It's All a Lie

By QueenAerie

31.4K 1.1K 449

{#3 shaycarl , #3 avia, #2 emmi } The Shaytards,Youtube's most famous family,some may know them as ''Youtube'... More

Chapter 1 -Hurt...again
Chapter 3-Great...
Chapter 4
Chapter 6-I'm Done
Chapter 7- You're sure?
Chapter 8-We're Family
Chapter 9-Stop It
Chapter 10-Story Time
Chapter 11- You're Lying
Chapter 12-Knives
Chapter 13-Who Did It
Chapter 14-Amen
Chapter 15-What If
Chapter 16-It's Begun
Chapter 17-Cut!
Chapter 18-Drop Her
Help My Friend
Chapter 19-Oh My Gosh
Chapter 20
Chapter 21-Find Me The Nearest Bank
Chapter 22
Chapter 23-Hawaiian Cliffdiving
Chapter 24-It's All A Lie

Chapter 5-You Can't Do That

1.4K 49 14
By QueenAerie

I woke up with Emmi by my side sleeping soundly. I glanced over at my clock,7:45. Perfect timing. I shook Emmi up and we walked into the kitchen.

"Cereal?" She nodded talking a seat.

I poured two bowls of Honey Nut Cheerios and set it down. Dad said be up by 8,not ready by 8,so I guess we had time?

I thought the plan we made up over in my head again.

Since they allow Brock to use mom's phone frequently to calm him down if we're fighting,one of us will be with him filming on Capture. They use the app just in case they need to do a one taker. One of the kids was gonna have to be the bait,probably me or Emmi since the audience would think dad and Gavin were just play fighting. We would have to do something bad,very bad. Enough for the subscribers to believe. We would be secretly recording and threaten to post it if we weren't told why they hate us. If mom or dad tries to grab the phone,they would run to their room and post it. It's not full proof,but it was worth a shot.

It was 8:01 now and we heard shouts downstairs coming from Brock. He sounded like he was throwing a tantrum.

We pressed our ears to the door to hear dad shouting at him "I told you to be up by eight! Eight sharp! You're a big boy now right? Well then you should know how to get your little butt up by eight!" Emmi flinched a little.

We ran back to our seats pretending to still be eating. As the door opened dad walked over to us.

"Good,at least you two know how to get up by eight. That's enough breakfast,go start on your chores." He said taking a spoonful of cereal from my bowl.

As Emmi and I were walking down the stairs,she whispered "He's in a good mood today,well to us." I chuckled thinking about Brock and Gavin.

I went to my room to pick out a tank top and shorts. I may have cuts and bruises everywhere but still,it's summer right?

I began applying concealer to my arms,face,and legs. Pretty much everything that was exposed. Once I finished,I went over to Brock and Emmi's room.

As I stepped in without looking where I was going,I immediatley tripped over a toy and into the rest of their clothes.

"Sorry." Emmi said with a light chuckle.

I looked over at Brock who was playing with his legos,acting as if "that"just didn't happen. I pointed to him a little and Emmi said "He was crying for a little,but all I had to say was 'Daddy loves you okay? He doesn't hate you. He was just kidding,he's in a bad mood so whatever daddy says we have to follow'to get him to stop crying."

"But Emmi," I began to whisper,"we're lying to him then." If lies are what it takes Brock to stop crying,then I don't know how he'll take it when he finds out its the truth." Emmi shrugged it off as I took a seat on her bed.

"Come on let's go!" We heard mom shout from upstairs. I quickly grabbed Brock's hand and we ran upstairs.

Gavin was already in the car looking out the window. We all ran in,I buckled Brock into his car seat. Mom was holding Daxton and giving him kisses all over his face. I don't understand how she can't do that to us.

Dad got in and we drove off to the mall. I looked out the window as the car was silent. Just pure utter silence. No conversations,just silence.

"K I'm gonna vlog." Mom pulled the camera out and she pretended to be the loving mother she isn't. We began talking in the backround.

"Hey guys! So we're gonna go to the mall to get some stuff for Vidcon! Vidcon is almost here!" We didn't hear her turn the camera off,and we all fell into a good conversation about Vidcon.

"I'm so excited right? Do you guys think we'll sing?"

"I hope they don't make me sing." I said chuckling.

"Of course they wouldn't make you sing,you sound like a dying cat." Mom spat at me. And like that,the silence overturned the car again.
"Okay go ahead and pick five cheap things." Emmi and I ran to the girls aisle to the end. As far as we could get from mom and dad.

"You like this one?" She said holding up a pink owl shirt. I nodded franticaly as she put the shirt in her arm.

I picked out all my clothes and ran to the cart to give it to mom.

"Avia this one's thirty dollars!" She said pointing to a dress I picked out. Thirty dollar dress is a no for mom. She raised her arm up,about to slap my across the face,but she remembered we were in public. But what does she do,she still slaps me.

"You can't do that!" I shrieked trying to draw attention to us as much as possible. She laughed as a lady with a child passed by.

"Teens,they can get really out of hand you know." She said with a small chuckle. Once she was gone,she grabbed my hand nonchalantly and dragged me to the corner of the store.

She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt pulling me closer to her face.

"One more scene like that and you'll be sleeping in the gutters!" She quietly yelled at me.

She let go of my shirt and we walked back to where dad was standing.

Brock came running with these shoes he really wanted.

"Mommy,mommy! Can I get these?" Of course the first thing mom checks is the price tag,then the shoes themselves.

"Yea you can get them." She said throwing them into the cart.

She pulled the camera out and began vlogging again.

"Hey guys! So look at these super cool shoes Brock picked out! Wanna show them dude?" Brock got his shoes out and showed them to the camera. "See! What about you Emmi!" She held up her shirts for the camera to see,explained them,and mom shut the camera off.

"Let's go." Dad said in a flat tone as he pushed the cart.
"So me and Avia are having mother-daughter bonding at Costco! Isn't this fun! I can't remember the last time we did this."

"It's definetely been a while." I said with a chuckle. I honestly did not wanna be with just mom. Like what is this? Fear Factor? I'm only here cause of the vlogs.

She shut the camera off and we went silent. Yup,back to silence.

"So mom,I'm flyer this week for our performance this week." Okay she might be the devil,but she's still my mother.

She sighed looking over at me. "Do you think I give a crap about your cheer?" I looked down and followed mom around Costco. We passed by the aisle with the big bags of rice. She was there for a while looking for something,so I figured I might as well sit down.

"Do something funny Avia." She turned the camera on and I lied down on the bags of rice.

"Mom,let's get this! They're my babies!" I said hugging one of them.

Mom quickly began walking away saying into the camera "I'm not with her! Who is that?" I chased after her and she bent down and gave me a big hug and kiss. If only it meant something.

She shut the camera off,back to silence. We walked into aisle after aisle without a word being said. I didn't see where I was going,and I accidently knocked down a glass spaghetti jar.

"Dammit Avia! You're such a clutz! Would you watch your going!" She said walking quickly away from the mess.

"I-I'll go get someone." I said about to rum to get someone to clean it up.

"Ugh no just leave it,so we won't have to pay for it." I chuckled lightly at how cheap mom is. Yea,her husbands company was bought by Disney yet she doesn't wanna pay for  five dollar spaghetti sauce.
Sorry for late upload!! After this,it'll skip to Vidcon.

QOTD:Do you have any Shaytards merch? If you do what is it?
AOTD:None because my mom says its a "waste of money"like no its not😒


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