The New Neighbors lauren/You

By PrettyGreenEyes27

200K 5.4K 725

"Besides I'm only Just your New Neighbor" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
It's Up!!!
New Story?
New Story Update!!
New Book!
hey guys

Chapter 18

3.8K 125 1
By PrettyGreenEyes27

Your POV

-Next morning-

I woke up my eyes is sore and i felt a body next to me i look over it and saw ally and i smile instantly. i was having a nightmare again last night i guess she heard me because she wake me up i instantly hug her she hug me back ask me if i want to cuddle with her last night and i nodded she didn't sleep until i go sleep and she even sing for me. I love Ally very much she treatment like her own daughter. i was cut of my thought to someone talk.

"Goodmornig sweetie how are you feeling?" i look and saw the mom of ally i smile at her nervously i forgot all the parents of the girls is here and the dad of lauren FUCK!! lauren dad he gonna kill me ugh!!

"Uhm. G-goodmorning too mrs. Hernandez... i'm good now thank you. Sorry for last night i di-" i was cut of by mrs. hernandez

"Oh! sweetie don't apologize its fine ok?" she give me a reassurance smile "and btw! Stop calling me Mrs.Hernandez you can call me Patricia or mama Pat" she give me a smile i return she is so sweet like ally

"Ok mama pat. Thank you." i look back at ally i feel her waking up when she open her eyes "Goodmorning mommy!" i said in baby voice i heard an "aww" and i guess that is mama pat. ally smile widely at me and giggle

"Goodmorning sweetie did you sleep well?" i nodded

"Thank you for last night. and im sorry uhm. how about i get a new room for me so i didn't bother you and mama pat in your sleep" i said looking down on my lap playing my finger like a kid

"Y/N 1st your not gonna get a room by your own i'm not gonna let that happen, 2nd its ok dont need to be sorry and 3rd remember that i always right here even i having very very good dream" she kissed my head and before continue " I love you baby girl stop worrying to much ok?" i nodded we heard a knock on the door mama pat just looking at as in adoration before going to door to open it

"Thank you so much allycat. I love you too" i hug her very tight we heard a cough we look who is the one and i see my girlfriend "hey! Goodmorning" i said with a wide smile and open my arms so she can hug me she quickly hoop on to the bed with ally and i and she immediately hug me.

"Goodmorning, I wanna kiss you right now but i can't mama H is here" she wishper to me i look up and saw mama pat smirking she mouthed "go kissed her" i tense because i don't know if she know or not i look at ally and she look confused too

"You know girls im not blind?" my girlfriend pulled away and look at mama pat at she continue "I saw the way you looking each other don't deny it don't worry I'm not gonna tell to anybody but lauren you still need to tell your parents because y/n is not deserve to be a secret" We look at her shock she just chuckle and sit in the end of the bed

"Mom! how ?-"

"So? we really can't deny it mama pat?" she shook her head "no" "Ok yeah we are but to be honest i can be a secret if it's meant to be that i can stay in her life and i can show her that i love her " i look over to lauren "I love you lolo" she cupp my checks and kissed me we pulled away instantly

"Hey! i don't wanna hide you forever i just need some time but later on breakfast let's tell to my dad if that ok with you?" i look at her

"A-are you sure? i mean i'm not making this rush or maybe you just shock what mama-" i was cut of by lauren

"I'm not shock because last night i was thinking and i was think that i need you to introduce to my dad and to all parents here that you are my girlfriend i love you so much and you deserved ok?" i sigh this is it i nodded

"ok" i smile she smile

"you two is so cute!!" mama pat squelled me, lauren and ally laugh at her

-Skip time-

We are right now sitting in diner for having a breakfast and all us in one long table i am sitting across with mr.jauregui and on my right is lauren on my left is mani all the girls is on my side and all the parents in front of us oh the worst part is all family of lauren is here mrs. jauregui,taylor and chris was here they just arrive this morning to suprise lauren. and now im so freaking nervous that i can be past out. and we just order some food and let me tell you mr.jauregui is staring me like suspiciously because he may or may not see lauren and i almost kiss when we are in the elevator. my knees bouncing up and down i feel lauren hand on my knees to stop i look at her.

"Stop it's gonna be ok" she whisper i nodded i hear someone clear they throat i look up saw mr.jauregui looking at us

"So? lauren what are you gonna tell us ? " mr.jauregui say to lauren and all the attention now is on lauren and her mom is looking suspiciously too and the two jauregui is smirking?? and the girls is giving as a reassurance smile. lauren look at me and smile for reassurance too

"First you told me that you love me no matter what right? " she ask her parents who is nodded and smile lauren continue "Mom and Dad Uhmm." I hold her hand for telling her that im here for her she squezz my hand "I'm gay" she breath out

I look around i saw the parent of mani,camila,dinah and ally is smilling to lauren as if they know about lauren being gay. and i look over the jauregui's the two siblings is smiling that telling us that they are proud to lauren to come out and i back to mr. & mrs. jauregui they have a blank face that turn to smile.

"You do know that we know right?" her dad said lauren look confused

"How?" lauren ask

"Hmm? we are not blind lauren we know you just fighting that you being gay and when you tell the media that you are straight we are disapointed because we feel like you don't want to be yourself, but today right now we are proud to you to come out with us we love you lauren very much" her mom said to her in very proud smile lauren have a tears on her cheek right now and she stood up snd hug them all

"I think you still have to say right lo?" taylor said with a smirk and she look at me and chris I tense and look down. FUCK! I'm Dead!

"oh yeah uhm. Guys i have a girlfriend her name is y/n yup she is the one who sat in there" she pointed at me before continue "and i love her so much and i don't care if you don't like her for me she gonna stay to my life even you like it or not because she make me feel safe,love and treat me like I'm the most important in the world" while she talking she looking at me and i have a tears and mani is rubbing my back and all the girls is looking at lauren with adoration she come to me and whipe my tears i hug her and whisper

"I love you too lo" i kissed her cheek and look at them and said "H-hi mrs. & mr. Jaurgui n-nice finally meet y-you" i said nervous tone i heard them chuckle and i look down i feel someone hugging me actually a group hug? when they pulled away i saw mrs. jauregui, taylor and chris

"Nice finally meet you too y/n you can call us mike and clara." mrs. jaurgui i nodded and they got back to there sit and lauren sit on my left again we stay silent because mr. jauregui is still have this blank face and I'm actually nervous he open his mouth and talk

"So? your the girlfriend of my daughter?" i nodded and gulp i here the girls stiffle there laugh i can't take my eyes on mr. jaurgui I'm so Scared ugh!! "Just to warn you if you hurt her i gonna kill you!" he said in very stern tone

"Dad-" lauren said but i cut her

"Don't worry sir i'm not planning to hurt her, actually i gonna give her everything so she can be happy. and i rather to be hurt than lauren because she didn't deserve to be hurt and actually i don't know what her ex is so fucking jerk and idiot to let her go she is so perfect. that if you hurt her and let go of her that is the most mistake of your life if you do that, because lauren is lovable,goffy, humble and she have a BIG heart. But i thank to her ex because if they not idiot to let go lauren i don't have her now. and if you think that to her apperance that she is intimidating a badass? and everyone thinks she don't care about everything but NO! she is the sweeties person i ever met . she is so beautiful inside and out. I gonna promise you mr.jauregui that I'm not gonna hurt her i gonna treat her right and if i hurt her i gonna go with you so you can kill me. for doing that I love you daughter so much i am not letting her slip away" i finish and i look to everyone they have a tears and i saw lauren sobbing and she grab my face and pulled me in the kissed she kissed me and this kiss is inoccent that she telling me what she really feel that she love me i return the kissed i pulled away after a minute and my forehead against with her i whipe her tears with my thumb

"I love you SO MUCH no one as in no one talk about me about like that" she hug me i hug her back

"y/n" mr. jauregui spoke i pulled i way to lauren to look to mr. jauregui he smile at me and stand up go to my side and i stand immediately "You have my blessing now i believe you and thank you for making my daughter happy. and i'm still counting that you gonna go with me if you hurt my daughter" he hug me i was a little taking back but i hug him to return and he chuckle and pulled back "and call me mike " i nodded and smile

after that i look at the table our food is in there i didn't notice that our food was arrive lauren hold my hands and i lean to her ears and whisper

"I'm so proud of you, you know that?" she smile at me and peck my lips

"I love you Mrs. jauregui" I look at her she wink and i blush

"I love you too mrs. Jauregui" i said back and we got back to eat

our morning is getting better i'm happy that all our friends and they family accept us the table is full of laughter and sometimes they ask me or lauren about our relationship. i smile to my girlfriend because i saw her she is happy that her parents is happy what she decide.

"I'm happy that i have a new friends and a extended family"

Hey guys! so? a little bit happy moment for your all. i wish you enjoy this chapter. thank you for reading this story till next time!! 😉

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