I Hated You But I Ended Up Da...

By MillieIsEpicLike

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RAWR! I'm a dinosaur :3 I found a description box and i didnt no what to put so heres a lovely rabbit for you... More

Another Step Closer To The Assholes
Did He Just Call You Darlin'?
Dont. Like. Stairs.
Its Been Years. I've Missed Ya.
Yes, I Have A Boyfriend
PiggyBacks :3 ShutUp And Go Back To Dating Grandma's
Somehow, I Think I'm Falling For You
Why Am I Germy?
Biscuits :3
Thats How We Got Kicked Out Of The Cinema
Do You Know Asda...?
FYI, Niall's A Sexy Ass Mofo
Niall Photobombed Our Photo
Breathe Liam, Breathe ;)
If One Falls, We All Fall
'So What We Gonna Do?' 'TOM DALEY'
CosClubbingIsCool - Part1
CosClubbingIsCool/ThankYouNiall - Part2
I Cant Get Away From Them
Everythings Okay In The End
Just A Smidge
In Disrepair
IDK what this chapter is but like yeeh
I Can't Let You Do This

This Isnt The End. Its Just The Beginning.

113 5 0
By MillieIsEpicLike

Chapter Nineteen

Millie's POV

I woke up the next morning to hear echoing shouts coming from the living room. If i'm honest with you, i didnt even know where i was or what i was doing. Not until i heard Niall's voice. And then i remembered everything. Everything that happened at the club. Everything that had happened since i had came to London. I flung the covers back and sat up straight, swinging my legs out of the bed. I perched on the edge of the materess and wiped the sleep from my eyes and blinked a few times. My eyes were crusty and i couldnt see a thing. I had a banging headache and it was killing me. I was suffering.. from a hangover. I wiped my nose on my sleeve and pulled myself up out of bed. I looked down and saw i was fully clothed, still in my hoody and shorts from yesterday. My converse were still on and tied. I dont know how i managed to sleep with them on. They were really uncomfortable and my feet were killing. I looked back up and studied Niall's room. I hadn't even recognised how much detail there was in Niall's room. I tiptoed around the bed and over to the window, opening the blinds and letting the sunlight burst in. It was extremely sunny and the light shone through the blinds. I sheilded my eyes and let my eyes adjust. I wandered round Niall's room, looking at all the photos he had. He had lots of things from Ireland. Whether they be pictures, gifts or souviners. I picked up a picture that was placed on his bedside table. Niall was there surrounded by people and i recognised them as his family. I smiled and placed the photo back down carefully, letting my thumb run over the top of the frame.

The sound of loud banging stopped me in my tracks and more shouting happened. I sighed and made my way over to the door. I pulled it open a little and peered through the door frame. Ellie and Niall were stood together, they looked happy, sad, confused, angry all at the same time. There was no set expression. There faces were hard to read. Ellie sighed and fell into Niall's chest. He wrapped his arms around her carefully and rested his head on top of Ellie's. He closed his eyes and rocked them side to side slowly. Every so often Ellie would sigh and Niall would squeeze her tighter. I stood and watched them and realised how happy they were together. I had never seen Ellie so happy in her life. I felt my heart warm and a little smile on my face appeared.

My phone viabrated somewhere, pulling me out of my daze. I stood up straight and began searching for my phone. I flung the covers on the bed back and looked around for it. I searched in draws and on top of tables. I fished around for it in my bag. But yet i couldnt find it. I groaned and flopped down on Niall's bed. And thats when my bum began vibrating. Which is really awkward. I began rolling around and the bed and laughing. I flopped onto the floor and wriggled around, holding onto my sides. I jumped up and quickly plunged my hand into the back pocket of my shorts and pulled out my phone.

"FOUND IT!" I shouted. I unlocked it and answered whoever was calling me.

"Yeh-ello?" I said, into the phone, pressing it to my ear.

"Why didnt you tell me?" Tom shouted.

"Why didnt i tell you what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Not that he could see.

"That you were moving." Tom told me.

"What? I'm moving?" I asked, confused.

"Dont play dumb with me!" Tom snapped. "Your just happily willing to throw our relationship away. You'd rather move than stay with me. I loved you Millie."

"Tom, i dont understa-" I began but was cut off.

"You know what. Forget it. Your dumped. Enjoy your life in Australia." Tom muttered. Australia? What? I was about to speak when the line got cut off. I could feel tears stinging my eyes, wanting to come out. I blinked them away and wiped my eyes on my sleeve. I didnt understand. I pulled Niall's bedroom door open and tiptoed out. All my stuff was in the hall. I could hear someone coughing behind me and i spun around, tears in my eyes.

"I nipped back to Hannah's last night. To pick up your stuff." Niall told me. Ellie appeared in the doorway and she seemed upset. I half smiled at her. I picked up all my bags and began making my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Ellie croaked.

"Home." I told her. I didnt dare to look at her, i just fixed my gaze on the door and let tears build up in my eyes.

"You mean back to Nottingham? But what about London? What about Hannah..?" Ellie questioned me, sadness edging her voice.

"Home." I just repeated.

"Home.." Ellie muttered.

"Home. Thats in Australia apparently." I whispered but just loud enough for them to hear.

"Wha-" Ellie began, her ears pricking up. She seemed shocked. But i didnt reply. I just picked up my bags, my luggage, my clothes and i grabbed my coat off the coat rack. I didnt say anything. I just pulled the front door of Niall's flat open and stepped outside. I glanced inside at Ellie and Niall who looked confused and shocked. Maybe even sad. I sighed and closed my eyes as a tear rolled down my cheek. I shut the door behind me and walked up the London streets, trying to find a cab that would be willing to take me to the train station. I was confused, upset, angry. I didnt even know what was happening. And Australia? Where did that come from? I sighed and scuffed my shoes along the path, kicking cans and bottles every so often, hauling my bags behind me.

After a while of walking, i stopped and sighed. I stood on the street corner and looked around. I placed my bags on the floor and sat on the edge of the pavement, watching cars drive past. I rested my head in my knee's and closed my eyes, tears streaming down my face and into my lap. I didnt even know who i was anymore. I didnt understand my life. I felt like i'd lost everything in the course of two days. I'd never felt like this. Not since my dad died. I felt lost, unloved, scared. I just wanted my old life back. I wanted my dad with me. He always understood me. Every friday he would take me into his office and sit me on his knee, no matter how old i was. And he'd say to me 'Okay then. So spill..' And thats when i would tell him everything. I'd tell him anything that had happened that week. I'd tell him stories. I'd tell him about Ellie and how amazing she was. I'd talk about the past. I would tell him everything. But now i couldnt do that. He was gone. I remember the last words he said to me so well and so clear.

'Dont worry. Everything's going to be okay. Dont be afraid to spill anything. Even when i'm not there next to you, i can still hear you. When ever you feel lost, look up at the sky and talk to me. And remember, dont be afraid of anything. Sad things may happen, but the good is yet to come."

Beeping pulled me out of my thoughts and i looked up to see a black car in front of me. A taxi. I pulled myself up and wiped my eyes on my sleeve. I picked up all my luggage and placed them all in the back of the taxi before shutting the door. I opened the passenger side door and climbed in.

"I thought you needed some assistence madam." The taxi driver said. I nodded in thanks. "You looked sad, lost almost." He fiddled around in his pockets and pulled out a tissue before handing it to me. "For your tears." He said.

"Thank you." I whispered. I smiled a fake smile at him and took it off him, dabbing at my eyes.

"No problem ma'am. Where can i be taking you today?" He asked.

"To the train station please." I told him. He nodded and slumped down in the seat. He pulled out, into the road and began driving me to the train station. I fixed my gaze on the busy London streets and watched all the happy people walking down the street, enjoying life. I smiled slightly and sighed.

Some time later, i was at the train station. I paid my fee's and said my thanks, climbing out of the taxi and opened the back seat. I grabbed my bags and shut the door and quickly ran up the the station just in time to see the train arrive at the station. I hopped on board as the train doors opened and i quickly found my seat in a little carriage by myself and the ticket instructor came over to me.

"One ticket to home please." I told him sighing.

"And where is your home?" He asked.

"I dont know anymore. I'm just gonna say Nottingham and see what happens when i get there." I told him. He nodded and printed my ticket off. I paid for it and watched as he wandered off to the next carriage. I rested my head on the window and the train began to leave the station. I sighed and made myself comfy on the seat. I rested my legs on the seat opposite and wrapped my arms around myself. I closed my eyes and let darkness surround me. "Take me home." I whispered. "Home." I repeated.


"Ma'am. Ma'am, your in Nottingham. Your home." Someone whispered down my ear. I groaned and rolled over. "Wake up ma'am."

I opened my eyes to see a young lad with short brown hair and sea blue eyes looking at me. "Omg. I'm so sorry. I didnt rea-"

"Its okay. I didnt want to wake you. You looked peaceful." He smiled at me. I smiled at him back and he grabbed my hand and helped my up. I was about to grab my bags when he took them for me. "I'll take them. Its okay."

I nodded at him in thanks. And i pushed open the carriage door and he followed me out. The train was now empty. I was the last one off. I quickly found the nearest exit and pushed the door open, jumping onto the station. The boy handed me my bags and i smiled at him in thanks. I clutched onto the bags and turned around. Nottingham greeted me with rain. I sighed and began running across the carpark, dodging moving vehicles and lampposts. I ran onto the path of the main road and looked to my left and right before choosing to go right and pegging it up the road. I clung onto my bags and ran as fast as i could, willing to get home. Rain poured down on me and hit my face, blurring my vision. I fought through it and ran as fast as i could. I rounded the corner and ran up through the alley way and onto the estate where my house was located. I stood still and looked around me. The street was empty and there was hardly any life around. I pegged it across the road, to the other side and found my house. A moving van was parked outside and i stood on the street corner confused. I looked around me and gazed back at my house. A few men came out, carrying out our things like our sofa's and chairs and tables. I quickly ran up the road and up the drive, dodging the men and running into the house. I stopped as soon as i got in and looked around. Boxes lined the hallway and men were inside, carrying our stuff around. I stood on the stairs and looked up to see boxes filling the stairs. I jumped back down a step and into the kitchen. The kitchen was practically empty and i stood looking around confused. I ran into the living room, except it wasnt a living room anymore. It was a empty, dull, white room. A few boxes and bags lay in the middle of the floor. I raised an eyebrow and turned around, deciding to take a trip upstairs. I ran through the hallway and my feet stomped against the wooden floor and up the stairs. I gripped onto the banister and dodged boxes that were laying around. I stood on the landing and looked around. I took a few deep breathes and looked around confused. I heard shuffling coming from my bedroom door and i stepped forward, pushing the bedroom door open with my foot.

My mum stood in the doorway of my room, looking around the room, hands on her hips. "Mum?" I croaked. She turned around.

"Millie!" She greeted me. She flung her arms around my neck and i hugged her back.

"Mum.. whats happening?" I asked. I think i knew the answer though. She didnt even need to answer the question. A tear formed in my eye. I stood and waited for her to say it.. to say what i was expecting her to tell me.

My mum took a deep breath and sighed. "We're moving." She took another deep breath. "To Australia." I gasped all most and let out a little whine. The tear rolled down my face which caused another tear to fall. Soon, my mum had a patch of salty tears soaking into her jumper. She hugged my tighter.

"I'm sorry." She whispered to me. I just sighed and pulled away from her. I wiped my eyes on my sleeve and tried to smile.

"Its okay." I sighed quietly. Even though it wasnt. It wasnt okay. Nothing was okay. Infact, everything was so deeply wrong. Another tear rolled down my face and my mum caught it with her thumb.

"I'll leave you to get packed." She nodded. She gave me one last hug and walked out of my room, closing the door quietly behind me. And thats when i broke down. I flopped down onto my bed and cried into my pillow. I'd bottled up all my emotions inside and i just had to get them out. So thats what i did.


And here i am now. 3 years later. Living in Australia. By myself. My mum died a year ago. So here i am. Alone. I thought about going back to the UK and the thought taunted me. But i never did move back. I stayed in Australia. I got myself a smaller house, brought a dog to keep me company and found myself a job. A job as a street singer. Not the best thing ever but it kept my going. I also had a second job in a music store, selling CD's and merchandise for bands. Including One Direction. Infact, One Direction things earned me the most money.

What happened to One Direction you ask? Oh well, they got bigger and better. My friendship with them died. Liam tried to keep in touch with me. And so did Ellie. But it didnt work. I couldnt pick up the courage to reply. But oh well. Ellie and Niall's relationship is still going strong. And so is Harry and Hannah's. Infact, Harry proposed to her a few days ago. An invite came through my door to the wedding but i dont think i'll be going. Its just taped to my fridge. I dont know whether to go or not. I'm happy for them though. Really happy. Liam is dating another girl. I'd lie if i said i wasnt jealous. But hey. Life goes on. Zayn and Rezielle are still dating as well so thats all good. And Louis. Well he fell in love with Lauryn. Which is cute.

Australia is amazing though. I love my life here. Its like i'm starting a fresh. And i'm loving life. I'm definately gonna be hanging around here for awhile.

Even though i'm just a distant memory to everyone, this isnt the end. This is just the beginning. This is where the story really begins.


A/N; Hello guys. Yes, its me. Again. Sorry bout that. But i have some really sad/good news.

The sad news is.. i'm putting this fanfic on hold. Yes, i know. I know. But it will only be for a few days. Possibly weeks. Okay, it was probably be months. Perhaps years. No, not years. But seriously, its gonna be on hold for a few months because i'm writing another fanfic. YAY! :D Its a district3 fanfic and its gonna be dedicated to someone very special.. my best friend Ellie. :D

But i promise, i will finish the fanfic, there is more chapters. Its just gonna be put on hold for a bit. But anyway, thank you guys. I love all your sexy faces. And dont forget to fan, vote, comment, whatever. Byeeeeeeeee.

Millie. x

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