Hybrid One shots One Directio...

Av Caliske_XP

193K 4.1K 430

One shots about One Direction. All of them are hybrid stories. Request are closed, I only update if I have in... Mer

hybrid one shots one direction
Larry~ hybrid love
Lilo~A lucky accident (au)
Zouis~wait, what? (au)
Zouis~One practical joke to far
Ziam~Hey, I know you.
Lirry~Lost (au)
Narry~The world knows
Nouis~Scared (au)
Larry~Discoveries (au)
Nouis~Innocent? Oh hell no! (au)
Niam~ Changing everything (au)
Ziall~Finding you (au)
Lilo~Room mates (au)
Niam~You too?
Zourry~Ow god why?
Ziall~Something new (2) secret
Zianourry~Cold winter
Ziam~ The sweet, the bad and the diary (au)
Larry ~ Never have I ever
Zouis~ The beach of my dreams
Ziall ~ Mystery boy (AU)
Zarry ~ Different

Zianourry (I guess?)~ Friends forever

8.1K 179 21
Av Caliske_XP

They are all famous in this, except for Niall! 

~Niall's POV~

"Okay, Drake. You may inject the liquid." The head doctor says and his assistant comes over to me with a giant syringe in his hand. The luminous green liquid is swirling inside it.

With wide eyes I try to escape from the strong straps which are keeping me on the metal table. I don't want another radioactive substance in my body. I'm net yet recovered from the blue liquid of yesterday. My tummy still hurt and I think me eyes glow in the dark now.

"Oh, the little kitten boy is scared." The fat assistant coos and I hiss at him. You see, I'm a kitten hybrid. My mother abandonned me when she saw what I was. She gave me to the crazy doctor and his assistant. No one bothered to teach me anything, so I can't speak, write or read. I can't walk because I've been in a cage for as long as I live. I don't know how old I am and I don't have a name, but I don't care. I just want as far away from here as possible. The various fluids they inject me, make me sick. 

I wiggle stronger against the belts and his as the fat man comes closer. Why doesn't he understand he has to get away from me. I don't like him.

"Poor boy." He says and lowers the syringe, ready to puncture my skin, but then the doors of the room fly open. Men in dark blue uniforms storm in and carry guns with them. (I know it's called gun because I heared the doctor say gun to the funny machine). "On the ground! Hands were I can see them!" They scream and the doctor and his assistant do as they ask. Meanwhile I managed to release myself from the belts.

Scared I crawl to the door and without anyone noticing me, I run from the evil place. I only stop as my hands and feeth can't carry me anymore and crawl under a dumpster in a dark alley. I don't now what happened, but I'm glad I escaped. With those thoughts on my mind I drift of to dreamland.

~Louis' POV~

"God damnit, Louis. We had to be in the studio an houre ago. I said you should let me drive, but no, you know the way. Now we're lost." Liam rambles. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sure it's here somewhere." I say, not wanting to admit I don't know where we are. 

Tonight we had an interview planned with the radio. After much insistance, Liam finally gave in and let me drive. In hindsight, that wasn't such a good idea. I'm lost. We're somewhere in the middle of the slum of this city. Hell, I don't even know which city we're in.

"Of course it's somewhere here. The radio station is somewhere in the center of Brussels. We're in the bloody slums, Louis!" Liam yells. Oh, so we're in Brussels, that's a start right? Now we now which city we're in. I look around and spot someone sitting on the ground.

"Look, Liam! I can ask that person over there!" I say happily and jump out of the car before Liam can stop me. 

"No, Louis come back here! That person can be a murderer for all we know." I hear Liam say panickly, but I don't stop. If I don't ask the way, we're lost forever. 

I reach the person and see that he's sleeping. It's a boy around our age with bleached blond hair. His clothes are all dirty and ripped. He has a few scratches in his face and bruises too. It looks like he just came out of a fight with a wrestler or something. 

I crouch down beside him and shake his shoulder to wake him up.

"Hey, exuse me." I say and the boy opens his eyes, which are a beautiful shade of blue. Alarmed he looks at me and jerks away from me. He hisses at me when he can't move back anymore.

"I'm sorry I scared you, but me and my mates are lost and I was wondering, can you tell me the way please?" I ask friendly, but the blue-eyed boy seems terrified. What did I do? 

I step a bit closer to him and look better at him. The scratches look horrible and infected. I don't think he has taken a bath or shower in a while. His hair is greasy and the roots of his natural hair color is showing under the blond. And... Are that cat ears? 

I look a bit closer and indeed, the cat ears on the top of his head are moving. Twisting in all direction in fright.

"Oh my... Liam, come over here!" I yell. I can hear Liam sigh before he climbs out of the car and comes to me and the cat hybrid.

"What?" He asks, cleary annoyed. 

"Look Liam, he's a cat hybrid!" I say and Liam looks to the boy. Then he gasps.

"You're right." He whispers and wants to touch the boy's ears. The kitten boy hisses and shows his teeth, which are sharper then a normal human teeth.

"Can we keep him?" I ask with a pleading look as I look to Liam. He shakes his head.

"No, Lou, you don't no if he has family. People might miss him." He says and I stand up.

"Come on Liam. He was sleeping in a dark alley. He looks beaten up and dirty. Do you really think he has family? I don't think so. And we can't leave him here. You wouldn't like it if I left you here alone on the streets with no food or money." I say on an angry tone, my arms crossed over my chest and one eyebrow raised. I can see Zayn and Harry looking through the car window with confusion in their eyes.

With a sigh Liam gives in. "Okay, but he's your responsibility." I tackle him in a hug and whisper thank you in his ear. Then I turn back around to the kitten boy and smile at him. "Your coming with us, Kitty." I say and walk closer to him slowly, so I don't scare him. When I'm almost there I crouch back down and start to move my hand towards him. The kitten boy eyes my hand suspiciously, but he doens't hiss. Then he moves closer and let me ruffle his hair. Immediately he starts snorring. 

"He likes me!" I say cheerful as the kitten boy moves closer to me. I wrap my arms around him and pick him up. He is so thin. I bet he's very hungry. Then I walk him to the car and set him on my lap. Liam climbs into the drivers seat and we leave. The interview long forgotten.

Zayn and  Harry on the back seat still don't know what happened and why the boy is in our car, so I explain to them. Harry is very exited. He likes cats after all. Zayn isn't convinced completely, but he does agree to take him in. We're staying in an hotel In Brussels for our vacation. It will last two months.

When we arrive at the flat (Liam found the way back on his map), I carry the now sleeping boy to the couch and lay him there. I sit beside him and on the other side is Harry, who is looking curiously at the boy. Harry raises his hand and before I can stop him he touches the kitten boy's cat ears. The blue eyes open and then everything happens fast. I hear a loud his and meow. Then an "AU!" from Harry and the wext thing I now, the kitten boy is sitting in my lap, hidding his face in my chest.

When I look at Harry I see fife parallel scratches over his face. I can't help but start laughing.

"Haha! That's a good one. Ow, I like the kitten boy already!" I manage to say inbetween the laughter.

When I'm calmed down I turn to the kitten on my lap.

"Hey." I say while I gently stroke his hair. The boy looks up to me with big blue eyes and tilts his head to the side. "Can you tell me your name?" I ask and the boy shakes his head. 

"Can you talk?" Again he shakes his head. "Try? For me? I'm Louis. Can you say Louis?"

"L-Lou-is." He says and I clap my hands

"You talked. Well done!" I say and the boy in my lap smiles a bit.

"Now, try to say you're name." I encourage him.

"M-me do-es no-not h-have na-name." I stutters. 

"Ohw, can we give you a name?" I ask and the boy nods. I look around the to lads. 

"What about Max?" Zayn offers and I look shocked.

"You want to give him a dogs name?" Harry asks.

"It isn't a dog's name." Zayn says.

"Yes it is!" I yell and we start a discussion over the name Max. Apparently the kitten boy on my lap thinks it's funny, because he starts to giggle.

"Guys! What about Niall?" Liam says and we stop discussing.

"I L-li-like It." The kitten boy says and everyone nods.

"Then your name is Niall from now on." Harry says and smiles.

"Ni-Niall is so-sorry fo-for scr-scratch you" Niall says and looks at Harry with guilt in his eyes.

"Oh, it's not bad. It was all my fault. I scared you." Harry says. "Can I give you a hug now?"

Niall nods and jumps from my lap. He crawls to Harry over the couch and embraces him in a tight hug.

I guess we're all going to be good friends.

~*~three weeks later~*~

~Zayn's POV~

I wake up from something wet on my cheek. I open my eyes and see Niall, who is licking me. 

In the past few weeks we have grown very close to the kitten boy. We learned him to walk and speak, though he still stutters a lot. Liam learned him the alphabet and counting to ten. 

We're also very protectife over him. He can't leave the house without one of us and we don't let him do dangerous things. Last week we we're standing in the corrider of the hotel and Niall was rubbing his head against Liam's leg while purring loudly as an older woman came to us. She said that the blond brat had to stop being so rediculous and immature. Niall didn't understand what happened and started crying. I lost my temper and started yelling at the lady. In the end she stormed of, threatening to call the police.

"Zaynie. Ti-time to wake." Niall squeales in my ear before running out of the room, but tripping over his own feeth. With a loud thump he lands flat on the floor.

"Auw." He wails and I laugh. I stand up and walk over to him. "Careful." I say as I pick him up, but as soon as he stands up he starts running again. "Thank you!" He shouts at me before running down the stairs. I just shake my hand and think.

What would I do without him.

~*~One week later~*~

~Harry's POV~

I'm taking Niall out to the pet shop. He's going to love it there. Niall is pulling my hand in excitement.

"Come on Harry!" He yells. Niall sure has a lot of energy. I don't know where it comes from. It's just there. 

We arrive at he shop and walk in. Niall releases my hand and runs to the part where the cats are. With a shuckle I follow him and see him talking to a white colored cat.

"How are you misses cat?" He asks and the cat meows at him. "I'm fine too."

My mouth falls open. He can talk with cats? That's so cool! I wish I can talk with cats. Wait... I can talk with Niall, he's part cat. Then I hear Niall giggle.

"Hey, Harry. Misses cat says she likes your hair. She wants to play with it because it looks like a ball of fluffy wool!" He says and turns back to talk some more to Misses cat.

Ow that kitten boy. I'm going to keep him forever.

~*~Another week passes~*~

~Liam's POV~

We're watching a movie. Finding Nemo to be exact. Niall is cuddled in my side and has a bowl with popcorn in his hands. The movie is at the part where Dory and Martin are in the dark ravine as they see a light. Then the scary fish appears and Niall jumps, throwing the popcorn all over me in the process.

Zayn, Harry and Louis are laughing their asses off. Niall is staring guilty at me.

"I'm so-sorry. I didn't meant to."He says, his eyes filling with tears.

"No, Niall. I'm not mad at you. Such things happen. Come back here." I say and open my arms. Niall smiles and hugs me.

"Group hug!" Louis screams and suddenly everyone is hugging each other.

At that moment I am sure.

We are going to be best friends forever.


Longest one shot ever. I hope you liked it.

This one was for BreathingInMusic. I hope you liked it and I did my best to make it as long as I could. Was it long enough?

Anyway, people who read this, please




Check out my other story Ghost! it's Ziall.

See you!!

xx Lisa xx

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