
By miahudsonnn

4.8K 466 439

"Trust me, Ella the good girl always falls for the bad boy. It's only sooner or later that you admit it." He... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25


523 30 27
By miahudsonnn

8 Years Ago
Ella's POV

"Get out!" My mum screeches at my dad, David. She's in her work clothes, her hair hanging in her blonde bob. She points to the door. Tears are streaming down my cheeks, my eyes are blurry. Josh holds me, my head tucked between his shoulder and his neck.

"Ruby." Dad begs stepping closer to mum. She takes a step back holding her arm out to stop him from getting too close.

"Stay away from me David." She warns, screaming at him. Her face is tired and lined with tears. I think they've both forgotten about me and Josh sitting at the top of the stairs. I'm clutching Josh's hand, his nails are digging into my skin but I don't struggle, the pain is actually quite reassuring. It lets me know that he's here and he's not about to disappear. That were in this together. He'll protect me.

"Ruby I live here too." Dad tries to reason.

"Not anymore you don't. You will never see the kids again!" She screams. "You've done enough." She says more quietly. I hear smacking noise and a shriek as my dads hand collides with mums cheek. I scream. My mum falls to the floor in a crumbled heap. I see dad bring his foot back, and my mums groan as his foot connects with her side. I hear heavy footsteps fading down the hall. A few seconds later the door slams shut. I hear mum downstairs try to push herself up off the floor but she collapses onto the wood with a thud. Her sobs echo up the stairs. I hear a car engine start. My dad. Gone.

My mind keeps on relating back to when we'd walked into the house. I'd just won a medal in gymnastics. I had nailed my floor routine. I was so proud. Cartwheels and handstands. Id bounded up the stairs excited to show my dad. His car was in the driveway. I skipped along the corridor and into my parents room still in my purple leotard with silver gems. Mum and Josh following behind me a permanent smile plastered on their faces. After my routine they'd bought me my favourite ice cream and told me how proud they were of me. I remember feeling really lucky and special. The day felt magical even.

My smile dropped off my face as soon as I looked up. My dad wad lying on the bed a look of horror on his face, red lipstick all over his face and neck. A woman was standing in the corner of the room completely naked, wearing the same colour lipstick. I still remember how my heart rose into my throat. Dad had told me that he couldn't be at my competition because he had work. I had believed him. We all had believed him. I heard mum gasp behind me covering her mouth with her hand. I ran out of the room. And then the shouting began.

That was the day that I stopped being daddy's little girl. I stopped trusting men with my heart. Well until now...

2 Years Ago
Luke's POV

"He's dead." Now that Sam has said it, it all seems real. My older brothers voice final. Had a sense of closure to it. Why? Why him? Why me? I storm out of the house slamming the door behind me, leaving everything behind.

The cold air hits me like a bullet. I jog down the middle of the road, not caring if anything hits me. Only one destination on my mind. I need a distraction. An escape. Each stride is full of anger and hate. I slide my phone out of my pocket, selecting the right contact, Megan Anderson. The biggest slut in school. I know she'll give me what I need. What I want. I begin to type a text.

Coming round to yours. Be there in five.

I press send and slide it back in my pocket. The rest of the run is quick and easy. Despite the biting chills. The movement of my muscles soon warm me up though. I feel sweat beads begin to gather on my forehead and the back of my neck. Before I know it I'm soon outside of her house. Carefully I climb up the trellis on the front. Trying to avoid her mums red roses while making sure that my footing is secure before pushing my body up with my arms using my core to keep me balanced. It's midnight. Nobody will see me.

Her window is already open, allowing me to slip through easy. Once my feet are on the stable ground of her lilac purple carpet I look around. I can hear her in the bathroom her light treads on the wooden floor. Her parents will be fast asleep. Their bedroom downstairs.

I stride over to the door twisting the handle to see if it's locked. It springs open easily. I step in. Silently shutting it behind me and sliding the lock across. I look up. Megan is standing in the corner pulling off her shirt. Silently I saunter over to her, her back is facing me so she doesn't see me coming. I kiss her neck leaving trails of kisses across her jawline she moans under my touch. But doesn't seem surprised.

I pull her shirt off the rest of the way so that she's standing there in her bra. I play with the waist band of her shorts rubbing her lower back. Slowly I crouch pulling her shorts down. Kissing every inch from her belly button to her thigh. She moans again. She's now only standing in her white lingerie. She turns around and rubs my stomach. A low rumble erupts in my chest. She pulls my shirt off aggressively her hands getting faster. I push her against the wall placing my lips on hers. She licks my lips trying to gain dominance. I refuse exploring her with my hands. Her fingers lock into my hair pulling me closer to her.

"I need you to make me forget." I murmur against her lips. I nibble on her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gladly accepts.

"Don't worry honey, I've got this." She answers when she pulls back to breathe. With that she locks our lips together again.


Just a bit of a background story to the main characters. Hope you enjoy! I know it's short! Even if you don't like this part please continue reading. There will be references to this throughout the story.


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