Everything has Changed

By someonebored

115K 3.7K 1K

Sakura was on the very same bench Sasuke has left her. Crying with such sorrowful tears that it quickly sadde... More

Part 1
Everything has Changed- ( Naruto fanfic)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Author's Notice :)))

Part 6

6.1K 207 32
By someonebored

-Sakura's POV-

Sasuke and I have been friends for quite some time now.

Maybe even ages!

Nah! Just joking!

Anyway, we've been like playing everyday of the week.

School day or non-school day.

Rainy or Sunny.

Yeah, no matter what we always play together.

For Sasuke, it's like a repayment for protecting me.

Which results to no bullies for a long time.

"Hey Sakura?" said Sasuke one day.

I turned to him.

"It once came to me that I think you should meet my parents," said Sasuke.

Ah! Meeting my friend's parents!

You see, I'm usually shy when it comes to meeting other people's parents, so yeah.

"Sounds good to me," I agreed anyway.

I mean come on! It would be quite a shame not to refuse to meet Sasuke's parents.

Sasuke and I planned to go to his house by the end of school hours.

End of school! Please run a little slower time! Please!

Unfortunately, time did not listen to my wish.

-sighs- That is pretty natural.

Before I knew it, school ended.

Sasuke and I met up in front of the school.

Well, we kind of made it our official meeting place.

Anyway, after that we went on our way to the Uchiha grounds.

I'm feeling so nervous!

I wonder what they're like?

I really really hope they're nice!

So, after the walking we have arrived!

Here we go! I do hope I don't sweat that much.

"Mom! I'm home!" called out Sasuke once he was in the house.

A woman that looked like Sasuke emerged from a room.

"Mom, this is Sakura. My friend that I'm always talking about," Sasuke said.

Of course Sasuke looks like her! She's his mom!

"Ah! Nice to meet you Sakura," she said patting me on the head.

Okay, Sakura calm down! Breath! And answer!

"Same to you too ma'am," I said politely.

Phew! Safe! Good going girl!

"Why won't you have some snacks?" she said a minute later.

"Uh, I was-" I protested.

"I think she'd love to," said Sasuke cutting me short.

Ah! Why must this happen?!?

It's not that I don't like to hang out here but, I'm nervous around new people I don't know so well.

Well, this time, I need to stay strong!

Then, Sasuke gave this look that said 'Just play along'.

Well, honestly I do not have a choice but to do so.

So I did.

Anyway, thing turned out well.

Soon I was comfortable with her presence now.


We chatted together about this and that.

But, somehow, I remembered my mom.

She was like my mom only in a different form.

-sighs- Sad memories coming back!

"Sakura dear, is something a matter?" said Sasuke's mom causing me come back to reality.

"Yes, everything's fine!" I assured her.

"I suppose I should go now," I said as I stood up.

Yeah, I really need to go.

I forgot I had a test the following day.

So, that's kinda one of the reasons I need to go home.

"Oh I see, I'll call Sasuke to accompany you," she offered.

"Don't worry, I think I can manage. But thank you very much," I said.

So we both said our goodbyes and I left.

But, I felt sort of bad for being able to say goodbye to Sasuke.

Sakura! Why are you in such a hurry!

I should apologize to Sasuke tomorrow.

I wonder why.

Because, I feel a sort of empty space in my "Day puzzle".

Is it because I left without saying goodbye?

I know it's a small deal, but to me it's kinda a big one.

Wonder why.


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