My Neighbor (A Bruno Mars fan...

By fangurl3

15.5K 618 110


Silent Cries
Get ya shit
Authors Note
Our First Time
We meet again
Take me home
Her Eyes
Uncle Bruno!!
Night paddle
Grill Out
My Baby
Hospital shit
Always be my baby
Its going down for real
Tour bus
Birthday Mess
I think I wanna Marry you
Forgotten Birthdays
Not Again!
Grill outs
Taken Care Of
Headin Out


1.8K 40 20
By fangurl3

Jasmine's POV

"Come on throw it a little faster and a little harder," I whined.

"Okay," she sighed. She pitched it and I hit it over the fence into Bruno's pool.

"Do it just like that," I cheered. I hit a couple more over the fence. Damn he's gonna be pissed.

"Thanks sis," I laughed.

"You know Bruno's gonna kick your ass," she said.

"So he's cool I mean after he stops flirting so much doesn't he have a girlfriend," I asked.

"I don't know but go get your damn balls," she said and I was weak.

"Your disgusting," she giggled.

"You need more balls in your life," I say and she laughs. My sister is my best friend and guide since my mom is in Cincinnati I came here to fulfill my dreams. I walk over to Bruno's yard and most of the balls are in the pool. I strip into my bathing suit. I always put it on under just in case this happens.

"Are you getting in my pool without permission," I heard him ask.

"Dammit," I mutter knowing Bruno can be an ass sometimes.

"Yeah umm I was getting my softballs but if you were willing to get in go right ahead," I said gesturing towards the pool.

"Nah I like the view of you in that bikini," he smiled and I rolled my eyes and there goes the sorry line.

"Well thats too bad you won't ever get to feel it," I smirk and he frowned. I jumped in and swam to my balls and collected them. I got out and saw Bruno was barbecuing.

"Wow," he said as I got out the pool. I looked over my shoulder to see him staring.


"Nothing you want some dinner," he asked.

"Yeah but don't you have a girlfriend,"  I asked.

"No we broke up why do you ask," he questioned.

"Just wandering I am not the fighting type ya know," I said with a wink.

"Yeah I get you," he said and there was a long silence between only the meat sizzling on the grill could be heard. I started to shiver.

"Umm there are towels in the house you can go get one if you want," he said and I smiled.

"Thanks," I said walking into the house.

"And can you grab me a beer," he asked. I walked and grabbed a towel and surprisingly his house was clean. I then went to the fridge and grabbed a beer. I walked back out handing him the beer.

"Thanks beautiful," he smiled.

"You know Bruno you should let me try that beer," I said.

"You never had beer," he asked shocked.

"No not at all," I said.

"And how old are you," he asked.

"Well I'm 24 how old are you," I questioned.

"I'm 25," he said and I smiled. He passed me the beer.

"Don't drink all my stuff," he said. I grabbed it and drank some it was horrible.

"How do you drink that," I asked and he smiled.

"It's a mans thang sweetie," he said.

"Well then why are you drinking it," I said and he laughs.

"You should go back in the pool," he said.

"Nah I'm cool I like fucking with you," I whined and he chuckled.

"So when's the next party," I asked crossing my legs.

"The next party is the one at Chris Browns house and I don't have a date so you wanna come," he asked.

"Are you asking me out," I smile teasingly.

"Nope just need to have a girl at my side," he laughed.

"Ok but I'm gonna need a dress," I said.

"Ok I'll send you shopping with my sisters tomorrow they are up here to visit," he sighs.

"Cool I'll make sure to look sexy for ya," I smiled and he chuckled.

"You know you are just too much," he said. I smiled. He soon finished up the good and walked in the house. I followed him inside.

"You know Bruno I have to ask," I smiled sitting at the island.

"What," he asked curiously.

"Who would you catch a grenade for," I smiled.

"See why do people always ask this question," he smiled.

"See I have to ask because I want the truth every time you answer this question you laugh it off, lie, play it off, avoid it basically so tell me Bruno I am your best friend you know," I smiled.

"You know Phil would be very hurt if he heard you say that," Bruno chuckled.

"Well Phil loves me so spill," I say.

"Ok I wrote that song for someone like you who's smart, intelligent, beautiful, funny and loyal. That song was a message saying I want a girl to know that I would do anything for her," he sighed.

"Awe that's so sweet," I said walking up and hugging him from behind.

"You know your so adorable when you hold me like this," he chuckled. I almost forgot I was half naked.

"Your such a guy," I laugh.

"Hey don't hate the player hate the game," he laughs.

"Shut up your such an ass," I scream.

"You know you like it," he laughed.

"I'm gonna go and steal one of your shirts," I say getting out my seat.

"Hey," he yelled not even attempting to chase me. I walk into his room and then his closet. I chose his black and red flannel and buttoned some of it up. I then walked back downstairs.

"Hey there Bruno how do I look," I said doing a little twirl.

"Like me," he said.

"Nah I look better," I smiled.

"Well you better come and eat before it gets cold," he smiled.

"Wow since when do you cook," I asked.

"I don't know who started the rumor that I can't," he said and I smirked.

"You look like you will burn down the house," I laugh.

"No I wouldn't burn the house down ya know," he said and I smiled.

"No I don't," I said cutting my steak.

"Ok one day we will have a cook off," he smiled.

"I know and I'm gonna win," I said sticking another bite in my mouth.

"Yeah we'll see," he sighed.

"Yes we will," I smiled.

"So who are you," he asked.

"Really Bruno you've known me for a year now," I smiled.

"No I mean you were a pain in my ass at first but then I got to know you but you never told me about where you come from your parents and your siblings," he said.

"Well I don't like talking about that,"
I said barely above a whisper.

"And why not why did you just change your not the Jasmine that requests the truth your not that Jasmine," he said. I decided to just tell him.

"My dad was murdered. He gave his life for me. I watched him die. My mom couldn't look at me or my sister because they say we looked like twins so she sent us out here. She saved up money. You see she and dad were in witness protection. They were billionaires. They decided to move out to the hood so we could learn the value of a dollar. But the when I was 15 that's when they found me and my dad at home. He was my rock. He was getting me ready for a game when they broke in." I was in tears. Bruno came and held me.

"It's ok baby girl," he said kissing the top of my head.

"They shot him in the chest and ran. I came out the closet where he had told me to hide.
I tried to apply pressure but his last words where I love you and live your life. My mom came home and she got me and my sister plane tickets to come to LA. She got us the house next to yours and every month we get a check with a letter from her. She still works in that million dollar law firm but she never visits and all I want to do is get a job and get from under her wing," I sighed wiping my eyes.

"You know you don't have to blab to everybody Jasmine," I heard my sister say.

"Look I trust him he's my friend," I said.

"No he's a man he wants to get in your pants and then your nothing to him," she yelled.

"You know lately you've been turning on me," I yelled.

"No I've been protecting you," she said.

"You know that's something mom would say but you don't understand she left us," I cried.

"No she left your ass. She couldn't live with the fact that you didn't do any fucking thing," she growled.

"I was a kid and if I disobeyed daddy it would have been me laying in that grave and anyways how do you know momma," I argued.

"Because I spent more time with her then you and she sends me letters."

"No she sends your slutty ass money," I yelled.

"I'm the slut ha yeah right I don't even have time to be a slut because I am taking care of your childish ass," she laughed.

"You know what I wish that daddy would have stayed here with me every day to see the fight that we have. You see he told me to go to college live my life and you know mom holds me back. She picked her favorite the pretty one that can sleep around and be a whore and while I was in fucking college and working two fucking jobs trying to maintain on my own for a little your slutty ass was getting pregnant and who sat through all five of those. I did holding your goddamn hand. I sacrificed my scholarship for you and you say this to me. No wander you had no friends back in Cincinnati and yet you had all the boyfriends. The girls were not hating they just didn't want to hang out with a slut," I flared.

"Don't bring your ass home tonight," she growled.

"It's my goddamn house too," I said.

"No I'm kicking you out and you can go and find you an apartment and I'll give you half the money mom sends," she said.

"You know you can keep moms money. Because you are just waiting for that call to say she's dead so you can have it all," I flared.

"Yeah you can come and get your stuff in the morning," she said walking away.


I hope you guys enjoyed. I worked hard in this. Don't forget to vote and comment. Love
You guys.

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