Leaves of Autumn

By amcka30

8K 213 51

Cecelia Bloom has just moved to Lake Gloria, a town no one really knows about, all because of her unblanced s... More

Leaves of Autumn
[1] Leaves of Autumn
[2] Leaves of Autumn
[3] Leaves of Autumn
[4] Leaves of Autumn
[5] Leaves of Autumn
[6] Leaves of Autumn
[7] Leaves of Autumn
[9] Leaves of Autumn
[10] Leaves of Autumn
[11] Leaves of Autumn
[12] Leaves of Autumn
[13] Leaves of Autumn
[14] Leaves of Autumn
[15] Leaves of Autumn
[16] Leaves of Autumn
[17] Leaves of Autumn
[18] Leaves of Autumn

[8] Leaves of Autumn

304 14 0
By amcka30


Okay, this chapter is short, and took me forever to write

But now it's over and done with.




Chapter Eight

When I stopped crying I mumbled, “Sorry for ruining our date.”

            “It’s okay... and it’s not ruined.  We still have ages left,” Jordan said to me, stroking my hair whilst I still had my head on his chest.

            “But, all that I’ve done is cry.”

            “And it’s now my job to cheer you up.  So how about I drive over to the place I had in mind and we continue our date.”

            I smiled at him.  “Okay.”

            He continued to drive down the road till we reached the edge of Lake Gloria.

            “I thought you said we weren’t hanging out with your friends...” I mumbled. 

            “We’re not.”

            “Then why are we here?”

            “Because there is another clearing on the opposite side of the lake.”

            He’s not talking about the one Oliver took me to is he? I thought to myself.

            We climbed out of the car and walked through the thick forest.

            “Jordan, is it safe to walk through here at night?  I can’t see a thing!” I complained as we climbed our way through the trees and over fallen logs.  I could hear our footsteps making a crunch every time we took a step, I could also hear the sounds of the wildlife calling around us.  I sped up to keep up with Jordan.

            “It’s okay, I’m here.  I’ve been through this forest many times at night.”

            “I don’t know...”

            He didn’t respond, but instead he wrapped a comforting arm around me.  When I gave him a curious gaze he said, “It’s okay, I’m here.”

            I smiled, ducking my head.

            We walked out of the trees into the same clearing Oliver had taken me to.

            “I’ve been here before,” I mumbled to him.

            “With whom?”

            I bit my lip, not wanting to get Oliver in trouble, so instead I said, “I had a fight with my parents one night so I stormed out of home and wondered around.  I ended up stumbling through this forest and reached the clearing.  I sat out here for a while until I returned home.”  Lie, lie, lie... massively huge lie!

            SHUT UP! I told myself.

            BUT YOU LIED!   I hope you feel guilty.

            I ignored the voice in my head and concentrated on Jordan

            “My family used to come here ever Sunday afternoon,” he mumbled.

            I looked over him cautiously.  He didn’t tend to mention his family in general.  He’d usually only mention his mum and dad.

            “Oliver and I used to see who can swing the highest on the tyre swing whilst dad and grandfather cooked on the barbeque.  I haven’t been here in years.”

            There was an awkward pause till I changed the subject.

            “So what’s the plan?” I asked.

            “For what?”

            “Our date?” I reminded him.

            “Oh, right, sorry, I forgot about that.”

            I rolled my eyes.

            He took off his bag and pulled out a paper bag, revealing two containers and two plates.

            “I hope you like sushi,” he said.

            “I love sushi,” I replied grinning.

            “That’s for the great night, Jordan,” I said as he pulled up at my house.

            “Anytime.  I had fun.”

            I grinned and put my hand on the door handle.  “Well I guess I’ll see you at sch―” but I was gut off.

            Jordan softly had his lips pressed on mine, slowly moving his.  After a few seconds I kissed him back, loving the soft feeling of his lips.

            He pulled back and whispered, “See you at school, Cecelia.”

            Smiling softly I climbed out of his car and walked into the house, dazed.

            “How was your date?” mum asked from the kitchen.

            “It was brilliant,” I breathed, still grinning like a lunatic.

            “I’m guessing he kissed you?”

            I nodded.

            “That’s good to here.  I’m glad you’re happy Cece.”

            “Thanks mum... How are you?”

            Mum shrugged and pointed at her black eye. “I’ve been better.  But thankfully Rick hasn’t come home yet.”

            I bit my lip.  “Why do you let him treat you like this?”

            “Because―” but she was cut off by the opening of the door.  “Bed now,” she hissed as a drunken Rick slowly made his way inside.

            I ran upstairs to my room, locking the door.

            That night I cried myself to sleep at the sound of my mum’s screams as she was beaten up again.

            As I woke that morning I hurriedly packed my bag with clothes for Eve’s.  I ran downstairs, coming to a halt as I peered into the kitchen to see if Rick was up.

            Only mum was awake though, cooking breakfast.

            “Mum!” I gasped as I took in her appearance.

            Her arms were covered in bruises, her face bruised all over as well, her nose still had dry blood smeared under it.  “I’m going to be okay,” she whispered.  “Just stay out for the weekend.”

            I nodded.  “You sure I should leave you alone?”

            “Just go to your friend’s house.  Don’t worry about me.”

            “Okay mum...”

            “Have fun sweetie.”

            “I’ll try.”

            “Sorry I’m early,” I said to Eve as I knocked on her door, looking at her in her pyjamas.

            “It’s okay.  I’m sure you have a reason for it.”

            “I do...”

            “How about you come in?” she asked, opening the door for me.

            I walked into her house, taking a glance around.  It was a really large home, also quite messy.  Toys were lying around everywhere, the kitchen was a mess, and at the breakfast table sat a bunch of kids.

            “Oh... am I intruding on breakfast?” I asked suddenly.

            A woman rose from the table, who I assumed was Eve’s mum, and said, “No, not at all.  Have you eaten?”

            I shook my head. “Not really.”

            “Well Eve, why don’t you take her to your room to put her things down then you can join us for breakfast.”

            “That would be lovely.  I’m Cecelia by the way.”

            Eve’s mum smiled kindly.  “I know.  I’ve heard a lot about you.  I’m Wendy, Eve’s mum.”

            Eve showed me to her room.  Her walls were covered with photos.  There was hardly any patches of wall showing. 

            “I’m putting them on the roof next,” she said, noticing I was staring at her pictures.

            “Don’t you feel like you’re being watched sometimes?” I asked her.

            She shrugged.  “Not really.  Just reminded of the things I love.”

            I smiled.  “I guess that’s a good way to think of it.”

            She smiled at me for a bit then said, “Come on, let’s eat before my siblings become pigs and eat all the food.”

            We sat at the table and Eve’s mum indicated we could start to grab food.

            I looked around the table.  Eve had six siblings.  Five sisters and one brother.

            “Oh right, I haven’t introduced you,” Eve said.  “Everyone, this is Cecelia.  Cecelia, this is Riley,” she pointed at the baby, “She’s one.  This is Patricia, she’s six.  Then there is Tiffany, she is ten.  There is Raven, she is fifteen and a rotten brat too.  Then there is me at seventeen. Then my brother Alex, who is 19.  He and Oliver jam a lot.  Alex plays guitar too.”

            I nodded.  “Awesome.”

            Alex smiled at me.  “I’ve heard a bit about you.”  Alex had a nice smile.  He had shaggy blonde hair, bright green eyes and dimples.

            “What do you mean?” I asked.

            “Oliver has mentioned you a lot.”

            “What has he said about me?”

            He checked the clock, “Oh shit, I better get out to the farm.  Nice meeting you Cecelia.”

            He got up from the table and left.  I sighed.

            “You done?” Eve asked me once she had cleared her plate.

            I nodded.

            “Well I’m going to get changed and then we can get to work.”

            “Awesome.  This will be fun.”



my next chapter will be much longer

Oh oh oh, team Oliver or team Jordan? or perhaps... team Alex? o.o

Oh oh oh annnnnnd like my new cover? :D

That is all (:


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