Blood Moon ~ Klaus Mikaelson

By chimchimaesthetic

181K 4K 356

Klaus falls in deep with a girl trained to kill him . Started : 2014 Finished : - ©️hakyeonaesthetic More

Blood Moon (TVD Klaus fan fic)


1.9K 51 11
By chimchimaesthetic

Amelia's POV.

I stared at Stefan in slight annoyance as he smirked and purposely sat int the back seat of the car, afterwards laying sideways on all the seats. I huffed.. now I had to sit next to Klaus.

I saw Klaus grin in triumph, as he flashed to the passenger side and held the door open for me. I glared at him, trying my best to forget what happened only just a few short minutes ago, but something tells me that Klaus is gonna do his best to torment me about it.. forever. As I sat down in the passenger seat my mind drifted towards the words forever, I never really had much time to think about the thought of living forever.. even with Klaus.

If you asked me about being immortal before I met Klaus I would've been disgusted by the thought.. but now it's almost as if I have been tricked into and eternity with the man that I had at first promised to kill. I remembered my job, I missed having nothing to lose, a stake and a drive to kill vampires.

My deep thought was interrupted by Klaus' accented voice.

"Lets go."


We were on the road again. It's been like this for a month now, check in a motel, eat crappy food, watch Klaus and Stefan kill innocent people. "Where are we going exactly Klaus?" I ask again, hopefully this time I will get an answer.

"Tennesse, Apparently Ray Sutton lives there". He shortly says. Of course the famous Ray Sutton, the man that we've been looking for for a month now, I guess we have finally got our major lead. I sigh and lay back in the passenger seat, despite all my moaning for the past month, Stefan still won't share the back.. grumpy ass. I was caught up in watching the scenery and various road signs pass us, that when my stomach growled in hunger, I was shocked. Sadly I wasn't the only one that noticed this, Klaus turned towards me, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hungry Love?" He taunts.

"No, I don't get hungry when I haven't had food in 1 and a half days". I sarcastically retort. He chuckles, and I can hear Stefan huff in annoyance in the backseat.. if only he knew how pissed I was. I watch Klaus turn off the highway and in the direction of a diner. 'Meals on Wheels', I snort at the highly ironic name of the diner and eagerly take my seat belt off, needing nutrition in my body. The car comes to a halt in one of the few parking spaces, and I jump out the car, not even bothering to wait for the others.

I open the door, Klaus catching fastly up with me Stefan still in the car, obviously not bothered with 'human food'. Klaus' arm wraps around my waist as he guides me to a secluded booth in the corner.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?" I angrily question him. Ever since the first day of the trip, Klaus has been attempting to make moves on me.. I mean he just can't get it into his freak hybrid skull.. I don't like him and he's just gonna have to live with an eternity of me not liking him. He laughs, yet again. I mean is it 'laugh at Amelia day' today?

"The guys over there-" He stops, gesturing to 3 drunken men in their late 20's - early 30's, "-were eyeing you in a way I didn't like, had to show them that you weren't available. Didn't I?" He finishes leaning back into the red leather of the booth. I just stared at him pure anger in my eyes, "How the f*ck dare you, ba*tard. I'm not yours and I never will be, so get that idea out of your thick hybrid skull." I tell him, trying my best to keep my loudness down.

"You should think about what your saying to me love," He warns me. Just for a moment I could see a flash of hurt in his eyes, but they were quickly replaced by a emotionless mask.

Our angry stare-off was interrupted when a blonde women with roller skates came walking to our table, her eyes popping when she saw Klaus' se- wait, what? was I about to say sexy.. god no, I swear that hybrids mashing my head up - face. I looked disgusted as she adjusted her clothes to prove her pure inner slut and then change the way she looked.

"Hi there! I'm Brittany, What can I get you today?" She directs her question mainly at Klaus her eyes staring intently at his face, god and her voice sounded soo screechy, like a car slipping on oil. Klaus grins at her, "I'll have a black coffee love. Amelia?" He says, then asks me. I quickly glance at Brittany, and I swear that I saw her gasp when she heard his accent.. god what a fool.

I glance over the menu and say, "I'll have the blueberry pancakes, waffles and a orange juice." I don't even bother with saying please, neither of them deserve manners.

"Anything else?" Still Brittany only looks at Klaus. I swear I felt a pang of unwanted jealousy when Klaus grins seductively, "That's all. Thanks love". I watched as Brittany blushed, nodded and the proceeded to sway her hips as she walked away, to give the cook our order. "So why did 'Saint Stefan' choose to not grace us with his company? Was he fed up with your stupidity?" I start again, ignoring the previous feeling that momentarily took over my body.

He looks at me, no smirk on his face, "He's eating nicer food-" He stops, I give him a disgusted look, before he continued, "-Why? Hmm.. why Amelia do you persist to choose to not accept me as your mate?"

"I don't want you, I never had a say in the matter. I hate that I've been forced to be with you for an eternity" I tell him, why can't he just understand how I feel.

"Oh come on love, I care and I want you with me forever you can stand with me, have anything you ever wanted and more. You can't stop the bond love, I bet it's attracting you to me right now isn't it?" He questions me. I don't answer him because, honestly I can feel it.. a strong vibe, it's almost as if somethings willing me to kiss him. I inch a tiny bit closer to him, in hopes it might calm myself down, it works. Before I can make even more a fool of myself, Brittany comes back with a plate of steaming hot pancakes and waffles, bright orange juice and the smell of coffee beans in a mug.

She places my food and drink in front of me, and the black coffee in front of Klaus. I nod in thanks and Klaus grins.

"Enjoy!" She says her voice loud and optimistic, glancing a little to long at Klaus than I wanted. But there I go again, saying these things that I wish I didn't mean, but in reality I knew what Klaus said was true.. no Damon.. got to think about .. mmmm.. Klaus ... NO.. IT'S NOT KLAUS. But there goes my stupid voice, saying all I want to keep private aloud. Damn me. Klaus chuckles, but chooses to leave the matter at bay, gesturing to my food. Oh yeah almost forgot about the food, I grabbing my knife and fork, beginning to wolf down my food, feeling the blueberry goodness take over my taste buds.

After I finished my meal Klaus and I walked to the cashier who, by sheer chance, was Brittany. Klaus hands her the 13 dollars we owed and then we started to walk away. But of course me and my weird instinct turned around and glared before smirking and walking slightly closer to Klaus, I could tell he knew what I done as in response he smirked down at me pulling his arm around my shoulder. I melted in towards him, afterwards realizing how out of character I felt. I never would of accepted that, so I pushed his arm away and quickly walked to the car as soon as I exited the diner.

"Oh come on Love, I thought we were having a moment!" He shouts after me grabbing my hand. I snatch it away walking to the car, "What me? Moment? With you? HaHa very funny" I muse.

"I saw your jealousy in there, its the bond.. its growing closer you know what happens next don't you?" He tells me, his body inching slightly closer with each and every word. I gulped, "I don't." He just chuckles, staring at me.

"JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" I shout, I was getting desperate at this point.

"Your're gonna love me, and never want to run sweetheart.. there's no going back now". He concludes, I look up at him fear evident in my emotions.. so I chose the easy way out. My hand slapped across Klaus' face and I smirked in satisfaction and I watched his head snap the other way. My hand and cheek where both in pain, no doubt the bond in action.

But honestly, I didn't care.

His head snaps back towards me his lips forming an angry tight line, "Your gonna regret that love". Hmmm let me think.. no. But what he did next questioned my previous answer. He slammed me against the car door, his hands holding mine rendering them useless. God why did he always put me in awkward postions?  He leaned in and I felt his lips glide across my jawline, slowly landing on my lips. The kiss was filled with passion and made me question my feelings for him, he slowly pulled back whispering, "Your mine".

Honestly, it was kinda unexpected.

His eyes were dark with lust, and passion. I couldn't wait, I grabbed his hair and crushed my lips back onto his, craving his touch. We kissed for a few long minutes, before my mind clicked. 'your mine'. Huh? The ba*tard wanted me? I ain't a prize to be won. I guess the part of me that wasn't yet effected by the bond made me come to my senses as I angrily pushed him away, opened the passenger side and got in, leaving a dumbstruck Klaus outside.

It didn't take him seconds to realize what happened flash to the other side of the car and open the door, Stefan suddenly flashing out of nowhere sitting in the backseat. I didn't want to talk about it, I felt soo ashamed, the bond was literally taking pieces of me at a time, each turn making me want Klaus more.. despite my objections. But a small free willed part of me, loved him, deep down.


My eyes flashed open to the sound of the car's smooth engine coming to a halt.

"Here's the plan; Me and Amelia are gonna go to the door, I'll do all the talking just agree with anything I say, and well Stefan.. you already know what to do." Klaus announces, I just nod.. I mean I literally cannot deal with putting up a fight tonight, I'm soo tired.

Klaus gets out the car and walks - surprisingly at human speed - to my side, and me being nice tonight decided I would be polite and wait for him to open it for me. As soon as my door is opened, Klaus gives me his hand and I gracefully take it, feeling his warm soft skin. I step out the car , and feel Klaus walk close to me and snake his arm around my waist walking me to the closest house I could see for miles.

"Just go with the plan sweetheart". He whispers in my ear, I feel his hot breath on my neck. I nod and we walk towards the house, a blonde women in shorts and a vest was calling out the name Rudy. My guess was she was trying to find a dog, well that was common sense given there was a dog house in front of the house.

The women turns around her eyes meeting with mine, "Hello?" Her voice was more questioning, cautious if anything else. I kept silent, just like Klaus said, and turned to him waiting to hear what sort of lie his evil head managed to conjure up.

"Hey there, my girlfriend and I's car broke down about a mile back and your house is the first we came across so I wondered if we could use your phone". If I wasn't part of a crucial plan then I probably would've burst out laughing when I heard Klaus' fake southern accent, soo weird to not hear his British accent. I nodded my head in agreement to make the lie a little bit more convincing. "You two got cellphones?" The woman asks suspicion clear in her voice. I look at Klaus yet again, slightly unsure of what would happen next.

"Yeah. Battery died". LOL, yeah sure Klaus how very convenient. The woman then turned her attention back to me, "You?"

"I don't have mine with me". I say looking at Klaus, that wasn't a lie. When I'm with Klaus he enjoys to take the liberty of confiscating my phone. The woman looks, just a little bit less suspicious by now, "Ok, just let me bring the phone out to you". Why did I have a feeling that Klaus was relying on her letting us come in? But then if she lived with Ray she would know the danger, wouldn't she? This obviously wasn't what Klaus had wanted her to say to him, hence the sudden change in accent when he said;

"I thought you country folk were more welcoming," He contradicts, oh yeah! There's the British guy I knew. The woman looks at him, her mind putting all of the obvious parts of the puzzle together. I felt kinda sorry for her, I mean god knows what Klaus had in store for her.

"I'm from Florida," she fires back at him. Well perhaps she wasn't as clever as I first thought she was.

"Well, that explains it" Klaus shot back. I thought the hostility level was quite low, but when Klaus dropped his arm from my waist, sped to the blonde woman and grabbed her throat..

I was totally reconsidering it.

Chapter 23, my friends! I'm enjoying updating everyday, the plot just gets more harder/weirder/cool every time. Soooo.. Is Klaus and Amelia gonna get together? Do you think the book is really describing their feelings? Do you want more Klaus POV? Stefan POV?

PUBLISHED 24/07/2015

ENJOY      ~    GiGi xx

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