl Romeo has brought home."

"Thanks." I say, not sure if that was a compliment or the fact that I was the first girl he had brought here.

I ordered the whole tray beef lasagna and a glass of sweet tea. Jessy looked at me a little bit shocked, but I couldn't care less. I was starving and Romeo was paying.

When Jessy took the menus, an awkward silence hung between us.

"So I guess this is a your family's business?" I say trying to break the silence.

He shrugged "Something like that. It's my grandmother's hobby basically so that she feels productive in society as she likes to say."

I nod before the silence begins again. My eyes dart to the window to my right. The garden outside bloomed with millions of flowers surrounding the stone benches and weird naked cupids and maidens.

"So," Romeo says leaning back with arms crossed "Why weren't you at lacrosse?"

"Why were you driving by the school?" I counter weakly.

"I asked first." He chuckled slightly

"Well I'm not answering until you do" I say mimicking him by crossing my arms over my chest.

"I was seeing my mom." He says looking out at the garden.

"Where does she live?" I ask, noticing the thin barely visible scar that cut through the end of his eyebrow, that runs down to his cheekbone.

He sighs with a smirk "do you have to be so nosy? Now answer my question."

I roll my eyes "I didn't know that there was an unscheduled practice."

"Are you mad?" He asks.

"Yes, stupid!" I laugh bitterly " Would you like it if someone scratched your motorcycle up."

He went wide eyed "Don't even joke about it." He says sternly almost as if he were protecting a small child.

I laugh. The first real laugh I've had in awhile.

"So you went to see your mom. Are you a mama's boy?" I tease him

"Hmm" He furrows his eyebrows "I give her flowers and chocolates once a week I love my mama so you could say that."

I laugh again. Who would ever think the tough Romeo Lukas was a mama's boy.

Just as I was going to ask Romeo where his mom lived, Jessy came with the steaming tray of food.

The tray of lasagna made my eyes go wide and I felt my stomach grumble again. I look over at what Romeo ordered which he called his usual. It was a pan the size of mine, of tortellini floating in cream sauce, the size of my fist.

Romeo smirked before picking up his fork and dropping one down on top of my pan.

"Its okay," I say staring at the tortellini on my tray.

"It's not free." He says reaching over a cutting a chunk of my lasagna.

"Hey!" I glare at him

He takes a bite out of the chunk he took.

through a mouthful he grins and says "Buon appetito*"


*Bon appetit in italien

Hey guys,

so I know it has been a long while, but I had a little bit of time to just publish this chapter and I have a lot to catch up with you guys! But I'm really busy ,but I wanted to post this for those people who need a little escape from school like I do. Anyways, I promise when things start to settle down with school and tests and stuff I will tell you all everything that has been going on and some great news and bad news!

Anyways some of you guys have been requesting a character guide and I am working on it, hopefully by next week it will be up. Also i don't know if you noticed but sometimes I write different languages in the book and i know not a lot of people know what they mean so I will be adding the translation for what they mean at the end of the chapters :) I love you guys thank you for your unconditional love and support.

Comment what you think about the chapter and what's going to happen next!! ;)

Message me if you need anything! Till next time!






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